Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2223 Hesitation after hesitation

Thinking that there was hope of getting the spiritual liquid that was going to be soaked in the soup, Langxing immediately counted the numbers for Fairy Jingshui on his fingers with excitement and apprehension.

After listening to him counting Su Wan, Shen Qing, Jiangxiao, and Xiyang one by one, Jingshui Fairy Concubine nodded secretly. Sure enough, she was still closest to these people in this reincarnation. The difference from the previous life was that she now wanted to ask You can feel free to ask about Su Wan. Although Lang Xing also refused to tell the truth, it was much easier than when he interrogated Xun Yi. Lang Xing now had something to ask of her, so he didn't waste much effort in asking all the questions he wanted to ask. Got it figured out.

"These are four portions of spiritual fluid from the late Nascent Soul stage. There are six portions in total. Who are you going to give the other two portions to?"

"I want to give a share to Sijia, the saint of the Yuan clan."

Young Master Langxing had to explain Sijia's matter again. The fairy concubine's detailed questioning did not make him feel uncomfortable. The more detailed the fairy concubine asked, the greater the chance of getting the spiritual fluid, so he hoped that the fairy concubine would ask more questions. Question.

After asking about Sijia, Immortal Concubine Jingshui continued to ask, "Who will the last portion be given to?"

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Sister Huaying from Qianxu Palace, Shen Qing's fifth senior sister, and several nephews from Zixiao Palace who are very close to me. To be honest, I haven't decided who to give the last share to." "Actually, what he wants to give most is Sister Minglan, but Minglan's identity is too mysterious. If he says it, he will definitely not be able to pass the test according to the method of questioning by the fairy concubine. Although he wants to repay Sister Minglan, but Can't take chances on this kind of thing.

Immortal Concubine Jingshui successfully learned about Huaying and Qi Jia, so there was no need for those in Zixiao Palace to know too much.

"Who are you going to give those three copies of the mid-Nascent Soul period to?"

"Lü Gang and Shu Yan, they are good friends who grew up with me." .??.

"Where's the third portion?"

Langxing hesitated again. Sister Yuehong, Huang Ying, Ling Xiang, Wen Danzi, these people made it difficult for him to choose. Wen Danzi knew too much in this area, so he just refused to give it. The other three people should To whom? Sister Yuehong's heart was so calm that she definitely didn't care whether he could get this spiritual liquid, but he wanted to help Sister Yuehong.

Huang Ying and Ling Xiang's qualifications were not very high. This spiritual liquid might be the key to whether they could enter the late Nascent Soul stage. He felt sorry for Ling Xiang, and that kind of thing had happened to them again. Huang Ying was very close to him and was Su Wan's eldest disciple. A few days ago, she told him pitifully that she also wanted to enter the late Nascent Soul stage. Although she said it in a joking way, that was her true feeling.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui hoped to see Lang Xing hesitate, so that she could learn more about the situation of some people. When the questions were almost finished, she became silent again. From Lang Xing's two hesitations, it could be seen that he was not A decisive person, this kid is too soft-hearted and cares about too many people. For these two things, he can never expect to have an easy life in his life.

Langxing knew that the wisest thing to do was to quickly report the corresponding candidates. This kind of hesitation was not conducive to asking for the spiritual fluid, but he and Xianfei wanted to tell the truth, and he also wanted to let Xianfei help him make up his mind. . This can be regarded as retribution. In his previous life, he and Fairy Jingshui never spoke a few words of truth. In this life, he only wanted to tell the truth.

"Look..." He looked at the Fairy Concubine with questioning eyes, feeling anxious in his heart.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui said calmly, "I will give you six copies of the spiritual liquid in the late stage of Nascent Soul. You can give the last one to whomever you want. I can give you two more copies in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I will give you the spiritual liquid of the great monk." It must be strictly controlled. It’s easier to say those in the middle Nascent Soul stage and below. Does this satisfy you?”

"Satisfied, satisfied

! Thank you very much! You treat me so well! "Lang Xing was overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly. He was so grateful that he almost gave away the fairy water left for Xuanshui Spirit, but he held it back in the end.

Immortal Concubine Jingshui curled her lips slightly and said, "Fortunately, you don't have friends who are in the middle stage of feathering or above, otherwise it would be really difficult for us." She wanted to bring the topic to Yu Chan.

Sure enough, Lang Xing's eyes rolled, and he asked with a smile, "Can you also prepare the spiritual liquid in the middle stage of feathering?"

"Do you really have friends who are in the middle stage of metamorphosis?"

"Hehe, I don't dare to say that we are friends. They just praise me. You know that, Princess Yuchan?"

Immortal Concubine Jing Shui couldn't help but smile in her heart. After some interrogation, she also asked him about his relationship with Yu Chan.

After Lang Xing finished explaining, she said, "I have some friendship with Yu Chan. Don't worry about her. If you need to give her some spiritual liquid, I will give it to her."

