Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2386 The pig thinks so too

Lang Xing said that he did not need to help with the treatment, so Qimu Xianzun stopped talking nonsense. His attitude towards Lang Xing changed from initial curiosity to surprise to fear. Now it is a mixture of awe and admiration, but deep down in his heart he still He was a little bit unconvinced. After all, he was a Huayu monk. He wanted to have an upright fight with Lang Xing. It was this bit of dissatisfaction that made him polite and humble when facing Lang Xing. Able to maintain the most basic dignity of a great supernatural power.

He glanced in the direction of Huang Yu and others, then looked at Lang Xing with an unnatural smile and said, "Did you give them the drop of mysterious water that they understood?"

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "Yes, if you need to understand, I will send it to you later."

"No, I'll just ask them to send it to me. If you think they're in the way, I can ask them to move to the Junlu Sect now."

Lang Xing said with a bit of a bad smile, "Then let them pass. A bunch of big monks blocking the door of the house is really a hindrance."

Immortal Qimu nodded with a smile and said, "I'm going to help Huang Ying settle the compensation matter first. If we have anything to say, we'll talk about it later." After becoming an outer sect elder, he won't have to worry about meeting Lang Xing. There is no need to be sticky at the moment. It's annoying to be here. After talking to Langxing, he said to Su Wan kindly, "In your spare time, come to our place and let Xiangyun take you into the 'Baodian Pavilion' to see the pharmacopoeia we have. "

"Thank you for your love." Su Wan bowed and thanked her.

"There is no need to be so polite from now on. I am the elder of the outer sect, and you are the elder of the inner sect. In terms of status, you are higher than me." After making a joke, Immortal Qimu waved his hands to the two of them and walked away. .

As soon as Qimu Xianzun left, Su Wan wanted to hide in the mountains again. Lang Xing stopped her and said, "Let's stop making trouble and talk about business."

Su Wan looked at him sideways and said, "You don't want to become an immortal or mess with the world, so what else can you talk about?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Then let's talk about how not to become an immortal and how not to mess with the mortal world. Isn't that the right thing to do?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Su Wan rolled her eyes at him angrily and started to leave again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Seriously, help me understand the soul technique. Senior Wuhun gave me a soul control technique before. You took out the soul-binding technique from the magic circle not long ago, and together with me and Yun The Soul Embellishment Technique acquired by Fairy Dao, these three are the top skills in the Soul Technique, and if you put them together for reference and understanding, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Su Wan looked at him with disgust and said, "These top-notch techniques are all unique. They are thousands of miles or even completely different from each other. If you study them together, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. You will become obsessed with twice the result with half the effort!"

Langxing curled his lips and said disapprovingly, "You don't understand this. Many methods that are completely different from each other are actually connected to each other. I have a deep understanding of this through meditating on the art of prohibition. You think they are completely different because you have not understood them. Fundamentally, it’s like a big tree. If you just look at the above, the branches stretch out in all directions, and you can’t see the slightest connection with each other. But once you see the trunk, everything will be clear. I learn the art of restraint. First understand the origin, then learn from the strengths of other schools, and master it in a short period of time.”

Su Wan was a little worried and said, "I understand what you are thinking. When learning the art of restraint, you started from the beginning to the end. This time, you plan to do the opposite.

Use these spells to trace the origin, but this matter is not as simple as you think, and this is a soul spell, which is much more dangerous than a forbidden spell. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of losing your life. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "It is precisely because I know it is dangerous that I asked you to help. You are so smart, you will definitely be of great help."

Su Wan sneered, "Are you trying to drag me to death with you?"

Langxing rolled his eyes, "Don't be ignorant of the compliment. Qi Mugui is a dominating immortal. All he wants to do is talk to me more. I'm not bragging. Don't talk about anything else. Just My achievements in the art of restraint are enough to make me proud of the world. What about the Feather Monk? How many of them can discover the origin of things? If I just tell them about the understanding of restraint, it will benefit them for life. But you can fully understand what I am thinking, Fairy Su, I advise you not to cherish it!"

