Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2228 People kneeling down and begging

Sijia looked at him from the corner of his eyes, half-smiling but not smiling, "Tell me, what's going on with Su Wan? That's what I want to hear most."

"You are really..." Lang Xing became embarrassed and twisted his body slightly, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles and a light on his back.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it." Sijia's pretty face darkened slightly, and started to squeeze Lang Xing.

"I didn't even give her a bottle of spiritual fluid. I swear to God, I still have a bottle of spiritual fluid in the late Yuanying stage in my hand, but it depends on whether she is lucky enough. If she can't enter the late Yuanying stage as soon as possible, If so, this bottle of spiritual fluid should naturally be given to someone else." This is a bit regretful, but that's all I can say.

Sijia felt much better and continued to ask, "Then what's going on with the two of you? Have you ever done anything with Tianqing?"

"You're so boring!" Lang Xing showed disgust to hide his guilty conscience. He was extremely entangled in his heart. It would be a pity if he lost Sijia because of Su Wan. Sijia was different from Huaying, although he was still obsessed with He. The joy of getting along with Huaying, but because of Huaying's vision and mind, he was still determined to leave Huaying completely, but he was extremely reluctant to leave Sijia. His kindness is the kind that doesn't care about life and death, and he can feel this.

"Look how guilty you are!" The ice on Sijia's face suddenly thawed, and there was a teasing look in her eyes. She couldn't push Lang Xing too hard, otherwise Lang Xing might not come to see her again in the future.

"Bang!" Langxing responded with a disgusted look, then immediately changed the subject and said with spiritual thoughts, "Although we don't distinguish between each other, I promised Huaxian that everyone should accept the spirit." People who are loyal to the Tao swear an oath, so you can make an oath.”

After Sijia made the oath, Langxing found a new topic. He looked at the Yuan clan members kneeling on the ground outside the house and asked, "What's going on with these people?"

"It's nothing." Sijia used his spiritual thoughts to send away the people outside. Seeing Langxing looking at him suspiciously, he explained, "It's nothing more than grudges and disputes between some tribesmen. Didn't I ask last time?" "But should you always take care of your tribe? Your answer is very good. I am letting go little by little."

"It's not just that, right?" Seeing Sijia's eyes twinkling, Langxing secretly used his mental power to sense that Sijia was lying.

"What else can happen?" Sijia glared at him.

Langxing floated up, wanting to catch up with those people and ask him clearly. Sijia stretched out his hand to hold him, and said displeasedly, "Don't you still believe me? Don't interfere in Yuanyizhou's affairs."

Langxing looked at her and said, "I'm not interested in taking care of Yuanyizhou's affairs, but if you have any trouble, I will definitely take care of it."

"I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Just stay here for me."

"Okay." Lang Xing nodded while using his black hand to send a burst of spiritual power through Sijia's hand holding his arm to seal Sijia.

Unexpectedly, Sijia was on guard, and immediately blocked the invading spiritual power, then let go of her hand and stepped back. Before she could reprimand her, Lang Xing had already performed the God Binding Art.

"You bastard! Let me go!" Sijia yelled angrily and angrily.

The four guards heard the sound and ran over. They were only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so they couldn't be expected to stop Lang Xing. Sijia had to pretend that nothing happened and send them away.

The four guards

It can be seen that Sijia is trapped, looking at each other with different expressions. A discerning person can guess that the two people are having fun, and the confused ones are shocked that this kid has the ability to restrain the saint.

Langxing used another isolation restriction to seal Sijia, and then smiled and said to the guards, "Don't be suspicious, I want to help her. Is there anything bothering the saint? Those people who were kneeling outside just now What are you pleading for?"

Hearing what he said, several guards looked relaxed and said quickly, "It's all those rebellious people who are causing trouble. They are getting more and more rampant and killing people everywhere. Nanjingzhou can't spare any manpower to help us right now." , these people know how to come to seek help from the Saint, but what can the Saint do? The other party is too strong..."

As soon as he said this, the little leader of the guards stopped him and said, "It makes sense for the saint not to tell the details to the distinguished guest. What are you talking about!"

The quick-tongued man finally came to his senses and was sweating with remorse.

Langxing smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, the saint doesn't want to cause me any trouble. To tell you the truth, I know a lot of great monks, and I can easily hire ten or eight of them. It's not a problem to exterminate these rebels. Tell me in detail and I guarantee that the saint will not blame you."

