Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2230 The situation is not too serious

Unfortunately, another monk who transformed into feathers rushed over at this most critical moment. Lang Xing, who launched an attack with all his strength, failed to sense the opponent's arrival. What the opponent hit him was not a stream of spiritual power, but four. He said, Huayu monks are wary of Tianlu. The man who rushed over didn't want to kill Langxing, but only wanted to injure him, but the first spiritual power couldn't defeat even Yiguang's protection. He had to send out the second blow with greater force. Under the magic power of the shining light and the dazzling fairy robe, this second blow failed to have any effect.

The third blow had been powerful enough to kill a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator immediately. Langxing's body-protecting divine light emitted a golden light. At this time, the feather-shaped monk was a little frightened. The fourth blow was almost with all his strength. , but under the interference of the mysterious light mana emitted by the dazzling fairy robe, his cultivation was greatly affected, and the four immortal concubines' Dharma had been stimulated at this time.

There was almost no gap between the four spiritual attacks in Lang Xing's perception. He thought it was just one blow. Monk Huayu's attack was indeed too fast. This was the first time that he was beaten violently by Monk Huayu, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. When he came out, his body was hit like a sharp arrow and flew out. The three layers of protection including the shining light, the dazzling fairy robe, the talking light, collapsed one after another, and the spiritual power in the body was scattered to the point where it could not be gathered together at all.

Lang Xing did not faint immediately, so he not only endured the severe pain in his meridians and Qi palace, but also saw the motionless Shui Ting Sword hanging in the air. In terms of the trouble, Ling Kong Yizhi and Shui Ting Sword never gave in. He was disappointed. He didn't have time to see the condition of the feathered monk who was attacked by him. The severe pain caused him to faint immediately. The unexpected heavy blow knocked him unconscious. How could he have the time to look at it? The condition of the monk who transformed into a feather was that the severe pain made his mind completely numb. In that short moment, he lost consciousness without making any reaction.

The performance of the Purple Sun Sword and the Little White Board was acceptable. With the cooperation of the magical power of the mind and the dazzling fairy robe, these two spiritual treasures hit each other. The feather-shaped monk suffered heavy injuries, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Thanks to the super defensive magical power possessed by the Yuanyi clan, they have been able to keep their cultivation level from falling.

The two great supernatural powers looked at Lang Xing who fell down, with a look of horror in their eyes. This man's fighting power made them frightened. If they fought alone, they would definitely suffer a big loss.

"Take him back and search for his soul carefully." The injured great supernatural power sent out a spiritual message to his companion. His injury made it difficult for him to move for a while.

The magic power of the sneak attack slowly flew towards Lang Xing who fell to the ground. Just when he was about to hit the magic weapon out, a figure suddenly appeared next to Lang Xing, two great magic powers. They were all shocked. This person could appear quietly within two to three thousand feet away from them. His cultivation must be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! Based on this judgment, both of them froze there without daring to move.

This is a female cultivator. She looks like she is no more than twenty-four years old. Her appearance is dignified and gentle. There seems to be some confusion in her eyes. From the looks of it, she is at most a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. The hearts of the two great supernatural powers have just risen. When doubts arose, the female cultivator took action, and a ray of white light flew straight out from her bun and hit the nearest great supernatural power.

The distance between the two sides was only two thousand feet, and the white light hit the body of the great supernatural power who was still in a daze. Then, a purple light hit again, and the Phoenix Ling hairpin hit the great supernatural power and let out a scream. The thin purple-gold bracelet, which was originally not strong enough to hurt the monk Hua Yu, took advantage of the opportunity and exerted some effect, causing the spiritual power in the body of the great supernatural power to become even more scattered.

The great supernatural power who was hit hard by two spiritual treasures in succession was stunned. There was no way that a female cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul could unleash such a powerful attack. These two people were so evil that he turned around and ran away in panic.

Su Wan had only these methods. In desperation, she thought of the wild residence picture and hurriedly used her mind to activate it. As a result, a faint shadow of heaven and earth actually appeared. However, it was just a step too late that the great supernatural power had escaped. When he opened it, he took in the great supernatural power who was injured by Lang Xing.

Su Wan seemed to be stunned. She stood there with her eyes straightened and trembling for a long time before she recovered. The moment she activated the Yejutu, she was shocked by the mysterious and powerful magic power. , the first activation of the Immortal Treasure was completed hastily in this panic.

Until now, she didn't know much about the cultivation level of these two people. If she had known in advance that these were two feathered monks, she might not have been able to launch such a ferocious attack out of timidity.

Shakingly, she picked up Lang Xing who was on the ground. She glanced at the Shui Ting Sword hanging in the air and ran away in a hurry. The sword was too dangerous and she didn't dare to take it.

