Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2387 Get out! Farewell!

Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing. Although her face remained calm, her heart was extremely excited. If Lang Xing could really point out a clear path for her, then this kindness would be far more important than saving her life. After all, she could be reincarnated after death. , but if there is no wise guidance, reincarnation for thousands of lives will just be repeated suffering.

Lang Xing could see the nervousness in her heart, and deliberately smiled and said, "There is a clear path, but if you become an immortal, there will be one less person to accompany me, so I'll give you some advice later."

"You are such a selfish villain!" Su Wan was so anxious that she wanted to smash his head open and find out the clear path.

Lang Xing raised his chin and said in a arrogant manner, "I advise you to be polite to me. Maybe I am the only person who can help you become an immortal. Let me remind you that your current attitude is just that of a villain who cares about others. I just wanted to help you later and you scolded me like that. Think about it for yourself, are you being reasonable?"

Su Wan gritted her silver teeth and stared at the distant sky. She wanted to kill this kid, but then she thought about it. What they said was not wrong. After all, the two of them had not yet become a Taoist couple. She didn't have the capital to act arrogantly. With this gesture, he unconsciously mistook this boy for Xun Yi. It was okay to play tricks with Xun Yi, but playing with Lang Xing was a bit too much. Moreover, he had already made up his mind to accompany him in this life. No matter whether it is sinking or sinking, there are no complaints or regrets, so if you know this bright road later, you can know it later, and save yourself the worry after knowing it.

After turning this corner, her mentality suddenly became calmer, and she said with a calm attitude, "You are right, Lingxing Immortal Lord, you want me to be polite to you, right? You still have to follow me. I'm being reasonable, right? Okay, then let's be reasonable in everything from now on, and let's not talk about fighting for rice or rice. We all remember how much we owe you, and I will pay you back little by little later. From now on, we will You're all polite, you don't have to threaten me with becoming an immortal, I don't care, okay, I'll take my leave now, and we'll see you someday."

"Where are you going?" This made Lang Xing a little stupid, and he blurted out such a question.

Su Wan almost vomited blood out of anger, and tried her best to keep a calm expression and replied, "Let's go find the spiritual treasures. I'll pay off the debt I owe you for the two spiritual treasures first. The Yeju Tu should be half for one person, so I'll try my best to find one." Baolai, please pay it back to you. I won’t take advantage of it. If you have any other things, please make a list and I will pay you back slowly.”

Lang Xing laughed, "Let's stop making trouble, let's talk about business, the clear path I talked about is actually..."

"Shut up." Su Wan stopped him with a vindictive look on her face, "I don't want to hear it anymore. There's no point in begging me. Just keep your bright future in your stomach."

"Hey?! Su Wan, you're still in the mood, aren't you! We'll see who begs whom in the end! I won't say it yet, it's useless for you to beg me!" Although Lang Xing didn't understand why she suddenly became playful Since she's not angry, let's continue teasing.

"Don't worry, I won't beg you. Say goodbye!" After Su Wan finished speaking, she made a gesture of leaving.

"In addition to saying goodbye, what else can you say?" Lang Xing blocked her, dumbfounded.

"I have nothing to say to you anymore. Didn't you ask me to be polite to you, so I have to say goodbye to you? Don't you want to be reasonable? Why are you stopping me like this?"

"Okay, okay, okay, don't say goodbye now, and don't look for any spiritual treasures or fairy treasures. High-grade spiritual treasures are not so easy to find. Let's do this. You stay with me for a thousand years and you will be worth one spiritual treasure. It's fair." Okay, I'll give it

I'll give you two pieces and stay with you for two thousand years. "

"I don't want to! I can find it. Get out of the way and say goodbye."

"Five hundred years."

"Get out of the way, don't be so unreasonable."

"Two hundred years."

"Please respect yourself. How can you, an immortal king, stop me like this?"

"a hundred years."

"Don't waste my time. With this time, I can even get the spiritual treasure back."

"Bah! You are so shameless, fifty years!"

"Ten years, even one more year won't do."

"You..., okay, okay, ten years will be ten years."

Su Wan smiled and said, "This is what you promised."

"Well, I agreed. That half of the wild dwelling picture will be counted as five thousand years. After all, it is an immortal treasure."

"Go away! Farewell!"

Lang Xing laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, the debt you owe me has been cancelled, but you can't leave. Don't think about leaving a bunch of disciples here and just ignore them. No one will take care of you. If you want to leave, I will leave." They rushed back to Xuanfang."