The four people looked at each other again, but this time their eyes flashed with joy. The little leader used his spiritual thoughts to say to the quick-tongued man, "You have already caused trouble, so it is up to you to continue talking. Maybe you can atone for your sins."

The fast-talking man started to tell Lang Xing while sweating, but this time he was smarter and spoke with his spiritual mind.

The so-called rebels are those who escaped during the battle to quell Yuan Yizhou. Most of them were the powerful class who benefited from the Holy Religion. They were persistent in their evil intentions and always wanted to live the good life of the past, where they enjoyed the worship of many people. Yuan Yi There are also stupid people here in the state. Although they have been exploited before, they have not woken up. Instead, they still miss their previous life. They are typical idiots who don't know how to live without a master.

The two parties have been colluding secretly. Ever since the monsters invaded Nanjingzhou, they have started to cause chaos. At first, they were fighting in a small way and did not attract everyone's attention. Later, the force became bigger and bigger. Not only did the group of people who escaped began to After being summoned back, many idiots in Yuanyi State also heard the news and defected to the country, with the intention of reoccupying Yuanyi State.

After Lang Xing inquired about it, he looked at them and muttered, "I can ask someone to help you eradicate this rebellious gang, but you must strictly keep the secret and not let others know that this matter has anything to do with me or the Saint."

The four guards were all confused when they were overjoyed. Why wasn't such a meritorious thing allowed to be publicized?

Lang Xing explained to them sincerely, "You are all the saint's confidants. You should know that the saint has paid enough for the people over the years. If she is kept trapped in trivial matters, her cultivation will be ruined." I'm afraid this is the end of the matter. Yuanyi Prefecture has established the Wanxin Alliance, and all affairs should be handled by the Wanxin Alliance. However, many people's ideas will not change for a while, and they still hope to let the Holy Spirit be dealt with when things happen. This situation must be changed as soon as possible. As the guardians of the saint, you must boldly share the saint's worries for the things that should be blocked by the saint. This is the love and care for the saint. I don't want you to Talking about the eradication of rebellion is based on this consideration. It will no longer enhance the prestige of the saint, which is definitely not a good thing for her. "

The four guards were greatly awakened after hearing this. They were also accustomed to relying on the Saint. They treated the Saint as an extraordinary and holy god. They rarely considered the Saint's cultivation because they felt that the Saint was completely capable of handling it. come over. Sijia looked at him from the corner of his eyes, half-smiling but not smiling and said, "Tell me, what's going on with Su Wan? That's what I want to hear most."

"You are really..." Lang Xing became embarrassed and twisted his body slightly, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles and a light on his back.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it." Sijia's pretty face darkened slightly, and started to squeeze Lang Xing.

"I didn't even give her a bottle of spiritual fluid. I swear to God, I still have a bottle of spiritual fluid in the late Yuanying stage in my hand, but it depends on whether she is lucky enough. If she can't enter the late Yuanying stage as soon as possible, If so, this bottle of spiritual liquid should naturally be given to someone else." This is a bit regretful, but that's all I can say.

Sijia felt much better and continued to ask, "Then what's going on with the two of you? Have you ever done anything with Tianqing?"

"You're so boring!" Lang Xing showed disgust to hide his guilty conscience. He was extremely entangled in his heart. It would be a pity if he lost Sijia because of Su Wan. Sijia was different from Huaying, although he was still obsessed with He. The joy of getting along with Huaying, but because of Huaying's vision and mind, he was still determined to leave Huaying completely, but he was extremely reluctant to leave Sijia. His kindness is the kind that doesn't care about life and death, and he can feel this.

"Look how guilty you are!" The ice on Sijia's face suddenly thawed, and there was a teasing look in her eyes. She couldn't push Lang Xing too hard, otherwise Lang Xing might not come to see her again in the future.

"Bang!" Langxing responded with a disgusted look, then immediately changed the subject and said with spiritual thoughts, "Although we don't distinguish between each other, I promised Huaxian that everyone should accept the spirit." People who are loyal to the Tao swear an oath, so you can make an oath.”

After Sijia took the oath, Langxing found a new topic. He looked at the Yuan clan members kneeling on the ground outside the house and asked, "What's going on with these people?"

"It's nothing." Sijia used his spiritual thoughts to send away the people outside. Seeing Langxing looking at him suspiciously, he explained, "It's nothing more than grudges and disputes between some tribesmen. Didn't I ask last time?" "But should you always take care of your tribe? Your answer is very good. I am letting go little by little."

