Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2205 Deep loneliness and loneliness

When Bai Xiang saw his master frowning and staring down, he immediately took a fighting stance with a magic talisman in one hand and a Ning Cui sword in the other.

"Don't be nervous, there's no danger." After Langxing finished speaking, he urged Linghe to move forward.

"What did you find?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

Lang Xing said with a hint of bitterness, "Deep loneliness and loneliness."

"Huh?" Bai Xiang looked at Master in confusion.

Langxing squinted his eyes, savoring the faint but yet endless emotion of loneliness he felt. He stopped the crane again, then turned around and flew back.

Bai Xiang was so filled with curiosity that she rolled her eyes, but she kept her mouth shut and remained silent.

Returning to the previous place, Lang Xing set up a protective circle for Bai Xiang while observing the surrounding situation, and then said, "Don't be afraid, I'll go down and take a look and come back."

Bai Xiang nodded vigorously and said, "You go ahead, I can take care of myself."

Langxing slowly flew towards the deep canyon below. This canyon was carved by the river and was more than two thousand feet deep. I don't know whether the river has dried up or changed its course. Now only this deep canyon is left. of cracks.

After landing at the bottom of the canyon, he carefully used his spiritual power to comfort the creature deep underground, and immediately felt that the creature was ecstatic.

Lang Xing seemed to have a slight sense of trance, but the feeling passed without allowing him to think too much.

"Don't worry, I'll help you right away." Langxing used his mental power to comfort the creature while escaping underground.

He carefully sank for a thousand feet, and there was only a thin line between Langxing and the creature. At this time, he also figured out that the creature was trapped in a magic circle. He pressed his hand on that magic circle. After some inspections, his brows furrowed even more. This was a magic circle set up by a great supernatural power, and it was extremely old. However, the magic power of the magic circle did not decline significantly. From this, it can be judged that This person's methods are extremely clever, and there are probably enough spiritual stones in the magic circle to support the operation of the magic circle.

He thought that he could not break such a brilliant magic circle, and he was a bit reluctant to use treasures to break it. If he could study it carefully, it would be of great benefit to improve his restraint skills.

After circling the circle, he felt a little more suspicious. The circle was not round, but like a mushroom with a long thin handle. The upper part was only about three thousand feet long, and the lower part was only about three thousand feet long. But it's ten thousand feet long. Such a formation is really rare.

"I will rescue you, don't worry." After calming the creature with his thoughts for a while, he took off the Immortal Qiankun Bag, and after thinking about it, he activated the Qiankun Bag.

The moment the huge mushroom was put into the Qiankun Bag, he followed in. He originally wanted to send the huge mushroom to the continent before it fell, but what he didn't expect was that the big mushroom was inside the Qiankun Bag. In the end, it didn't fall downwards, but floated in the air.

"The layout of this magic circle is really impressive." Lang Xing was even more happy, but still a little worried about sending it to the larger piece of land.

"I will hurry up and find a way to save you." After repeating this sentence to the creature several times, Langxing got out of the Qiankun bag and quickly rushed back to the ground. Although it took only one meal, but When he saw that Bai Xiang was safe and sound, he breathed out a sigh of relief. This disciple had become his heart and soul, and even the slightest mistake could not be allowed to happen again.

"What's down there?" Bai Xiang's hands were already sweating. Compared to Lang Xing's concern for her,

, she was more and more worried about her master.

"There is a spirit grass that has become a spirit and is trapped in a magic circle. I put the entire magic circle into the Qiankun bag and will study it carefully when I go back."

"Ah...?" Bai Xiang looked at the place where the Immortal Qiankun Bag hung under the master's Taoist robe. She was surprised that this thing could hold a living person, but could it also hold an entire magic circle?

Lang Xing patted her head in a happy mood, "When you form the elixir, I will send you in to open your eyes. Although the magic power of this fairy treasure is running out, it can still be easily packed into a large mountain." ”

"The magic of immortality is really amazing." Bai Xiang subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the sky.

Langxing urged Linghe to rush all the way and rushed back to Zixiao Palace as quickly as possible, not bothering to care about the two groups of rebels he encountered along the way.

Zixiao Palace was busier than usual, with streaks of rainbow light coming in and out. As soon as he arrived at the palace gate, Xin De greeted him.

"You are finally back. I mentioned you to your second senior sister a few days ago. I was worried that you would go to Shui Qingzhou to take risks." Xinde took Langxing's hand with great enthusiasm, "Yes, so We are almost in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and you are really a worry-free person.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for thinking about me. I'm living a good life this time. The second senior sister and the senior senior sister are both in the palace, right?"

