Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2196 Tell her what this is

After getting back on the road, Qi Jia asked with his spiritual thoughts, "Are you also a closed disciple here in Zixiao Palace?"

"That's right. I was a closed disciple of two sects. I used to feel quite proud, but now I feel a little upset. There was a lot of anger over the handling of Qianxu Palace in the past few days. Fortunately, there are three great supernatural powers in Zixiao Palace. You don't need to worry about it." At this point, he shook his head, "The main reason is that it's not worthwhile to compete with a bunch of idiots. I don't have much time to teach them, and those idiots can't understand."

"Perhaps you have already reached the state of mind, that's why you see so many fools in your eyes and are so impatient."

Lang Xing smiled and wanted to say that it was for this reason that he particularly admired Cihang Immortal Lord's compassionate heart, but he held back. From now on, it would be inappropriate to mention their master in front of Shen Qing and Qi Jia.

After entering Northern Xinjiang, Lang Xing slapped Mo Hui in the face and took off his Taoist robe, so he had to make a larger detour to avoid the forces in Northern Xinjiang. However, the rebellion in Northern Xinjiang was also very serious. The intensity of the encirclement and suppression was not small. On the second day after entering northern Xinjiang, a great monk discovered them and chased them on a Qingluan.

The one who came was Wu Huan, the fourth fairy from the Yin and Yang Palace. Lang Xing did not dare to let her get close to Qi Jia, so he stopped the crane and went to meet her.

"Where are you going?" Wu Huan asked expressionlessly. She looked like an old woman, with white hair and black eyebrows, and obvious wrinkles on her face.

"Have fun." Langxing stopped three thousand feet away from her, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

"It's a mess here. If you're just here for fun, go back quickly." Wu Huan's tone was quite polite. .??.

"They're just some rebels, it's no big deal." Lang Xing expressed his attitude of continuing to play.

Wu Huan used his spiritual thoughts instead and said, "Sixth Junior Sister mentioned you to me and asked me not to embarrass you when I see you, so I am advising you with good intentions. Sixth Junior Sister said that you are a person with a far-sighted vision and hate both sides." It’s best to go back and have some fun. It’s not too late to wait until this chaos is over.”

Langxing also used his spiritual thoughts and said, "Thank you so much to Fourth Senior Sister and Sixth Senior Sister. I have

With the power of self-preservation, Fourth Senior Sister does not need to worry about this, just let him go. "

After Wu Huan glanced at him, he turned Qingluan back without saying anything.

Langxing breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward with the spirit crane. Although he was sure to kill Wu Huan, that would not only deepen the hatred between the two factions, but also make him have more enemies when traveling through the northern border in the future. Reconciliation is better than enmity. Better, being friends with Wu Xia is a good thing for both of them, otherwise he might have no choice but to kill Wu Huan today.

After flying over the northern border without any danger, the three of them became relaxed. Bai Xiang kept smiling, she was about to see Uncle Shen Qing, she was so happy.

Qi Jia looked at the silent and boundless world of ice and snow, and said with emotion, "A place like this is really suitable for her, and it is also suitable for my state of mind at the moment. In this situation, I recall a lifetime of chaos, and suddenly feel as far away as smoke, it is so important to have such a destination." It’s a blessing.”

Lang Xing said, "So blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Being forced to let go is also a kind of letting go. If you hadn't been injured like this, I'm afraid you would never be in the state of mind you are in now."

"Probably." Qi Jia's expression became a little desolate. Letting go means letting go, and the path has been lost.

"You still don't believe that I can heal your injury?" Lang Xing asked with raised eyebrows.

Qi Jia looked cheerful and said jokingly, "Believe me! I just rely on you, my little junior brother, who has so many magical powers."

Bai Xiang said with confidence, "You must be right to believe in me, Master. This injury will definitely be cured!"

Qi Jia hugged her shoulders and said, "I have to rely on you to plead for me a little more. You have the greatest face."

"You will make fun of me." After Bai Xiang complained, he leaned against Qi Jia coquettishly, with a sweet smile on his face.

