Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2231 You must be ruthless

"What?!" Su Wan trembled and her hands loosened, almost throwing Lang Xing down.

"You still don't know that these two are in the feather stage?" A smile appeared on the corner of Lang Xing's mouth.

Su Wan stopped and hesitated, "Why don't you escape from here first? It would be better if you go ask the senior brothers and sisters from Zixiao Palace to help get the treasure back."

"It's too late to go back quickly. I think the person who escaped must be very frightened. He may not dare to come back to check for a while. It's okay. My mental power can still be used. If I bump into him, I can still enter the universe bag in time. "

Su Wan shut her mouth tightly and rushed towards the battlefield just now, but she felt panic in her heart. She had injured a Feather monk just now, and the more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

When approaching the battlefield, Su Wan used her spiritual thoughts to say, "Someone has discovered your treasure. The five of them seem to be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and they are looking around the Shui Ting Sword." She relayed what she saw. He gave it to Lang Xing, and then added, "There are two more on the ground, they should have been killed by Shui Ting Sword." ??

"Go over quickly and kill all of them." Lang Xing didn't have much mercy on these fools who were letting their good lives pass.

These seven people were a search team. They accidentally saw the Shui Ting Sword hanging in the air and rushed over to check it out. They thought they had picked up the treasure. The two people who were fighting to take away the Shui Ting Sword were killed by the sky as soon as they approached. The lightning from the Ting Spirit killed him, and the remaining five people were discussing how to take the Water Ting Sword back after picking up the Purple Sun Sword and the small whiteboard.

When they discovered that Su Wan and Lang Xing were flying towards this side, they immediately got into a fighting stance. Two of them were holding a Purple Sun Sword and a small whiteboard in their hands respectively. Their Qiankun Bags were too low-level to handle them. Put two high-grade spiritual treasures inside.

Before Su Wan could take action, the Purple Sun Sword and the Little White Board flew up from the hands of the two men at the urging of Lang Xing's thoughts, killing the five people with only a slight flash of light.

Langxing was embarrassed to continue to stay in Su Wan's arms. With the skills of the Lingxin clan,

Fa Fei stood up and put away the Purple Sun Sword and the small whiteboard.

"Hurry up!" Su Wan couldn't help but urged anxiously when she saw that Lang Xing didn't put away the Shui Ting Sword immediately when he saw it.

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "What kind of elixir did you give me? Why is it so effective? I guess you didn't refine it."

Su Wan guessed what he was thinking, frowned and said, "If you want to settle accounts with them, wait until you recover from your injuries. There is no need to take such risks."

Lang Xing reluctantly put away the Water Ting Sword and thought, "Both of the two spiritual treasures can still launch at least one round of attacks. The two of us should be able to kill an injured Feathered Monk."

"For Sijia?" Su Wan's tone was obviously cold.

"It's boring to say that. Let's leave here first." Lang Xing felt guilty. The damned Su Wanfei came out of the wild residence at this time. How should he explain it?

"Don't tell me that you are doing this for the peace of the Yuanyi Prefecture." Su Wan stared at him reluctantly.

"I'll explain to you slowly, let's go first." Lang Xing now felt that his head hurt more than the injured meridians and Qi palace.

With a calm face, Su Wan stepped forward and grabbed his belt, thinking of just carrying him and flying. For such a flirting person, just waste the power of the Ning Yuan Dan. Anyway, he was not in serious trouble.

"Hey, hey, don't be like this, my injury is actually quite serious." Lang Xing managed to keep his standing posture. It would be too embarrassing to be carried back like this.

After all, Su Wan still felt distressed. She was so depressed that she just wanted to pull his arm instead, when a divine thought came from a distance, "Who are you?"

Su Wan's heart trembled. She knew without asking that she must have just escaped.

That great supernatural power.

"Don't panic, he was scared out of his wits." After Lang Xing comforted Su Wan with his spiritual thoughts, he said to the direction where the spiritual thoughts came from, "The shameless person who hurts people behind the scenes, you don't deserve to ask about our origins, immediately Get out of Yuanyizhou and you may still be able to save your life, otherwise I will make you die like a scumbag!"

Su Wan felt at ease now. At this moment, Langxing seemed to be Xunyi who broke into the Xuantu Rift Plains and slapped the table with Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. This domineering and arrogant energy was so similar that it could not be faked by bluffing. Lang Xing didn't want to be so arrogant. He was worried about how to explain to Su Wan. When he encountered this opportunity, he naturally wanted to show off. Anyway, the other party only had one great magical power left. If it didn't work, he could still use Hentian. Pearl, it’s just that you have to wait an hour before you can leave after using this thing, which is a bit troublesome.

The other party made no further response.

Langxing said to Su Wan with his heart, "Let's go quickly. He probably wants to summon his men to besiege us. We can't let them get entangled." After saying that, he took out the urgent travel talisman given by the painting and rushed forward with Su Wan.

After completely depleting the mana of the talisman, the two of them flew nearly ten thousand miles away. Langxing secretly said, "There are two late Nascent Souls catching up. The old guy must want to use these two people to test again." Check our path, and when these two people get close, I will use my mental power to shock them into showing their bodies. I must strike hard. If there is a little gap, the old guy may take the opportunity to attack us. "

"Yeah." Amelia Su gave a calm response.

When the two great monks approached to a distance of 5,000 feet, one on the left and the other on the right, Langxing quickly reported a direction to Su Wan and immediately launched a mental attack. Then, the Phoenix Ling Hairpin, the Purple Gold Bracelet, the Red Spear, and the Purple Sun Sword, four spiritual treasures were sent together. In order to save Xiaobaiban's spiritual power, Langxing replaced it with a red spear. This was also to further scare

That Yuyu monk.

The two great monks only let out a scream. The person who was attacked by Lang Xing was turned invisible. The person who was attacked by Su Wan still had one breath left, but his Yuan Ying and his cultivation were both destroyed. It fell down like a wooden pile.

After Langxing launched the attack, he used his spiritual power to vigilantly sense the position of the Feathered Monk. Killing a late-stage Nascent Soul monk was easy for him. Even the Yuan Yi tribesmen with defensive magical powers could not. Exceptionally, Su Wan secretly sighed after shooting down the late-stage Nascent Soul monk. She, a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, had so easily dispatched a late-stage great monk. It was really a bizarre experience to be with Lang Xing.

"The old guy didn't come over. He must have been frightened. Let's go." Lang Xing used his spiritual mind to inform Su Wan of the news. The four late Nascent Soul cultivators among the rebels were all killed. It would be difficult to form a rebel army, and the remaining Feathered Monk would be unable to do anything without his minions. This step would be enough to relieve Sijia's worries.

In fact, he was relieving Sijia's worries this time to avenge himself in his previous life. The great monk who was crippled by Su Wan was the Jin Shuai who captured Xun Yi and brought him to Yuanyi State. He also tortured Xun Yi later. Amelia Su's failure to deal with him happily was equivalent to making him suffer more.

The two Feather monks were among those who had the chance to escape on the battlefield. Although they opposed the war with Nanjingzhou from the beginning, they did so in order to preserve the good life supported by thousands of people. From this aspect, They were more greedy for a luxurious life than those who wanted to fight to the death, so the two of them came back quietly. Unexpectedly, the young man who caused them misfortune last time also came back, but with a different look, one died and the other was injured. It was enough to scare the remaining Yuan Yu monk. What frightened him the most was that he had not been able to find out the details of these two people until now, so he chose to escape and completely gave up on occupying Yuanyi State again.

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