Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2570 Don’t beg him again for me...

The guardian angel used an ancient magic - the culprit of heavenly power.

Taking advantage of the gap that the four transformed beasts rushed out of, he escaped from the mana of the Zhen Yuan Lu. It was not that he felt exhausted, but that if he continued to take this move, no matter who won or lost, this area would be destroyed. The airspace will inevitably be shattered, and then they will all suffer.

"Heaven... Punish... Earth... Destroy..." When Jiangxiao punched out the spell, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell headlong. With her deep friendship with Lang Xing, she fought as hard as she could. The limit of endurance.

The airspace within the reach of the magic power showed a strange distortion, and the clear air became turbid. It was not the turbidity of mist, but the turbidity of the space being forced out, and there were countless tiny colorful hairsprings in it. Flashing, wandering.

Xiyang wanted to catch the falling Jiangxiao, but Xiaoyao Xianjun directly used his magic power to carry them back quickly. Yu Chan retreated before them. The magic power of this move was too powerful. Fortunately, the guardian Tian stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

With the sudden disappearance of the two mana forces, Lang Xing, who was rushing forward desperately, rushed to the center of the battlefield, and then stood there blankly. Guarding the sky's movement was too fast, and he didn't even see the people escaping. He couldn't help but Looking at the position where Hu Tian was just now with fear, he didn't know whether Hu Tian had been turned invisible or escaped.

"I will only tolerate you this once." With these chilling words, Hu Tian appeared in the same position again, his face as gloomy as the dense war clouds in the sky.

"Are you okay?" Lang Xing saw that Hu Tian was not dead, and his heart dropped. He cared about Hu Tian more for Shu Yan. If Hu Tian died, Shu Yan might not be affected. The situation on the border has changed.

Hu Tian didn't say a word, Jiang Xiao's strong behavior made him a little angry.

Seeing that others ignored him, Lang Xing stopped talking and hurriedly flew over to check on Jiang Xiao's injury.

Jiangxiao, who was lying in Xiyang's arms, looked at Hutian with weak but unyielding eyes and gasped, "Don't even think about using me to threaten Langxing. I would rather die than let you succeed."

"Stop talking for now, and take care of yourself quickly." Lang Xing felt distressed and anxious at the same time. He took out the remaining resurrection pill from her Qiankun bag and stuffed it into her mouth, and then said to Hu Tian with a grimace. He said kindly, "You are kind to me, and you have not made things too difficult for me. It is not a threat. You should concentrate on absorbing the power of the medicine first, and I will explain it to you in detail later." He said with sadness. He wiped the blood from the corner of Jiangxiao's mouth.

"Don't beg him again for me..." Jiang Xiao said with tears in her eyes.

"No, don't worry, don't worry." Langxing also had tears in his eyes. Although Jiangxiao's reckless move had ruined things, Jiangxiao was thinking about him wholeheartedly, so not only did he not blame Jiangxiao, Xiao was so moved that he wanted to cry. How much courage does it take to attack an old monster in the late stage of feathering? Jiangxiao was fighting for him with her life.

Jiangxiao's miserable appearance made Langxing a little excited. He turned around and said to Hutian, "She took care of me when I was a child, so no matter what she did wrong or what disaster she had, I...I I won't hesitate to give up my life for her. Anyone who wants to touch her will have to step on my body!" When he first said it, he just wanted to beg for Jiangxiao and tell Hutian not to plot with Jiangxiao!

Yes, but I couldn't restrain my excitement as I spoke. The last sentence was almost a warning.

"Don't get excited, calm down." Yu Chan sent a message to Lang Xing worriedly.

Lang Xing's chest heaved violently, and he felt that he had to say a few more words, so he looked at Hu Tian and continued, "She is fighting for me, so no matter what she does is right or not, I will take responsibility for her, I..."

"Langxing." Seeing that he still couldn't calm down, Su Wan was afraid that he would say something he shouldn't have said, so she stepped forward and grabbed his arm and called him, looking at him with worried eyes.

Langxing closed his mouth, then took a deep breath, and finally calmed down a little. Then he frowned and lowered his head. He realized that he had lost his composure, but he was afraid that Jiangxiao would be uncomfortable if he softened his attitude immediately.

"I have given up the idea of ​​taking her away. Didn't you hear it from my words?" After saying this to Lang Xing, Hu Tian glanced at Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Yu with sharp eyes. Chan, he can understand Langxing when he is young and energetic and can't control his emotions and says a few excessive words. This reflects Langxing's frankness and simplicity. He has no intention of arguing with Langxing, but Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yuchan are a bit hateful. , they dared to take action with Jiang Xiao, so his question was mainly directed at these two people.