During the hurried flight, she took out a healing elixir and stuffed it into Lang Xing's mouth. It was the Ning Yuan elixir that Xunyi transferred to her through Huang Ying's hand. She was seriously injured last time and was rescued by Gu Yingying's gang. Not even willing to take this pill.

Langxing woke up just a moment after the elixir was in his mouth. He was just tortured by the pain and fainted. When he saw Su Wan, his dim eyes suddenly lit up.

"What's going on? Am I dreaming?"

Su Wan said solemnly, "As soon as I came out, I saw you fell to the ground. One of the two people fighting you was hit twice with Lingbao by me and then ran away. The other one was put into Yeju by me." It’s in the picture. You should absorb the power of the medicine. If you have any questions, wait until you are far away.”

"Have you fully comprehended that treasure?" After asking, Langxing realized that this was nonsense. Before Su Wan could answer, he said anxiously, "No, my treasures are all thrown over there. I have to get them back."

"It's important to save your life now! Who are these two people from? Where is this place?"

Langxing took a look at the stars and found that he had just run away, so he insisted, "Don't panic, my injuries are not serious. If you don't get back those few treasures, you won't be able to fight the next battle. Go back quickly." You still have time."

After Su Wan glanced at him, she turned around and flew back. What she was most worried about was Lang Xing's injury. Now that Lang Xing said it was nothing serious, she felt more relieved and could just return the other treasures. , it would be a pity if the Shui Ting Sword was lost. What made her feel distressed at the moment was the Yuan Ning Dan. Such a precious healing medicine could not be absorbed by Lang Xing calmly. It was such a waste.

"Where is this? Who did you mess with?" She had to figure out these two things first.

"Yuanyizhou, these are the rebels from Yuanyizhou." Langxing had no intention of absorbing the power of the medicine. Being held by Su Wan like this, he could hardly feel the pain in his Qi Palace and meridians.

"How did you..." Su Wan wanted to ask him why he came to Yuanyizhou, but she felt that this question was not so important now, so she asked instead, "What situation are we in now? Where should we escape later?" ?”

"The situation is not too serious. There are only four great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage on the other side. I have already eliminated two of them. Unexpectedly, these two Yuan Ying stage ones suddenly appeared. Fortunately, I have killed one and the rest That would be easy to deal with. "Unfortunately, another Huayu monk came over at this most critical moment. Lang Xing, who launched an attack with all his strength, failed to sense the opponent's arrival, and the opponent's call to him was not One spiritual power, but four. Monk Huayu is wary of Tianlu. The man who rushed over didn’t want to kill Lang The protection failed to defeat him, so he had to increase his strength and send out a second blow. Under the magic power of the shining light and the dazzling fairy robe, this second blow failed to have any effect.

The third blow had been powerful enough to kill a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator immediately. Langxing's body-protecting divine light emitted a golden light. At this time, the feather-shaped monk was a little frightened. The fourth blow was almost with all his strength. , but under the interference of the mysterious light mana emitted by the dazzling fairy robe, his cultivation was greatly affected, and the four immortal concubines' Dharma had been stimulated at this time.

There was almost no gap between the four spiritual attacks in Lang Xing's perception. He thought it was just one blow. Monk Huayu's attack was indeed too fast. This was the first time that he was beaten violently by Monk Huayu, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. When he came out, his body was hit like a sharp arrow and flew out. The three layers of protection including the shining light, the dazzling fairy robe, the talking light, collapsed one after another, and the spiritual power in the body was scattered to the point where it could not be gathered together at all.

Lang Xing did not faint immediately, so he not only endured the severe pain in his meridians and Qi palace, but also saw the motionless Shui Ting Sword hanging in the air. In terms of the trouble, Ling Kong Yizhi and Shui Ting Sword never gave in. He was disappointed. He didn't have time to see the condition of the feathered monk who was attacked by him. The severe pain caused him to faint immediately. The unexpected heavy blow knocked him unconscious. How could he have the time to look at it? The condition of the monk who transformed into a feather was that the severe pain made his mind completely numb. In that short moment, he lost consciousness without making any reaction.

The performance of the Purple Sun Sword and the Little White Board was acceptable. With the cooperation of the magical power of the mind and the dazzling fairy robe, these two spiritual treasures hit each other. The feather-shaped monk suffered heavy injuries, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Thanks to the super defensive magical power possessed by the Yuanyi clan, they have been able to keep their cultivation level from falling.

The two great supernatural powers looked at Lang Xing who fell down, with a look of horror in their eyes. This man's fighting power made them frightened. If they fought alone, they would definitely suffer a big loss.

