Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2587 is really informative

Lang Xing originally wanted to take Wu Xia into the Qiankun Bag, but Yu Chan pulled Wu Xia aside in advance and said that she could fly back with Wu Xia. Before Lang Xing could say anything, he took Wu Xia and left. Lang Xing was helpless about this. .

When he was about to fly out of the Haishan Territory, Yu Chan passed a star chart to Wu Xia and said with a cold face, "This is a good place I discovered when I was traveling. You go and live there. It's best not to let me do it again." Saw you and Long Xing together."

Wu Xia thanked her and left with a sad heart. Yu Chan was equivalent to giving her a match. She was trying to find a peaceful place for herself. If she didn't have other thoughts about Lang Xing, Yu Chan's She would be very grateful for this arrangement, and she couldn't help but hate this vicious Yu Chan without even giving him a chance to meet Lang Xing one last time.

But what's the use of seeing each other for the last time? She and Lang Xing are destined to be destined to have no connection, this... enemy, she wants to curse Lang Xing in her heart, but even curses like bastard, ruthless and unjust are... At this moment, she couldn't use it on Lang Xing. This boy owed her nothing. It was not enough to have such a big battle to save her. She could only hate herself for being so unlucky, and hoped that she could still survive in this life. Let’s have another chance to meet.

When Langxing came out of the Qiankun Bag, he had already reached the northern border, and only Shen Qing was left among the great monks.

"Where have they all gone?" This sentence mainly asks where Wuxia has gone. The rest of the people must have gone back to enlightenment.

Shen Qingyan replied with a smile, "Yu Chan sent them all away, and then she left herself. She said she would give you some time to arrange your busy matters, and she would pick you up at Qianxu Palace in two years."

"Then...where did Wuxia go?" Lang Xing couldn't help but ask clearly.

"She was the first one sent away by Yu Chan. Yu Chan gave her a place to practice and let her go there to practice."

"Where is that training place?" Lang Xing asked worriedly.

Shen Qing shook his head and said, "Yu Chan didn't tell me, she just asked me to tell you, don't worry about Wuxia, that place of cultivation is very good."


br\u003e "Okay." Lang Xing couldn't express too much worry, so he could only find an opportunity to ask about the location from Concubine Chan.

"You really shouldn't have too many entanglements with her." Shen Qing stared at him with a meaningful look, and then said, "Remember to take the time to visit Liu Yun. Before she left, she kept asking where you were. I almost made Yu Chan angry."

A warm current flowed through Langxing's heart, "Well, I'll go back and see her. She is also the Feather Fairy. She is much more humane than you. She must feel that she has benefited from me this time, and she wants to express her feelings to me. gratitude."

Shen Qing glanced at him and said, "I haven't gone back to report the good news to Fifth Senior Sister since I transformed into a feather. I have been waiting for you outside Qianxu Palace. How do you expect me to be humane?"

"Hey, let's go. Let's go and tell the fifth senior sister the good news. She must be having a hard time these days." Lang Xing turned around and left.

These days were indeed difficult for Qi Jia, but when she saw her little junior sister who had transformed into a feather, nothing mattered anymore. She held Shen Qing's hand and cried with joy, making this astonishing deputy commander so excited that he couldn't say a word. Out.

Langxing knew that he was redundant, so he went to play with Little Bingfeng. He had left Little Bingfeng behind several times before, and now he could make up for it.

After playing with Little Bingfeng in the ice and snow for three days, he came back with several large boxes of ice lake fish in his Qiankun bag.

"Su Wan asked me to give this to you." He took out the Willow Soul Slash and handed it to Shen Qing.

Shen Qing took Liu Hun Zhan and looked at it and said, "I'll leave it for two days to reflect on it. Don't think about giving me spiritual treasures in the future. I think practicing the spells is more useful than the treasures." As she said that, she gave Lang Xing the gift before She handed the ice jade sword to Qi Jia, "I don't have any use for this, so you don't have to worry about it for now."

