Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2399 Go back and face the wall for a hundred years

The team leader took a step back, but did not give in anymore, because he felt a little guilty. In a panic, he raised his hand and called the team of guards over. Originally, he just wanted to use this to embolden him, but now even Xu Sheng couldn't help it. Don't do it anymore, let alone letting these people hurt the Eight Immortals. Just by scaring the Eight Immortals away like this, Zixiao Palace's face will be damaged.

"What do you mean?!" Xu Sheng asked with a low face.

"I...I am not targeting the Eight Immortals." The team leader was completely panicked. Compared with Lang Xing, he was more afraid of offending Xu Sheng. Xu Sheng's rank in Qianzonghui was much higher than his, and he was Zixiao. The eldest disciple of the head of the palace is a man who can run rampant in Puyun Prefecture.

"Back off!" Xu Sheng directly ordered the group of guards to get back his face.

"Don't." Of course, Lang Xing would not let go of this opportunity to cause trouble. He raised his hand and gave an order to the Zixiao Palace disciples who were responsible for guarding here, "Form up! Meet the enemy!"

All the disciples of Zixiao Palace looked at Xu Sheng in a helpless manner. Although the Eighth Master issued the decree, they felt that they still had to see Xu Sheng's attitude, and the Eighth Master's decree was obviously a bit nonsense.

Xu Sheng had no choice but to send a message of help to Jingxiao Palace. At this point, he did not dare to delay it any longer. The young master uncle was deeply loved by the Sixth Immortal Lord and the Second Immortal Concubine. Even his master did not dare to To speak harshly to this little uncle, if this thunder falls on him today, it will definitely be enough for him.

"Junior brother, why are you so angry? Why do you need to be familiar with them?" With these kind words, Quan Mao took the lead in flying out of the magic circle of Jingxiao Hall with a smile on his face, Zhixia, Xinde, Xianyu, Jing Feng, Yan Bing and others followed closely.

Lang Xing bowed his hands to Quan Mao and said, "Fourth Senior Brother, you are here to judge. I don't want to cause trouble, but he actually talked nonsense, saying that he was performing military duties in my Zixiao Palace. He asked me not to hinder him. It's Senior Brother." Did you give him a military order?"

Quan Mao laughed loudly, stepped forward and hugged Lang Xing's shoulder affectionately, "Little guy, in the blink of an eye, he will soon become a great monk. I heard that you caused a lot of trouble in Nanjingzhou. It's enough. They are no worse than Xin Xie and Xin Qing." After getting close to Lang Xing, he scolded the guards with a stern face, "Why don't you retreat! This is where you use your swords and guns!"

After he ordered the guards to retreat, he glared at the leader and said, "You are so confused! Why don't you understand so many rules? Who gave you the military order you are carrying out! Don't blame the Eight Immortals for picking on you, the Eight Immortals." That's right. How many brains do you have when it comes to executing military orders in Zixiao Palace! Why don't you apologize to the Eight Immortals!" This person is his confidant, so although his words are harsh, the meaning of protection is self-evident. After reprimanding him, he immediately said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thoughts, "He has been with me for many years. Junior brother, give me some face. Don't argue with him. I will reprimand him properly when I get back."

The team leader came forward with a face full of shame and bowed to Lang Xing to apologize. He was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. He was embarrassed today, but he was eating this bowl of rice. This was not the first time that this happened. In front of the powerful, he knew he was no better than a dog.

"Forget it." Lang Xing waved his hands in disgust. He didn't have the slightest fondness for such scoundrels who were willing to seek power, but he didn't bother to argue with them.

At this time, Jing Feng came to Lang Xing and praised with a smile on his face, "Junior brother

What a genius. The last time I saw you, you were just forming pills. How many years has it passed? "

"Senior brother, you're rewarded." Lang Xing looked at the second senior sister after having a laugh with Jing Feng.

Zhixia, who was guarded by Yan Bing, Xian Yu and others, looked quite peaceful and looked like a fairy concubine. Seeing Lang Xing looking over, she showed a warm smile, then looked at the Zixiao Palace disciples and said, " You people will go back and face the wall for a hundred years. If you dare to disrespect the Eight Immortals' decrees next time, you will be expelled from the school."

The disciples' eyes widened in astonishment. They just hesitated for a moment and faced the wall for a hundred years? Isn't this punishment too harsh?

Quan Mao's expression was a little unnatural. The Second Immortal Concubine punished his disciples so severely, which seemed like his punishment was too light. But now it is not easy to impose additional punishments immediately. We can only talk about it after going back. Anyway, this matter has to be done. He gave the Second Immortal Concubine an explanation. He understood that the Second Immortal Concubine did this just to show him, and naturally to establish her prestige for the Eight Immortals.

