Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2188 A very popular senior sister

When Bai Xiang heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes, pulled Lang Xing's sleeves and said, "Master, although you took me out for a while, you only left me aside when you were on your way. This experience was too much." It’s boring.”

Lang Xing said dotingly, "Okay, I'll take you with me this time."

Bai Xiang looked at Xiao Hefeng with great joy. Xiao Hefeng showed no envy and said firmly, "I will practice hard and strive to enter Qianxu Palace in the future."

Bai Xiang pushed him on the head and said, "Silly boy, this place is much better than Qianxu Palace, but you are really ignorant."

Xiao Hefeng naturally didn't believe it. How could there be just a few people here compared with a famous sect with thousands of disciples? So he just thought Bai Xiang was teasing him.

Bai Xiang shook his head and said, "I can be considered a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but I don't like that place at all. You will understand when you grow up."

Seeing that Bai Xiang could say such old-fashioned words, Lang Xing and the other three all smiled. Jiang Xiao sent the two of them, "Go take him around."

Bai Xiang took out the sword Qi Jia gave him, stepped on it and walked around quickly, then raised his eyebrows and said to Jiang Xiao, "How is it! This sword is very good."

"Just show off to us!" Jiang Xiao smiled and swept her more than a hundred feet away with a wave of spiritual power.

Bai Xiang happily led Xiao Hefeng away with a smile. Ever since Jiang Xiao told her how hard they had been and advised her to cherish this blessing, she would show off to Jiang Xiao whenever she got something good. ??

"What else do you have to do? Xiyang has mostly recovered from his injuries. Let him accompany you." Jiang Xiao looked at Lang Xing worriedly and said.

Lang Xing looked at Xi Yang with suspicion in his eyes and said, "You are indeed recovering from your injury quickly enough."

Xiyang raised his finger, and a small flickering flame appeared on his fingertips, "It has something to do with it. This true essence can help the master heal his injuries. Gongsun Chong's true essence has stronger healing ability. Unfortunately, Jiangxiao's true essence does not have it. Healing power must be gathered together

Only with her true energy can she exert her powerful healing ability. "He no longer wants to hide the secret about Zhen Yuan Lu from Lang Xing.

Lang Xing stared at the little flame for a while, then looked at Jiang Xiao with disgust.

Jiangxiao said with a smile, "My true essence is invisible. If it could be seen, I would have shown it to you. We have no intention of hiding it from you about the true essence. We just think it is safer to tell you later. Water, fire, wind, earth, and Ji, these are the five kinds of true yuan in the Zhenyuan Lu. My true yuan is the Ji technique, which assists the other four kinds of true yuan. You know all three of water, fire, and Ji. Yes, the Xuantu True Yuan is with Immortal Xiaoyao, and the Chenfeng True Yuan originally belonged to Xun Yi. It returned to the True Yuan Rui after Xun Yi died, and should now be in the hands of Immortal Concubine Chan."

"So that's it..." Lang Xing understood why Xiaoyao Xianjun was good at earth-based exercises. Although the True Essence Barrier was magical, these True Essences were all in the hands of people close to him, so he didn't care about it anymore. He was curious. Asked, "If I gather all the true energy, can your injury be cured?"

Jiangxiao shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, but the combination of these kinds of spells is really magical. The four of us were able to fight against the thunder with just the cultivation of pill formation. Adding a kind of true energy will not only double the power." , It’s a pity that we have never gathered these true essences together, so we don’t know how powerful the true essence can be.” Because she was afraid of reminding Lang Xing of her past life too much, she didn’t do it. I dare not be too detailed, and I dare not show Lang Xing the scene of the four fighting against Tianlei.

It was a very strange thing to talk to a reincarnated person about past experiences that he had participated in. Every time, Jiang Xiao felt like the hair on her back stood up. She felt that it should be a warning from God.

