Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2195 Are you just not going to give me face?

The encirclement was withdrawn, and Langxing pretended to be panicked and urged Linghe to rush forward quickly.

At this time, a spiritual thought came into his mind, "Thank you."

The person who conveyed the spiritual thought was the great monk who intercepted from behind. With his eyesight and experience, he would not foolishly think that the Eight Immortals were confused. They had given out tens of thousands of Nascent Soul Stones to help them, no matter what. Saying thank you was too overwhelming.

"If you want to raise righteous teachers, you must first teach them to be sensible people." Lang Xing sent back his spiritual thoughts. Since there are sensible people, it might as well give him one more instruction.

After flying tens of thousands of miles, Bai Xiang said depressedly, "It's all my fault for being too cumbersome. Not only did you lose face, but you also gave away so many spiritual stones in vain. I wish I didn't follow you."

Qi Jia comforted him and said, "It's okay. Money is something external to the body. Your master is not short of such spiritual stones."

Lang Xing said, "Although she is still a child, there is no need to hide moral matters from her. It is not a bad thing to let her know more about the ugliness in the world. Shen Qing and I believe that the way of man is the way of heaven. If you want to understand the way, the sooner you understand it." The better things are.”

Qi Jia turned to her spiritual thoughts and said, "Then I also think she is too young and knows too much which is not conducive to her concentration on cultivation. It will not be too late to tell her this in a few years. Moreover, this is related to your safety. If it is leaked, You rebelled against your relatives in Puyun Prefecture."

Langxing also used his spiritual thoughts to reply, "Xian'er has this wisdom and it won't affect her cultivation. I've already told her a lot of deviant things. I don't care about this one more. I will kill anyone who dares to search for her soul."

Qi Jia nodded. Although he didn't agree with Lang Xing's actions, he didn't say anything more.

Langxing said to the confused Bai Xiang, "This has nothing to do with you. I told you about the situation in Puyunzhou. Although I am the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, I support these people in rising up against Qianzonghui. So I just put on a show just to help them get some spiritual stones."

"Ah?!" Bai Xiang suddenly realized, with an embarrassed look on her face. The master had told her more than once about the ugliness of the Qianzonghui, so why didn't she think about it? She was really stupid.

Lang Xing thoughtfully said, "When you encounter such a dangerous scene, it's normal for you to be a little flustered and have no time to think about it. This group of people is indeed a mixed bag of good and bad. I support everyone to rise up against Qian Zonghui, but that doesn't mean that we should tolerate the fools among them, so This scene is somewhat real. You can’t see it clearly. If everyone can see it clearly, it will bring trouble to Zixiao Palace. "

Bai Xiang bit her lip and still felt that she was too stupid.

Langxing changed the topic and said, "Compared to those who regard thieves as their fathers and are willing to work hard for Qianzonghui and think that defending Qianzonghui is to protect Puyunzhou, these people are not bad. So if you want to be a sensible person, you must have something beyond ordinary people." Your vision cannot be affected by the people around you. As a Puyunzhou monk, it is especially difficult in this regard. Looking at the entire continent, the words and practices are the same. Even a smart person can easily get lost in it. But Puyunzhou is different from all the monks in the world. The world is nothing compared to the world of cultivation. Only those who can set their sights on the world of cultivation can see through the fog that blocks the world of cultivation. That’s why I often tell you not to be superstitious about the consensus of the world of cultivation. "

"I understand, Master!" Bai Xiang was finally freed from his embarrassment, his eyes shining brightly with wisdom.

"But I still don't quite understand." Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing thoughtfully.

Lang Xing smiled hoarsely and said to Bai Xiang, "Then you can tell the fifth uncle."

"Making fun of me again!" Bai Xiang couldn't help laughing but was angry. Of course she knew that the fifth uncle wanted the master to talk about what was wrong with the consensus of the cultivation world. This was not something she could say.

"Then let your uncle Shen Qing tell her." After Lang Xing laughed, he controlled the Linghe to accelerate and fly forward.