"Take him back and search for his soul carefully." The injured great supernatural power sent out a spiritual message to his companion. His injury made it difficult for him to move for a while. .??.

The magic power of the sneak attack slowly flew towards Lang Xing who fell to the ground. Just when he was about to hit the magic weapon out, a figure suddenly appeared next to Lang Xing, two great magic powers. They were all shocked. This person could appear quietly within two to three thousand feet away from them. His cultivation level must be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul! Based on this judgment, both of them froze there without daring to move.

This is a female cultivator. She looks like she is no more than twenty-four years old. Her appearance is dignified and gentle. There seems to be some confusion in her eyes. From the looks of it, she is at most a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. The hearts of the two great supernatural powers have just risen. When doubts arose, the female cultivator took action, and a ray of white light flew straight out from her bun and hit the nearest great supernatural power.

The distance between the two sides was only two thousand feet, and the white light hit the body of the great supernatural power who was still in a daze. Then, a purple light hit again, and the Phoenix Ling hairpin hit the great supernatural power and let out a scream. The thin purple-gold bracelet, which was originally not strong enough to hurt the monk Hua Yu, took advantage of the opportunity and exerted some effect, causing the spiritual power in the body of the great supernatural power to become even more scattered.

The great supernatural power who was hit hard by two spiritual treasures in succession was stunned. There was no way that a female cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul could unleash such a powerful attack. These two people were so evil that he turned around and ran away in panic.

Su Wan had only these methods. In desperation, she thought of the wild residence picture and hurriedly used her mind to activate it. As a result, a faint shadow of heaven and earth actually appeared. However, it was just a step too late that the great supernatural power had escaped. When he opened it, he took in the great supernatural power who was injured by Lang Xing.

Su Wan seemed to be stunned. She stood there with her eyes straightened and trembling for a long time before she recovered. The moment she activated the Yejutu, she was shocked by the mysterious and powerful magic power. , the first activation of the Immortal Treasure was completed hastily in this panic.

Until now, she didn't know much about the cultivation level of these two people. If she had known in advance that these were two feathered monks, she might not have been able to launch such a ferocious attack out of timidity.

Shakingly, she picked up Lang Xing who was on the ground. She glanced at the Shui Ting Sword hanging in the air and ran away in a hurry. The sword was too dangerous and she didn't dare to take it.

During the hurried flight, she took out a healing elixir and stuffed it into Lang Xing's mouth. It was the Ning Yuan elixir that Xunyi transferred to her through Huang Ying's hand. She was seriously injured last time and was rescued by Gu Yingying's gang. Not even willing to take this pill.

Langxing woke up just a moment after the elixir was in his mouth. He was just tortured by the pain and fainted. When he saw Su Wan, his dim eyes suddenly lit up.

"What's going on? Am I dreaming?"

Su Wan said solemnly, "As soon as I came out, I saw you fell to the ground. One of the two people fighting you was hit twice with Lingbao by me and then ran away. The other one was put into Yeju by me." It’s in the picture. You should absorb the power of the medicine. If you have any questions, wait until you are far away.”

"Have you fully comprehended that treasure?" After asking, Langxing realized that this was nonsense. Before Su Wan could answer, he said anxiously, "No, my treasures are all thrown over there. I have to get them back."

"It's important to save your life now! Who are these two people from? Where is this place?"

Langxing took a look at the stars and found that he had just run away, so he insisted, "Don't panic, my injuries are not serious. If you don't get back those few treasures, you won't be able to fight the next battle. Go back quickly." You still have time."

After Su Wan glanced at him, she turned around and flew back. What she was most worried about was Lang Xing's injury. Since Lang Xing said it was nothing serious, she felt more relieved and could just return the other treasures. , it would be a pity if the Shui Tingjian was lost. What made her feel distressed at the moment was the Yuan Ning Dan. Such a precious healing medicine could not be absorbed by Lang Xing calmly. It was such a waste.

"Where is this? Who did you mess with?" She had to figure out these two things first.

"Yuanyizhou, these are the rebels from Yuanyizhou." Langxing had no intention of absorbing the power of the medicine. Being held by Su Wan like this, he could hardly feel the pain in his Qi Palace and meridians.

"How did you..." Su Wan wanted to ask him why he came to Yuanyizhou, but she felt that this question was not so important now, so she asked instead, "What situation are we in now? Where should we escape later?" ?”

"The situation is not too serious. There are only four great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage on the other side. I have already eliminated two of them. Unexpectedly, these two Yuan Ying stage ones suddenly appeared. Fortunately, I have killed one and the rest That would be easy to handle.”

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