Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2190 No chance of regret

Yue Xi looked at the three spirit cranes going away, blinking his eyes and murmuring, "My spirit cranes also listen to him so much. He is so capable."

Yueyang frowned and said, "It would be nice if we could chat with him more. Let's go back and understand these techniques thoroughly, and then make an appointment with him when he has free time to ask him for advice."

Yue Xi seemed not to have heard anything and turned around and asked, "Have you noticed that he has climbed from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying."

Yueyang nodded and said, "Yes, I noticed it. I was too busy talking to congratulate him."

Yue Xi showed an angry look and said, "You're stupid! He is only a thousand years old, but his cultivation level has already caught up with ours. He only treats the study of restraints as a pastime, and his attainments are many times higher than ours. Controlling the Spirit Crane His methods are also better than those of our two disciples of the Immortal Feather Sect, he is a genius like no other!"

"I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace."

Yue Xi glared and said, "You are just stupid! I don't believe that all the disciples of Qianxu Palace are so powerful."

"Yes..." Yueyang nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Langxing had handed over two well-conditioned spirit cranes to Xiyang. He took Bai Xiang and rode Yuexi's spirit cranes towards the Qingyuan Sect, and finally got a pair of good spirit cranes for Sijia. , but it’s a pity that we don’t have time to send it to Sijia now, so we can only wait until later.

Although Xiyang went back with the two cranes without asking anything, he couldn't help scolding Xunyi for being unloyal. Yes, he just wanted to scold Xunyi. There was not much difference between the two brothers before, but this guy After dying once, they become mysterious, and they have endless abilities that defy the heavens. How can we be brothers?

When he came to the Qingyuan Sect again, the disciples on duty at the mountain gate came to greet him from a distance. The Fifth Fairy had said last time that Lang Xing of Qianxu Palace was a distinguished guest of the Qingyuan Sect.

When she met Qi Jia, Bai Xiang was quite close to him. After all, the Ningcui Sword was extraordinary. It was such a precious gift when he gave it to her. She had to be grateful for this kindness.

"It came really fast." Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing with a meaningful look and said.

"Everything went smoothly, how are you? Are you ready?" Lang Xing looked at her expectantly.

Qi Jia pointed towards the top of the mountain and said, "My master wants to see you. He came back a year ago. I told him what I can tell him. He misses Qing'er very much and stayed here to wait for you."

"Ah?" Lang Xing couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Cihang Xianzun was a figure he admired very much.

Before he could say anything else, Cihang Xianzun, a master of the immortal style, floated over and said to Lang Xing with a kind face, "Fellow Taoist Hengguan has really found a treasure. I am very happy to have such a good disciple."

Lang Xing hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "My nephew Lingxing pays homage to my uncle." Bai Xiang followed suit and saluted.

Immortal Cihang used his spiritual power to lift up the master and disciple, and then said to Qijia, "Take Xiang'er out for a walk."

After Qi Jia led Bai Xiang away, Cihang Xianzun sat behind a few tables, pointed at the futon opposite and said, "Come, sit down and talk."

"My nephew, just stand and answer." Langxing stood with his hands down somewhat cautiously.

Immortal Cihang smiled and said, "You are the disciple of the Immortal. You should know that we don't like too much etiquette. Come, sit down, so that you can talk more easily."

Lang Xing no longer insisted, and after asking to sit down, he sat down opposite Cihang Xianzun in a polite manner.

Cihang Xianzun put away some of his smiles and spoke in a calm tone.

He said angrily, "Your fifth senior sister told me a little bit about you. It's not difficult to see that you are a genius. First of all, I have to thank you for taking care of Qing'er."

Langxing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Uncle, you are serious. It is Senior Sister Shen Qing who has been taking care of me."

Immortal Cihang smiled lightly and said, "It's a blessing for both of you that you and Qing'er can help each other. Although Qing'er is my disciple, I don't need to deny that her qualifications are so high that I can't continue to guide her. Her state had already surpassed mine when she left the Qingyuan Sect, and only a genius like you can advance hand in hand with her."

Lang Xing wanted to be humble, but Cihang Xianzun waved his hand to stop him.

"You not only helped Qing'er, but also your fifth senior sister. This is the greatest favor you have done me. To be honest, I feel deeply ashamed of these disciples. For the sake of Tianlu Alliance and Nanjingzhou, I They have suffered too much, and this catastrophe of monsters has completely damaged the eldest disciple. The sadness and guilt are beyond words. I originally thought that Qing'er was also destroyed by me. After learning that she not only saved After saving my life and improving my cultivation, I was so happy that I shed tears. Go and tell her that she has shown her utmost loyalty to me and to the teacher. I can trust her now. If we meet again, we will care about each other. , just send someone to deliver the good news to me when she becomes a feather."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "I think it's better not to take your last sentence with you. If she becomes a feather, I will tell you the good news."