One day later, they encountered a team composed of Soul Refining Sect disciples, led by Pei Dong. After discovering them, Pei Dong immediately activated his Sky-pecking Eagle to greet them.

"Why are you here?" Pei Dong asked while looking at Qi Jia.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I still want to ask you, senior brother, what are you doing?"

Pei Dong did not answer, but continued to look at Qi Jia and said, "Is this fellow Taoist from Nanjingzhou?" There are differences in the skills between the two places. If he looks closely, it is not difficult to tell with his eyesight.

Seeing the group of people chasing this way, Lang Xing said to Pei Dong, "Don't let them come. I'm too lazy to greet them one by one."

Pei Dong sent those people back knowingly, and then looked at Lang Xing questioningly.

Langxing pretended to be displeased and said, "Why are you still interrogating me? This is one of my senior sisters in Nanjingzhou. Because she was injured, I took her to find someone to treat her."

Pei Dong stared at Qi Jia and said, "There's no need to change your appearance. Could it be that this fellow Taoist is an old acquaintance of Pu Yunzhou?"

Lang Xing lowered his face and said, "Senior brother, are you just not going to give me face?"

Seeing his look like this, Pei Dong had some idea in his mind, so he smiled and said, "Don't be angry, little junior brother, I'm just asking casually. Come on, come on, I'll tell you a few words." After that, he pulled Lang Xing. Flying to the side.

After flying several thousand feet, he held Lang Xing's hand and said in a secret way, "Have you reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul so soon? Your cultivation speed is really fast."

Lang Xing kept a straight face and said nothing.

Pei Dong smiled apologetically and said, "I'm afraid you are in danger. I have no other intention. Even if you bring the general who leads the Nanjingzhou army, senior brother will not make things difficult for you. Our two factions are one family. You can't do this." Do you understand?”

Lang Xing softened his expression and said, "She is my good friend. Senior brother, you don't have to worry about me. Thank you very much, senior brother. What are you doing here?"

Pei Dong showed a bitter look and said, "Since the master left, the life of the Soul Refining Sect has become increasingly difficult. Although Zixiao Palace is taking care of it, it has to put its tail between its legs and be assigned some hard work."

Tired work is unavoidable. Others have gone to Shuiqingzhou to kill monsters and steal treasures. We can only kill the rebels here. This disaster triggered many rebellions, and the army went to Shuiqingzhou again. We Running around these days is not only hard work, but also kills many disciples. Pei Lin and the others are also leading the team to do the same thing. People from the Soul Refining Sect have come out, but they are too busy for this. They have to go to you. Please ask your senior brother to send some people to help us over there. The Soul Refining Sect is really suffering these days. "

Lang Xing sighed. Although these people had many evil deeds, they were very kind to him. It was really uncomfortable to see them in such a state of desolation. Caught between morality and emotion, he had no choice but to stay away from the battlefield.

"Where's Pei Yuan?" He had to care about this brother who was full of true love for him, even though he didn't like the boy very much.

"Being taken away by Master, the only thing Master can't let go of is him."

Lang Xing nodded and said helplessly, "I can't do anything to help you. I'll talk to Second Senior Sister later and see if I can get the Qianzonghui to assign you less hard work."

Pei Dong said gratefully, "Thank you, junior brother, you have helped us a lot. To be honest, we don't dare to disturb the Second Immortal Concubine too much. If we want to see the Second Immortal Concubine, we have to discuss it for a long time before we dare to ask for it." We don’t dare to make excessive requests when we meet. It would be best if you could help us, but don’t let the Second Immortal Concubine misunderstand that it was me who encouraged you to go.”

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble, but don't have too much hope in this matter. With the relationship between our two factions, you don't need to say anything. Second Senior Sister will definitely do everything she can for you. , Although Zixiao Palace has three great powers, their power in the Thousand Sects Association is also limited. You can only endure it for a while. Only with new great powers can you completely turn over. "

"It's so difficult. I can't even practice soul arts. It's like losing an arm. The hope of developing great supernatural powers is too slim."

"Don't be so discouraged, there will always be a way." Lang Xing could only end the conversation with this meaningless comfort.

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