Lang Xing nodded, and there was another hope in his heart, even if he couldn't count on that

To repair the residual immortality, you can also try the five kinds of true energy together.

"The next few things to be done won't be dangerous. I can just take Xiang'er there myself. You two can rest in peace and recuperate. I'll take a rest first and talk to you later." Lang Xing finished. He flew towards the small courtyard on the cliff.

"You never said there was any danger!" Jiang Xiao scolded his back angrily. Although Lang Xing didn't tell them in detail just now, he also mentioned the encounter with the Feather Demon Cultivator in Shui Qing Continent. , this kind of thing is scary to think about.

Xiyang teased the small flame on his fingertips and said with spiritual thoughts, "He actually only looked at such a magical thing twice and stopped looking at it."

Jiangxiao also felt a little strange and guessed, "He may not have a big deal in mind. Look at how worried he is!"

Xiyang pulled Jiangxiao, who was staring at the small courtyard, and said, "Let's go. If he doesn't tell you, he has something to hide. Don't make it difficult for him."

Jiangxiao followed Xiyang unwillingly.

Langxing was naturally eager to see Su Wan's condition. After returning to the small courtyard, he escaped underground. What disappointed him was that there was still no writing on the map of Yeju. He looked at the picture blankly. After the meeting, he lay on the ground with his legs in the air. It felt so good to be at home. Here he could completely relax and sleep peacefully.

After two days of sound sleep, he went to find Jiangxiao and Xiyang full of energy.

After the three of them chatted for a while, Jiangxiao took out the ruby ​​bracelet from the Ice Water Fairy Princess, handed it to Lang Xing and said, "At that time, Xiyang thought that Xuan Ajian could not be returned, so he begged me for this treasure. Since Xuan Ah Jian has been taken back, I’ll give this to you.”??.??

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "I'm not short of treasures, you can keep them."

Jiangxiao insisted, "This is the treasure used by the Fairy Concubine. I am only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and this weapon is so powerful that I don't even dare to use it."

If I want to touch it with my spiritual consciousness, even if you help me refine it, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until the middle to late stage of Nascent Soul. I have Xuan’a, which is enough for me. You can keep it for Su Wan. "

When Su Wan was mentioned, Lang Xing's expression immediately became unnatural, "If you want to give it to her, you can just give it to her yourself, but I think this spiritual treasure is more suitable for you. If it comes into my hands, I can't tell when I will give it to her." If you go out, it will be too late for you to regret it." At this point, he suddenly thought of Liu Yun.

"Forget it." Jiangxiao didn't insist anymore. It would be a pity if such a good thing was given away randomly. She was about to put the bracelet away, but Lang Xing snatched it away.

"Let me see if I can get you a suitable spiritual treasure." Lang Xing put the jade bracelet he grabbed into the Qiankun bag.

"Who do you want to give it to?" Jiangxiao asked with some reluctance, really afraid of what would happen.

"I'm a very popular senior sister. There's no need to feel bad. You won't be able to use it for a while anyway. It's such a waste to leave it like this. I won't be treated badly. I will definitely give you a good treasure in exchange for it. Don't worry. , you don’t have to worry about treasures, even if you become a feather tomorrow, I will be able to give you a suitable treasure right away.”

"It's up to you." Jiangxiao waved her hand. She could see that this was just like Xun Yi. No matter how precious something was, as long as it was not used, it was useless trash in Xun Yi's eyes and could be treated as useless. Send it away without feeling distressed, Lang Xing also has the same mentality.

Langxing was very satisfied with Jiangxiao's cheerfulness. He smiled and said to Xiyang, "Okay, come with me. I have made an appointment with two people from the Xianyu sect. There are still a few months until the date." Well, I'm too lazy to wait. Come with me and take a look. If they don't come in advance, help me wait for them. "

Jiangxiao scolded, "I don't know why you are so busy!"

Lang Xing chuckled and turned around to pick up Bai Xiang.

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