Su Wan also rolled her eyes and said, "It's because I know more that I understand what's going on with you. Why are you bragging? Isn't it because of your talent that you can find the origin of the restriction? This is from your own words." Just tell me to brag about it with others, but stop bragging with me!"

Langxing rolled up his sleeves, pretending to reason with her and said, "What about relying on talent? You don't understand what talent is at all. Most of the people are stupid. To them, your intelligence is talent. If you change it, With a mind and heart like theirs, you can only be a mediocre person in this life, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless, so you also rely on talent, so why do you look down on me, a person with higher talent than you? "

Su Wan blinked and said, "We look down on people who cheat. Your talent is not just higher than ours, but it is too high. It is no different from cheating."

Lang Xing said proudly, "This is the same as pigs being jealous of tigers. Pigs will also feel that tigers are cheating. Not only are they strong, but they also have sharp teeth and claws."

"Bah! Pigs are pigs and tigers are tigers. To lump them together is unreasonable. You are a human just like us, so it is unconvincing that there is such a big gap."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "This is because your vision is too low. Pigs and tigers are the same living beings, and immortals and humans are the same people. From this perspective, you can put pigs and tigers together. Don't everyone believe that through Can you become an immortal through cultivation? You envy people who can become immortals, but you look down on people with high talents, thinking that they are like cheating. Fairy Su, I might as well tell you the truth that you don't like to hear. It is impossible for a pig to become a tiger. It is impossible for ordinary people to become immortals. I can assert that all those who can become immortals must be people with extraordinary talents. They were different from you before they became immortals. If you dare not admit and face this, you are deceiving yourself. "

Su Wan's face became very ugly. Lang Xing's words were equivalent to completely extinguishing her hopes, but she could not find any evidence to refute.

Lang Xing smiled with a bit of malice and said, "Do you feel uncomfortable? You feel that your future is bleak, right?"

Su Wan is really too lazy to talk to him this time. She has nothing to think about now. Anyone who suffers from such a sap will collapse. It would be fine if such words come from others. Lang Xing is extremely talented. A tall person is the person most likely to become an immortal, and also the person most qualified to say such things.

"Hey, do you want me to show you a clear path? In fact, you can still become an immortal." Lang Xing said that he didn't need his help in healing. Qimu Xianzun stopped talking nonsense. His attitude towards Lang Xing changed from the original one. Curiosity, then surprise and then fear, now it is a combination of awe and admiration, but there is still a little dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, he is a monk of Huayu. He really wants to have an upright fight with Lang Xing. This dissatisfaction made him very polite and humble when facing Lang Xing, but he could still maintain the most basic decency of a great supernatural power.

He glanced in the direction of Huang Yu and others, then looked at Lang Xing with an unnatural smile and said, "Did you give them the drop of mysterious water that they understood?"

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "Yes, if you need to understand, I will send it to you later."

"No, I'll just ask them to send it to me. If you think they're in the way, I can ask them to move to the Junlu Sect now."

Lang Xing said with a bit of a bad smile, "Then let them pass. A bunch of big monks blocking the door of the house is really a hindrance."

Immortal Qimu nodded with a smile and said, "I'm going to help Huang Ying settle the compensation matter first. If we have anything to say, we'll talk about it later." After becoming an outer sect elder, he won't have to worry about meeting Lang Xing. There is no need to be sticky at the moment. It's annoying to be here. After talking to Langxing, he said to Su Wan kindly, "In your spare time, come to our place and let Xiangyun take you into the 'Baodian Pavilion' to see the pharmacopoeia we have. "

"Thank you for your love." Su Wan bowed and thanked her.

"There is no need to be so polite from now on. I am the elder of the outer sect, and you are the elder of the inner sect. In terms of status, you are higher than me." After laughing, Qimu Xianzun waved his hands to the two of them and walked away. .

As soon as Qimu Xianzun left, Su Wan wanted to hide in the mountains again. Lang Xing stopped her and said, "Let's stop making trouble and talk about business."

Su Wan looked at him sideways and said, "You don't want to become an immortal or mess with the world, so what else can you talk about?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Then let's talk about how not to become an immortal and how not to mess with the mortal world. Isn't that the right thing to do?"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Su Wan rolled her eyes at him angrily and started to leave again.

