Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2303 Get out!

Langxing raised his hand to stop Lingjue and Lingjun who were trying to distinguish him, and sneered at Lingtai, "Do you think I need to rely on people like you for protection?"

Lingtai said angrily, "Who are you..." Thinking of Hengsi Xianzun's loving attitude towards Lang Xing, he swallowed back the word "西", suppressed his anger and said, "How dare you talk to me like that?" , do you also know that there is the following violation in the laws of Qianxu Palace? If you feel that you do not need the protection of Qianxu Palace, you can leave now. "

"Lingtai!" Hengsi Immortal Lord shouted in a deep voice. There were many factions in Qianxu Palace, and as an ancestor, he had to save some face for these disciples who had reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

"I won't fight for him anyway." Lingtai muttered unconvinced.

"I don't need you either." Lang Xing looked at him with disdain and choked. If Su Wan hadn't been there, he wouldn't have seen Lingtai as well as him.

"Uncle!" Lingtai got angry and wanted Hengsi Xianzun to give an explanation.

"You should say less." Hengsi Xianzun frowned and whispered to Langxing. It was more of an advice than a reproach.

Lingtai was furious and said, "Master, if you do this, my nephew will be dissatisfied!"

Lingtong and others looked at Hengsi Immortal Lord expressionlessly to express their support for Lingtai.

Hengsi Immortal Lord looked at them and said, "I know that you are a lot dissatisfied with Xing'er and Lingjun's previous actions, and you are also dissatisfied with my attitude of supporting them, but I want to tell you that the other two people in Qianxu Palace Even if the ancestors are here, they will stand by Xing'er and Lingjun, not because I love Xing'er, nor because Lingjun is my disciple, but because what they did is not wrong."

Lingtai gritted his teeth and pointed at Lang Xing and said, "Since what they did before was not wrong, let him do what he said! Let him get out of Qianxu Palace and bear this disaster by himself!"

Hengsi Immortal Lord said calmly, "He didn't want Qianxu Palace to get involved. I forced him to stay."

Lingtai blinked in shock and was speechless for a moment.

Ling Tong showed a see-through smile and said, "He knows very well that you won't let him carry it alone."

This sentence made Lingtai understand. He sneered and said, "That's right. He was just talking cheaply."

Lang Xing said tiredly, "Okay, everyone who doesn't want to obey the ancestor's instructions should get out."

Not only did Lingtai not get angry this time, he also sat down with secret joy in his heart. He looked at Lang Xing with a vindictive expression and said, "All of you here are the Immortal Lords of Qianxu Palace. Are you saying this to us? You are taking yourself too seriously." Are you taking it seriously?" He bullied Lang Xing because he was young and energetic, intending to completely anger him.

Lang Xing couldn't stand being ridiculed in front of Su Wan, so he retorted, "I only respect people who should be respected. I have never been patient with idiots. I am too lazy to talk to them. You think I am not worthy of saying such things to you, but I think you have delayed me." You're not worth my time."

"Uncle, you heard everything, you can do what you want!" Lingtai looked at Hengsi Immortal with a gloomy face. Although he deliberately angered Lang Xing, Lang Xing's words were too presumptuous, and he himself was angry. .

Lingzheng, the Lord of the Ten Immortals, originally had some affection for Lang It has great merit, but it is so right

Immortal Lord's words are too disrespectful. If you don't punish the rules and laws in the palace, they will cease to exist. We will ask our uncle to judge! "

Immortal Lord Hengsi's behavior was very strange. He looked at the door of the hall, as if he had not heard the angry petitions of the two, and his face was calm.

"Uncle Master!" Seventh Immortal Lord Lingzhi was also a little angry and called out in a deep voice.

Su Wan had already started to wink at Lang Xing. At this moment, her heart was in her throat, and she wanted to drag Lang Xing out to give him some persuasion.

Lang Xing's behavior was even stranger than that of Hengsi Immortal Lord. He actually glanced at Hengsi Immortal Lord. He seemed to be dissatisfied with Hengsi Immortal Lord's favoritism towards him. Of course he was dissatisfied. He was the only one who understood the intention of Hengsi Immortal Lord. The master uncle was trying to squeeze him out, hoping that he would take the initiative to take the position of closed disciple.

Lang Xing's guess was correct. Hengsi Xianzun knew very well that Lang Xing did not want to interfere with the affairs of Qianxu Palace, so he always tried his best to conceal the identity of the closed disciple. Previously, he was prepared to take a resigned attitude towards this, but Ling Jun reported After learning about what Lang Xing did when he was in charge of suppressing Qianxu Palace, he really wanted Lang Xing to do more for Qianxu Palace. He knew it well in his heart. Lang The relationship in Qianxu Palace is not very deep. If he does not prove his identity as a closed disciple, this kid will probably fly away soon.