"Hurry up and try it!"

"Let's go, let's study the soul arts together. I remembered one more thing. The Mirror Water Fairy Princess seems to know a magical soul technique. I'll go back and ask her for advice. Master Yin, the ancestor of the Soul Refining Sect. Uncle is also very kind to me. Let’s talk to him again if we have a chance.” He deliberately left out the most important person to lure Su Wan into talking.

Sure enough, Su Wan snorted and said, "When it comes to soul arts, Senior Xiaoyao is the great expert."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Of course I know this, but he is committed to killing people who practice soul arts. Although we don't study the evil arts of soul refinement, I am still afraid that he will be unhappy."

"I'll go find him and tell him that I'll help you find him now. Say goodbye."

"Su Wan! Are you done yet?"

Su Wan suppressed her laughter and stopped making trouble. She changed her serious look and warned, "Soul arts can't be practiced casually. In my opinion, it's safest to let Senior Xiaoyao introduce you to it first. You can't be talented in every aspect, right?" ?”

Langxing also changed his serious expression, and mused: "As the saying goes, one thing can make all things clear, and there is a great way to simplicity. When I was studying the art of restraint, I was thinking that maybe the origin of restraint is just a branch. Could it be that the origin of everything points to the same source? And that original origin is the Great Way. Once you understand that origin, you will be omnipotent and have no worries."

Su Wan frowned and asked, "Is there any difference between the origin you think and the way of heaven that everyone talks about?"

Langxing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "There is a big difference. I think this origin is higher than the law. The origin comes first before the law. The law depends on the origin. Well... just like water comes first and then rivers, lakes and seas." "At this point, he shook his head, "No, this metaphor is not accurate. Take what we are talking about as an example. There is a soul first, and then there is soul magic. It is much more accurate to say that the law relies on the origin. If we say What you understand is the law, then..."

At this point, he stopped, looked up at the sky, and then used his mind to convey the message: "I feel that unspeakable feeling of panic, and I can't talk about this issue anymore." After conveying the message, he called. Shivering, his shoulders tightened and his arms curled up in front of his chest, looking terrified. Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing. Although her face remained calm, her heart was extremely excited. If Lang Xing could really point out a clear path for her, then this kindness would be far more important than saving her life. After all, she could be reincarnated after death. , but if there is no wise guidance, reincarnation for thousands of lives will just be repeated suffering.

Lang Xing could see the nervousness in her heart, and deliberately smiled and said, "There is a clear path, but if you become an immortal, there will be one less person to accompany me, so I'll give you some advice later."

"You are such a selfish villain!" Su Wan was so anxious that she wanted to smash his head open and find out the clear path.

Lang Xing raised his chin and said in a arrogant manner, "I advise you to be polite to me. Maybe I am the only person who can help you become an immortal. Let me remind you that your current attitude is just that of a villain who cares about others. I just wanted to help you later and you scolded me like that. Think about it for yourself, are you being reasonable?"

Su Wan gritted her silver teeth and stared at the distant sky. She wanted to kill this kid, but then she thought about it. What they said was not wrong. After all, the two of them had not yet become a Taoist couple. She didn't have the capital to act arrogantly. With this gesture, he unconsciously mistook this boy for Xun Yi. It was okay to play tricks with Xun Yi, but playing with Lang Xing was a bit too much. Moreover, he had already made up his mind to accompany him in this life. No matter whether it is sinking or sinking, there are no complaints or regrets, so if you know this bright road later, you can know it later, and save yourself the worry after knowing it.

After turning this corner, her mentality suddenly became calmer, and she said with a calm attitude, "You are right, Lingxing Immortal Lord, you want me to be polite to you, right? You still have to follow me. I'm being reasonable, right? Okay, then let's be reasonable in everything from now on, and let's not talk about fighting for rice or rice. We all remember how much we owe you, and I will pay you back little by little later. From now on, we will You're all polite, you don't have to threaten me with becoming an immortal, I don't care, okay, I'll take my leave now, and we'll see you someday."

"Where are you going?" This made Lang Xing a little stupid, and he blurted out such a question.

Su Wan almost vomited blood out of anger, and tried her best to keep a calm expression and replied, "Let's go find the spiritual treasures. I'll pay off the debt I owe you for the two spiritual treasures first. The Yeju Tu should be half for one person, so I'll try my best to find one." Baolai, please pay it back to you. I won’t take advantage of it. If you have any other things, please make a list and I will pay you back slowly.”