This is a treasure given to Fifth Senior Sister. This sword is enough for Fifth Senior Sister to use Hua Yu. "

Langxing took out the dragon tendon given by the Taisho Spirit King and the rust spirit sword of the sixth brother and handed them to Shen Qing, "If you don't like Liu Hun Zhan, just take a look at these two. You haven't practiced your spells well yet. There is something." The treasure is more secure, pick one, and return it to me after you have mastered the spell."

Qi Jia shook his head with a smile and said, "It's really enlightening. I always thought that the Huayu monks were aloof and overlooked all living beings. Now I see you taking care of a Huayu Fairy."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "With her little ability, she can't show off her authority in front of me. Of course I have to take care of her."

"Then let's take this one." Shen Qing chose the Dragon Jin. She could only endure Lang Xing's arrogance for now. ??

After staying for a few more days, Lang Xing reluctantly left Shen Qing and Fifth Senior Sister. He didn't even have time to help them melt the spirit treasures. He would have to travel with Yu Chan in two years, and he didn't have the things he needed to take care of. Few.

After staying away from the glacier, he released all the people in the Qiankun Bag, and Immortal Xiaoyao cast a spell to take them through the underground.

When approaching the Zixiao Palace, Langxing took Xiyang and Jiangxiao out of the ground, and the three of them flew into the gate of the Zixiao Palace in a graceful manner. Xiyang and Jiangxiao are now great monks in the late Yuanying period. Where are they? They will all enjoy the courtesy of distinguished guests, and they will no longer look like they were dependent on others in the past. Naturally, Zixiao Palace will further win over these two great monks who are related to each other.

While Jiangxiao and Xiyang were enjoying the courtesy, Langxing had already taken the teleportation formation to the inner sea. He summoned the spirit crane left here and went straight to Second Senior Sister's courtyard. He came here to take away the spirit crane, and secondly, to take away the spirit crane. Inquire about the Juesheng Immortal Lord.

Zhixia expected that he would come, and after meeting him, he said directly without waiting for him to ask, "Yan Bing told me that several groups of people from the Wuji Sect have come, and Jidao even came here in person once, and they are all here to find you."

Lang Xing thought to himself and said, "Okay, I'll go to Wuxi again."

I'll go to Jimen and settle the matter of Juesheng. Do you have anything to tell me? I'm afraid this will leave hidden dangers to Zixiao Palace. "

Zhixia said calmly, "Just do whatever you want. I know you don't have the time to think too much about this kind of thing. Now this matter is nothing to you. With such a detached junior brother like you, I I have also been led to set my sights high. Let Xinde and the others worry about the affairs of Zixiao Palace. I don’t want to have to worry about it anymore.”

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "You are finally willing to let go. Isn't it nice to have a junior brother like me? Please stay away from the quagmire of Puyunzhou. You have finally made some progress. I can breathe a sigh of relief."

Zhixia smiled slightly and said, "You have the right to be so crazy like me. This experience has really broadened my mind and horizons a lot, so I can understand your disdain and boredom for these trivial things. I have nothing to do with the Lingxin clan." Having dealt with it, I would be stupid if I didn’t improve.”

"Hahaha, great, Second Senior Sister, why don't you come with me, then I can see you every day." Lang Xing really wished he could live by his Second Senior Sister.

Zhixia showed a look of disgust and said, "I can't even think of having a peaceful life when I'm with you. It's definitely more annoying than here at Zixiao Palace. You little guys, just go to your own troubles. You're far from being able to calm down." Woolen cloth."

Lang Xing thought they were right, so he backed down and said, "You can live a little further away from us. We won't bother you. I'll just go over and see you occasionally. Is that okay?"

Zhixia pulled him to her side affectionately, "Okay, leave me alone, I will visit you often."

"Okay, anyway, if you don't come to see me, I will come to see you." Lang Xing no longer insists, he is very happy now. The second senior sister can take a further look at Zixiao Palace, which is better than anything else. To be honest, This is already very good. After all, it has only been a few years since the Second Senior Sister entered Huayu. It is his contribution to the rapid improvement of her mood. He is very happy to be able to help the Second Senior Sister.

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