Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2302 I can’t make sense anywhere.

Hengsi Immortal Master's eyes narrowed slightly, and after examining the inner elixir, he breathed out gently, looked at him with complicated eyes and said, "You can already be regarded as a treasure of Qianxu Palace, and there is no room for loss. I'm going to invite a few fellow Taoists who can help here to help out and make perfect preparations, so no one can touch you."

Lang Xing didn't expect that he would get such a result. He said with a bitter face, "Uncle, this is definitely not what my nephew wants. Although this is your love for my nephew, I don't want to owe such a big favor." "Don't blame my nephew for being cold-mouthed. He is just such a person. I feel uncomfortable living with a debt..."

Hengsi Immortal Lord interrupted, "If you hadn't taken action that day, I would have been seriously injured even if I didn't die in the battle in front of the Qianxu Palace Mountain Gate. Shouldn't I do something for you? You just don't care when you talk like this. I’m an uncle.”

Long Yimeng, how will the disciples in the palace go out for walks in the future?"

"Then how do you want to solve this matter?" Hengsi Immortal asked with a calm face.

A cold light flashed in Lang Xing's eyes and he said, "I told you just now, I reason with them. If they don't agree with what I say, then follow their reasoning until they feel they are wrong. "

Hengsi sighed and said, "Your reasoning doesn't make sense. The Jingchanzi you killed was his disciple. If someone killed Lingjun like this, I won't let him go easily. Jingchanzi is not guilty." to death.”

Lang Xing snorted and said, "My heart is my way. As long as I don't offend my heart, I have no scruples. In my opinion, those seven cruel people deserved their death. I will not show mercy no matter how much I kill such people. Although my nephew disdains it, Go kill them, but if they dare to find me, they are seeking death."

Hengsi Immortal Lord looked at him and said seriously, "I can see that you are an expert and bold now, but you can

Can you cope with the joint attack of two Feather monks? What if four or five Feathered Monks come? Once they capture you, we will be even more passive here. Although there is a Heavenly Law Alliance in Nanjingzhou to uphold justice, the Heavenly Law Alliance cannot control the Huayu monks. Moreover, our Qianxu Palace is outside the Heavenly Law Alliance. Yes, people will not stand up for a disciple of Qianxu Palace. We can only rely on ourselves for this matter. You can reason with them, but we must have enough deterrent power to prevent them from doing anything to you. "

Lang Xing blinked and said, "Then let's strike first. Don't Tai Ming Sect only have two ancestors of Hua Yu? Now take me to Tai Ming Sect."

"Nonsense!" Hengsi Xianzun looked at him worriedly and said, "You are sure that you are Zhanli and feel that you are not at fault. But think about it, if we go to Taiming Sect and beat up the two ancestors of this family, "Shang, what will others think? First he killed his disciples and then came to teach his master a lesson. This is totally unreasonable. Qianxu Palace must have offended the public."

"Well, it would be better if I wasn't a disciple of Qianxu Palace. Uncle Master, otherwise you would let me withdraw from Qianxu Palace."

"Leave this to your master. It only counts if he agrees. Otherwise, you won't admit it even if you cut off the walls and dry up the Xu Palace."

Lang Xing said helplessly, "Then please invite a few people to help. I hope that the great powers of Taiming Sect and Juyi Alliance can come. It is best not to spread the vendetta to the disciples below."

Immortal Hengsi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Do you think you can invite your three senior brothers and sisters from Zixiao Palace to come over? Anyway, your identity in Zixiao Palace has to be revealed."

"Don't! The Juyi Alliance has caused tensions in the two continents. It's not the right time for them to come here.

, I must not cause this trouble to my three senior brothers and sisters. "

"Okay, then I will listen to you on this matter. I will send someone to ask for people who can help. Come with me. I have summoned the disciples of the Ling generation to wait in the Qianyuan Hall. I have to say hello to them. ." After saying this, Immortal Master Hengsi took Langxing and flew towards Qianyuan Hall.

