Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2569 The sky...kills...the earth...destroys...

"Five?" Lang I promise you that I will never let the magic of Zhen Yuan Lu cause harm to the world." Hu Tian couldn't stand four Yuan Lings together, and now they would definitely not be able to tolerate five Yuan Ling together. He couldn't help it. With all the complaints, we can only bite the bullet and make this uncertain guarantee.

"If trouble occurs, you can't blame me." Hu Tian's cold tone undoubtedly represented a warning.

"No, it definitely won't! I guarantee it with my life." Lang Xing said this not only to Hu Tian, ​​but also to Yu Chan and Xiaoyao Xianjun. He could not restrain these two people, so he could only use This method put a little pressure on both of them.

This conversation and Lang Xinghu's behavior in front of Jiangxiao made everyone guess what was going on. The easiest way to eliminate the threat of Zhenyuan Lu is to eliminate Jishu. This person must be targeting Jiangxiao. Want to do something.

Immortal Xiaoyao said in a calm tone, "I'm tired of living a long time ago. Even if I face a life-and-death disaster, I won't drag others to fight. Fellow Taoist, you can rest assured." The meaning of this is very clear, and it is equivalent to a promise that I will not drag others with me. Several other Yuanlings went to cause trouble.

Yu Chan also promised, "I no longer have any enemies that require the use of the True Essence to deal with, and I have taken things in the world lightly, so fellow Taoists can rest assured of me."

"That's good." Hu Tian looked at her hunting bow. A great fairy concubine paired with an fairy treasure, this power was enough to worry him.

Yu Chan was so shrewd. She guessed what he was thinking when he saw him looking at Lie Gan Gong, so he gestured to Lang Xing with his eyes and said, "This bow was entrusted to me to be handed over to Lang Xing by someone else. When it is finished, I will leave matters concerning the Spirit Heart Clan to him."

Langxing blinked and murmured secretly in his heart, but even if Concubine Chan was telling a lie, he had to endure it.

Hu Tian looked at Lang Xing with a few words

Fen Fen said with relief, "Maybe this is God's will. I can rest assured that the Hunter's Bow is in your hands, so I can take care of myself. Explain to them clearly for me that anyone who violates my taboos will die."

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely..."

Just as Lang Xing was speaking halfway, Jiang Xiao suddenly floated up behind him, holding a graceful magic spell with each hand, and stared at Hu Tian with a fierce light in his eyes.


"Water gathering!"

Xiyang and Gongsun Chong immediately drew out the spell. Xiaoyao Xianjun did not say a word, but he also drew out the spell in his hand. Yu Chan only hesitated for a moment and drew out the spell!

A terrifying force enveloped the world in an instant. Jiangxiao's body could not help trembling. Her mood was already agitated. The strength of this force made her agitated mood even more panicked.

"Don't threaten Lang Xing! Otherwise I will fight with you!" This was just a roar. Jiang Xiao's face showed a twisted and ferocious look. The moment Lang Xing ran over to protect her, her heart was agitated. Woke up.

This unfathomable person must be targeting her, a person with a healing spirit. She can tolerate the arrogance of Guardian, but Lang Xing's humble and submissive look irritates her. She would rather die than see Lang Xing was wronged, and she didn't want to see Lang Xing threatened because of her. Now that she had five Yuanlings to call upon, it was even more intolerable!

Under the influence of the strong desire to protect Lang Xing, her integration with Ji Shu Yuan Ling became even closer, and she broke through to a higher level with her heart. She didn't even taste what she had gained in her anger. What kind of power took action inspired by that power? The magic of Zhen Yuan Lu

It was not obtained through enlightenment, but through opportunity and epiphany. Her cultivation level was high enough and she had the conditions for a breakthrough. The current situation became the opportunity for her to complete the breakthrough.

Xiaoyao Xianjun could tell that Hu Tian would leave after saying these words. He would certainly not be able to ask too many things from Lang Xing's mouth. Jiang Xiao's sudden outburst was undoubtedly an opportunity to test the other party's depth. With his Naturally, he will not let go of his temperament. He can endure Hu Tian's arrogance, but that is just to get the opportunity to have further contact with him. Since this opportunity is about to disappear, he must take action if he can. Anyway, he doesn't care life and death.

Yu Chan is more worried. With her temperament, she is definitely not willing to take such a risk easily. But Jiangxiao, Xiyang, and Gongsun Chong all put their postures into action, and Xiaoyao Xianjun also followed suit. If her Chenfeng The spell without adding this true essence is not enough to threaten the opponent. If these people are defeated and damaged, or even die, then Langxing will have to blame her. She did not dare to offend Xun Yi before because she owed Xun Yi too much. Now she doesn't dare to offend Lang Xing even more, because she has to count on Lang Xing to help him step into the immortal gate.

"Jiangxiao... don't do it!" Lang Xing shouted with difficulty. His figure was pushed out like flying catkins by the powerful force. His face turned pale in an instant. This was because he was frightened. The power is too terrifying.

"Heaven... Punish... Earth... Destroy..." Jiangxiao shouted these four words in a trembling voice. Anger, excitement, panic and many other exciting emotions made her unable to control herself at this moment. Ke Qiang The master is weak, and the powerful power generated by the five souls is beyond her control.

When the word "天" was spoken, a faint white light flashed from the side of Protector. His simple Taoist robe was completely inflated like a sail that had been fed by the wind, and the same terrifying power swelled outside his body. open.

When the word "诛" was spoken, Jiang Xiao's figure was already shaky.

, a pretty face turned purple.

Yu Chan pursed her lips tightly. The color of the blood arrow on the hunting bow was a little darker. The monk Huayu didn't have much blood in total. If this arrow was shot, she would have to practice for at least several decades to recover. I was really killed by Jiang Xiao. Maybe everyone will die here today.

Su Wan also pursed her lips. Her hands had reached into her sleeves to grasp Yeju Tu. In the confrontation between these two powerful forces, she could only stay in the safe area next to Jiangxiao and think about it. She couldn't fly over to help Lang Xing. The situation in front of her made her not sure whether she should take action or not. Now was the best time to use Zixiao Ling Sun, but Lang Xing obviously didn't want the two sides to fight, so she could only She is waiting to use Yejutu to deal with the aftermath for everyone. If Hutian wins, then she will use Yejutu to protect Hutian, and don't let him take advantage of the victory and kill him.

When the word "地" came out, Lang Xing, who had been pushed hundreds of miles away, rushed back with force. He would definitely not be able to come back with his cultivation, so he activated all the spiritual treasures that could be activated, and with the help of The power of many spiritual treasures resisted the powerful forces from both sides.

"Don't do it!" Shouting, spiritual thoughts, and mental messages were all used. As soon as the voice and spiritual thoughts went out, they were annihilated by the powerful force outside. Mental messages can be effective, but who dares to stop now.

Water Ting Sword, Qiancheng Mansion, Rust Spirit Sword, Hundred Fantasy Spirit Body, Small White Board, Punishing Divine Whip, Immortal Sealing Seal, Golden Great Axe, Cutting Divine Sword, Immortal Fighting Stone, Candle Soul Lamp... more than a dozen spiritual treasures are formed. The colorful balls kept getting smaller as Lang Xing rushed forward. The weaker weapon spirits couldn't bear the fear brought by the two forces and gave up one after another. Lang Xing soon couldn't rush forward.

At this moment, four huge phantoms of beasts suddenly flashed out from the sky guarding the sky. Each phantom was more than a thousand feet tall, and they were still growing rapidly and solidifying. They rushed in all directions, It makes people feel like they will smash this world to pieces in the next moment!

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