Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2204 Please give me less to worry about

Linghe stared at the drop of mysterious water nervously and then began to back away.

"It doesn't have this blessing, so it seems it doesn't dare to take it." Lang Xing reluctantly took back the drop of mysterious water.

Shen Qing warned, "Not everyone can tolerate Xuanshui. It is highly poisonous to most living beings. This is a rare treasure. Don't waste it carelessly. You must cherish it extremely." That's all." After saying that, she took out the small bottle of Xuanshui that Lang Xing gave her, "It's enough for me and Fifth Senior Sister. Please bring this bottle to your master, not to mention that we asked you to send it there. Yes, don’t you want to borrow the Mysterious Alchemy Record? Just use this as an excuse to talk to your master. I believe that my master will definitely do what you want.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I'm working on the idea of ​​Xuandanlu. It just so happens that I'll take care of it. But you can keep this bottle of Xuanshui. I still have plenty here."

Shen Qing insisted on giving the bottle of Xuanshui to Lang Xing. Firstly, it represented the feelings that she and the fifth senior sister had for their master. Secondly, she knew that no matter how much Xuanshui there was, there would never be enough for Langxing to send out. It was fate. Things come and go, and Lang Xing has made too many connections.

"I don't know if I can find another Mysterious Water Immortal Dragon." Lang Xing licked his lips, then smiled and shook his head and said, "It's best not to touch it now. This thing is too difficult to kill."

"You still have some self-awareness!" Shen Qing gave him a dissatisfied look. She didn't want Lang Xing to become like Xun Yi, who went around amassing money in order to take care of those close to him.

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "Okay, you've had enough rest. Help me take care of Xiang'er. It's time for me to take a rest." After that, he flew back to his little snow house.

After opening the isolation ban outside the house, Langxing carefully unfolded the picture of living in the wild on several tables, then sighed and put away the picture of living in the wild. He lay down on the bed, looked at the roof and blinked. Eye.

Su Wan changed his life, and now he can't bear the life without Su Wan.

In the past, he often asked others why they lived and wanted to explore the meaning of life. After meeting Su Wan, he felt that he had found the answer. As long as he was with Su Wan, any life he lived would be enjoyable.

The little bird's retreat lasted for more than a year. After waking up, it stared at the huge ice sculptured lotus with obvious doubts in its eyes. It felt that the Xuanshui must have decreased, but it could not estimate it. Find out how much is missing, and then it goes to find Longxing.

Faced with the bird's accusatory chirping, Langxing knew it was useless to pretend to be confused, so he started to talk to the bird.

Because Xiaoniao couldn't figure out how much Xuanshui was missing, and Langxing admitted with great attitude that he had taken away some Xuanshui, so after arguing with Langxing for a while, they stopped caring about it and flew back like crazy. , guarded his own puddle of Xuanshui for more than ten days. No matter how much Langxing teased him, he would not leave. Finally, Langxing found Bai Xiang. Zhu joined in, and since then he has finally relaxed his guard over Xuanshui a little.

Although Lang Xing wanted to visit the senior sisters as soon as possible, he was willing to stay longer for Shen Qing. However, this kind of companionship without talking about Taoism did not mean much to Shen Qing. Within a few days, the two of them were together. All that was said was said. In the past year or so, the two of them had only met once in a while, and most of these encounters were just a smile at each other without words.

Langxing is not Xunyi, and he doesn't have a eloquent tongue. In fact, even if it were replaced by

Xun Yi is probably not much better. Shen Qing doesn't need so much laughter.

Although he was relatively speechless, Lang Xing felt that this was very good. He believed that Shen Qing would also feel very good about it. This kind of companionship is a way to get along forever. Even if they live like this for ten thousand years, the two of them will still be happy. It's a pity. He couldn't give Shen Qing that much time.

"It's time for me to go." He looked at Shen Qing with concern.

Shen Qing said with a faint smile on his face, "Go ahead. I only improve my cultivation, not enlightenment. Don't worry about me."

Lang Xing glanced at Qi Jia's retreat place and warned, "Let Fifth Senior Sister feel at ease, and you too, I will definitely heal her."

"Don't worry, we can all take care of ourselves. You don't need to tell us this. Just stop worrying and take care of yourself."

"Hey, I can definitely take care of myself. It may take a long time before I can come again. Let Fifth Senior Sister wait patiently..."