"Okay! Hehe, okay!" Lang Xing felt that enough was enough when it came to Concubine Chan. She could only help up to this point.

"Let's leave the matter of the spiritual liquid as it is. When you talked about your relationship with Shen Qing just now, you mentioned talking to her many times. Can you let me listen to your high talk?" Jingshui Fairy Concubine looked very interested. In fact, I am very interested. These two people are both extraordinary talents, and the Taoism they talk about must be unusual.

Seeing the fairy concubine's bright eyes smiling and teasing, Langxing's mood became relaxed and casual. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Then you have to be prepared to be struck by lightning, and you have to be prepared to fall into a sea of ​​meditation." , Shen Qing fell into meditation twice. "

The Immortal Concubine Jing Shui curled her lips slightly in a charming manner, making a look of disdain, but she was extremely excited. She realized that she had found a treasure this time, and the Taoist method that was so condemned by God was probably worth more than the fairy water.

"What a liar. If she really falls into the sea of ​​meditation, only gods can save her."

Lang Xing showed an enigmatic smile and said, "Don't panic."

The Immortal Concubine Jing Shui frowned slightly without knowing why, and then her bright eyes suddenly widened, because she "received" Lang Xing's words with her heart. The feeling was so wonderful that it was difficult to express it in words.

"This is the magical power of the mind. I told you before that I was able to talk to birds and beasts when I was a child. I lost this ability when I was six or seven years old. Now I have found it again, and it is even stronger than before. It is because of this that I can control Shen Qing. Rescued from the sea of ​​meditation.”

"Say it again! Say a few more words!" Immortal Concubine Jingshui urged urgently. She clearly realized that her decision not to return to the flower world was correct.

Langxing smiled evilly and said, "Let's not talk about it for now. I'm afraid I'll make you retreat. I still have a lot of things I want to tell you. I will also have to retreat next. It may last for more than a hundred years. In a short period of time, I can’t visit you anymore, so I want to tell you everything I need to say.”


"Well, that kind of retreat is just like entering a dream. It can last for decades or hundreds of years. I haven't figured out what's going on yet, but every time I enter a dream, I can gain a lot, which is more effective than practicing diligently all the time. Better, the origin is probably related to my understanding of the years. At that time, I only had the cultivation of alchemy, but my understanding of the years only ended at that time. I would not be able to understand it later. "

Mirror Water Fairy Concubine nodded slightly, her bright eyes showing a hint of a different charm, "You definitely can't leave, just accept your fate in this life." There was hope of getting the spiritual liquid that was about to be soaked in the bath, Lang Xing Immediately, excitedly and nervously, she started counting with her fingers.

After listening to him counting Su Wan, Shen Qing, Jiangxiao, and Xiyang one by one, the Immortal Concubine Jingshui nodded secretly. As expected, she was still closest to these people in this reincarnation. The difference from the previous life was that she now wanted to ask You can feel free to ask about Su Wan. Although Lang Xing also refused to tell the truth, it was much easier than when he interrogated Xun Yi. Lang Xing now had something to ask of her, so he didn't waste much effort in asking all the questions he wanted to ask. Got it figured out.

"These are four portions of spiritual liquid from the late Nascent Soul stage. There are six portions in total. Who are you going to give the other two portions to?"

"I want to give a share to Sijia, the saint of the Yuan clan."

Young Master Langxing had to explain Sijia's matter again. The fairy concubine's detailed questioning did not make him feel uncomfortable. The more detailed the fairy concubine asked, the greater the chance of getting the spiritual fluid, so he hoped that the fairy concubine would ask more questions. Question. .??.

After asking about Sijia, Immortal Concubine Jingshui continued to ask, "Who will the last portion be given to?"

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Sister Huaying from Qianxu Palace, Shen Qing's fifth senior sister, and several nephews from Zixiao Palace who are very close to me. To be honest, I haven't decided who to give the last share to." "Actually, what he wants to give most is Sister Minglan, but Minglan's identity is too mysterious. If he says it, he will definitely not be able to pass the test according to the method of questioning by the fairy concubine. Although he wants to repay Sister Minglan, but Can't take chances on this kind of thing.

Immortal Concubine Jingshui successfully learned about Huaying and Qi Jia, so there was no need for those in Zixiao Palace to know too much.

"Who are you going to give those three copies of the mid-Nascent Soul period to?"

"Lü Gang and Shu Yan, they are good friends who grew up with me."

"Where's the third portion?"

Langxing hesitated again. Sister Yuehong, Huang Ying, Ling Xiang, Wen Danzi, these people made it difficult for him to choose. Wen Danzi knew too much in this area, so he just refused to give it. The other three people should To whom? Sister Yuehong's heart was so calm that she definitely didn't care whether he could get this spiritual liquid, but he wanted to help Sister Yuehong.