Immortal Cihang nodded and said, "You are right, then this last sentence will be dispensed with." After saying that, he looked thoughtful, "Do you think it is a good idea to send your fifth senior sister to her?"

Lang Xing said with a firm expression, "I don't think there will be any harm. Senior Sister Shen Qing has enough wisdom to deal with this matter."

Immortal Cihang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since you said that, I feel relieved. Xing'er, if you can help me arrange your fifth senior sister, then I don't know how to thank you. Seeing her like this I feel so sad that it would be best for you two to take care of her. I believe that with your wisdom, she can live a safer life." After that, he took out a wooden box and said, "This is Qing'er risking her life. You can keep the Thousand Life Fruit for your fifth senior sister first, and then find a way to give it to her when she is about to die. Make sure that she and Qing'er don't know about it."

Langxing had heard about Shen Qing and Xunyi entering the secret realm to collect the Thousand Life Fruit. He opened the wooden box and took a look at the magical fruit. Then he shook his head vigorously and said, "I can't help you with this. You don't need to worry too much about Fifth Senior Sister. I know a wonderful alchemist who will ask Fifth Senior Sister for the best elixir. You are the pillar of the Tianlu Alliance. For the sake of the Tianlu Alliance and Nanjingzhou, my nephew please take this pill yourself no matter what. Spiritual fruit.”

There was a tired look in Cihang Immortal Lord's eyes, and he looked at him and said, "I am very tired. Because of me, the Qingyuan Sect became a thorn in the side of Shuiqingzhou and Puyunzhou, and most of the disciples died in this disaster. Take your Fifth Senior Sister as an example. It was a great blessing to be able to save my life when the monsters attacked the Qingyuan Sect, but I had to lead the army to continue fighting. I ended up with such an end. How can I bear it?

After learning from the pain, this is all my fault. Although it is a good thing to benefit one party, the disciples should not have to pay such a high price. Supporting the Tianlu Alliance should be the common responsibility of all sects. The Qingyuan Sect has done too much, but it is the opposite. It’s not a good thing. I can devote myself to it with all my strength, but I shouldn’t deliberately guide my disciples to do the same. What’s sad is that this enlightenment came too late, and it was bought with the lives of many disciples. There is no Opportunity to regret. "

"Uncle, you don't have to blame yourself so much..." Lang Xing couldn't find the right words to persuade because he agreed with what Cihang Xianzun said. Yue Xi looked at the three spirit cranes going away, blinking his eyes and murmuring, "My spirit cranes also listen to him so much. He is so capable."

Yueyang frowned and said, "It would be nice if I could chat with him more. Let's go back and understand these techniques thoroughly, and then make an appointment with him when he has free time to ask him for advice."

Yue Xi seemed not to have heard anything and turned around and asked, "Have you noticed that he has climbed from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying."

Yueyang nodded and said, "Yes, I noticed it. I was too busy talking to congratulate him." .??.

Yue Xi showed an angry look and said, "You're stupid! He is only a thousand years old, but his cultivation level has already caught up with ours. He only treats the study of restraints as a pastime, and his attainments are many times higher than ours. Controlling the Spirit Crane His methods are also better than those of our two disciples of the Immortal Feather Sect, he is a genius like no other!"

"I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace."

Yue Xi glared and said, "You are just stupid! I don't believe that all the disciples of Qianxu Palace are so powerful."

"Yes..." Yueyang nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Langxing had handed over two well-conditioned spirit cranes to Xiyang. He took Bai Xiang and rode Yuexi's spirit cranes towards the Qingyuan Sect, and finally got a pair of good spirit cranes for Sijia. , but it’s a pity that we don’t have time to send it to Sijia now, so we can only wait until later.

Although Xiyang went back with the two cranes without asking anything, he couldn't help scolding Xunyi for being unloyal. Yes, he just wanted to scold Xunyi. There was not much difference between the two brothers before, but this kid After dying once, they become mysterious, and they have endless abilities that defy the heavens. How can we be brothers?

When he came to the Qingyuan Sect again, the disciples on duty at the mountain gate came to greet him from a distance. The Fifth Fairy had said last time that Lang Xing of Qianxu Palace was a distinguished guest of the Qingyuan Sect.

When she met Qi Jia, Bai Xiang was quite close to him. After all, the Ningcui Sword was extraordinary. It was such a precious gift when he gave it to her. She had to be grateful for this kindness.

"It came really fast." Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing with a meaningful look and said.

"Everything went smoothly, how are you? Are you ready?" Lang Xing looked at her expectantly.

Qi Jia pointed towards the top of the mountain and said, "My master wants to see you. My master came back a year ago. I told you some things that I can tell. He misses Qing'er very much and stayed here to wait for you."

"Ah?" Lang Xing couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Cihang Xianzun was a figure he admired very much.