"Don't you have to tell them?" Lang Xing frowned, feeling a hundred reluctances in his heart.

"You must make adequate preparations. What you killed is a senior disciple of the Zen generation." Hengsi Immortal Lord said as he used his spiritual thoughts to call Su Wan who was having tea in the guest house. Those seven people were Su Wan The person who started to kill needs to let everyone know this fairy.

Lang Xing said to Su Wan apologetically, "Uncle Master must make some careful arrangements, I can't stop him."

Su Wan secretly said happily, "You should be more cautious. This is no small matter." She wished that Qianxugong could stand up for Langxing in a big way.

Lang Xing glanced at Hengsi Immortal Lord from the corner of his eyes and said disapprovingly, "It's no big deal. Didn't I cripple Lu Puzi before?"

Immortal Lord Hengsi said in a deep voice, "The Taiming Sect is not as good as the Junlu Sect, and besides, there is also the Juyi Alliance."

Lang Xing remained silent, but his face clearly showed dissatisfaction.

Qianyuan Hall is located at the foot of Qianliang Mountain and is an important place in Qianxu Palace. Only when major events occur, the disciples will be summoned here to discuss matters. When they passed by, the remaining seven immortal kings of Qianxu Palace had all arrived. There are only seven people sitting in the solemn and grand and spacious hall. This withered scene is self-evident. It is no wonder that Hengsi Immortal Lord has to be cautious. The strength of Qianxu Palace has fallen to an unprecedented level.

After sitting down, Hengsi Immortal Lord said straight to the point, "Xing'er and Master Su killed seven people from the Juyi Alliance, including Jing Chanzi from the Taiming Sect, because they struck first and seriously injured them.

Disciples who have killed Xing'er, this matter may not end well. From today on, disciples are not allowed to go out. Be prepared to fight, but don't make it public yet. You just need to know what you know. I will invite some fellow Taoists to come and help. It would be best if the matter could be resolved through negotiation. If they could not reach an agreement, Qianxu Palace would rather fight to the end than hand over Xing'er. "

The seven eldest disciples looked at each other, Six Immortals Jun Lingtong was the first to sigh, looked at Lang Xing and complained, "You are really capable of causing trouble. How can we afford to offend Taiming Sect and Juyi Alliance now?" Lang Xing had previously said. Not only did he expel a group of his close disciples from the school, but he also destroyed his robes in public. He was holding back a lot of resentment.

After Ling Tong opened his mouth, the Thirteenth Immortal Lord Lingtai followed up and said, "Uncle, my nephew thinks that your arrangement is inappropriate. The sixth brother is right. We don't have the strength to fight against the Taiming Sect and the Juyi Alliance now. Let's Is it worthwhile for Qianxu Palace to bury him alone? Besides, he himself said that Qianxu Palace would not stand up for his disciples due to personal grudges. He killed seven of his disciples after they injured him. This was too overbearing. Right? It’s unreasonable no matter how you say it. Not only should Qianxu Palace not protect such a person, but it should also expel him. Anyway, I won’t fight for him.”

Seventeenth Immortal Lord Lingjue said anxiously, "How can you say that! He saved everyone twice in Shui Qingzhou, and after he came back, he and the fifth senior brother resolved the revenge battle of Qianjie Sect. You should not avenge private revenge!" " He was originally not qualified to speak on such an occasion, but when he heard that Lingtai actually proposed to expel Lang Xing from the school, he couldn't help but be filled with indignation.

Lingtai said lukewarmly, "No one avenges private enemies in public. It's true that he saved everyone, but he also caused great harm to Qianxu Palace. Now the people of Qianxu Palace are scattered, and there is no longer the energy to face the outside world with the same hatred as before. This Isn’t it thanks to him? Now that he has gotten into trouble, he has come back to seek refuge. Not only has he broken his promise, but he has also trapped himself. His character really leaves me speechless.”

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