Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2400 It’s really you

Du Daozi could only show his true face. The expression on his face was extremely complicated at this moment. He never imagined that Lang Xing was actually the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. When he saw Lang Xing flying domineeringly outside, he simply couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe it. I believe this person is the Langxing from Qianxu Palace. I really can’t get along with him. How could something so outrageous happen?

"Hahaha, it's you indeed!" Lang Xing pointed at Du Daozi with his finger arrogantly. This gesture showed that the two of them had a grudge without asking.

Jing Feng and Quan Mao grinned secretly. Seeing Zhi Xia's attitude, even if Lang Xing wanted to kill Daozi Zhi Xia, he would do it. The two of them unanimously sent spiritual thoughts to Zhi Xia, asking her not to let Lang Xing do it under any circumstances. .

Zhixia said directly, "Then it depends on how much hatred my junior brother has against him." She knew in her heart that her junior brother would not do such an unmeasured thing.

Jing Feng asked Lang Xing with a smile on his face, "Junior brother, have you seen him?"

Lang Xing looked at Du Daozi with a wild smile and said, "I've never seen him before. He once forced me to join the army, set harsh problems for me, and intended to kill me. I survived because of my fate."

Du Daozi cursed in his heart, how could he be so lucky? He could even kill the white dragon of Daoxing in the later stage of Yuanying. It was true that he wanted to kill him, but the problem of killing ten monsters was not a problem for him at all. What, this kid has really broken his conscience by saying this deliberately now.

"Is there such a thing?" Jing Feng looked at Du Daozi unhappily. He had to make some gesture first before persuading Lang Xing. After glaring at Du Daozi, he used his spiritual mind to say to Lang Xing, "He He is extremely useful to us now. Not only is this person familiar with the military deployment of the Tianlu Alliance, but his defection can also be used for propaganda purposes, proving to everyone that our place is much better than Nanjingzhou. Of course, this cannot be hidden from Xiao Xiao. Junior brother, it’s yours, but the people below don’t have the same experience as us, and they will definitely believe this living example, so you must not kill him. If you want to beat him to vent your anger, it’s okay, but it’s best to wait. After a while, when he has revealed all the information he needs to reveal, I will help you vent your anger and even cripple him will be no problem."

These words filled Lang Xing's heart with disgust. It was so shameless that Qian Zonghui would promote these scumbags as heroes to deceive the public. But his senior brothers and sisters were also among them, so he could still say what.

Seeing that Lang Xing didn't speak, Jing Feng quickly winked at Du Daozi and said, "Why don't you apologize to the Eight Immortals? The Eight Immortals are generous. Fortunately, you offended him. If you offended other immortals, you will suffer the consequences in the future." ”

Du Daozi humbly came forward and saluted. He knew Puyunzhou well. Jingfeng was right. If he offended an immortal king from the nine sects, he would not be able to live in Puyunzhou. He was really unlucky. He was a vengeful man in the past. Gong's random actions actually laid such a big foundation for today's disaster. If he had known this, why bother to trouble a young monk who broke into the battlefield? God's will plays tricks on people. If you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, it's useless to escape to Puyunzhou. This is your fate.

He didn't understand what fate was. What made Lang Xing hold a grudge against him was not his behavior of forcing Lang Xing to join the army, but his bestiality. If it was just a matter of forced recruitment, Lang Xing would not be the same as him. .

When he came to Lang Xing and bowed to apologize, Lang Xing suddenly waved his hand and slapped him hard. The sound was not a crisp sound, but a muffled sound. This shows how much effort was used in this slap. Daozi was whipped out and fell on a table seven or eight feet away, causing tea cups and fruit plates to fly around. Not to mention how embarrassing it was to look like that.

Everyone secretly grinned. When they saw Lang Xing waving his hand to slap Du Daozi, they thought that Du Daozi would definitely dodge. When they realized something was wrong, it was too late to stop him, so they concluded that it was the Erxian Fei who secretly imprisoned Du. Daozi, with this kind of speculation, no one dared to say anything. Only Zhixia knew clearly that Lang Xing slapped him on his own merit.

"Things worse than beasts!" Du Daozi, who was in a state of embarrassment with Lang Xing's fingers, shouted sternly, "Not to mention the beastly deeds you have committed, now that even the sect has been harmed, how can you still be considered a human being!"

He couldn't explain the evil deeds Du Daozi committed. It was a shocking scandal in Nanjingzhou, but it was not worth mentioning in front of the powerful people like Puyunzhou. But harming the master's sect was an act that was despised by both places, so All I can say is that Du Daozi's defection to Pu Yunzhou will undoubtedly bring shame to the Immortal Soul Sect.

"Junior brother, calm down, calm down." Jing Feng forced himself to look cheerful and came up to appease Lang Xing. This slap was really a bit too much. The Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace are really very arrogant and pampered. Even if you try to coax him with nice words, Zhi Xia is quite capable. How can anyone pamper his junior brother so much? If this continues, he will sooner or later cause a big disaster.

