Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2232 What do you mean?

Lang Xing didn't feel very happy. He originally wanted to kill the four great monks. He planned to kill anyone who dared to block his way to vent his hatred for these idiots, but the result was He was seriously injured, but his life was only saved by Su Wan's rescue, which was not pleasant at all.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that Su Wan finally came out of the wild house safely, but this also made him face the problem of how to explain it. Su Wan and Sijia had been at odds since they first met. Fruit Picker The trouble caused by that encounter at the conference was really too big. His love rival Tianqing was solved, but what should Sijia do?

Su Wan just kept her head down and flew forward without saying a word to Lang Xing. Lang Xing knew that she didn't want to pursue the case, but that she was in a dangerous situation and couldn't care about it immediately.

Sure enough, after seeing the peaceful scene around her, Su Wan spoke, "Do I have to send you to express your merits to the saint first? Wherever she lives, I will send you there."

Langxing was fully prepared. He first passed a detailed map of Yuanyi Prefecture to her, and then said calmly, "She particularly likes spirit cranes. Do you remember that we bought spirit cranes at the Fruit Picking Festival, right?" It was a coincidence that I happened to meet two Taoist friends from the Xianyu Sect some time ago. The Xianyu Sect is best at raising spiritual cranes, so I begged them for two. This time I came to Yuanyi Prefecture to give these Two cranes."

Su Wan said calmly, "Sending the crane thousands of miles away is a deep friendship."

Langxing smiled and said, "She took care of me with all her heart when I was a young monk. It is appropriate to repay the kindness. Tell me how you came out. Did you find all the lost consciousness? You were taken in. How’s that great supernatural power doing?”

Su Wan glanced at him and said, "Don't make excuses with me. It's not like you haven't been taken in before. Can't you imagine what he is like now?"

Lang Xing said with a smile, "I think it's better to get rid of him as soon as possible. After all, he is a Feather Monk. It would be bad if something unexpected happens."

\u003e Su Wan snorted softly and said, "I won't bother you with this. You'd better go to the saint's place to heal your injuries as soon as possible, and then help her kill the remaining great supernatural power, otherwise, if something happens She will regret being hurt by this person from now on."

Langxing said aggrievedly, "Can't you just talk to me? I secretly checked the Wild Living Pictures several times during this period, but there was no news from you. I worried a lot about you and was worried a lot. I finally hope that you will come out safely." Can’t you make me happy?”

"Okay, then be happy. I have to go back and see my disciples as soon as possible. Anyway, I can rest assured that the saint is taking care of you."

Lang Xing was so angry that he looked at her with a smile hidden in the corners of his eyes and brows, but said nothing.

"What are you looking at!" Su Wan was a little flustered by him and scolded her savagely.

"Look how heartless you are! Once you get the fairy treasure, you turn your back on me. I just gave you two cranes. That is incomparable to the fairy treasure."

"Who cares? Take it and give it to the saint." Su Wan threw the wild residence picture on him. Although Lang Xing's words made her feel relieved, she was still not used to flirting. I couldn't help but blush for a moment.

Lang Xing was so intoxicated by her charm that he smiled stupidly and said casually, "You've already melted it, how can you give it away? It's just cheap talk."

"Can't you just kill me!" Su Wan became more and more unruly in panic.

"Hey, stop making trouble." Lang Xing, who was confused and infatuated, couldn't say anything except smirking.

"Look at how stupid you are!" Su Wan reprimanded her and calmed down her mind. She regained her composure and said, "I don't want to see her. I want to come."

She doesn't want to see me either. I'll go back after sending you there. Are Huang Ying and Xiyang okay? "

Langxing didn't want these two people to meet, so he pointed to the forest below and said, "They are both fine. Let me take care of their injuries first and then talk."

The next morning, as soon as Lang Xing opened his eyes, Su Wan asked with concern, "How is it?"

Lang Xing said truthfully, "It will definitely take me a while to recover. Thanks to you for giving me such a good pill, otherwise I would probably not be able to move now." In order to please Su Wan, this was a bit exaggerated, but Ning Ning Yuan Dan was indeed of great help. He took out a healing elixir given by Wendanzi and handed it over, "This elixir has a good healing effect. You can keep it. I still have a few more."

Su Wan was not polite to him. After taking the elixir, she asked, "This place is not far from Sijia's residence. Should I send you there or should you go there by yourself?"

Langxing felt a little guilty, "I went to Shui Qingzhou some time ago and got a few treasures. I left them for her to comprehend. I have to get them back later."

Su Wan said helplessly, "Then go to her place to recuperate. I'll just go back to the Wild Residence Picture to continue my enlightenment."

Naturally, Lang Xing couldn't do such a shameless thing. He waved his hand and said, "Her place is noisy and not suitable for recuperation. You wait here for a while. I will find someone to send her a letter to make sure she is safe. Then we will go underground to recuperate." , I will go back after a while to get those treasures back, and then we will go back."

Su Wan said nothing and turned to admire the surrounding scenery.

Lang Xingfei went out and stopped a passing monk, handed him two jade slips, and asked him to help deliver them to Sijia. When the man heard that he was delivering a letter to the saint, he nodded excitedly and kept asking if he needed it. Handing it over to the saint in person, Langxing understood that he hoped to take the opportunity to meet the saint, so he smiled and said, "Yes, definitely

He must hand it over to the saint in person. "When he wanted to take out a few spiritual stones as reward, the man was already so excited that he galloped away.

One of the two jade slips explained the situation of the war, and then lied that he had met a fellow disciple who was stranded here and wanted to help him do something. It would take some time before he could go back. This jade slip was for his participation. The unique prohibition and seal that he realized was recorded on another jade slip, which is the method to break this seal. Although the prohibition is unique, it is not complicated. With Sijia's intelligence, it can be understood in two or three days at most.

The reason why he did this was to teach Sijia some of his understanding of restraints. On the other hand, when Sijia saw that he had this leisurely attitude, he would not doubt too much that he was afraid to go back because he was injured. Yes, in terms of thoughtfulness and attentiveness, he and Xun Yi are in the same vein.

After finishing this matter, he put Su Wan into the Qiankun Bag, then sneaked into the underground, and after making a medium-sized space under the ground thousands of feet deep, he released Su Wan.

As soon as Su Wan came out, she asked curiously, "What's going on with the mushroom-like magic circle inside?"

"I found it by accident. There is a flower essence trapped inside. The second senior sister guessed that the slender part may be a huge spiritual root vein. The magic circle was laid out very cleverly, and the second senior sister couldn't open it. I haven't had time to do it properly. Participating in research.”

"Why do you have so many blessings?" Su Wan glared at him with jealousy. If it were really a spiritual root vein, its value would be immeasurable. The spiritual root vein that Xunyi gave her originally was only a few feet thick. This one is at least It's dozens of feet thick, which is appalling.

Langxing said proudly, "What? Not convinced? I am so lucky. During your stay in Yejutu, I really got a lot of treasures."

Su Wan asked, "What do you mean by that? Do you mean that being by your side will hinder your happiness?"

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