The look that Lang Xing turned over made Hengsi Xianzun feel ashamed. He understood that this boy had seen through his thoughts.

There was a moment of silence in the hall. Hengsi Xianzun was hesitating. He didn't want to squeeze Lang Xing too hard. If Lang Xing insisted on not expressing his position, he would have to put the matter aside for the time being. Lang Xing was also hesitating. This The secret could probably not be kept, but there was a difference between being forced to admit it and arrogantly announcing it. The more benefits he gained from using this identity, the heavier the responsibility he had to bear. He didn't want to have to fight with Ling Tai for a fight. Lingtai was not worthy of what he did to reveal his identity as a closed disciple, but his uncle had brought the matter into this situation. It would be very difficult for him if he didn't take the blame. Even though he knew that his uncle was plotting against him, he couldn't do it. Gotta jump into the pit.

Just when both of them were about to speak, Lingtai couldn't help it anymore.

"Get out! Take your big boss friends out with you!" In front of Hengsi Immortal Lord, Lingtai did not dare to use the word "get out", but he just ordered Langxing to go out, which was difficult to vent the anger in his heart. , so he brought Su Wan with him. Although Su Wan was a great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage, he was nothing in the eyes of the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace. He was really angry. His method of venting his anger on Su Wan not only had Being disrespectful is also disrespectful to one's status.

"Do you still know that an Immortal Lord should have some dignity?" Hengsi Immortal Lord finally spoke, with a chilling tone. This situation was caused by him. If he doesn't help Lang Xing regain some face, Lang Xing will do nothing to him. More dissatisfied.

Lingtai's face changed slightly, and he looked timidly at Ling Tong and others. Although they were far less afraid of Hengsi Immortal Lord than Hengguan Immortal Lord, Hengsi Immortal Lord was the ancestor of Qianxu Palace after all. It was not something he could provoke alone. The reason why he dared to act out was mostly because of the support from Ling Tong and others.

At this time, Langxing looked at Lingtong with a gloomy face and said, "Sixth Senior Brother, thank you for keeping the secret for me and never leaking my identity."

The corners of Six Immortal Lord Lingtong's eyes twitched. He realized that this boy was evil. This sentence was enough to make Lingtai turn against him.

The title "Sixth Senior Brother" made several other Immortal Lords stunned, and they all looked at Immortal Lord Hengsi. Langxing raised his hand to stop Lingjue and Lingjun who were trying to distinguish him, and sneered at Lingtai, "Do you think I need to rely on people like you for protection?"

Lingtai said angrily, "Who are you..." Thinking of Hengsi Xianzun's loving attitude towards Lang Xing, he swallowed back the word "西", suppressed his anger and said, "How dare you talk to me like that?" , do you also know that there is the following violation in the laws of Qianxu Palace? If you feel that you do not need the protection of Qianxu Palace, you can leave now. "

"Lingtai!" Hengsi Immortal Lord shouted in a deep voice. There were many factions in Qianxu Palace, and as an ancestor, he had to save some face for these disciples who had reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

"I won't fight for him anyway." Lingtai muttered unconvinced.

"I don't need you either." Lang Xing looked at him with disdain and choked. If Su Wan hadn't been there, he wouldn't have seen Lingtai as well as him.

"Uncle!" Lingtai got angry and wanted Hengsi Xianzun to give an explanation.

"You should say less." Hengsi Xianzun frowned and whispered to Langxing. It was more of an advice than a reproach.

Lingtai was furious and said, "Master, if you do this, my nephew will be dissatisfied!"

Lingtong and others looked at Hengsi Immortal Lord expressionlessly to express their support for Lingtai.

Hengsi Immortal Lord looked at them and said, "I know that you are a lot dissatisfied with Xing'er and Lingjun's previous actions, and you are also dissatisfied with my attitude of supporting them, but I want to tell you that the other two people in Qianxu Palace Even if the ancestors are here, they will stand by Xing'er and Lingjun, not because I love Xing'er, nor because Lingjun is my disciple, but because what they did is not wrong."

Lingtai gritted his teeth and pointed at Lang Xing and said, "Since what they did before was not wrong, let him do what he said! Let him get out of Qianxu Palace and bear this disaster by himself!"

Hengsi Immortal Lord said calmly, "He didn't want Qianxu Palace to get involved. I forced him to stay."

Lingtai blinked in shock and was speechless for a moment.

Ling Tong showed a smile that saw through the inside story and said, "He knows very well that you won't let him carry it alone."

This sentence made Lingtai understand. He sneered and said, "That's right. He was just talking cheaply."

Lang Xing said tiredly, "Okay, everyone who doesn't want to obey the ancestor's instructions should get out."