After Du Daozi got up, he lowered his head and his face changed color, and he did not dare to say anything. With his identity, defecting here will definitely receive preferential treatment. This slap in the face has taken away his face. Who will treat him as such in the future? What's going on? The down-and-out phoenix is ​​really worse than a chicken. If he had known this, he would rather wander to Tianya than come here. Now it is too late to regret.

Lang Xing pointed at Du Daozi with lingering anger and continued to scold, "Come here! I have something else to ask you."

Du Daozi glanced at Quan Mao and Jing Feng and slowly walked towards Langxing.

Quan Mao and Jing Feng had no choice but to use their spiritual thoughts to plead with Zhixia again. It was a bit too much to humiliate Du Daozi like this.

Zhixia also felt that Lang Xing had gone too far. Just when he was about to persuade Lang Xing, Lang Xing turned around and said to Jing Feng and Quan Mao, "Two senior brothers, I really have some personal matters that I want to ask him clearly. Please ask me." Senior brother allowed me to interrogate him alone, and I promise not to beat him again."

"This..." Jing Feng looked at Zhi Xia in embarrassment. He couldn't believe Lang Xing's guarantee. He had to give Zhi Xia a guarantee for this matter.

Zhixia didn't say anything. He waved his hand and set up an isolation ban to isolate everyone. Then he sealed Du Daozi's cultivation level, and then asked Lang Xing with half-smiling eyes to see if he was going to do it too. Get out.

Lang Xing was amused by Second Senior Sister's expression, "I really have to hide this from you for now. I will tell you the truth later."

Zhixia rolled her eyes at him angrily, turned around leisurely and walked out of the isolation circle.

Du Daozi's mouth couldn't help but feel bitter, and his heart felt even more bitter. His whole body felt bitter, even worse than falling into the sea of ​​suffering. He finally understood that this Second Immortal Concubine did not simply dote on Lang Xing, but only cared about her. Supporting her without any restraint, it can be seen from the expressions of the two that Lang Xing is not afraid of this Second Immortal Concubine at all, and this Second Immortal Concubine seems to be helpless with Lang Xing. This is the end. With such an immortal concubine supporting Lang Xing regardless of the circumstances, even if this kid kills her, it will probably be in vain. How can he have a good life in the future? The frightening little devil hasn't appeared yet. If he If he dotes on Lang Xing like this, his life will be in danger. Why did he offend such a evil star?

After Langxing waited for the second senior sister to go out, he looked at Du Daozi with a cold face and asked, "How powerful is Wutian Valley? Tell me the truth, or I will search for your soul." Du Daozi could only show his true face. The expression on his face at this moment It was extremely complicated. He had never imagined that Lang Xing was actually the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. When he saw Lang Xing flying domineeringly outside, he simply couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe that this person was the Lang Xing of Qianxu Palace. Innocence is really hard to deal with. How could something so outrageous happen?

"Hahaha, it's you indeed!" Lang Xing pointed at Du Daozi with his finger arrogantly. This gesture showed that the two of them had a grudge without asking.

Jing Feng and Quan Mao grinned secretly. Seeing Zhi Xia's attitude, even if Lang Xing wanted to kill Daozi Zhi Xia, he would do it. The two of them unanimously sent spiritual thoughts to Zhi Xia, asking her not to let Lang Xing do it under any circumstances. .

Zhixia said directly, "Then it depends on how much hatred my junior brother has against him." She knew in her heart that her junior brother would not do such an unmeasured thing.

Jing Feng asked Lang Xing with a smile on his face, "Junior brother, have you seen him?"

Lang Xing looked at Du Daozi with a wild smile and said, "I've never seen him before. He once forced me to join the army, set harsh problems for me, and intended to kill me. I survived because of my fate."

Du Daozi cursed in his heart, how could he be so lucky? He could even kill the white dragon of Daoxing in the later stage of Yuanying. It was true that he wanted to kill him, but the problem of killing ten monsters was not a problem for him at all. What, this kid has really broken his conscience by saying this deliberately now.

"Is there such a thing?" Jing Feng looked at Du Daozi unhappily. He had to make some gesture first before persuading Lang Xing. After glaring at Du Daozi, he used his spiritual mind to say to Lang Xing, "He He is extremely useful to us now. Not only is this person familiar with the military deployment of the Tianlu Alliance, but his defection can also be used for propaganda purposes, proving to everyone that our place is much better than Nanjingzhou. Of course, this cannot be hidden from Xiao Xiao. Junior brother, it’s yours, but the people below don’t have the same experience as us, and they will definitely believe this living example, so you must not kill him. If you want to beat him to vent your anger, it’s okay, but it’s best to wait. After a while, when he has revealed all the information he needs to reveal, I will help you vent your anger and even cripple him will be no problem."

These words filled Lang Xing's heart with disgust. It was so shameless that Qian Zonghui would promote these scumbags as heroes to deceive the public. But his senior brothers and sisters were also among them, so he could still say what.