Shen Qing pushed him angrily and said, "You're so verbose, please stop worrying about it!"

"Hehe, okay, I'll leave first." Lang Xing smiled naively.

The little bird happily sent Long Xing away this time, and Long Xing could feel its relaxed mood of sending away the thief.

Bai Xiang didn't cry this time. With his fifth uncle here as his companion, Uncle Shen Qing was finally no longer alone.

"Master, I think the mirror is about to break." Bai Xiang excitedly told the good news.

"Well, okay." Lang Xing forced a smile.

Bai Xiang saw that the master was not in the mood to talk, so he obediently shut his mouth, secretly suspecting that the master was thinking about something worrying.

Lang Xing was not worried about anything, he was just caught up in the feeling of separation. He could feel that Shen Qing and him were drifting apart. He wanted to accompany Shen Qing forward, but he couldn't, which made him feel very uncomfortable. It feels like I have abandoned Shen Qing.

When passing by Wuji's secret lair, Langxing went over to take a look invisibly. Seeing that the imperial concubine and Xianxu were in retreat, he was quite relieved and quietly left two bottles of the medicine that could help improve his cultivation. After taking the elixir, he left.

When he entered Northern Xinjiang, he made a larger circle than when he arrived. It was not only Mo Hui's gang who had to hide, but also Wu Xia. He was busy enough now and did not want to provoke this ink beauty anymore.

Flying in the wild wilderness, his mood gradually improved, and he asked with concern what signs Bai Xiang had sensed that the mirror was about to break.

Bai Xiang had been holding back for several days. When she saw that her master was finally in the mood to speak, she immediately started speaking excitedly.

After listening to her, Lang Xing nodded and said, "That was really fast. I was thinking about whether I should let you take some risks. There is a very strange secret realm in Zixiao Palace. There are unusual effects of forming a pill or a baby there." The result is also very dangerous.”

"How unusual is it?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

Langxing blinked at her and said, "I will take you back to see a very special Nascent Soul. You will understand then."

"Okay." Bai Xiang's eyes flashed brightly, and she knew that she could broaden her horizons again.

"She is..." Langxing was about to introduce the origin of Xiao Yuanying, but suddenly noticed something strange, and stopped Linghe with a frown. Linghe stared at the drop of mysterious water nervously and then began to back away.

"It doesn't have this blessing, so it seems it doesn't dare to take it." Lang Xing reluctantly took back the drop of mysterious water.

Shen Qing warned, "Not everyone can tolerate Xuanshui. It is highly poisonous to most living beings. This is a rare treasure. Don't waste it carelessly. You must cherish it extremely." That's all." After saying that, she took out the small bottle of Xuanshui that Lang Xing gave her, "It's enough for me and Fifth Senior Sister. Please bring this bottle to your master, not to mention that we asked you to send it there. Yes, don’t you want to borrow the Mysterious Alchemy Record? Just use this as an excuse to talk to your master. I believe that my master will definitely do what you want.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I'm working on the idea of ​​Xuandanlu. It just so happens that I'll take care of it. But you can keep this bottle of Xuanshui. I still have plenty here."

Shen Qing insisted on giving the bottle of Xuanshui to Lang Xing. Firstly, it represented her and Fifth Senior Sister's feelings for their master. Secondly, she knew that no matter how much Xuanshui there was, there would never be enough for Langxing to send out. It was fate. Things come and go, and Lang Xing has made too many connections.

"I don't know if I can find another Mysterious Water Immortal Dragon." Lang Xing licked his lips, then smiled and shook his head and said, "It's best not to touch it now. This thing is too difficult to kill."

"You still have some self-awareness!" Shen Qing gave him a dissatisfied look. She didn't want Lang Xing to become like Xun Yi, who went around amassing money in order to take care of those close to him.

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "Okay, you've had enough rest. Help me take care of Xiang'er. It's time for me to take a rest." After that, he flew back to his little snow house.

After opening the isolation ban outside the house, Langxing carefully unfolded the picture of living in the wild on several tables, then sighed and put away the picture of living in the wild. He lay down on the bed, looked at the roof and blinked. Eye.

Su Wan changed his life, and now he can't bear the life without Su Wan. ??

In the past, he often asked others why they lived and wanted to explore the meaning of life. After meeting Su Wan, he felt that he had found the answer. As long as he was with Su Wan, any life he lived would be enjoyable.

