Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2398 What if I have to go in?

Thinking of this, Langxing immediately recalled Linghe who had just been released, and said to Jingbing and the others, "I'm going to see what kind of person he is."

Zhuang Yu pulled him and said, "Don't get involved in these things. Besides, he's a defector from Nanjingzhou. You shouldn't go see him to avoid any trouble."

Langxing said carelessly, "It's okay, maybe it's an old acquaintance. I'll go and ask who it is first. If it's someone I don't know, I won't meet him. Where is Qingyu?"

Zhuang Yu refused to let go and said, "She is in seclusion. If you are curious, I can help you ask who is here. You'd better not go there."

"It doesn't matter. Many people in Nanjingzhou know my identity here. Don't be afraid. You go and wake Qingyu up. I have something important to talk to her about." ??

Zhuang Yu couldn't stop her anymore and said with an angry expression, "What's the important thing for you? It's so easy for her to go into seclusion. How can she wake her up randomly?"

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just a retreat? It doesn't matter. I can make her retreat by just giving her a few words."

Jingbing was half joking and half serious, pulling on his other sleeve and saying, "If you are so capable, just give me a few words first. I haven't been in retreat for a long time. I listen to Master and Uncle Master preaching about Taoism." does not work."

Lang Xing shook off their hands, stretched out his hand to poke Jing Bing's forehead and said, "It's useless for anyone to tell you, you are just an ignorant person."

The seven or eight fourteenth-generation female disciples surrounding them resisted laughing. Although Jingbing loved to talk and laugh, after all, they were from the same generation as their masters and uncles, and they were already senior monks who were several thousand years old. Now they were Lang Xing, who is only over a thousand years old, pokes his forehead and makes fun of him. This scene is really unbearable.

"Get out of here!" Jingbing smiled and kicked Lang Xing. The young uncle became more and more unruly. He was such a simple and honest child before, but now he looks a bit like a playful and unbridled child. The seventh uncle is spoiled by everyone. No matter how honest a child is, if he is so pampered and teased, he will become this virtuous sooner or later. Of course, she also has a share of the credit for this.

Zhuang Yu was afraid that he would cause trouble without knowing the seriousness of the matter, so she went with him.

The magic circle of Jingxiao Hall has been opened. Xu Sheng and Nao Sheng, two disciples of Xinde, led a group of disciples to guard the outside. There was also a group of soldiers from the Qianzonghui Guards Battalion in bright armor who set up defense outside. The protection was so tight. It can be seen that Qianzonghui attaches great importance to this defector.

After being far away, Xu Sheng came over. It seemed that Ruo Sheng, who had been taught a lesson by Xun Yi, had a long memory. Not only did he not come over, he also hid far away. The little devil had killed him in front of him before. Husheng, although that matter has little to do with the Little Eight Immortal Lord, the Eight Immortal Lord's favor from the Little Demon Lord and the Second Immortal Concubine is much more favored than the Seventh Immortal Lord, and he doesn't dare to mess with it. This is my junior uncle.

"Little Master Uncle, you are here to see the Second Immortal Concubine. He is an important guest. Please wait for a while." Xu Sheng said with a smile on his face, and bowed as a gift to the Young Master Uncle. Yes, he is a disciple of Xin De, and his status in Zixiao Palace is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is quite impressive to be so polite to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing also said with a smile on his face, "Who is here? I heard he is from Nanjingzhou?"

Xu Sheng showed a look of embarrassment and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Qianzonghui requires that the identity of this person be kept secret for the time being. If you are curious, ask the Second Immortal Concubine later. I don't dare to talk nonsense."

Lang Xing put away some of his smile, "Then you

Just get out of the way first and I'll go in and take a look. "

Xu Sheng became more and more embarrassed and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Uncle Master, don't make things difficult for me. Master has strict orders not to allow anyone to approach Jingxiao Hall. If you break in, I will definitely be punished."

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "It has nothing to do with you. I am the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. Is there any place I am not allowed to go in Zixiao Palace?"

At this time, the leader of the Guards Battalion flew over and said to Lang Xing with a serious face, "Eight Immortals, this meeting is not a private matter of Zixiao Palace. Only those with permission can enter. I hope the Immortals will not embarrass us. "

Lang Xing felt very unhappy when he saw his seriousness. He didn't need to guess to know that he was worried that he was from Nanjingzhou, so he blocked him with a selfless attitude.

"What if I have to go in?" He looked at the man with a stern face and asked.

"Little Master, Little Master..." Xu Sheng stepped forward with a smile and wanted to pull Lang Xing away.

"It's none of your business." Lang Xing drank Xu Sheng, then stared at the leader and said, "You are afraid that I will go to Nanjingzhou to inform you, right?"

"The Immortal Lord is overly concerned. This official has no intention of doing so. Please don't hinder me from carrying out the military orders here." That man naturally has a solid foundation to be able to serve in the Guards Camp. Seeing Lang Xing being so rude, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He got a little angry and became more and more businesslike.