Not only did Lingtai not get angry this time, he also sat down with secret joy in his heart. He looked at Lang Xing with a vindictive expression and said, "All of you here are the Immortal Lords of Qianxu Palace. Are you saying this to us? You are taking yourself too seriously." Are you taking it seriously?" He bullied Lang Xing because he was young and energetic, intending to completely anger him.

Lang Xing couldn't stand being ridiculed in front of Su Wan, so he retorted, "I only respect people who should be respected. I have never been patient with idiots. I am too lazy to talk to them. You think I am not worthy of saying such things to you, but I think you have delayed me." You're not worth my time."

"Uncle, you heard everything, you can do what you want!" Lingtai looked at Hengsi Immortal with a gloomy face. Although he deliberately angered Lang Xing, Lang Xing's words were too presumptuous, and he himself was angry. .

Lingzheng, the Lord of the Ten Immortals, originally had some affection for Lang It has great merit, but it is so right

Immortal Lord's speech was too disrespectful. If you don't punish the rules and laws in the palace, the rules and regulations in the palace will cease to exist. We will ask our uncle to judge! "

Immortal Lord Hengsi's behavior was very strange. He looked at the door of the hall, as if he had not heard the angry petitions of the two, and his face was calm.

"Uncle Master!" Seventh Immortal Lord Lingzhi was also a little angry and called out in a deep voice.

Su Wan had already started to wink at Lang Xing. At this moment, her heart was in her throat, and she wanted to drag Lang Xing out and give her some persuasion.

Langxing's behavior was even stranger than that of Hengsi Immortal Lord. He actually glanced at Hengsi Immortal Lord. He seemed to be dissatisfied with Hengsi Immortal Lord's favoritism towards him. Of course he was dissatisfied. He was the only one who understood the intention of Hengsi Immortal Lord. The master uncle was trying to squeeze him out, hoping that he would take the initiative to take the position of closed disciple.

Lang Xing's guess was correct. Hengsi Xianzun knew very well that Lang Xing did not want to interfere with the affairs of Qianxu Palace, so he always tried his best to conceal the identity of the closed disciple. Previously, he was prepared to take a resigned attitude towards this, but Ling Jun reported After learning about what Lang Xing did when he was in charge of suppressing Qianxu Palace, he really wanted Lang Xing to do more for Qianxu Palace. He knew it well in his heart. Lang The relationship in Qianxu Palace is not very deep. If he does not prove his identity as a closed disciple, this kid will probably fly away soon.

The look that Lang Xing turned over made Hengsi Xianzun feel ashamed. He understood that this boy had seen through his thoughts.

There was a moment of silence in the hall. Hengsi Xianzun was hesitating. He didn't want to squeeze Lang Xing too hard. If Lang Xing insisted on not expressing his position, he would have to put the matter aside for the time being. Lang Xing was also hesitating. This The secret could probably not be kept, but there was a difference between being forced to admit it and arrogantly announcing it. The more benefits he gained from using this identity, the heavier the responsibility he had to bear. He didn't want to have to fight with Ling Tai for a fight. Lingtai was not worthy of what he did to reveal his identity as a closed disciple, but his uncle had brought the matter into this situation. It would be very difficult for him if he didn't take the blame. Even though he knew that his uncle was plotting against him, he couldn't do it. Gotta jump into the pit.

Just when both of them were about to speak, Lingtai couldn't help it anymore.

"Get out! Take your big boss friends out with you!" In front of Hengsi Immortal Lord, Lingtai did not dare to use the word "get out", but he just ordered Langxing to go out, which was difficult to vent the anger in his heart. , so he brought Su Wan with him. Although Su Wan was a great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage, he was nothing in the eyes of the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace. He was really angry. His method of venting his anger on Su Wan not only had Being disrespectful is also disrespectful to one's status.

"Do you still know that an Immortal Lord should have some dignity?" Hengsi Immortal Lord finally spoke, with a chilling tone. This situation was caused by him. If he doesn't help Lang Xing regain some face, Lang Xing will do nothing to him. More dissatisfied.

Lingtai's face changed slightly, and he looked timidly at Ling Tong and others. Although they were far less afraid of Hengsi Immortal Lord than Hengguan Immortal Lord, Hengsi Immortal Lord was the ancestor of Qianxu Palace after all. It was not something he could provoke alone. The reason why he dared to have an attack was mostly because of the support from Ling Tong and others.

At this time, Langxing looked at Lingtong with a gloomy face and said, "Sixth Senior Brother, thank you for keeping the secret for me and never leaking my identity."

The corners of Six Immortal Lord Lingtong's eyes twitched. He realized that this boy was evil. This sentence was enough to make Lingtai turn against him.

The title "Sixth Senior Brother" made several other Immortal Lords stunned, and they all looked at Immortal Lord Hengsi.

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