Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2111 Do you want to try it?

The opportunity came too suddenly. Lang Xing held the Purple Sun Sword and blinked twice in succession, suppressing the urge to take action. Since they had released the restriction for him, they had naturally stepped up their guard secretly. He could not have done so at the same time. Take care of the two Feathered Monks.

"It's related to the secrets of the master's sect, so I can't accept my order." Lang Xing not only did not activate the Purple Sun Sword, but also took the opportunity to put it into the Qiankun Bag.

"I just want to see with my own eyes whether you can really activate it." The Ice Water Fairy Princess showed a displeased look. This kid had no intention of bowing his head under the eaves, which was a bit irritating.

Langxing put on his serious expression and said, "This is a major secret of the master's sect. It cannot be revealed to others easily. If uncle, master, must see it, it will not be difficult. Don't look for Shuang'er and Ying'er. Uncle, master." Just take me out for a walk in person, and when I feel that you are really not hostile to me, I will show it to my uncle."

The sullenness in the Ice Water Fairy Princess's eyes flashed away, and only the fierce light remained. This boy made such a request, which was a bit mean. Asking her to accompany her out for a walk was quite courageous, but she I couldn't figure out what this kid was thinking.

The Ancient Water Immortal smiled and said to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine, "Okay, it's rare that your wise nephew is willing to get close to you, so you can take him out for a walk." While speaking, he said to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine, "Be more careful, he is like this We have decided that we will not seal him, and we want to take this opportunity to make some crooked ideas, so be more careful and don't let him play any tricks. "

After hearing this reminder, the Ice Water Fairy Princess smiled in her eyes and said to Lang Xing, "Okay, then I will take you to play and play in person." She felt that if Lang Xing really planned this, it would be a bit interesting, just right. She could take the opportunity to learn more about Qianxu Palace's methods. Ancient Water Immortal Lord had already told her in detail about this boy's performance on the battlefield. Although she knew that he could activate more than one powerful spiritual treasure, she believed that in her With Hua Yu's cultivation level, the opponent won't have any chance, just be more careful and don't let him escape with the escape magic weapon.

Langxing reached a height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye. The Ice Water Fairy asked in a more patient tone, "Where are you going to see first?"

Langxing glanced at the vast land below, then looked at the misty sky in the distance, and said, "I want to see what the water in the Jade Sea is like." This was purely against his will. He almost drowned in his previous life. In the South China Sea, there are legends about the fear of the sea. The reason for asking to see the sea water was to find a secluded place and find an opportunity to deal with this fairy concubine.

"Okay." The Ice Water Fairy took him flying towards the edge of Yushui Island without any further ado.

The journey of hundreds of thousands of miles was approaching in an instant. Standing on the cliff, Langxing looked at the surging seawater below with surprised eyes. The seawater here was so strange. Not only did it resemble jade in color, but it also had a similar state. The seawater was so thick. It's like a large piece of soft juice melted from jade. It doesn't have the usual scene of crashing waves on the beach. The ups and downs of the sea surface are very gentle. It seems a bit depressing, but because of its profoundness and grandeur, it can also give people a sense of wonder. A different kind of shocking feeling that makes people's hearts beat involuntarily with the ups and downs of the sea.

"No wonder this place is called Yuhai." Langxing finally knew where the name came from.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess stood on the edge of the cliff a thousand feet away from him, looking at the vast sea water and ignored his emotion.

"I'll go down and have a look." After Lang Xing said that, he jumped off the cliff and plunged into the thick sea.

In the water, he was a little helpless, because he could sense with his spiritual power that the Ancient Water Immortal Lord had been invisible and following hundreds of miles away, and the Ice Water Immortal Concubine was always on high alert, so he could not find a chance to take action.

The sea water is very cold. Although it is protected by the body-protecting divine light, it is still suffocating to be immersed in this paste-like water. Langxing Yunzhen can only see two to three hundred feet away. This is really weird. He sank down little by little. It would be great if he could use this weird sea water to get rid of the two great supernatural powers above.

Unfortunately, the sea water near the island was only a few dozen feet deep, so he would definitely not be able to escape using the earth escape technique. He tentatively dived into the depths of the sea.

"There are extremely ferocious sea beasts here, don't go too far."

As this warning message came, Lang Xing could no longer dive. An invisible wall seemed to appear in the sea water in front of him. Without asking, he knew that it was the magical power exerted by the Ice Water Fairy.

