Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2221: Encountered a ruthless character

Of course Langxing can escape, but he can't just escape. He is no longer a fledgling unknown person. If he escapes, Sichuan Province will definitely report him to Yilingwei as a fugitive, and he can be easily traced. Revealing his identity would cause trouble to Qianxu Palace.

He must try his best to shut up these people so that others can talk easily. This Sichuan Haji must be known to be powerful.

Under the panicked gaze of everyone, Lang Xing slowly flew back. He escaped from the encirclement just to show off his skills. These few people were not enough to pose any threat to him.

"Good fight." The monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul actually transmitted such a spiritual thought to Lang Xing, which shows how poor Sawabata's popularity is.

When Lang Xing flew back, the seven people retreated to both sides. Kawabata didn't want to retreat. He wanted to escape, but as soon as he moved, he was trapped by a restriction, which made the fear in his heart even stronger.

"You...who are you?" he asked with a trembling voice.

"Don't you think it's a little late to ask?" Langxing flew straight to a few feet away from him before stopping, staring at him with cold eyes.

"If you dare to touch me, the Yiling Guards will never let you go!" Sichuan Ban threatened with a fierce look. Once he said such words, it showed that he was not far away from being scared out of his wits.

Lang Xing waved his hand and slapped the other side of his face, and then looked at him without saying a word. His gesture was very clear, as long as Kawabata dared to threaten, he would dare to take action.

Kawabata closed his mouth and didn't even dare to touch Lang Xing's eyes. He knew clearly that he had encountered a ruthless person today.

Only then did Langxing use his spiritual thoughts to say to the eight of them, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace. I hope this matter will end here. If anyone wants to continue to pursue the case, I will accompany you, but I have to say it again. I am sorry for Yiling." Wei has feelings. Today's matter is purely a personal grudge and has nothing to do with Yiling Wei. If anyone dares to sow discord and drag Yiling Wei on, I will not let him go." At this point, he put the painting pot on his hands. The scene where , Lingxiang, and Hei Si were with him was passed on to everyone, and now these three evil gods can be used.

He stared at Chuanhe and continued, "I am close friends with these three people. If anyone wants to punish me and Fairy Su, he must first consider whether his own weight is enough." After warning Chuanhe, he turned around and bowed to the other seven people. He handed over his hand, leaving behind the two thousand Nascent Soul Stones, and then floated away.

The restraint on Kawabata was subsequently released, but he did not move at all, pretending to be still trapped. Until Lang Xing disappeared without a trace, he pretended that the restraint had just been released and pursued him forward. Go, of course those subordinates have to hold him, and they have to persuade him desperately. They also have to suppress this matter for the two thousand spiritual stones. In fact, people with a discerning eye have long seen that Kawabata does not dare to cause trouble anymore.

Langxing finally got back the slap he received in his previous life, but he felt very annoyed. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to have a grudge with Chuanbata, but it was a pity that Chuanbata forced him into a situation where he had no choice.

The resolution of hatred, or the resolution of old fate, requires both parties to make the same choice, otherwise it can only continue. In this regard, Cihang Xianzun compares the world to a quagmire and a mess. It's very vivid. If you keep cutting it, it's still messy.

After flying for another five days, the scene in front of us was almost the same as that of Sexiangyu, with lush trees and blooming flowers.

At dusk, Longxing noticed that several well-known flower spirits and dryads were attached to him.

To launch an attack, Langxing used his spiritual thoughts to express his intention to them.

Not long after, Fairy Princess Jingshui appeared in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Fairy Concubine!" Lang Xing cheered, and rushed forward like a child who saw his big sister. After giving a hasty salute, he smiled stupidly at the Fairy Concubine. Not to mention how happy that smile was.

"Have you been looking for Hanxiang?" Jingshui Fairy Concubine's eyes also showed unconcealable joy. Langxing grew up too fast, which made her extremely happy.

"Well, I heard her say that your injury has almost recovered. Is that true?"

"Yes, you owe a lot to this." This is absolutely true. Of course, it is mainly Xun Yi's credit.

"You are just making fun of me. What credit do I have? But I really brought you something good this time."