"Excuse me. You were too excited. You shouldn't have said those words just now." Immortal Xiaoyao pushed Lang Xing forward cunningly. Now he can only use Lang Xing as a shield. Now everyone can see this. The mysterious man is very tolerant of Long Xing.

Yu Chan immediately agreed, "Yes, please apologize. Senior has been very tolerant to you."

Langxing had reached the stage, and he said with apology in his eyes, "Don't argue with me and Jiangxiao. We have lived and died together for so many years, and what we hate the most is that the other is wronged. We were both too excited just now. Thinking about it at our age." For my own sake, don’t take it personally.”

"That's all." Originally it was enough for Hu Tian to wave his hand to him, but Jiang Xiao, who was giving him a headache, had already closed his eyes, so he had no choice but to say this reply. This was enough to take care of Lang Xing, and then he He directed this anger at Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Yu Chan, and said to them sternly with his spiritual thoughts, "You two, be smarter. Just because I don't care about these two kids doesn't mean I will tolerate you." , If you dare to play tricks on me again, I will kill you immediately!"

Xiaoyao Xianjun patted Lang Xing's shoulder under the pretense of comforting him. His face could not show any expression, so he could only use this method to express his indifference to Hu Tian's warning. If Hu Tian was just arrogant, he would not have it. What aversion, but he would not accept this threat honestly.

Yu Chan showed a respectful look and said, "I am extremely frightened. I was forced by the situation. Please forgive me. There will never be a next time." Apologizing is commonplace for her, even though she is a great immortal. I am a concubine, but I don’t think it matters at all because of my profound knowledge in this field.

Hu Tian glanced at Xiaoyao Xianjun and didn't bother to argue with him anymore. He understood this person's temperament and it was too boring to compete with such a person. With his level, he would not find such leisure time for himself.

"Help us deal with the matter with the Lingxin Clan. Now give the hunting stem bow to Lang Xing. From now on, this bow can only be in his hands." After giving instructions to Yu Chan, Hu Tianshen He took a deep look at Lang Xing, and then his figure disappeared. The guardian angel used an ancient magic - the culprit of heavenly power.

Taking advantage of the gap that the four transformed beasts rushed out of, he escaped from the mana of the Zhen Yuan Lu. It was not that he felt exhausted, but that if he continued to take this move, no matter who won or lost, this area would be destroyed. The airspace will inevitably be shattered, and then they will all suffer.

"Heaven... Punish... Earth... Destroy..." When Jiangxiao punched out the spell, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell headlong. With her deep friendship with Lang Xing, she fought as hard as she could. The limit of endurance.

The airspace within the reach of the magic power showed a strange distortion, and the clear air became turbid. It was not the turbidity of mist, but the turbidity of the space being forced out, and there were countless tiny colorful hairsprings in it. Flashing, wandering.

Xiyang wanted to catch the falling Jiangxiao, but Xiaoyao Xianjun directly used his magic power to carry them back quickly. Yu Chan retreated before them. The magic power of this move was too powerful. Fortunately, the guardian Tian stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

With the sudden disappearance of the two mana forces, Lang Xing, who was rushing forward desperately, rushed to the center of the battlefield, and then stood there blankly. Guarding the sky's movement was too fast, and he didn't even see the people escaping. He couldn't help but Looking at the position where Hu Tian was just now with fear, he didn't know whether Hu Tian had been turned invisible or escaped.

"I will only tolerate you this once." With these chilling words, Hu Tian appeared in the same position again, his face as gloomy as the dense war clouds in the sky.

"Are you okay?" Lang Xing saw that Hu Tian was not dead, and his heart dropped. He cared about Hu Tian more for Shu Yan. If Hu Tian died, Shu Yan might not be affected. The situation on the border has changed.

Hu Tian didn't say a word, Jiang Xiao's strong behavior made him a little angry.

Seeing that others ignored him, Lang Xing stopped talking and hurriedly flew over to check on Jiang Xiao's injury.

Jiangxiao, who was lying in Xiyang's arms, looked at Hutian with weak but unyielding eyes and gasped, "Don't even think about using me to threaten Langxing. I would rather die than let you succeed."