"Here, your senior sister is in retreat. I'll send you there." Xinde obviously felt that he had offended his junior brother because of Bai Xiang's incident, and showed his intention to try his best to make up for it. He led the way and said to Bai Xiang, "Xiang'er His cultivation has improved quickly enough. He is worthy of being a great disciple of Zhangmai. This speed is considered fast even in Puyunzhou." He was afraid that Bai Xiang wouldn't understand, so he explained patiently, "We are here. They are all supplemented by soul pills to help with cultivation, and they are much faster than your Nan Jingzhou before the Nascent Soul Stage."

"I heard Master said, Uncle Master, you have been troubled by the recent turmoil." Bai Xiang felt the sincerity of Uncle Master and started talking to him somewhat flattered.

"This kid is really sensible." Xinde praised Bai Xiang with effusive words, and then said to Lang Xing, "It's really too chaotic now. Don't run out. Wait until the situation calms down before going out. Your fourth senior sister has also been arrested." We've called you, and Third Senior Sister will be here in a few days."

Langxing said happily, "Great, why don't I also want to visit Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister? This saves trouble. Senior Brother, I remember hearing Second Senior Sister mention it before, the spiritual beasts you raise need to be fed. Yue Hua Xuan Stone, do you think it is like this?" He said, taking out two stones that were shaped like crescent moons and were shiny and shiny, and handed them to Xin De.

"Exactly! Exactly! This is the finest Yuehua Black Stone. Where did you get it?" Xin De asked with joy.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, I have already been to Shui Qingzhou and got it from there. Since it is this kind of thing, then senior brother, just keep it."

"You...hey! You are so courageous." Xinde didn't know what to say while holding the two pieces of Yuehua Xuanshi that were hard to find. "

"Okay, Senior Brother, don't say anything else, go and feed your precious spiritual beast."

Xin De saw that he was trying to kill him, but he still held his hand and said, "I can't take something as valuable as yours for nothing. Just tell me what you need and I will definitely get it for you."

s?:?Thanks to Brother Jiy for the monthly ticket. I feel that good books should be supported. Brother’s second reward of 50 yuan. I have been updating for more than a month and just wanted to be lazy for two days. Two brothers urged me to update. Every second is accurate. Without the cultivation of Huayu, it would be impossible to make such an accurate move. Thank you very much, I will go and write. When Bai Xiang saw his master frowning and staring down, he immediately took a fighting stance with a magic talisman in one hand and a Ning Cui sword in the other.

"Don't be nervous, there's no danger." After Langxing finished speaking, he urged Linghe to move forward.

"What did you find?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

Lang Xing said with a hint of bitterness, "Deep loneliness and loneliness."

"Huh?" Bai Xiang looked at Master in confusion.

Langxing squinted his eyes, savoring the faint but yet endless emotion of loneliness he felt. He stopped the crane again, then turned around and flew back.

Bai Xiang was so filled with curiosity that she rolled her eyes, but she kept her mouth shut and remained silent.

Returning to the previous place, Lang Xing set up a protective circle for Bai Xiang while observing the surrounding situation, and then said, "Don't be afraid, I'll go down and take a look and come back."

Bai Xiang nodded vigorously and said, "You go ahead, I can take care of myself."

Langxing slowly flew towards the deep canyon below. This canyon was carved by the river and was more than two thousand feet deep. I don't know whether the river has dried up or changed its course. Now only this deep canyon is left. of cracks.

After landing at the bottom of the canyon, he carefully used his spiritual power to comfort the creature deep underground, and immediately felt that the creature was ecstatic.

Lang Xing seemed to have a slight sense of trance, but the feeling passed without allowing him to think too much.

"Don't worry, I'll help you right away." Langxing used his mental power to comfort the creature while escaping underground.

He carefully sank for a thousand feet, and there was only a thin line between Langxing and the creature. At this time, he also figured out that the creature was trapped in a magic circle. He pressed his hand on that magic circle. After some inspections, his brows furrowed even more. This was a magic circle set up by a great supernatural power, and it was extremely old. However, the magic power of the magic circle did not decline significantly. From this, it can be judged that This person's methods are extremely clever, and there are probably enough spiritual stones in the magic circle to support the operation of the magic circle.

He thought he couldn't break such a brilliant magic circle, and he was reluctant to use treasures to break it. If he could study it carefully, it would be of great benefit to improve his restraint skills.

After circling the circle, he felt a little more suspicious. The circle was not round, but like a mushroom with a long thin handle. The upper part was only about three thousand feet long, and the lower part was only about three thousand feet long. But it's ten thousand feet long. Such a formation is really rare.