Unable to express her sincere gratitude to him, Immortal Concubine Jingshui felt quite panicked and had to say, "This is no joke. I should have gone back to the flower world to cultivate, because last time, thanks to your blessing, I understood the Immortal Qiankun Bag." , so that I have a clear understanding that while the realm has improved, most of the injuries have been cured without treatment. Otherwise, I would have been in the flower world, and you would not see me today. "

Although this is an exaggeration, it is also true. The realization of the Immortal Qiankun Bag happened on the eve of her return to the flower world. After she and Hanxiang returned to the Color and Fragrance Realm, she felt the artistic conception of seclusion, which put her in a dilemma. , It was not that difficult to say that it was a dilemma. She was unwilling to leave Langxing, so after a little hesitation, she decided to retreat, thus missing the opportunity to return to the flower world.

"Hehe, that's also the work of the Qiankun Bag, it has nothing to do with me." Langxing giggled happily, he was so happy to be able to help the Fairy Consort in such a big way.

"What a fool!" Jingshui Fairy couldn't help laughing and scolded, and then asked, "What good things did you bring me?" She really couldn't wait to know what this boy with great fortune brought The things are definitely not bad.

"Besides the fairy land, what do you flower tribe want most?" Langxing said confidently.

"That's fairy water. Could it be that what you brought me is fairy water?" Although Fairy Princess Jingshui kept her joking expression, her heart was already beating.

"Huh?" Langxing's confidence suddenly drained away, and he grinned in embarrassment. Hanxiang clearly said that besides the immortal soil, there was Xuanshui.

Although the Mirror Water Immortal Concubine was a little disappointed, she still smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not as good as the Immortal Water. Just show me."

Lang Xing took out the Xuanshui and handed it over awkwardly, saying awkwardly, "Sister Hanxiang said that besides the immortal soil, what you need most is this Xuanshui. I don't know... there is such a thing as... the immortal water."

Just when he was halfway through speaking, he saw the bright eyes of the Fairy Concubine Jing Shui flashing with excitement. She reached out and took the bottle of mysterious water, and then she seemed even more excited, so he looked at the Fairy Concubine and said the second half of the sentence. It was a bit intermittent, but I still insisted on finishing.

"This is the fairy water I'm talking about!" Immortal Concubine Jing Shui's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Ah? Really? That's... great!" Langxing was happy again. It turned out that there was just a misunderstanding on the name, which made him embarrassed. I think the flower fairies called this thing fairy water, but He first told Han Xiang that this was Xuanshui, and Hanxiang followed his call and called it Xuanshui. Of course Langxing can escape, but he can't just escape. He is no longer a fledgling unknown person. If he escapes, Sichuan Province will definitely report him to Yilingwei as a fugitive, and he can be easily traced. Revealing his identity would cause trouble to Qianxu Palace.

He must try his best to shut up these people so that others can talk easily. This Sichuan Haji must be known to be powerful.

Under the panicked gaze of everyone, Lang Xing slowly flew back. He escaped from the encirclement just to show off his skills. These few people were not enough to pose any threat to him.

"Good fight." The monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul actually transmitted such a spiritual thought to Lang Xing, which shows how poor Sawabata's popularity is.

When Lang Xing flew back, the seven people retreated to both sides. Kawabata didn't want to retreat. He wanted to escape, but as soon as he moved, he was trapped by a restriction, which made the fear in his heart even stronger.

"You...who are you?" he asked with a trembling voice.

"Don't you think it's a little late to ask?" Langxing flew straight to a few feet away from him before stopping, staring at him with cold eyes.

"If you dare to touch me, the Yiling Guards will never let you go!" Sichuan Ban threatened with a stern tone. Once he said this, he would be scared to death.

Lang Xing waved his hand and slapped the other side of his face, and then looked at him without saying a word. His gesture was very clear, as long as Kawabata dared to threaten, he would dare to take action.

Kawabata closed his mouth and didn't even dare to touch Lang Xing's eyes. He knew clearly that he had encountered a ruthless person today.

Only then did Langxing use his spiritual thoughts to say to the eight of them, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace. I hope this matter will end here. If anyone wants to continue to pursue the case, I will accompany you, but I have to say it again. I am sorry for Yiling." Wei has feelings. Today's matter is purely a personal grudge and has nothing to do with Yiling Wei. If anyone dares to sow discord and drag Yiling Wei on, I will not let him go." At this point, he put the painting pot on his hands. The scene where , Lingxiang, and Hei Si were with him was passed on to everyone, and now these three evil gods can be used.

He stared at Chuanhe and continued, "I am close friends with these three people. If anyone wants to punish me and Fairy Su, he must first consider whether his own weight is enough." After warning Chuanhe, he turned around and bowed to the other seven people. He handed over his hand, leaving behind the two thousand Nascent Soul Stones, and then floated away.