Lang Xing laughed, "Let's stop making trouble, let's talk about business, the clear path I talked about is actually..."

"Shut up." Su Wan stopped him with a vindictive look on her face, "If you don't want to hear it, there's no point in begging me. Just keep your bright future in your stomach."

"Hey?! Su Wan, you're still in the mood, aren't you! We'll see who begs whom in the end! I won't say it yet, it's useless for you to beg me!" Although Lang Xing didn't understand why she suddenly became playful Since she's not angry, let's continue teasing.

"Don't worry, I won't beg you. Say goodbye!" After Su Wan finished speaking, she made a gesture of leaving.

"In addition to saying goodbye, what else can you say?" Lang Xing blocked her, dumbfounded.

"I have nothing to say to you anymore. Didn't you ask me to be polite to you, so I have to say goodbye to you? Don't you want to be reasonable? Why are you stopping me like this?"

"Okay, okay, okay, don't say goodbye now, and don't look for any spiritual treasures or fairy treasures. High-grade spiritual treasures are not so easy to find. Let's do this. You stay with me for a thousand years and you will be worth one spiritual treasure. It's fair." Okay, I'll give it

I'll give you two pieces and stay with you for two thousand years. "

"I don't want to! I can find it. Get out of the way and say goodbye."

"Five hundred years."

"Get out of the way, don't be so unreasonable."

"Two hundred years."

"Please respect yourself. How can you, an immortal king, stop me like this?"

"a hundred years."

"Don't waste my time. With this time, I can even get the spiritual treasure back."

"Bah! You are so shameless, fifty years!"

"Ten years, even one more year won't do."

"You..., okay, okay, ten years will be ten years."

Su Wan smiled and said, "This is what you promised."

"Well, I agreed. That half of the wild dwelling picture will be counted as five thousand years. After all, it is an immortal treasure."

"Go away! Farewell!"

Lang Xing laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, the debt you owe me has been cancelled, but you can't leave. Don't think about leaving a bunch of disciples here and just ignore them. No one will take care of you. If you want to leave, I will leave." They rushed back to Xuanfang."

"Hurry up and try it!"

"Let's go, let's study the soul arts together. I remembered one more thing. The Mirror Water Fairy Princess seems to know a magical soul technique. I'll go back and ask her for advice. Master Yin, the ancestor of the Soul Refining Sect. Uncle is also very kind to me. Let’s talk to him again if we have a chance.” He deliberately left out the most important person to lure Su Wan into talking.

Sure enough, Su Wan snorted and said, "When it comes to soul arts, Senior Xiaoyao is the great expert."

Lang Xing hesitated and said, "Of course I know this, but he is committed to killing people who practice soul arts. Although we don't study the evil arts of soul refinement, I am still afraid that he will be unhappy."

"I'll go find him and tell him that I'll help you find him now. Say goodbye."

"Su Wan! Are you done yet?"

Su Wan suppressed her laughter and stopped making trouble. She changed her serious look and warned, "Soul arts can't be practiced casually. In my opinion, it's safest to let Senior Xiaoyao introduce you to it first. You can't be talented in every aspect, right?" ?”

Langxing also changed his serious expression, and mused: "As the saying goes, one thing can make all things clear, and there is a great way to simplicity. When I was studying the art of restraint, I was thinking that maybe the origin of restraint is just a branch. Could it be that the origin of everything points to the same source? And that original origin is the Great Way. Once you understand that origin, you will be omnipotent and have no worries."

Su Wan frowned and asked, "Is there any difference between the origin you think and the way of heaven that everyone talks about?"

Langxing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "There is a big difference. I think this origin is higher than the law. The origin comes first before the law. The law depends on the origin. Well... just like water comes first and then rivers, lakes and seas." "At this point, he shook his head, "No, this metaphor is not accurate. Take what we are talking about as an example. There is a soul first, and then there is soul magic. It is much more accurate to say that the law relies on the origin. If we say What you understand is the law, then..."

At this point, he stopped, looked up at the sky, and then used his mind to say, "I feel that unspeakable feeling of panic, and I can't talk about this issue anymore." After saying this, he called. Shivering, his shoulders tightened and his arms curled up in front of his chest, looking terrified.

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