Huang Ying and Ling Xiang's qualifications were not very high. This spiritual liquid might be the key to whether they could enter the late Nascent Soul stage. He felt sorry for Ling Xiang, and that kind of thing had happened to them again. Huang Ying was very close to him and was Su Wan's eldest disciple. A few days ago, she told him pitifully that she also wanted to enter the late Nascent Soul stage. Although she said it in a joking way, that was her true feeling.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui hoped to see Lang Xing hesitate, so that she could learn more about the situation of some people. When the questions were almost finished, she became silent again. From Lang Xing's two hesitations, it could be seen that he was not A decisive person, this kid is too soft-hearted and cares about too many people. For these two things, he can never expect to have an easy life in his life.

Langxing knew that the wisest thing to do was to quickly report the corresponding candidates. This kind of hesitation was not conducive to asking for the spiritual fluid, but he and Xianfei wanted to tell the truth, and he also wanted to let Xianfei help him make up his mind. . This can be regarded as retribution. In his previous life, he and Fairy Jingshui never spoke a few words of truth. In this life, he only wanted to tell the truth.

"Look..." He looked at the Fairy Concubine with an inquiring look, feeling anxious in his heart.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui said calmly, "I will give you six copies of the spiritual liquid in the late stage of Nascent Soul. You can give the last one to whomever you want. I can give you two more copies in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I will give you the spiritual liquid of the great monk." It must be strictly controlled. It’s easier to say those in the middle Nascent Soul stage and below. Does this satisfy you?”

"Satisfied, satisfied

! Thank you very much! You treat me so well! "Lang Xing was overjoyed and thanked her repeatedly. He was so grateful that he almost gave away the fairy water left for Xuanshui Spirit, but he held it back in the end.

Immortal Concubine Jingshui curled her lips slightly and said, "Fortunately, you don't have friends who are in the middle stage of feathering or above, otherwise it would be really difficult for us." She wanted to bring the topic to Yu Chan.

Sure enough, Lang Xing's eyes rolled, and he asked with a smile, "Can you also prepare the spiritual liquid in the middle stage of feathering?"

"Do you really have friends who are in the middle stage of metamorphosis?"

"Hehe, I don't dare to say that we are friends. They just praise me. You know that, Princess Yuchan?"

Immortal Concubine Jing Shui couldn't help but smile in her heart. After some interrogation, she also asked him about his relationship with Yu Chan.

After Lang Xing finished explaining, she said, "I have some friendship with Yu Chan. Don't worry about her. If you need to give her some spiritual liquid, I will give it to her."

"Okay! Hehe, okay!" Lang Xing felt that enough was enough when it came to Concubine Chan. She could only help up to this point.

"Let's leave the matter of the spiritual liquid as it is. When you talked about your relationship with Shen Qing just now, you mentioned talking to her many times. Can you let me listen to your high talk?" Jingshui Fairy Concubine looked very interested. In fact, I am very interested. These two people are both extraordinary talents, and the Taoism they talk about must be unusual.

Seeing the fairy concubine's bright eyes smiling and teasing, Langxing's mood became relaxed and casual. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Then you have to be prepared to be struck by lightning, and you have to be prepared to fall into a sea of ​​meditation." , Shen Qing fell into a sea of ​​meditation twice. "

The Immortal Concubine Jing Shui curled her lips slightly in a charming manner, making a look of disdain, but she was extremely excited. She realized that she had found a treasure this time, and the Taoist method that was so condemned by God was probably worth more than the fairy water.

"What a liar. If she really falls into a sea of ​​meditation, only gods can save her."

Lang Xing showed an enigmatic smile and said, "Don't panic."

The Immortal Concubine Jing Shui frowned slightly without knowing why, and then her bright eyes suddenly widened, because she "received" Lang Xing's words with her heart. The feeling was so wonderful that it was difficult to express it in words.

"This is the magical power of the mind. I told you before that I was able to talk to birds and beasts when I was a child. I lost this ability when I was six or seven years old. Now I have found it again, and it is even stronger than before. It is because of this that I can control Shen Qing. Rescued from the sea of ​​meditation.”

"Say it again! Say a few more words!" Immortal Concubine Jingshui urged urgently. She clearly realized that her decision not to return to the flower world was correct.

Lang Xing smiled evilly and said, "Let's not talk about it for now. I'm afraid I'll make you retreat. I still have a lot of things I want to tell you. I will also have to retreat next. It may last for more than a hundred years. In a short period of time, I can’t visit you anymore, so I want to tell you everything I need to say.”


"Well, that kind of retreat is just like entering a dream. It can last for decades or hundreds of years. I haven't figured out what's going on yet, but every time I enter a dream, I can gain a lot, which is more effective than practicing diligently all the time. Better, the origin is probably related to my understanding of the years. At that time, I only had the cultivation of alchemy, but my understanding of the years only ended at that time. I would not be able to understand it later. "

Mirror Water Fairy Concubine nodded slightly, her bright eyes showing a slightly different charm, "You definitely can't leave, just accept your fate for the rest of your life."

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