He caught a small fish with red eyes and floated it out of the sea. He complained to the Ice Water Fairy, "It's so shallow and you won't let me go forward. Are you so afraid that I will run away?" After that, he put the little fish out of the sea. The fish was thrown into the sea far away.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess said calmly, "It's not that I'm afraid you'll run away, but there are really ferocious sea beasts here that can kill you in an instant. Even I may not have time to rescue you."

"Who are you trying to scare?" Langxing choked back mercilessly. He didn't believe this nonsense.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge water column of a hundred feet high suddenly rose up from thousands of feet away. It looked like a pillar carved from jade. There was a blood-red light at the top of the water column, exuding a strong dangerous aura.

Lang Xing subconsciously stepped back, then urged Kaikawa to rush forward!

He guessed that this was probably a trick played by the Ice Water Fairy to scare him. He must not be frightened by her. That would be too embarrassing. Everyone knew that he was the senior disciple of the Qianxu Gong Ling generation.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess flew from the cliff to behind Lang Xing in a flash, and said calmly, "I'm afraid this treasure won't work."

Before she could finish her words, Kasukawa turned into a golden light and shot out. The red light on the water column burst out brightly, and was hit by Kasukawa motionlessly, and then the red light collapsed. , a cloud of blue blood mist exploded in the air, and the huge water column suddenly collapsed, causing a wave of more than ten feet high to rise on the sea surface.

Lang Xing took back Kaokawa and asked the Ice Water Fairy Princess, "What kind of sea beast is this?"

"Red ki." Concubine Ice Water Fairy looked at him speechlessly. This red ki was almost as good as the mid-stage Nascent Soul, but it was slaughtered without any resistance. She noticed that Lang Xing sent out a I played a magic formula before. What magic formula can be so powerful? This kid's tricks are really endless. He died in vain, but he couldn't force him to use the spirit treasure. She was a little depressed.

"Is this the ferocious sea beast you're talking about? Are there any more? I'll kill a few more." Lang Xing showed a meaningful smile.

"Can your magic trick trap late-stage Nascent Soul monks?" Ice Water Fairy Princess stared at him and asked.

"Yes, do you want to try it?" Lang Xing asked with a smile.

"Come on." The Ice Water Fairy Queen retreated three thousand feet away.

s: This chapter was not published yesterday. Bai was so anxious that he was typing words. The opportunity came too suddenly. Langxing held the Purple Sun Sword and blinked twice in succession, suppressing the urge to take action. Since he After releasing the restriction for him, he naturally stepped up his guard secretly. It was impossible for him to deal with two feathered monks at the same time.

"It's related to the secrets of the master's sect, so I can't accept my order." Lang Xing not only did not activate the Purple Sun Sword, but also took the opportunity to put it into the Qiankun Bag.

"I just want to see with my own eyes whether you can really activate it." The Ice Water Fairy Princess showed a displeased look. This kid had no intention of bowing his head under the eaves, which was a bit irritating.

Langxing put on his serious expression and said, "This is a major secret of the master's sect. It cannot be revealed to others easily. If uncle, master, must see it, it will not be difficult. Don't look for Shuang'er and Ying'er. Uncle, master." Just take me out for a walk in person, and when I feel that you are really not hostile to me, I will show it to my uncle."

The sullenness in the Ice Water Fairy Princess's eyes flashed away, and only the fierce light remained. This boy made such a request, which was a bit mean. Asking her to accompany her out for a walk was quite courageous, but she I couldn't figure out what this kid was thinking.

The Ancient Water Immortal smiled and said to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine, "Okay, it's rare that your wise nephew is willing to get close to you, so you can take him out for a walk." While speaking, he said to the Ice Water Fairy Concubine, "Be more careful, he is like this We have decided that we will not seal him, and we want to take this opportunity to make some crooked ideas, so be more careful and don't let him play any tricks. "

After hearing this reminder, the Ice Water Fairy Princess smiled in her eyes and said to Lang Xing, "Okay, then I will take you to play and play in person." She felt that if Lang Xing really planned this, it would be a bit interesting, just right. She could take the opportunity to learn more about Qianxu Palace's methods. Ancient Water Immortal Lord had already told her in detail about this boy's performance on the battlefield. Although she knew that he could activate more than one powerful spiritual treasure, she believed that in her With Hua Yu's cultivation level, the opponent won't have any chance, just be more careful and don't let him escape with the escape magic weapon.

Langxing reached a height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye. The Ice Water Fairy asked in a more patient tone, "Where are you going to see first?"