Seeing that Lang Xing didn't speak, Jing Feng quickly winked at Du Daozi and said, "Why don't you apologize to the Eight Immortals? The Eight Immortals are generous. Fortunately, you offended him. If you offended other immortals, you will suffer the consequences in the future." ”

Du Daozi humbly came forward and saluted. He knew Puyunzhou well. Jingfeng was right. If he offended an immortal king from the nine sects, he would not be able to live in Puyunzhou. He was really unlucky. He was a vengeful man in the past. Gong's random actions actually laid such a big foundation for today's disaster. If he had known this, why bother to trouble a young monk who broke into the battlefield? God's will plays tricks on people. If you provoke someone you shouldn't provoke, it's useless to escape to Puyunzhou. This is your fate.

He didn't understand what fate was. What made Lang Xing hold a grudge against him was not his behavior of forcing Lang Xing to join the army, but his bestiality. If it was just a matter of forced recruitment, Lang Xing would not be the same as him. .

When he came to Lang Xing and bowed to apologize, Lang Xing suddenly waved his hand and slapped him hard. The sound was not a crisp sound, but a muffled sound. This shows how much effort was used in this slap. Daozi was whipped out and fell on a table seven or eight feet away, causing tea cups and fruit plates to fly around. Not to mention how embarrassing it was to look like that.

Everyone secretly grinned. When they saw Lang Xing waving his hand to slap Du Daozi, they thought that Du Daozi would definitely dodge. When they realized something was wrong, it was too late to stop him, so they concluded that it was the Erxian Fei who secretly imprisoned Du. Daozi, with this kind of speculation, no one dared to say anything. Only Zhixia knew clearly that Lang Xing slapped him on his own merit.

"Things worse than beasts!" Du Daozi, who was in a state of embarrassment with Lang Xing's fingers, shouted sternly, "Not to mention the beastly deeds you have committed, now that even the sect has been harmed, how can you still be considered a human being!"

He couldn't explain the evil deeds Du Daozi committed. It was a shocking scandal in Nanjingzhou, but it was not worth mentioning in front of the powerful people like Puyunzhou. But harming the master's sect was an act that was despised by both places, so All I can say is that Du Daozi's defection to Pu Yunzhou will undoubtedly bring shame to the Immortal Soul Sect.

"Junior brother, calm down, calm down." Jing Feng forced himself to look cheerful and came up to appease Lang Xing. This slap was really a bit too much. The Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace are really very arrogant and pampered. Even if you try to coax him with nice words, Zhi Xia is quite capable. How can anyone pamper his junior brother so much? If he keeps going like this, he will get into big trouble sooner or later.

After Du Daozi got up, he lowered his head and his face changed color, and he did not dare to say anything. With his identity, defecting here will definitely receive preferential treatment. This slap in the face has taken away his face. Who will treat him as such in the future? What's going on? The down-and-out phoenix is ​​really worse than a chicken. If he had known this, he would rather wander to Tianya than come here. Now it is too late to regret.

Lang Xing pointed at Du Daozi with lingering anger and continued to scold, "Come here! I have something else to ask you."

Du Daozi glanced at Quan Mao and Jing Feng, and slowly walked towards Langxing.

Quan Mao and Jing Feng had no choice but to use their spiritual thoughts to plead with Zhixia again. It was a bit too much to humiliate Du Daozi like this.

Zhixia also felt that Lang Xing had gone too far. Just when he was about to persuade Lang Xing, Lang Xing turned around and said to Jing Feng and Quan Mao, "Two senior brothers, I really have some personal matters that I want to ask him clearly. Please tell me." Senior brother allowed me to interrogate him alone, and I promise not to beat him again."

"This..." Jing Feng looked at Zhi Xia in embarrassment. He couldn't believe Lang Xing's guarantee. He had to give Zhi Xia a guarantee for this matter.

Zhixia didn't say anything. He waved his hand and set up an isolation ban to isolate everyone. Then he sealed Du Daozi's cultivation level, and then asked Lang Xing with half-smiling eyes to see if he was going to do it too. Get out.

Lang Xing was amused by Second Senior Sister's expression, "I really have to hide this from you for now. I will tell you the truth later."

Zhixia rolled her eyes at him angrily, turned around leisurely and walked out of the isolation circle.

Du Daozi's mouth couldn't help but feel bitter, and his heart felt even more bitter. His whole body felt bitter, even worse than falling into the sea of ​​suffering. He finally understood that this Second Immortal Concubine did not simply dote on Lang Xing, but only cared about her. Supporting her without any restraint, it can be seen from the expressions of the two that Lang Xing is not afraid of this Second Immortal Concubine at all, and this Second Immortal Concubine seems to be helpless with Lang Xing. This is the end. With such an immortal concubine supporting Lang Xing regardless of the circumstances, even if this kid kills her, it will probably be in vain. How can he have a good life in the future? The frightening little devil hasn't appeared yet. If he If he dotes on Lang Xing like this, his life will be in danger. Why did he offend such a evil star?

After Langxing waited for the second senior sister to go out, he coldly looked at Du Daozi and asked, "How powerful is Wutian Valley? Tell me the truth, otherwise I will search for your soul."

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