"Stop talking for now, and take care of yourself quickly." Lang Xing felt distressed and anxious at the same time. He took out the remaining resurrection pill from her Qiankun bag and stuffed it into her mouth, and then said to Hu Tian with a grimace. He said kindly, "You are kind to me, and you have not made things too difficult for me. It is not a threat. You should concentrate on absorbing the power of the medicine first, and I will explain it to you in detail later." He said with sadness. He wiped the blood from the corner of Jiangxiao's mouth.

"Don't beg him again for me..." Jiang Xiao said with tears in her eyes.

"No, don't worry, don't worry." Langxing also had tears in his eyes. Although Jiangxiao's reckless move had ruined things, Jiangxiao was thinking about him wholeheartedly, so not only did he not blame Jiangxiao, Xiao was so moved that he wanted to cry. How much courage does it take to attack an old monster in the late stage of feathering? Jiangxiao was fighting for him with her life.

Jiangxiao's miserable appearance made Langxing a little excited. He turned around and said to Hutian, "She took care of me when I was a child, so no matter what she did wrong or what disaster she had, I...I I won't hesitate to give up my life for her. Anyone who wants to touch her can only step on my body!" When he first said it, he just wanted to beg for Jiangxiao, so that Hutian wouldn't plot with Jiangxiao!

Yes, but I couldn't restrain my excitement as I spoke. The last sentence was almost a warning.

"Don't get excited, calm down." Yu Chan sent a message to Lang Xing worriedly.

Lang Xing's chest heaved violently, and he felt that he had to say a few more words, so he looked at Hu Tian and continued, "She is fighting for me, so no matter what she does is right or not, I will take responsibility for her, I..."

"Langxing." Seeing that he still couldn't calm down, Su Wan was afraid that he would say something he shouldn't have said, so she stepped forward and grabbed his arm and called him, looking at him with worried eyes.

Langxing closed his mouth, took a deep breath, and finally calmed down a little. Then he frowned and lowered his head. He realized that he had lost his composure, but he was afraid that Jiangxiao would be uncomfortable if he softened his attitude immediately.

"I have given up the idea of ​​taking her away. Didn't you hear it from my words?" After saying this to Lang Xing, Hu Tian glanced at Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Yu with sharp eyes. Chan, he can understand Langxing when he is young and energetic and can't control his emotions and says a few excessive words. This reflects Langxing's frankness and simplicity. He has no intention of arguing with Langxing, but Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yuchan are a bit hateful. , they dared to take action with Jiang Xiao, so his question was mainly directed at these two people.

"Excuse me. You were too excited. You shouldn't have said those words just now." Immortal Xiaoyao pushed Lang Xing forward cunningly. Now he can only use Lang Xing as a shield. Now everyone can see this. The mysterious man is very tolerant of Long Xing.

Yu Chan immediately agreed, "Yes, please apologize. Senior has been very tolerant to you."

Langxing had reached the stage, and he said with apology in his eyes, "Don't argue with me and Jiangxiao. We have lived and died together for so many years, and what we hate the most is that the other is wronged. We were both too excited just now. Thinking about it at our age." For my own sake, don’t take it personally.”

"That's all." Originally it was enough for Hu Tian to wave his hand to him, but Jiang Xiao, who was giving him a headache, had already closed his eyes, so he had no choice but to say this reply. This was enough to take care of Lang Xing, and then he He directed this anger at Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Yu Chan, and said to them sternly with his spiritual thoughts, "You two, be smarter. Just because I don't care about these two kids doesn't mean I will tolerate you." , If you dare to play tricks on me again, I will kill you immediately!"

Xiaoyao Xianjun patted Lang Xing's shoulder under the pretense of comforting him. His face could not show any expression, so he could only use this method to express his indifference to Hu Tian's warning. If Hu Tian was just arrogant, he would not have it. What aversion, but he would not accept this threat honestly.

Yu Chan showed a respectful look and said, "I am extremely frightened. I was forced by the situation. Please forgive me. There will never be a next time." Apologizing is commonplace for her, even though she is a great immortal. I am a concubine, but I don’t think it matters at all because of my profound knowledge in this field.

Hu Tian glanced at Xiaoyao Xianjun and didn't bother to argue with him anymore. He understood this person's temperament and it was too boring to compete with such a person. With his level, he would not find such leisure time for himself.

"Help us deal with the matter with the Lingxin Clan. Now give the hunting stem bow to Lang Xing. From now on, this bow can only be in his hands." After giving instructions to Yu Chan, Hu Tianshen He took a deep look at Lang Xing, and then his figure disappeared.

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