"Executing military orders in my Zixiao Palace?! Who gave you the courage to come here to perform military duties! Where do you think Zixiao Palace is!" Facts have proved that if Langxing wants to cause trouble, he is no worse than Xunyi. This is unreasonable The energy to stir up three points is the same as searching for changes.

Su Wan in the picture of living in the wild can see Lang Xing's appearance. She can't help but sigh in her heart. Even if such a good person stays in such an environment for a long time, he will inevitably be infected. Lang Xing's arrogant face is not Most people can pretend if they want to, but they have to have some background. It has to be said that the people in Zixiao Palace have trained Lang Xing into a decent dandy immortal.

"We are just carrying out the military orders of the guards. What's wrong with this?" The man saw him yelling and was afraid that he would disturb the people in the hall if he continued to make trouble, so although he was arguing with Lang Xing, his tone dropped a lot.

"There are no military orders in Zixiao Palace! They can only be called orders, understand! Unless Zixiao Palace commits a major crime, is convicted, and has a house ransacked, then you can come here to execute military orders. How did you get the job?" ? ! How come you don’t even understand this?” Although he is trying to make excuses, if he insists on speaking the truth, this can be regarded as confusing.

Seeing that he even said such words, the leader of the team did not dare to continue to pester him. He suppressed his anger and said, "I am not strict enough in my words. Immortal Lord, please stop making noise here. Please stay away."

"What does it mean to be noisy? I, the Immortal Lord, can make as much noise as he likes in his palace. Can you control it?" After saying that, he told Xu Sheng, "If he dares to stop him again, go to the Thousand Sect Meeting for me." Accuse him of being disrespectful to Zixiao Palace and daring to clamor to perform military duties in Zixiao Palace."

"Yes..." Xu Sheng promised with a grimace.

The leader's face turned dark. This Eight Immortal Lord was simply making trouble unreasonably. He had seen many arrogant Immortal Lords, but there were not many that were so arrogant. In fact, he brought this on himself. He had a preconceived notion about this Eight Immortal Lord who was born in Nanjingzhou. He thought that this Immortal Lord should be a man with his tail between his legs, and Lang Xing's face seemed to be easy to talk to. , so he treated Lang Xing with this attitude, so Lang Xing's arrogance seemed so intolerable to him.

"Get out of the way!" Lang Xing stared. Thinking of this, Langxing immediately recalled Linghe who had just been released, and said to Jingbing and the others, "I'm going to see what kind of person he is."

Zhuang Yu pulled him and said, "Don't get involved in these things. Moreover, he is a defector from Nanjingzhou. You shouldn't go see him to avoid any trouble."

Langxing said carelessly, "It's okay, maybe it's an old acquaintance. I'll go and ask who it is first. If it's someone I don't know, I won't meet him. Where is Qingyu?"

Zhuang Yu refused to let go and said, "She is in seclusion. If you are curious, I can help you ask who is here. You'd better not go there."

"It doesn't matter. Many people in Nanjingzhou know my identity here. Don't be afraid. You go and wake Qingyu up. I have something important to talk to her about."

Zhuang Yu couldn't stop her anymore and said with an angry look, "What's the matter with you? It's so easy for her to be in seclusion. How can she wake her up randomly?"

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just a retreat? It doesn't matter. I can make her retreat by just giving her a few words."

Jingbing was half joking and half serious, pulling on his other sleeve and saying, "If you are so capable, just give me a few words first. I haven't been in retreat for a long time. I listen to Master and Uncle Master preaching about Taoism." does not work."

Lang Xing shook off their hands, stretched out his hand to poke Jing Bing's forehead and said, "It's useless for anyone to tell you, you are just an ignorant person."

The seven or eight fourteenth-generation female disciples surrounding them resisted laughing. Although Jingbing loved to talk and laugh, after all, they were from the same generation as their masters and uncles, and they were already senior monks who were several thousand years old. Now they were Lang Xing, who is only over a thousand years old, pokes his forehead and makes fun of him. This scene is really unbearable.

"Get out of here!" Jingbing smiled and kicked Lang Xing. The young uncle became more and more unruly. He was such a simple and honest child before, but now he looks a bit like a playful and unbridled child. The seventh uncle is spoiled by everyone. No matter how honest a child is, if he is so pampered and teased, he will become this virtuous sooner or later. Of course, she also has a share of the credit for this.

Zhuang Yu was afraid that he would cause trouble without knowing the seriousness of the matter, so she went with him.

The magic circle of Jingxiao Hall has been opened. Xinde's two disciples, Xu Sheng and Nao Sheng, led a group of disciples to guard the outside. There was also a group of soldiers from the Qianzonghui Guards Battalion in bright armor who set up defense outside. The protection was so tight. It can be seen that Qianzonghui attaches great importance to this defector.