The restraint on Kawabata was subsequently released, but he did not move at all, pretending to be still trapped. Until Lang Xing disappeared without a trace, he pretended that the restraint had just been released and pursued him forward. Go, of course those subordinates have to hold him, and they have to persuade him desperately. They also have to suppress this matter for the two thousand spiritual stones. In fact, people with a discerning eye have long seen that Kawabata does not dare to cause trouble anymore.

Langxing finally got back the slap he received in his previous life, but he felt very annoyed. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to have a grudge with Chuanbata, but it was a pity that Chuanbata forced him into a situation where he had no choice.

The resolution of hatred, or the resolution of old fate, requires both parties to make the same choice, otherwise it can only continue. In this regard, Cihang Xianzun compares the world to a quagmire and a mess. It's very vivid. If you keep cutting it, it's still messy.

After flying for another five days, the scene in front of us was almost the same as that of Sexiangyu, with lush trees and blooming flowers.

At dusk, Longxing noticed that several well-known flower spirits and dryads were attached to him.

To launch an attack, Langxing used his spiritual thoughts to express his intention to them.

Not long after, Fairy Princess Jingshui appeared in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Fairy Concubine!" Lang Xing cheered, and rushed forward like a child who saw his big sister. After giving a hasty salute, he giggled at the Fairy Concubine. Not to mention how happy that smile was.

"Have you gone to see Hanxiang?" Jingshui Fairy Concubine also showed unconcealable joy in her eyes. Langxing had grown up too fast, which made her extremely happy.

"Well, I heard her say that your injury has almost recovered. Is that true?"

"Yes, you owe a lot to this." This is absolutely true. Of course, it is mainly Xun Yi's credit.

"You're just making fun of me. What credit do you get from me? But I really brought you something good this time."

Unable to express her sincere gratitude to him, Immortal Concubine Jingshui felt quite panicked and had to say, "This is no joke. I should have gone back to the flower world to cultivate, because last time, thanks to your blessing, I understood the Immortal Qiankun Bag." , so that I have a clear understanding that while the realm has improved, most of the injuries have been cured without treatment. Otherwise, I would have been in the flower world, and you would not see me today. "

Although this is an exaggeration, it is also true. The realization of the Immortal Qiankun Bag happened on the eve of her return to the flower world. After she and Hanxiang returned to the Color and Fragrance Realm, she felt the artistic conception of seclusion, which put her in a dilemma. , It is not that difficult to say that it is a dilemma. She was reluctant to leave Langxing, so after a little hesitation, she decided to retreat, thus missing the opportunity to return to the flower world.

"Hehe, that's also the work of the Qiankun Bag, it has nothing to do with me." Langxing giggled happily, he was so happy to be able to help the Fairy Consort in such a big way.

"What a fool!" Jingshui Fairy couldn't help laughing and scolded, and then asked, "What good things did you bring me?" She really couldn't wait to know what this boy with great fortune brought The things are definitely not bad.

"Besides the fairy land, what do you flower tribe want most?" Langxing said confidently.

"That's fairy water. Could it be that what you brought me is fairy water?" Although Fairy Princess Jingshui kept her joking expression, her heart was already beating.

"Huh?" Langxing's confidence suddenly drained away, and he grinned in embarrassment. Hanxiang clearly said that besides the immortal soil, there was Xuanshui.

Although the Mirror Water Immortal Concubine was a little disappointed, she still smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if it's not as good as the Immortal Water. Just show me."

Lang Xing took out the Xuanshui and handed it over, saying awkwardly, "Sister Hanxiang said that besides fairy soil, what you need most is this Xuanshui. I don't know... there is also... such things as fairy water."

Just when he was halfway through speaking, he saw the bright eyes of the Fairy Concubine Jing Shui flashing with excitement. She reached out and took the bottle of mysterious water, and then she seemed even more excited, so he looked at the Fairy Concubine and said the second half of the sentence. It was a bit intermittent, but I still insisted on finishing.

"This is the fairy water I'm talking about!" Immortal Concubine Jing Shui's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Ah? Really? That's... great!" Langxing was happy again. It turned out that there was just a misunderstanding on the name, which made him embarrassed. I think the flower fairies called this thing fairy water, but He first told Han Xiang that this was Xuanshui, and Hanxiang followed his call and called it Xuanshui.

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