Before he could say anything else, Cihang Xianzun, a master of the Immortal Way, floated over and said to Lang Xing with a kind face, "Fellow Taoist Hengguan has really found a treasure. I am very happy to have accepted such a good disciple."

Lang Xing hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, "My nephew Lingxing pays homage to my uncle." Bai Xiang also saluted.

Immortal Cihang used his spiritual power to lift up the master and disciple, and then said to Qijia, "Take Xiang'er out for a walk."

After Qi Jia led Bai Xiang away, Cihang Xianzun sat behind a few tables, pointed at the futon opposite and said, "Come, sit down and talk."

"My nephew, just stand and answer." Langxing stood with his hands down somewhat cautiously.

Immortal Cihang smiled and said, "You are the disciple of the Immortal. You should know that we don't like too much etiquette. Come, sit down, so that you can talk more easily."

Lang Xing no longer insisted, and after asking to sit down, he sat down opposite Cihang Xianzun in a polite manner.

Cihang Xianzun put away some of his smiles and spoke in a calm tone.

He said angrily, "Your fifth senior sister told me a little bit about you. It's not difficult to see that you are a genius. First of all, I have to thank you for taking care of Qing'er."

Langxing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Uncle, you are serious. It is Senior Sister Shen Qing who has been taking care of me."

Immortal Cihang smiled lightly and said, "It's a blessing for both of you that you and Qing'er can help each other. Although Qing'er is my disciple, I don't need to deny that her qualifications are so high that I can't continue to guide her. Her state had already surpassed mine when she left the Qingyuan Sect, and only a genius like you can advance hand in hand with her."

Lang Xing wanted to be humble, but Cihang Xianzun waved his hand to stop him.

"You not only helped Qing'er, but also your fifth senior sister. This is the greatest favor you have done me. To be honest, I feel deeply ashamed of these disciples. For the sake of Tianlu Alliance and Nanjingzhou, I They have suffered too much, and this catastrophe of monsters has completely damaged the eldest disciple. The sadness and guilt are beyond words. I originally thought that Qing'er was also destroyed by me. After learning that she not only saved After she lost her life and improved her cultivation level, I was so happy that I cried. Go and tell her that she has shown her utmost loyalty to me and to the teacher. I can trust her now. If we meet again, we will care about each other. , just send someone to deliver the good news to me when she becomes a feather."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "I think it's better not to carry you with me for your last words. If she becomes a feather, I will tell you the good news."

Immortal Cihang nodded and said, "You are right, then this last sentence will be dispensed with." After saying that, he looked thoughtful, "Do you think it is a good idea to send your fifth senior sister to her?"

Lang Xing said with a firm expression, "I don't think there will be any harm. Senior Sister Shen Qing has enough wisdom to deal with this matter."

Immortal Cihang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Since you said that, I feel relieved. Xing'er, if you can help me arrange your fifth senior sister, then I don't know how to thank you. Seeing her like this I feel so sad that it would be best for you two to take care of her. I believe that with your wisdom, she can live a safer life." After that, he took out a wooden box and said, "This is Qing'er risking her life. You can keep the Thousand Life Fruit for your fifth senior sister first, and then find a way to give it to her when she is about to die. Make sure that she and Qing'er don't know about it."

Langxing had heard about Shen Qing and Xunyi entering the secret realm to collect the Thousand Life Fruit. He opened the wooden box and took a look at the magical fruit. Then he shook his head vigorously and said, "I can't help you with this. You don't need to worry too much about Fifth Senior Sister. I know a wonderful alchemy man who will ask for the best elixir for the fifth senior sister. You are the pillar of the Tianlu Alliance. For the sake of the Tianlu Alliance and Nanjingzhou, my nephew please take this pill yourself no matter what. Spiritual fruit.”

There was a tired look in Cihang Immortal Lord's eyes, and he looked at him and said, "I am very tired. Because of me, the Qingyuan Sect became a thorn in the side of Shuiqingzhou and Puyunzhou, and most of the disciples died in this disaster. Take your Fifth Senior Sister as an example. It was a great blessing to be able to save my life when the monsters attacked the Qingyuan Sect, but I had to lead the army to continue fighting. I ended up with such an end. How can I bear it?

After learning from the pain, this is all my fault. Although it is a good thing to benefit one party, the disciples should not have to pay such a high price. Supporting the Tianlu Alliance should be the common responsibility of all sects. The Qingyuan Sect has done too much, but it is the opposite. It’s not a good thing. I can devote myself to it with all my strength, but I shouldn’t deliberately guide my disciples to do the same. What’s sad is that this enlightenment came too late, and it was bought with the lives of many disciples. There is no Chance to regret. "

"Uncle, you don't have to blame yourself so much..." Lang Xing couldn't find the right words to persuade because he agreed with what Cihang Xianzun said.

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