Lang Xing also knew that the second senior sister was trying to establish her own authority, so it was not easy for him to intercede for those disciples at the moment.

After punishing the disciple, Zhixia beckoned Lang Xing over with a smile on his face, held his arm affectionately and asked, "Did you get into trouble again? Why did you come back so quickly? Didn't I tell you not to come back for now?" ”

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "I miss you."

Xianyu, Jingfeng and others were smiling, and to be so loved by the Second Immortal Concubine, this little guy's luck was truly enviable.

"Slippery tongue!" Zhixia cursed with a smile, and then said to Xinde, "You can continue talking to them. Junior brother and I will go and talk."

She showed her love for her junior brother to the extreme. Quan Mao, Jing Feng and others naturally understood how to treat the Eight Immortals in the future.

Langxing looked in the direction of Jingxiao Palace and said, "I heard that this guest is from Nanjingzhou, can you let me meet him?"

Jing Feng said in a joking tone, "Junior brother, you don't know how to cherish your blessings. The Second Immortal Concubine loves you so much, how can you still have such leisure? Go and accompany the Second Immortal Concubine. Didn't you see that the Second Immortal Concubine has arranged a major military matter for you?" Have you let it go?"

Zhixia smiled slightly and said, "If you want to see him, go and see him." After saying that, he took him and flew to Jingxiao Palace.

Jingfeng and Quan Mao looked at each other, both of them feeling confused. Zhixia was a very shrewd person. Why did he not care about anything when he met this junior brother? He just wanted to show off to them. You can't be so unprincipled. The two of them didn't dare to say anything and chased after him.

The guest sat alone in Jingxiao Palace. He had blurred his face with his cultivation. Everything that happened outside could be seen in the palace. He didn't understand what the Second Immortal Concubine meant. In Langxing When the quarrel first started, everyone wanted to go out to resolve the dispute, but the Second Immortal Concubine told everyone not to move. She didn't allow everyone to go out until Xu Sheng sent a divine message. Could this be a trap set by the Second Immortal Consort for him?

"Looks familiar, is he an old acquaintance?" Lang Xing stared at the man unceremoniously as soon as he came in. Although his face was hidden by his cultivation, his figure could be seen clearly. He looked similar to Du Dao is very similar.

Zhixia said calmly, "This is my junior brother, the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. He wants to meet you." The leader took a step back, but did not give in anymore because he felt a little guilty. He raised his hand in panic. The team of guards summoned over. Originally, he just wanted to use this to embolden his courage, but now even Xu Sheng didn't want to do it. Let alone letting these people hurt the Eight Immortals, just to scare the Eight Immortals away, Zi Xiao Palace’s face was damaged.

"What do you mean?!" Xu Sheng asked with a low face.

"I...I am not targeting the Eight Immortals." The team leader was completely panicked. Compared with Lang Xing, he was more afraid of offending Xu Sheng. Xu Sheng's rank in Qianzonghui was much higher than his, and he was Zixiao. The eldest disciple of the head of the palace is a man who can run rampant in Puyun Prefecture.

"Back off!" Xu Sheng directly ordered the group of guards to get back his face.

"Don't." Of course, Lang Xing would not let go of this opportunity to cause trouble. He raised his hand and gave an order to the Zixiao Palace disciples who were responsible for guarding here, "Form up! Meet the enemy!"

All the disciples of Zixiao Palace looked at Xu Sheng in a helpless manner. Although the Eighth Master issued the decree, they felt that they still had to see Xu Sheng's attitude, and the Eighth Master's decree was obviously a bit nonsense.

Xu Sheng had no choice but to send a message of help to Jingxiao Palace. At this point, he did not dare to delay it any longer. The young master uncle was deeply loved by the Sixth Immortal Lord and the Second Immortal Concubine. Even his master did not dare to To speak harshly to this little uncle, if this thunder falls on him today, it will definitely be enough for him.

"Junior brother, why are you so angry? Why do you need to be familiar with them?" With these kind words, Quan Mao took the lead in flying out of the magic circle of Jingxiao Hall with a smile on his face, Zhixia, Xinde, Xianyu, Jing Feng, Yan Bing and others followed closely.

Lang Xing bowed his hands to Quan Mao and said, "Fourth Senior Brother, you are here to judge. I don't want to cause trouble, but he actually talked nonsense, saying that he was performing military duties in my Zixiao Palace. He asked me not to hinder him. It's Senior Brother." Did you give him a military order?"

