Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2227 Listen to me explain to you

After Sijia let go, she eagerly waited for Langxing to go out and get the treasure for her. That look was indescribably endearing.

Although most people from the Yuan Yi tribe are straightforward and forthright, Sijia, as a saint, should not be like this. She naturally showed her most casual side because she was so close to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing wanted to tease her again, but seeing her look like this, he couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He quickly took out a small bottle of Xuan Shui and handed it over and said, "I can only lend this to you for your enlightenment. I still have some use for it." If I have any left over later, I’ll give you some more.”

"What is this?" Sijia asked carefully using his spiritual sense to explore.

"Forgive me that it is difficult for you remote people to recognize this thing. This is extremely rare Xuanshui." Langxing began to be free and elegant again.

Sijia stared at Xuanshui, raised her jade hand and twisted it towards his ear.

Lang Xing smiled and avoided it, and while Sijia was staring intently at Xuanshui, he snatched the vial back. ??

"Hey!" Si Jia just felt the wonder of Xuanshui and couldn't help but glared at Lang Xing angrily.

Langxing put the bottle of mysterious water into the Qiankun bag and said with a smile, "Look back later, don't go into seclusion again, I have something else to tell you."

Sijia also felt that this was not the time for enlightenment, so he said, "Don't talk about anything else, first tell me clearly about this Xuanshui. Where does this thing come from? Where did you get it from?"

Langxing would not hide this from her, and since he wanted to show off, he happily told her the story of the battle with the Xuan Shui Immortal Dragon.

When he saw the scene of the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon dying, Sijia said angrily, "There is so much Xuanshui, and you are not willing to give me this small drop?"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "I gave them all away, only a little bit is left."

Sijia looked at him speechlessly. This was so heartbreaking. He didn't even get a share of such a large group of Xuanshui. He still wanted to fight with Su Wan. What was there to fight for?


Xing was not scolding Jingshui Fairy Concubine enough. After making Sijia angry, he smiled happily and said, "Listen to my explanation..."

Sijia said angrily, "No need to explain, it's very thoughtful of you to still be thinking about bringing it to me for a look."

"No, please listen to me and explain to you." Lang Xing said with a playful smile, but did not tell the secret immediately. It would be strange if his virtue was not beaten. Jingshui Fairy Princess really gave him the little thing Xun Yi left in his bones. Excavated.

"Okay! Explain to me." Sijia pinched his ears hard. Although she was fierce, her eyes were slightly closed as usual, which made her eyes look hazy and psychedelic.

Lang Xing felt comfortable this time. He grinned and took out a small wooden bottle and handed it over. With the jade hand that pinched his ear, he secretly said, "You are really impatient. This matter is too important, so I am preparing I must be careful with what I tell you. I have met two flower fairies. Xuanshui is a treasure to them. For us, we can only understand this purpose and leave a little bit. Therefore, I put Xuanshui Give them all, this is the spiritual fluid I got from them."

Sijia's half-open and half-closed eyes narrowed a little more, and the strength in his hand relaxed a little due to guilt, but how could he loosen his hand? Angry and angry, she increased her strength again, and twisted harder than before. It was obvious that Langxing was deliberately teasing her, and it was hard to express such anger without letting him suffer a little, but even though his teeth were itching with hatred, But my heart has turned from cold to warm, and I have a sweet taste.

"It hurts, it hurts. I have something important to tell you. Let it go."

"Let's just say it." Sijia continued to twist his ears with anger.

Lang Xing could only grin and use his spiritual thoughts to say, "

Those two flower fairies are very close to me. It’s not convenient for me to tell you more about them. You just need to know that they are very good to me. But even so, it’s very difficult to ask for spiritual fluid from them. It’s not easy, especially the spiritual liquid for the great monks to take, so if you want this bottle of spiritual liquid, you have to swear to never be the enemy of the Flower Clan. Of course, if you can help me properly in Yuanyi State, The flower tribe is even better. "

Sijia released his hand and gently massaged his red ears. He continued to use this hand to convey his spiritual thoughts and said, "Colluding with Huaxian is a matter of public outrage. You have to be careful."

Langxing winked and said, "I know, but they are affectionate and kind to me, and they have a lot of kindness. I regard them as my biological sisters and I am willing to take this risk for them."

"In that case, I will try my best to help you take care of the Flower Clan here, but I certainly can't do it too obviously."

"You only need to help a little bit. Your own safety is the most important thing. I will never let you get into trouble. Otherwise, the gain will outweigh the loss." Lang Xing said with great sincerity. He had just had a fight with Yilingwei. Conflict, he never wanted to let Sijia get into this kind of trouble.

"What effect does this spiritual liquid have?" Sijia asked, playing with the small wooden bottle.

"It varies from person to person. Some people benefited from it and transformed into a feather. Some people didn't feel the effect was too significant. Don't have too much hope. Worrying about gains and losses is a taboo when taking elixirs. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. , I’ll see if I can get you one or two other kinds of spiritual liquid later.”

"For the sake of the benefits you have brought, I will spare you today." Sijia withdrew his jade hand, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was also a hazy smile in his slightly closed eyes. .

Lang Xing looked at her with a smile and said, "Just laugh out loud when you are happy. I know you are very happy now. If you are willing to laugh out loud, I will

Bring out a few treasure-level things for you to understand. "

"You bastard!" Sijia cursed and couldn't help but burst into a bright smile. Even if there was no heavenly material or earthly treasure to tempt her, she would still smile. Xuanshui and spiritual liquid were only She couldn't help but laugh at the things she could only get through luck.

Seeing Sijia smiling so happily, Langxing also laughed happily and placed the Golden Body Fruit, Xian Yuan Fruit and other objects in front of Sijia. Giving is always pleasant. That kind of joy does not come from the heart, but from the account book in the hands of God. Whether it is crossing off an old debt or adding a good deed, it will make people feel special. Such joy.

After the business talk was over, Si Jia asked about Lang Xing's experience. This time, Lang Xing couldn't be as honest as he was with Jingshui Fairy Concubine. He definitely couldn't tell anything about Su Wan. Xiaoyao Fairy King didn't want anyone to know his whereabouts. , so the matter of helping Immortal Xiaoyao kill the great supernatural power cannot be said. Originally, the trip to Jade Sea could be a good show off, but before this, Fairy Jingshui repeatedly told him not to take such risks again, and he could feel it. There is really no need to add this worry to Sijia for nothing. There is not much left to say.

The killing of the great magical power in front of the Qianxu Palace can be shown off, and by the way, Sijia can have a better understanding of his own combat power. The matter of Shui Qingzhou can also be discussed selectively, as well as making friends with Xianyu. Regarding sending disciples, tell me the origins of the two cranes.

Sijia was very calm after hearing this. The last time the two of them fought side by side against monsters, Lang Xing had confided in her. She knew almost all of Lang Xing's powerful methods, and the killing of the Feathered Monk only made her slightly confused. Just surprised.

After Lang Xing finished speaking, she fiddled with the small wooden bottle and asked, "How many bottles of this spiritual liquid did you give Su Wan?"

"Huh?" Lang Xing didn't expect that she would ask such an impossible question.

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