After being far away, Xu Sheng came over. It seemed that Ruo Sheng, who had been taught a lesson by Xun Yi, had a long memory. Not only did he not come over, he also hid far away. The little devil had killed him in front of him before. Husheng, although that matter has little to do with the Little Eight Immortal Lord, the Eight Immortal Lord's favor from the Little Demon Lord and the Second Immortal Concubine is much more favored than the Seventh Immortal Lord, and he doesn't dare to mess with it. This is my junior uncle.

"Little Master Uncle, you are here to see the Second Immortal Concubine. He is an important guest. Please wait for a while." Xu Sheng said with a smile on his face, and bowed as a gift to the Young Master Uncle. Yes, he is a great disciple of Xin De, and his status in Zixiao Palace is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is quite impressive to be so polite to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing also said with a smile on his face, "Who is here? I heard he is from Nanjingzhou?"

Xu Sheng showed a look of embarrassment and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Qianzonghui requires that the identity of this person be kept secret for the time being. If you are curious, ask the Second Immortal Concubine later. I don't dare to talk nonsense."

Lang Xing put away some of his smile, "Then you

Just get out of the way and I'll go in and take a look. "

Xu Sheng became more and more embarrassed and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Uncle Master, don't make things difficult for me. Master has strict orders not to allow anyone to approach Jingxiao Hall. If you break in, I will definitely be punished."

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "It has nothing to do with you. I am the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. Is there any place I am not allowed to go in Zixiao Palace?"

At this time, the leader of the Guards Battalion flew over and said to Lang Xing with a serious face, "Eight Immortals, this meeting is not a private matter of Zixiao Palace. Only those with permission can enter. I hope the Immortals will not embarrass us. "

Lang Xing felt very unhappy when he saw his seriousness. He didn't need to guess to know that he was worried that he was from Nanjingzhou, so he blocked him with a selfless attitude.

"What if I have to go in?" He looked at the man with a stern face and asked.

"Little Master, Little Master..." Xu Sheng stepped forward with a smile and wanted to pull Lang Xing away.

"It's none of your business." Lang Xing drank Xu Sheng, then stared at the leader and said, "You are afraid that I will go to Nanjingzhou to inform you, right?"

"The Immortal Lord is overly concerned. This official has no intention of doing so. Please don't hinder me from carrying out the military orders here." That man naturally has a solid foundation to be able to serve in the Guards Camp. Seeing Lang Xing being so rude, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He got a little angry and became more and more businesslike.

"Executing military orders in my Zixiao Palace?! Who gave you the courage to come here to perform military duties! Where do you think Zixiao Palace is!" Facts have proved that if Langxing wants to cause trouble, he is no worse than Xunyi. This is unreasonable The energy to stir up three points is the same as searching for Yi.

Su Wan in the picture of living in the wild can see Lang Xing's appearance. She can't help but sigh in her heart. Even if such a good person stays in such an environment for a long time, he will inevitably be infected. Lang Xing's arrogant face is not Most people can pretend if they want to, but they have to have some background. It has to be said that the people in Zixiao Palace have trained Lang Xing into a decent dandy immortal.

"We are just carrying out the military orders of the guards. What's wrong with this?" The man saw him yelling and was afraid that he would disturb the people in the hall if he continued to make trouble, so although he was arguing with Lang Xing, his tone dropped a lot.

"There are no military orders in Zixiao Palace! They can only be called orders, understand! Unless Zixiao Palace commits a major crime, is convicted, and has a house ransacked, then you can come here to execute military orders. How did you get the job?" ? ! How come you don’t even understand this?” Although he is trying to make excuses, if he insists on speaking the truth, this can be regarded as confusing.

Seeing that he even said such words, the leader of the team did not dare to continue to pester him. He suppressed his anger and said, "I am not strict enough in my words. Immortal Lord, please stop making noise here. Please stay away."

"What does it mean to be noisy? I, the Immortal Lord, can make as much noise as he likes in his palace. Can you control it?" After saying that, he told Xu Sheng, "If he dares to stop him again, go to the Thousand Sect Meeting for me." Accuse him of being disrespectful to Zixiao Palace and daring to clamor to perform military duties in Zixiao Palace."

"Yes..." Xu Sheng promised with a grimace.

The leader's face turned dark. This Eight Immortal Lord was simply making trouble unreasonably. He had seen many arrogant Immortal Lords, but there were not many that were so arrogant. In fact, he brought this on himself. He had a preconceived notion about this Eight Immortal Lord who was born in Nanjingzhou. He thought that this Immortal Lord should be a man with his tail between his legs, and Lang Xing's face seemed to be easy to talk to. , so he treated Lang Xing with this attitude, so Lang Xing's arrogance seemed so intolerable to him.

"Get out of the way!" Lang Xing stared.

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