Quan Mao laughed loudly, stepped forward and hugged Lang Xing's shoulder affectionately, "Little guy, in the blink of an eye, he will soon become a great monk. I heard that you caused a lot of trouble in Nanjingzhou. It's enough. They are no worse than Xin Xie and Xin Qing." After getting close to Lang Xing, he scolded the guards with a stern face, "Why don't you retreat! This is where you use your swords and guns!"

After he ordered the guards to retreat, he glared at the leader and said, "You are so confused! Why don't you understand so many rules? Who gave you the military order you are carrying out! Don't blame the Eight Immortals for picking on you, the Eight Immortals." That's right. How many brains do you have when it comes to executing military orders in Zixiao Palace! Why don't you apologize to the Eight Immortals!" This person is his confidant, so although his words are harsh, the meaning of protection is self-evident. After reprimanding him, he immediately said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thoughts, "He has been with me for many years. Junior brother, give me some face. Don't argue with him. I will reprimand him properly when I get back."

The team leader came forward with a face full of shame and bowed to Lang Xing to apologize. He was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. He was embarrassed today, but he was eating this bowl of rice. This was not the first time that this happened. In front of the powerful, he knew he was no better than a dog.

"Forget it." Lang Xing waved his hands in disgust. He didn't have the slightest fondness for such scoundrels who were willing to seek power, but he didn't bother to argue with them.

At this time, Jing Feng came to Lang Xing and praised with a smile on his face, "Junior brother

What a genius. The last time I saw you, you were just forming pills. How many years has it passed? "

"Senior brother, you're rewarded." Lang Xing looked at the second senior sister after having a laugh with Jing Feng.

Zhixia, who was guarded by Yan Bing, Xian Yu and others, looked quite peaceful and looked like a fairy concubine. Seeing Lang Xing looking over, she showed a warm smile, then looked at the Zixiao Palace disciples and said, " You people will go back and face the wall for a hundred years. If you dare to disrespect the Eight Immortals' decrees next time, you will be expelled from the school."

The disciples' eyes widened in astonishment. They just hesitated for a moment and faced the wall for a hundred years? Isn't this punishment too harsh?

Quan Mao's expression was a little unnatural. The Second Immortal Concubine punished his disciples so severely, which seemed like his punishment was too light. But now it is not easy to impose additional punishments immediately. We can only talk about it after going back. Anyway, this matter has to be done. He gave the Second Immortal Concubine an explanation. He understood that the Second Immortal Concubine did this just to show him, and naturally to establish her prestige for the Eight Immortals.

Langxing also knew that the second senior sister was trying to establish her own authority, so it was not easy for him to intercede for those disciples at the moment.

After punishing the disciple, Zhixia beckoned Lang Xing over with a smile on his face, held his arm affectionately and asked, "Did you get into trouble again? Why did you come back so quickly? Didn't I tell you not to come back for now?" ”

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "I miss you."

Xianyu, Jingfeng and others were smiling, and to be so loved by the Second Immortal Concubine, this little guy's luck was truly enviable.

"Slippery tongue!" Zhixia cursed with a smile, and then said to Xinde, "You can continue talking to them. Junior brother and I will go and talk."

She showed her love for her junior brother to the extreme. Quan Mao, Jing Feng and others naturally understood how to treat the Eight Immortals in the future.

Langxing looked in the direction of Jingxiao Palace and said, "I heard that this guest is from Nanjingzhou, can you let me meet him?"

Jing Feng said in a joking tone, "Junior brother, you don't know how to cherish your blessings. The Second Immortal Concubine loves you so much, how can you still have such leisure? Go and accompany the Second Immortal Concubine. Didn't you see that the Second Immortal Concubine has arranged a major military matter for you?" Have you let it go?"

Zhixia smiled slightly and said, "If you want to see him, go and see him." After saying that, he took him and flew to Jingxiao Palace.

Jingfeng and Quan Mao looked at each other, both of them feeling confused. Zhixia was a very shrewd person. Why did he not care about anything when he met this junior brother? He just wanted to show off to them. You can't be so unprincipled. The two of them didn't dare to say anything and chased after him.

The guest sat alone in Jingxiao Palace. He had blurred his face with his cultivation. Everything that happened outside could be seen in the palace. He didn't understand what the Second Immortal Concubine meant. In Langxing When the quarrel first started, everyone wanted to go out to resolve the dispute, but the Second Immortal Concubine told everyone not to move. She didn't allow everyone to go out until Xu Sheng sent a divine message. Could it be that the Second Immortal Concubine deliberately set a trap for him?

"Looks familiar, is he an old acquaintance?" Lang Xing stared at the man unceremoniously as soon as he came in. Although his face was hidden by his cultivation, his figure could be seen clearly. He looked similar to Du Dao is very similar.

Zhixia said calmly, "This is my junior brother, the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. He wants to meet you."

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