Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2222 It works, now it works

"How did you get it?" Fairy Concubine Jingshui asked with joy. She could no longer keep calm, and she didn't want to continue to maintain the posture of a loving elder in front of Lang Xing. This was something she had developed since she left seclusion. Thoughts, although Lang Xing is no longer looking for money, she still wants to get closer to Lang Xing, so that she can express more of the deep meaning flowing in her heart.

"Killed a Xuan Shui Immortal Dragon, that's what it was." Langxing was afraid of another misunderstanding on the title, so he showed the scene of his battle with Xuan Shui Immortal Dragon, and he was still secretive about Han Xiang. He was scrupulous, but he didn't want to hide too much from this fairy concubine.

"How did you kill him?" Jingshui Fairy Princess looked at the scene that stopped suddenly and asked with some worry, because looking at that scene, several of Lang Xing's treasures did not hurt anyone.

"Hehe." Lang Xing giggled a little embarrassedly and explained, "Then it used a drop of black water to knock me away. I didn't see what happened next. Then I used a kind of unknown water in the crisis. He had thoroughly comprehended the magic and killed it with a random counterattack." After explaining, he showed the image of the immortal dragon without its head.

Fairy Princess Jingshui breathed a sigh of relief. It was not difficult to imagine how dangerous Langxing's situation was at that time. It was a real line between life and death. This boy's life was too great and his blessing was too great.

"What kind of magic is that?" Mirror Water Fairy asked very curiously. Lang Xing vaguely mentioned it, obviously not wanting to say it. In the past, she would definitely not ask, but now she wants to ask again. To bring the two of them closer together, they have to gradually become more unreasonable.

"Hmm..." Langxing hesitated for a moment and then started to poke around. Normally, he would have poked the big tree next to him with his finger, but he definitely couldn't do that in front of a flower fairy.

Soon he found a stone the size of a washbasin, placed it thousands of feet away, and poked it out with a finger. It was really long, but it failed again.

"Hey, this spell is sometimes effective and ineffective.

Much time. "While explaining awkwardly, he poked his fingers several times. In the end, he could only use the power of his mind to break the stone, but the posture he used was to poke out with one finger and the stone shattered.

Under the astonished gaze of Fairy Jingshui, he said with a bit of a bad smile, "This is not that kind of spell, it is another kind. I showed it to you on purpose. The two have some similarities, but they are still very different. "Have you noticed that I haven't used my spiritual power?"

Fairy Princess Jingshui nodded slowly, and then said with a smile in her eyes, a hint of joking, "You can't leave. If you don't explain this clearly to me, don't even think about leaving."

Langxing was a little flattered, and a little inexplicably frightened. He covered it up with laughter and said, "Hahahahahaha, no problem, I have to make it work once." After saying that, he poked his finger in the sky again, and then grinned. He said, "It's working. It's working now. I can feel it. Do you feel it?"

Fairy Princess Jingshui shook her head and said, "I didn't feel anything. Don't lie to me."

Lang Xing said depressedly, "It really works, but the power of this spell is not as easy to detect as other spells, and it is..." He frowned and didn't know how to express it, because he hadn't figured it out yet.

Concubine Jing Shui said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll make it up slowly. I have plenty of time to wait for you." She knew that she was aggrieved to Lang Xing, and Lang Xing definitely didn't lie to her, but she wanted to squeeze Lang Xing and see if she could get something out of him. There was a little bit of Xun Yi's leftover stuff running out of him.

Langxing was amused. Logically speaking, he should be worried about being misunderstood by the fairy concubine, but the expression on the fairy concubine made him feel that the fairy concubine seemed to be teasing him intentionally. Hua Xian had some magical powers to control other people's moods. Looking for Yi had been teased like this a lot in the past, and the magical power of mind possessed by Lang Xing was also

It helps to judge the fairy concubine's thoughts, so he smiled instead of being impatient.

"Wait, I will let you see it for real!" Langxing started looking for stones again, but considering that it might be difficult for him to make that evil spell work again for a while, he decided to talk about it first. things to talk about.

"Fairy Concubine, you have also seen how much immortal water there is in total. There is also a spiritual bird who helps me fight against the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon. I split half of it with it. Except for a small bit of my share, the rest All given to Sister Hanxiang."

There was something strange on the pretty face of Fairy Mirror Water, and she didn't know what to say. On the one hand, she was happy that more sisters could benefit from this, but on the other hand, she felt that she was taking advantage of Long Xing too much. It's a bit bullying, even if Han Xiang can do such a thing, she would be embarrassed to ask for so much fairy water. Fairy water is not only a treasure for their flower tribe, but also has many uses.

After Langxing finished explaining the deal Hanxiang had negotiated with him, Fairy Princess Jingshui fell into silence. Hanxiang's courage was much bolder than hers, and she was much bolder. She knew this, and she could understand Hanxiang's courage. Xiang, asking someone for so much fairy water all at once, it was inevitable that he would have some impulses while feeling excited and guilty.

But she believed that Hanxiang made such a decision not only because of courage and impulsiveness, but mainly out of trust. Hanxiang didn't have so much trust in Xunyi before, and she couldn't blame Hanxiang. Although Xunyi's eyes were... He is very expressive of his feelings, but his actions are too unreliable. He tells lies when he opens his mouth. Not only does he deceive people as a daily routine, but he also takes pleasure in it. He lies when he should lie and when he shouldn't. He tells the truth and even She didn't dare to give Xun Yi such an important task of cultivating an allied army, she had never thought about it.

Langxing gives people a completely different impression. He is down-to-earth, simple, reliable and has great wisdom. His cultivation is also the main reason. It is difficult for Xunyi's cultivation to take on this important task.


From the fact that Han Xiang mentioned that Lang Xing is the chosen one, Han Xiang's trust in Lang Xing is more than simple. In terms of wisdom, Han Xiang is no worse than her, and is even better than her in wit and agility. All she lacks is composure. She disagrees with the idea of ​​cultivating an allied army with the help of Lang Xing. This has nothing to do with wisdom, but only with feelings. Lang Xing is of course a suitable candidate. Han Xiang is more concerned about The interests of the Flower Clan, but she was more concerned about the interests of Lang Xing. She didn't want to add any burden to Lang Xing, she just wanted him to live the life he wanted freely.

Seeing that the fairy concubine had remained silent, Langxing felt uneasy and felt that the spiritual fields were about to be ruined.

"Don't be embarrassed. If it doesn't work, forget it. Anyway, the spiritual liquid is not effective on everyone. Maybe asking for it back will just make them happy in vain. I originally planned to give all the fairy water to you, Sister Hanxiang said The deal was just a joke, and she had already given me four portions of my senior sisters’ spiritual liquid, which I appreciated very much. As for the establishment of an allied army that Sister Hanxiang mentioned, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to contribute, but that I felt that I was responsible for it. I can’t afford such a heavy burden, I’m not that material.”

Mirror Water Fairy Concubine showed a charming smile and said in a joking tone, "I don't think you are that material either."

Lang Xing whispered "嘷", this joke really made him feel embarrassed.

After having fun, Fairy Princess Jingshui waved her hands and said with a smile, "I'm not using provocation. You have helped us enough. I don't want anything utilitarian between us, and I don't want you to do things you don't like." What are you doing? Tell me who you are going to ask for the spiritual fluid. Let’s talk about it first. I think those who shouldn’t be given will be eliminated.” Han Xiang didn’t ask about this matter carefully to express his feelings. She wanted to inquire in detail about her trust in Lang Xing because she wanted to understand Lang Xing's current state and also wanted to observe the various changes in his destiny.

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