Langxing glanced at the vast land below, then looked at the misty sky in the distance, and said, "I want to see what the water in the Jade Sea is like." This was purely against his will. He almost drowned in his previous life. In the South China Sea, there are legends about the fear of the sea. The reason for asking to see the sea water was to find a secluded place and find an opportunity to deal with this fairy concubine.

"Okay." The Ice Water Fairy took him flying towards the edge of Yushui Island without any further ado.

The journey of hundreds of thousands of miles was approaching in an instant. Standing on the cliff, Langxing looked at the surging seawater below with surprised eyes. The seawater here was so strange. Not only did it resemble jade in color, but it also had a similar state. The seawater was so thick. It's like a large piece of soft juice melted from jade. It doesn't have the usual scene of crashing waves on the beach. The ups and downs of the sea surface are very gentle. It seems a bit depressing, but because of its profoundness and grandeur, it can also give people a sense of wonder. A different kind of shocking feeling that makes people's hearts beat involuntarily with the ups and downs of the sea.

"No wonder this place is called Yuhai." Langxing finally knew where the name came from.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess stood on the edge of the cliff a thousand feet away from him, looking at the vast sea water and ignored his emotion.

"I'll go down and have a look." After Lang Xing said that, he jumped off the cliff and plunged into the thick sea.

In the water, he was a little helpless, because he could sense with his spiritual power that the Ancient Water Immortal Lord had been invisible and following hundreds of miles away, and the Ice Water Immortal Concubine was always on high alert, so he could not find a chance to take action.

The sea water is very cold. Although it is protected by the body-protecting divine light, it is still suffocating to be immersed in this paste-like water. Langxing Yunzhen can only see two to three hundred feet away. This is really weird. He sank down little by little. It would be great if he could use this weird sea water to get rid of the two great supernatural powers above.

Unfortunately, the sea water near the island was only a few dozen feet deep, so he would definitely not be able to escape using the earth escape technique. He tentatively dived into the depths of the sea.

"There are extremely ferocious sea beasts here, don't go too far."

As this warning message came, Lang Xing could no longer dive. An invisible wall seemed to appear in the sea water in front of him. Without asking, he knew that it was the magical power exerted by the Ice Water Fairy.

He caught a small fish with red eyes and floated it out of the sea. He complained to the Ice Water Fairy, "It's so shallow and you won't let me go forward. Are you so afraid that I will run away?" After that, he put the little fish out of the sea. The fish was thrown into the sea far away.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess said calmly, "It's not that I'm afraid you'll run away, but there are really ferocious sea beasts here that can kill you in an instant. Even I may not have time to rescue you."

"Who are you trying to scare?" Langxing choked back mercilessly. He didn't believe this nonsense.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge water column of a hundred feet high suddenly rose up from thousands of feet away. It looked like a pillar carved from jade. There was a blood-red light at the top of the water column, exuding a strong dangerous aura.

Lang Xing subconsciously stepped back, then urged Kaikawa to rush forward!

He guessed that this was probably a trick played by the Ice Water Fairy to scare him. He must not be frightened by her. That would be too embarrassing. Everyone knew that he was the senior disciple of the Qianxu Gong Ling generation.

The Ice Water Fairy Princess flew from the cliff to behind Lang Xing in a flash, and said calmly, "I'm afraid this treasure won't work."

Before she could finish her words, Kasukawa turned into a golden light and shot out. The red light on the water column burst out brightly, and was hit by Kasukawa motionlessly, and then the red light collapsed. , a cloud of blue blood mist exploded in the air, and the huge water column suddenly collapsed, causing a wave of more than ten feet high to rise on the sea surface.

Lang Xing took back Kaokawa and asked the Ice Water Fairy Princess, "What kind of sea beast is this?"

"Red ki." Concubine Ice Water Fairy looked at him speechlessly. This red ki was almost as good as the mid-stage Nascent Soul, but it was slaughtered without any resistance. She noticed that Lang Xing sent out a I played a magic formula before. What magic formula can be so powerful? This kid's tricks are really endless. He died in vain, but he couldn't force him to use the spirit treasure. She was a little depressed.

"Is this the ferocious sea beast you're talking about? Are there any more? I'll kill a few more." Lang Xing showed a meaningful smile.

"Can your magic trick trap late-stage Nascent Soul monks?" Ice Water Fairy Princess stared at him and asked.

"Yes, do you want to try it?" Lang Xing asked with a smile.

"Come on." The Ice Water Fairy Queen retreated three thousand feet away.

s: This chapter was not published yesterday, so I was busy typing it up in a hurry.

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