Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2203 You’re lucky if you don’t fight with me

Langxing withdrew his gaze, looked at her with gentle eyes and said, "We are two completely different people with very different pursuits of fun. In fact, I often envy you for the purity and tranquility you have, but everyone has his own destiny." , I can't become like you, but I will try my best to accompany you as far as I can go. This is not only to slow down your steps and make you walk more steadily, but also..." He He didn't say the word "reluctant".

Shen Qing read those two words from his eyes, then held Lang Xing's hand, their eyes met, and everything was unspoken.

Lang Xing is no longer the little Zhui'er who only relies on emotion. He has grown up and understands that people have their own ambitions. Shen Qing's fun lies in the dangerous exploration step by step. Apart from that, what kind of life is there? It's all boring to her, so no matter how deep his reluctance is, he can't force Shen Qing to stop.

Shen Qing showed a sly smile and said with a bit of schadenfreude, "You have been dragged into the water by me. It is impossible to come ashore again. You can't stop yourself from thinking."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You are wrong. Although you can't control your thoughts, you can bring them back in time. You just need to find more things for yourself." ??

Shen Qing snorted and said, "Once the embankment is opened, it can't be blocked. You can't control your heart." As she said that, she poked her finger on Lang Xing's heart, looked at him deeply and said, " Act according to your heart, only in this way can you get true happiness.”

Lang Xing's eyes narrowed. The words "act according to one's heart" made him reexamine the choices he had made.

"Let's talk about something else. Let's not talk about this." Lang Xing said feeling uncomfortable.

"What are we talking about? Su Wan?" Shen Qing had a faint smirk on his lips.

Lang Xing glanced at her angrily and retaliated, "Tell me why you fell into the sea of ​​meditation!"

Shen Qing's body trembled obviously, and then he forced a smile and said, "Then

It really has something to do with Su Wan. Since you left last time, I started thinking about her fairy treasure, your Qiankun bag and this world. "

Lang Xing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, okay! I'm just kidding you, but you actually said it out loud! I won't save you if you get stuck again."

Shen Qing held his hand tightly and said with some reluctance, "With you by my side, I should have been able to continue thinking boldly, but the fear has not dissipated, so I can only speak slowly first."

Langxing advised from the bottom of his heart, "Don't go too fast. We have plenty of time. I will come to accompany you often. There are plenty of opportunities. You need to be in a good mood to gain enlightenment. You can't do it at any time."

Shen Qing nodded and said, "Don't worry about me. Fifth Senior Sister is here just in time to help me distract myself. Didn't I just say that in the next few days, I will focus on improving my cultivation and strive to become a feather, and then Go and explore the Lingji Sky Realm.”

"I support this!" Lang Xing immediately agreed. Although Shen Qing is smart, it is not something he can achieve in a short time if he wants to become a feather. This way, he can at least feel at ease for a few years.

Shen Qing showed a complicated and unclear smile. She was thinking of Xun Yi. When she first broke into the Lingji Sky Realm, she was scolded by Xun Yi. Thousands of years later, Xun Yi, who had become Lang Xing, was actually happy. Support yourself to enter the Lingji Skyspace again.

"What are you laughing at?" Lang Xing asked suspiciously.

"I'm happy to see you." Shen Qing smiled really happy this time, and then said in a tone with a hint of dependence, "I have to take a good rest and recuperate my mind. You have to stay here every step of the way." Stay with me." After saying that, she lay down on the bed.

"know me

How important is it? Let’s see if you still say I’m a brat! "Lang Xing was proud and happy. It was finally his turn to protect Shen Qing. This feels really good.

Shen Qing fell asleep quickly with a peaceful smile on her lips. She had been lost in meditation for more than a year. She could finally get rid of her boundless fear and take a solid rest.

Shen Qing slept for seven days, and Lang Xing did her duty and stayed there for seven days. Shen Qing's sleep was not stable, and she was disturbed by nightmares from time to time. Whenever her brows wrinkled, Lang Xing would use her mental power to soothe her gently. , and this allowed Shen Qing to sleep soundly.

When Shen Qing woke up, she looked like a beautiful newly formed ice flower. The dust was gone and she had regained her former glory. However, in Lang Xing's view, she was no longer cold and glamorous. It would be more appropriate to describe her as pure and pure.

"Give this thing away as soon as possible. I feel uncomfortable looking at it." Shen Qing took out the corpse of Xuanshui Immortal Dragon and threw it to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing also felt disgusted and quickly put the corpse into the Qiankun bag, and said with a bit of regret, "This monster actually has no inner elixir."

Shen Qing showed a proud expression and said, "Don't you understand? According to Fifth Senior Sister, Xuanshui is actually equivalent to its inner elixir."

Lang Xing felt amused and said, "What's there to be proud of? Didn't you just hear what Fifth Senior Sister said."

"I knew it before you anyway!" Shen Qing's sound sleep made her feel better. She bickered with Lang Xing like a little girl, and then flew towards Xuan Shui with a smile.

Xiao Yunduo was still "taking a bath" in Xuan Shui. It seemed that he disliked the two people's interruption. As soon as Shen Qing and Lang Xing flew over, it swung back to Lang Xing's back.

"It's still avoiding me." Shen Qing complained dissatisfied.

Lang Xing grinned and said nothing.

Well, because he noticed that the little cloud "stole" a small drop of mysterious water, and now it had shrunk into a smaller cloud and got into the small drop of mysterious water.

Shen Qing looked at the mass of mysterious water for a while, then looked at the little bird in retreat on the other side of the hill, and said with emotion, "It's really thanks to you. It's a fairy bird. Without this blessing, it's hard to achieve anything in the future." Estimate.”

Lang Xing felt guilty and said, "I took half of the Xuanshui. I'll be lucky if it doesn't fight me later."

Shen Qing smiled and said, "The remaining ones are enough for it. This little thing hasn't grown up yet, and its nature of protecting food will not change for a while."

Langxing flew to the entrance of the maze, took out some ice lake fish meat and fed it to the ice spider guarding there, and then said to Shen Qing who followed him, "It also helped the little bird resist the mysterious water fairy dragon, but it was a pity that it moved too slowly." It's not a big deal, we have to help it grow up as quickly as possible. You usually feed it more 'dragon python' and blue fruits, and help it get more cold air. You can also try feeding it some various spiritual fruits. "As he spoke, he took out a large box full of inner elixirs and handed them to Shen Qing, "These are prepared for Tuntian. They are no longer needed. You can keep them to feed the birds and ice spiders."

Shen Qing took an inner elixir that was about three thousand years old and threw it to the ice spider, and said, "Let Fifth Senior Sister take care of them later. I don't know anything about feeding spirit beasts. She knows more or less. This is not random feeding. Feeding them wrong can kill them.”

"When I have some free time, I will go to Qianxu Palace and Zixiao Palace to look for classics on this subject." Langxing said, calling the spirit crane flying in the sky in the distance, and took a drop the size of a rice grain from his big water bottle. Feed it Xuan Shui.

Shen Qing sighed inwardly. Langxing's unique advantage really puts all the famous disciples to shame. Not only can he read the classics of the two sects at will, but he can also get careful guidance from the masters. It is really easy to learn whatever he wants. .

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