Qi Jia pinched her cheek and said, "You are really a blessed person. I really don't know how you achieved this blessing."

gas. "

Bai Xiang glanced at his master with grateful eyes, and the smile on his face became sweeter.

Qi Jia also looked at Lang Xing and said, "We are already here. I can't go back anyway. Can you tell me more secrets?"

Langxing said in a joking tone, "You are also a blessed person. The blessing comes from your little junior sister. Be happy and let her see a fifth senior sister who has lost her way but doesn't care, so that she doesn't have to think about it all the time. Gotta take care of you."

Qi Jia laughed and said, "That's right. Can you make me happier? For example, reveal some 'shocking secrets' to me."

Bai Xiang looked at the two of them with a smile. She felt that the friends the master had made were not only extraordinary, but also very interesting.

Lang Xing took out the Qiankun bag, handed it to her, and then said to Bai Xiang, "Tell her what it is."

Bai Xiang immediately excitedly said to Qijia, "This is an immortal treasure! I saw with my own eyes that Master put Uncle Xiyang in it!"

Qi Jia looked at the Qiankun bag intently. Since Bai Xiang said so, he must be right.

"I have..." Bai Xiang looked at the master in the middle of speaking. When he saw that the master just gave him a look of disgust, he obviously had no objection to what he said, so he couldn't help but continue to say, "I have seen it." Three fairy treasures.”

Qi Jia stared at the Qiankun bag and did not react at all to these words. Bai Xiang was a little disappointed, but Lang Xing showed a gloating smile, which made Bai Xiang even more depressed.

After a while, Qi Jia raised his head and asked Bai Xiang, "What did you say?"

Bai Xiang became excited again and said with bright eyes, "Including this one, I have seen three fairy treasures!"

Lang Xing said, "Okay, just tell her this much."

Bai Xiang shut her mouth sensibly, and nodded to Qi Jia heavily, indicating that what she said was absolutely true.

Langxing took back the Qiankun bag from Qi Jia and brought it with him

With an incomprehensible smile, he said, "Don't take your little injury too seriously. I said I can help you heal. I mean I can help you heal. Many consensuses in the cultivation world are wrong. Xiang'er has suffered more serious injuries before. Please check the injury."

"I've heard that she was injured in the Junlu Sect. How serious was the injury?" Qi Jia asked while checking Bai Xiang's condition. It was so disgraceful that Lu Puzi beat a little girl to serious injuries. Of course, the Junlu Sect wanted to conceal it as much as possible, so although she got some information, she didn't know how badly Bai Xiang was injured at that time.

Lang Xing didn't say anything. He believed Qi Jia could detect it. Although using Bai Xiang as an example was suspected of deception, he had to send an uplifting Fifth Senior Sister to Shen Qing and not make Shen Qing too worried.

"Her Qi Mansion..." Qi Jia's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

Lang Xing nodded to her, then smiled and said to Bai Xiang, "That's all we'll tell her, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Bai Xiang nodded knowingly. Of course she knew that the master was deceiving the fifth uncle, but there were too many secrets involved in the healing matters, and she definitely couldn't tell the fifth uncle.

"Lang Xing, you're going to kill me!" Qi Jia finally couldn't remain calm.

Lang Xing laughed and said to Bai Xiang, "Look, the fifth uncle is no longer as boring as before. We have to treat her like this. Let's see if she can keep showing up with us like she doesn't take anything seriously."

Bai Xiang could only laugh along. For her, this feeling was quite good. A very powerful monk would never know the secrets she knew, which gave her a sense of superiority. Her vision and self-confidence have grown little by little, and she has far surpassed the monks of the same level in all aspects, even surpassing Xun Yi and Lang Xing at this period.

Qi Jia glared at Lang Xing and then smiled. It was an irrepressible smile. She could go to see her junior sister with this smile. If Lang Xing didn't want to say anything, just don't. She already completely believed in this magical boy. It is enough if you can heal your own injuries.

A few days later, when flying over the glacier, Langxing frowned.

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