"It's not just that, right?" Seeing Sijia's eyes twinkling a little, Langxing secretly used his mental power to sense that Sijia was lying.

"What else can happen?" Sijia glared at him.

Langxing floated up, wanting to catch up with those people and ask him clearly. Sijia stretched out his hand to hold him, and said displeasedly, "Don't you still believe me? Don't interfere in Yuanyizhou's affairs."

Langxing looked at her and said, "I'm not interested in taking care of Yuanyizhou's affairs, but if you have any trouble, I will definitely take care of it."

"I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Just stay here for me."

"Okay." Lang Xing nodded while using his black hand to send a burst of spiritual power through Sijia's hand holding his arm to seal Sijia.

Unexpectedly, Sijia was on guard, and immediately blocked the invading spiritual power, then let go of her hand and stepped back. Before she could reprimand her, Lang Xing had already performed the God Binding Art.

"You bastard! Let me go!" Sijia yelled angrily and angrily.

The four guards heard the sound and ran over. They were only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so they couldn't be expected to stop Lang Xing. Sijia had to pretend that nothing happened and send them away.

The four guards

It can be seen that Sijia is trapped, looking at each other with different expressions. A discerning person can guess that the two people are having fun, and the confused ones are shocked that this kid has the ability to restrain the saint.

Langxing used another isolation restriction to seal Sijia, and then smiled and said to the guards, "Don't be suspicious, I want to help her. Is there anything bothering the saint? Those people who were kneeling outside just now What are you pleading for?"

Hearing what he said, several guards showed a look of relief. One of them said quickly, "It's all caused by those rebels. They are getting more and more rampant, killing people everywhere. There is no manpower in Nanjingzhou to help us right now. These people only know to ask the saint for help, but what can the saint do? The other party is too strong..." As soon as he said this, the little leader of the guards stopped him and said, "The saint did not tell the guest the details for a reason. What are you talking about!" The quick-talking man finally realized it and regretted it and sweated. Lang Xing smiled and said, "It's okay. The Saint doesn't want to cause me trouble. To be honest, I know a lot of great monks. I can easily invite eight or ten of them. It's no problem to eliminate these rebels. Tell me in detail. I promise that the Saint will not blame you."

The four people looked at each other again, but this time their eyes flashed with joy. The little leader said to the quick-talking man with divine thoughts, "You have already caused trouble, so you should continue to talk. Maybe you can make amends."

The quick-talking man was sweating while telling Lang Xing, but this time he also learned to be smart and spoke with divine thoughts.

The so-called rebels are those who fled in the battle to pacify Yuanyizhou. Most of them are the powerful and wealthy who benefited from the Holy Church. They are still greedy and have been thinking about living the good life of enjoying the worship of the masses in the past. There are also many stupid people in Yuanyizhou. Although they have been exploited before, they have not woken up at all. Instead, they still miss their previous lives. They are typical fools who don't know how to live without a master.

The two parties have been colluding secretly. They started to make trouble since the monsters invaded Nanjingzhou. At first, they did not attract everyone's attention. Later, this force grew stronger and stronger. Not only were the people who escaped called back, but many idiots in Yuanyizhou also joined them after hearing the news, with the intention of retaking Yuanyizhou.

After Lang Xing found out, he looked at them and said thoughtfully, "I can ask someone to help you eliminate this group of rebels, but you must keep it a secret and not let others know that this matter is related to me and the saint."

The four guards were overjoyed and confused. Why didn't they let such a meritorious thing be publicized?

Lang Xing explained to them sincerely, "You are all the Saint's confidants. You should know that the Saint has paid enough for the tribesmen over the years. If she is allowed to be trapped in trivial matters, her cultivation will probably stop at the current level. The Wanxin League has been established in Yuanyizhou, and all affairs should be handled by the Wanxin League. However, many people's ideas cannot be changed in a short time. When something happens, they still hope that the Saint will give them justice. This situation must be changed as soon as possible. As the Saint's guards, you should boldly share the Saint's worries when you should block the Saint. This is the love for the Saint. I don't want you to tell others about the eradication of rebellion. It is for this reason that the Saint's prestige cannot be improved. That is definitely not a good thing for her." After hearing this, the four guards felt a sudden awakening. They were also used to relying on the Saint, and regarded the Saint as a transcendent god. They rarely considered the Saint's cultivation because they felt that the Saint could handle it.

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