The little bird's retreat lasted for more than a year. After waking up, it stared at the huge ice sculptured lotus with obvious doubts in its eyes. It felt that the Xuanshui must have decreased, but it could not estimate it. Find out how much is missing, and then it goes to find Longxing.

Faced with the bird's accusatory chirping, Langxing knew it was useless to pretend to be confused, so he started to talk to the bird.

Because Xiaoniao couldn't figure out how much Xuanshui was missing, and Langxing admitted with great attitude that he had taken away some Xuanshui, so after arguing with Langxing for a while, they stopped caring about it and flew back like crazy. , guarded his own puddle of Xuanshui for more than ten days. No matter how much Langxing teased him, he would not leave. Finally, Langxing found Bai Xiang. Zhu joined in, and since then he has finally relaxed his guard over Xuanshui a little.

Although Lang Xing wanted to visit the senior sisters as soon as possible, he was willing to stay longer for Shen Qing. However, this kind of companionship without talking about Taoism did not mean much to Shen Qing. Within a few days, the two of them were together. All that was said was said. In the past year or so, the two of them had only met once in a while, and most of these encounters were just a smile at each other without words.

Langxing is not Xunyi, and he doesn't have a eloquent tongue. In fact, even if it were replaced by

Xun Yi is probably not much better. Shen Qing doesn't need so much laughter.

Although he was relatively speechless, Lang Xing felt that this was very good. He believed that Shen Qing would also feel very good about it. This kind of companionship is a way to get along forever. Even if they live like this for ten thousand years, the two of them will still be happy. It's a pity. He couldn't give Shen Qing that much time.

"It's time for me to go." He looked at Shen Qing with concern.

Shen Qing said with a faint smile on his face, "Go ahead. I only improve my cultivation, not enlightenment. Don't worry about me."

Lang Xing glanced at Qi Jia's retreat place and warned, "Let Fifth Senior Sister feel at ease, and you too, I will definitely heal her."

"Don't worry, we can all take care of ourselves. You don't need to tell us this. Just stop worrying and take care of yourself."

"Hey, I can definitely take care of myself. It may take a long time before I can come again. Let Fifth Senior Sister wait patiently..."

Shen Qing pushed him angrily and said, "You're so verbose, please stop worrying about it!"

"Hehe, okay, I'll leave first." Lang Xing smiled naively.

The little bird happily sent Long Xing away this time, and Long Xing could feel its relaxed mood of sending away the thief.

Bai Xiang didn't cry this time. With his fifth uncle here as his companion, Uncle Shen Qing was finally no longer alone.

"Master, I think the mirror is about to break." Bai Xiang excitedly told the good news.

"Well, okay." Lang Xing forced a smile.

Bai Xiang saw that the master was not in the mood to talk, so he obediently shut his mouth, secretly suspecting that the master was thinking about something worrying.

Lang Xing was not worried about anything, he was just caught up in the feeling of separation. He could feel that Shen Qing and him were drifting apart. He wanted to accompany Shen Qing forward, but he couldn't, which made him feel very uncomfortable. It feels like I have abandoned Shen Qing.

When passing by Wuji's secret lair, Langxing went over to take a look invisibly. Seeing that the imperial concubine and Xianxu were in retreat, he was quite relieved and quietly left two bottles of the medicine that could help improve his cultivation. After taking the elixir, he left.

When he entered Northern Xinjiang, he made a larger circle than when he arrived. It was not only Mo Hui's gang who had to hide, but also Wu Xia. He was busy enough now and did not want to provoke this ink beauty anymore.

Flying in the wild wilderness, his mood gradually improved, and he asked with concern what signs Bai Xiang had sensed that the mirror was about to break.

Bai Xiang had been holding back for several days. Seeing that Master was finally in the mood to speak, she immediately started talking excitedly.

After listening to her, Lang Xing nodded and said, "That was really fast. I was thinking about whether I should let you take some risks. There is a very strange secret realm in Zixiao Palace. There are unusual effects of forming a pill or a baby there." The result is also very dangerous.”

"How unusual?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

Langxing blinked at her and said, "I will take you back to see a very special Nascent Soul. You will understand then."

"Okay." Bai Xiang's eyes flashed brightly, and she knew that she could broaden her horizons again.

"She is..." Langxing was just about to introduce the origin of Xiao Yuanying, but suddenly noticed something strange, so he frowned and stopped Linghe.

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