"I will rescue you, don't worry." After calming the creature with his thoughts for a while, he took off the Immortal Qiankun Bag, and after thinking about it, he activated the Qiankun Bag.

The moment the huge mushroom was put into the Qiankun Bag, he followed in. He originally wanted to send the huge mushroom to the continent before it fell, but what he didn't expect was that the big mushroom was inside the Qiankun Bag. In the end, it didn't fall downwards, but floated in the air.

"The layout of this magic circle is really impressive." Lang Xing was even more happy, but still a little worried about sending it to the larger piece of land.

"I will hurry up and find a way to save you." After repeating this sentence to the creature several times, Langxing got out of the Qiankun bag and quickly rushed back to the ground. Although it took only one meal, but When he saw that Bai Xiang was safe and sound, he breathed out a sigh of relief. This disciple had become his heart and soul, and even the slightest mistake could not be allowed to happen again.

"What's down there?" Bai Xiang's hands were already sweating. Compared to Lang Xing's concern for her,

, she was more and more worried about her master.

"There is a spirit grass that has become a spirit and is trapped in a magic circle. I put the entire magic circle into the Qiankun bag and will study it carefully when I go back."

"Ah...?" Bai Xiang looked at the place where the Immortal Qiankun Bag hung under the master's Taoist robe. She was surprised that this thing could hold a living person, but could it also hold an entire magic circle?

Lang Xing patted her head in a happy mood, "When you form the elixir, I will send you in to open your eyes. Although the magic power of this fairy treasure is running out, it can still be easily packed into a large mountain." ”

"The magic of immortality is really amazing." Bai Xiang subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Langxing urged Linghe to rush all the way and rushed back to Zixiao Palace as quickly as possible, not bothering to care about the two groups of rebels he encountered along the way.

Zixiao Palace was busier than usual, with streaks of rainbow light coming in and out. As soon as he arrived at the palace gate, Xin De greeted him.

"You are finally back. I mentioned you to your second senior sister a few days ago. I was worried that you would go to Shui Qingzhou to take risks." Xinde took Langxing's hand with great enthusiasm, "Yes, so We are almost in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you are really a worry-free person.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother, for thinking about me. I'm having a good time. Second Senior Sister and Senior Sister are both in the palace, right?"

"Here, your senior sister is in retreat. I'll send you there." Xinde obviously felt that he had offended his junior brother because of Bai Xiang's incident, and showed his intention to try his best to make up for it. He led the way and said to Bai Xiang, "Xiang'er His cultivation has improved quickly enough. He is worthy of being a great disciple of Zhangmai. This speed is considered fast even in Puyunzhou." He was afraid that Bai Xiang wouldn't understand, so he explained patiently, "We are here. They are all supplemented by soul pills to help with cultivation, and they are much faster than your Nan Jingzhou before the Nascent Soul Stage."

"I heard Master said, Uncle Master, you have been troubled by the recent turmoil." Bai Xiang felt the sincerity of Uncle Master and started talking to him somewhat flattered.

"This kid is really sensible." Xinde praised Bai Xiang with effusive words, and then said to Lang Xing, "It's really too chaotic now. Don't run out. Wait until the situation calms down before going out. Your fourth senior sister has also been arrested." We've called you, and Third Senior Sister will be here in a few days."

Langxing said happily, "Great, why don't I also want to visit Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister? This saves trouble. Senior Brother, I remember hearing Second Senior Sister mention it before, the spiritual beasts you raise need to be fed. Yuehua Black Stone, do you think it is like this?" He said, taking out two stones that were shaped like crescent moons and were shiny and shiny, and handed them to Xin De.

"Exactly! Exactly! This is the finest Yuehua Black Stone. Where did you get it?" Xin De asked with joy.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, I have already been to Shui Qingzhou and got it from there. Since it is this kind of thing, then senior brother, just keep it."

"You...hey! You are so courageous." Xinde didn't know what to say while holding the two pieces of Yuehua Xuanshi that were hard to find. "

"Okay, senior brother, don't say anything else, go and feed your precious spiritual beast."

Xin De saw that he was trying to kill him, but he still held his hand and said, "I can't take something as valuable as yours for nothing. Just tell me what you need and I will definitely get it for you."

s?:?Thanks to Brother Jiy for the monthly ticket. I feel that good books should be supported. Brother’s second reward of 50 yuan. I have been updating for more than a month and just wanted to be lazy for two days. Two brothers urged me to update. Every second is accurate. Without the cultivation of Hua Yu, it would be impossible to make such an accurate move. Thank you very much, I will go and write.

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