Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2189 We are close friends

Walking on the road, Langxing and Baixiang rode the crane, while Xiyang walked leisurely in the air. The two brothers chatted a few words from time to time, and there was an indescribable feeling of solidity in their hearts. This is the relationship between brothers in life and death. They have the feeling that no matter what kind of powerful enemy they encounter, they dare to rush forward, because they all know that the opponent will never give up and fight to the death with them.

Bai Xiang fully enjoyed the joy of traveling this time, because she didn't have to rush. When she met a suitable little monster, Langxing would let her go up and practice. If it was a monster with a cruel nature, Langxing also allowed her to kill it. The other party, this gave Bai Xiang enough to show off her skills, and her treasure bag of treasures could finally be put to use.

Approaching the agreed place, Langxing was delighted to see that Yue Yang and Yue Xi were already waiting there. After handing Bai Xiang to Xi Yang, he flew over on the Linghe.

Yue Yang and Yue Xi seemed happier than Lang Xing, because they had been worried that their brother who was going to Wanfu Xiuyu might lose his life.

"Fellow Taoist Langxing! That's great. We are really worried about you. It's great that you can come back safely!" Yueyang's joy was beyond words, and Yue Xi was also smiling.

Lang Xing cupped his hands and thanked him, "Thank you for your concern. You have really helped me a lot. This crane has saved me a lot of energy in the past few years of traveling around."

Yueyang said cheerfully, "I'll give this crane to you. Junior sister and I have discussed it, and her crane will also be given to you."

Langxing said happily, "That's great. I really hope to buy two fine cranes. You can't give them to me. I accept it with kindness. I have no shortage of property, so I won't let you suffer any loss." "

Yueyang opened an invisible magic circle on the side. There were four spiritual cranes in it. He led out the one that Lang Xing had left earlier and the one from Yue Xi.

Yue Xi took out the spiritual treasure that was used as collateral, looked at Lang Xing with some embarrassment and said, "We don't want anything, and this spiritual treasure will be returned to you.

It would be better if... you could tell us about the restraint technique you taught last time. There are many things that we can't understand clearly. "

Langxing smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing. You keep this spiritual treasure, and I have to give you some more. This is not just a transaction, but also your friendship. I was really special at the time." I'm anxious, you were so generous and lent me the spirit crane. I can't forget this friendship. As for the ban, I will explain it to you in detail about the few methods I left behind last time."

Yue Xi was a little excited and said, "It's enough to explain those methods to us clearly. We can't accept this spiritual treasure, otherwise it will be too inappropriate."

Langxing said sincerely, "I have several spiritual treasures. If you don't accept them, it will make me feel inappropriate. I don't need this spiritual treasure anyway. Since we are friends, then don't follow me." You're welcome."

Yue Xi ran out of ideas and looked at Yueyang. Yueyang pointed at the two remaining spirit cranes and said, "You are forcing us to fly back to the mountain gate by ourselves. If you insist on letting us accept the spirit treasure, we will only I can leave these two cranes to you."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "If you hadn't said that the Immortal Feather Sect is far away from here, I would have let you two fly back by yourself. I wish I could have a few more of these wonderful cranes."

Yueyang blinked and said, "Although the spirit cranes of this level are the best, the Immortal Feather Sect has at least several hundred. Even if I give you seven or eight, it's nothing. It's just that we can't just give it to you because of the sect's rules." I’ll give the crane away. I’ll help you think of a way to get you two more later.”

Lang Xing said sincerely, "I can see that giving away these two has already made you embarrassed. It's enough for me to have these two. I'll wait for you."

When you become a great monk in the later stage of Nascent Soul and gain a higher status in the Immortal Feather Sect, you can help me find a solution. "

"If we really reach the late Nascent Soul stage, this won't be a big deal." Yueyang said while still blinking to think of a solution.

Lang Xing patted him and said, "Okay! Even if you get it for me now, I don't want it. Do you still want to listen to the methods I explain? I still have things to do, so I don't have much time to waste."

Yue Xi hurriedly pulled Yue Yang, and then said to Lang Xing, "Okay, okay, let's talk about it now. We'll talk about other things later."

These two people's qualifications in the art of restraint are not low, but because the few methods that Lang Xing left to them were figured out by themselves, they were very different from the orthodox restraint techniques, so they studied it for several years. They still couldn't figure it out. After Langxing explained it in detail, the two of them felt like they had glimpsed a new realm and were so excited that they almost danced. ??

This explanation took two days and two nights. Langxing said to the two people whose eyes were shining, "It's time for me to go. Let's meet again later."

Yue Xi asked with great reluctance, "Can we go to Qianxu Palace to find you in the future?"

"I don't like living in the palace very much. If you go there, you'll probably be in vain." Seeing the two of them looking disappointed, Langxing passed on the location of a valley tens of thousands of miles away from Daiyuan Mountain to them. "If you want to find me, just leave a jade slip here. The place I live in is shared with others. It's really not convenient for me to tell you. Please be considerate."

Yueyang said happily, "Okay! As long as I can find you, um..." He blinked and hesitated.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Just say whatever you want, we are friends."

Yueyang hesitated and said, "I was thinking about getting you a spiritual crane. I have an uncle who is obsessed with the study of prohibition. If... you can tell us the method you taught us."

If you tell him, it will definitely be no problem to get two cranes, but..." At this point, he accompanied Xiao Xing and looked at Lang Xing with questioning eyes.

Lang Xing said sincerely, "If it's just to get the spirit crane, forget it, but if you have a deep relationship with that uncle, it will be passed on. It doesn't matter if you pass on all these techniques to him. I trust you." "

Yueyang grabbed Lang Xing's hand and said, "Lang Xing, you are a very worthy friend. If you can be of any use to us, leave a jade slip in that valley. I will help you with anything you can." manage!"

Langxing patted his hand and said, "Don't think about getting me a spiritual crane just to help me. We are close friends. The last thing I want is for you to be embarrassed by my affairs. The main thing is that I don't need the spiritual crane urgently." , if you worry too much about it, you will make me feel bad."

"I understand, I understand, don't worry, we have a long time ahead." Yueyang nodded repeatedly.

Lang Xing pondered for a moment and said to the two of them, "I think you two are too enthusiastic about the study of prohibition. I need to pour some cold water on you two. Compared with your cultivation, these are just trivial skills. Don't be too obsessed. Be a It’s just fun, it’s not worth wasting too much time and energy.”

"Um...oh..." Yueyang, who was about to go back and study hard on the art of restraint, was a little stunned for a moment.

Yue Xi asked, "Do you just treat the study of prohibitions as a pastime?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, I studied it seriously for a while, then put it down, and picked it up again when I gained some insights."

Yue Xi exclaimed, "That's you... you're so smart."

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "I can't say. Understanding this mainly depends on the state of mind. The most taboo is to do it reluctantly. Okay, it's time for me to leave. You should go back quickly." After that, he got on the bus. The spirit crane in Yuexi led the other two spirit cranes away leisurely.

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