"Hey, hey, hey! Seriously, help me understand the soul technique. Senior Wuhun gave me a soul control technique before. You took out the soul-binding technique from the magic circle not long ago, and together with me and Yun The Soul Embellishment Technique acquired by Fairy Dao, these three are the top techniques in the Soul Technique, and if you put them together for reference and understanding, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Su Wan looked at him with disgust and said, "These top skills are all unique. They are thousands of miles or even completely different from each other. If you study them together, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. You will become obsessed with twice the result with half the effort!"

Langxing curled his lips and said disapprovingly, "You don't understand this. Many methods that are completely different from each other are actually connected to each other. I have a deep understanding of this through meditating on the art of prohibition. You think they are completely different because you have not understood them. Fundamentally, it’s like a big tree. If you just look at the above, the branches stretch out in all directions, and you can’t see the slightest connection with each other. But once you see the trunk, everything will be clear. I learn the art of restraint. First understand the origin, then learn from the strengths of other schools, and master it in a short period of time.”

Su Wan was a little worried and said, "I understand your thoughts. When learning the art of restraint, you started from the beginning to the end. This time, you plan to do the opposite.

Use these spells to trace the origin, but this matter is not as simple as you think, and this is a soul spell, which is much more dangerous than a forbidden spell. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of losing your life. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "It is precisely because I know it is dangerous that I asked you to help. You are so smart, you will definitely be of great help."

Su Wan sneered, "Are you trying to drag me to death with you?"

Langxing rolled his eyes, "Don't be ignorant of the compliment. Qi Mugui is a dominating immortal. All he wants to do is talk to me more. I'm not bragging. Don't talk about anything else. Just My achievements in the art of restraint are enough to make me proud of the world. What about the Feather Monk? How many of them can discover the origin of things? If I just tell them about the understanding of restraint, it will benefit them for life. But you can fully understand what I am thinking, Fairy Su, I advise you not to cherish it!"

Su Wan also rolled her eyes and said, "It is precisely because I know more that I understand what is wrong with you. Why are you bragging? You can explore the origin of the ban because of your talent. This is what you told me yourself. It's fine to brag to others, but don't brag to me!" Lang Xing rolled up his sleeves and put on a posture to reason with her, saying, "How about talent? You don't know what talent is at all. Most of the people are dull. Compared with them, your intelligence is talent. If you are given a brain and heart like them, you can only be a mediocre person in this life. No matter how hard you try, it will be useless. So you also rely on talent, then why do you look down on me, who has a higher talent than you?" Su Wan blinked and said, "We look down on people who cheat. Your talent is not just higher than ours, but it is too high. It's no different from cheating." Lang Xing said proudly, "This is the same as a pig jealous of a tiger. The pig will also think that the tiger is cheating. Not only is it strong, but it is also With sharp teeth and claws. "

"Bah! Pigs are pigs, tigers are tigers, it is far-fetched to confuse them. You are human like us, so it is hard to accept such a big gap. "

Lang Xing sneered and said, "This is because your vision is too low. Pigs and tigers are both living creatures, and immortals and humans are both human beings. From this perspective, you can put pigs and tigers together. Don't you all believe that you can become immortals through cultivation? You envy those who can become immortals, but you look down on those with high talents and think they are like cheating. Fairy Su, I might as well tell you something you don't like to hear. It is impossible for a pig to become a tiger, and it is impossible for an ordinary person to become an immortal. I can assert that all those who can become immortals must be people with extraordinary talents. They are different from you before they become immortals. If you dare not admit and face this, you are deceiving yourself. "

Su Wan's face became very ugly. Lang Xing's words were equivalent to completely extinguishing her hope, but she could not find any evidence to refute it.

Lang Xing smiled maliciously and said, "Do you feel bad? Do you think your future is bleak?"

Su Wan really didn't bother to pay attention to him this time. She didn't have any thoughts now. Anyone who was hit by such a blow would collapse. If such words came from someone else, it would be fine. Lang Xing is a person with super talent. He is the most likely to become an immortal and the most qualified to say such words.

"Hehe, do you want me to show you a way? You can still become an immortal."

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