Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2588 Don’t be too arrogant!

"How old are you!" Zhixia pretended to be disgusted and pushed Lang Xing away who kept leaning on him.

"Only over a thousand years old." Lang Xing said aggrievedly. He liked the feeling of being by Second Senior Sister's side so much.

"You used to run away like crazy and couldn't hold you back, but now you're getting close to me!" Zhixia pushed him again.

"Hey, these are two different things." Lang Xing shamelessly moved back.

Zhixia changed her calm expression and said, "Yuchan came back with me and Xinxie. She took Yuehong and Shao Ling away, saying she was taking them out for a walk. After all, Shao Ling is her registered disciple, so she also It's like fulfilling some of the responsibilities of a master." In fact, Yu Chan took these two people away mainly to reduce the contact between Lang Xing and them.

"That's good. I think Fairy Princess Chan is actually pretty good." Lang Xing foolishly took the opportunity to put in a good word for Yu Chan.

Zhixia didn't want to say anything and gave him an indifferent look, and then said, "Xinxie is comprehending the power of thoughts in Xu Shui. Go and pick him up. He asked me to accompany you to Wuji Sect." ”

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Senior Xiaoyao is following me. If it's not convenient for you to come forward regarding Juesheng, I can just go by myself."

There was a slight chill in Zhixia's eyes and he said, "It's different now. Since I have decided not to interfere with the affairs of Zixiao Palace, I have to express my position. To be honest with you, this time is meant to demonstrate. Wujimenruo That’s all. If they don’t, I’m going to teach them a lesson. Say hello to Senior Xiaoyao, Su Wan and others. If there’s a falling out, the Wuji Sect will be settled!”

"Ah?" Lang Xing was a little dumbfounded. The second senior sister's gesture was a bit too big. The Wuji Sect is the largest sect in Puyunzhou. If the Wuji Sect and Puyunzhou were defeated, wouldn't it turn into a pot of porridge?

Zhixia said calmly, "Don't be afraid. Yu Chan also promised to help. She should be near Wuji Gate now. If there is a fight, she will appear in time."

"Have you all discussed this?" Lang Xing finally understood the Second Senior Sister's thoughts this time.

Zhixia patted his shoulder reassuringly, "It's rare that seniors Yuchan and Xiaoyao can help. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity, but you don't have to worry too much. The portion for the three of us should be enough, not to mention the As for Senior Sister, your two battles in front of Ancient Jin Mountain and Blood Soul Mountain have shocked them, I think they will understand this time."

Lang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, but you have to stop it. In the past, I would have been eager to find a chance to get rid of the Wuji Sect. It would be best to get rid of the Qianzonghui together, but now I just want to take care of it." I have to take care of my own business, and I have to take care of evil people and evil things when I encounter them, but I have no intention of provoking troubles, because I feel that the people in this world are not worth my efforts, let alone dragging people close to me to fight for them. This time it is just to repay Master and Master."

Zhixia smiled and said, "It's not that serious. I'm just using the excuse you made to put pressure on Wuji Sect. I grew up in Zixiao Palace since I was a child, and all the senior brothers and sisters have helped me a lot. There must be an explanation before letting go.”

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "It's easy to say that. I won't hesitate to help you with things even if I expose Po Tian. If they dare to be ignorant, I'll do it."

After defeating them, we are just a Wuji Sect. We don’t need help from others. The three of us are enough. If there is an old monster in the middle stage of feathering hidden in their Wuji Immortal Mirror, let Senior Xiaoyao and Immortal Concubine Chan take action. "

"You have to stop it for me. I'm just going to show my attitude. I'll try not to fall out if I can. This time it's your turn to listen to my orders. Don't be too arrogant!" His attitude made Zhixia Feeling worried, the junior brother has been looking for an opportunity to repay her. If he goes to Wuji Sect with this mentality, it will be strange if he doesn't cause trouble. Originally, this kid had the intention to overthrow Qian Zonghui. With such a good There was no guarantee that he wouldn't use Feng Xingchuan to do something for personal gain. She wanted to use Lang Xing this time, and it would be uneconomical if she was used by this kid instead.

"Okay, it's all up to you. I'll pick up the Sixth Senior Brother." Lang Xing remembered something as soon as he took a step forward. When he turned around, he saw the Second Senior Sister looking at him with a resentful look. No need to ask, the two of them must have wanted to get together. After going, he laughed and said, "Do you want to go with me?"

Zhixia glared at him angrily, and without saying anything else, she stood up and pulled him out of the yard. There's no need to ask. If it weren't for waiting for Lang Xing, she would have gone to Xu Shui to understand the power of thoughts like Xin Xie. After learning the secret book of the Hentian Fairy, he and Xin Xie both knew that Lang Xing could travel through Xu Shui. What's up.

As soon as the two came out, they saw a lot of people gathered around them. Yan Bing and the others were waiting for Lang Xing to come out. There was obvious eagerness in everyone's eyes, especially Rui Bing, Jing Bing, and Qi Bing. Yan Bing, Qing Yu, and Zhuang Yu, who knew a little bit about the inside story, went with their junior uncle for an experience. Not only did they each get a spiritual treasure, but they also brought back a large amount of treasure. Even though these three people refused to reveal more, everyone understood what was going on.

Zhixia sent everyone on behalf of Langxing, "Let's all leave now. Your junior uncle is busy with something."

Master has spoken, Rui Bing, Jing Bing and the others naturally did not dare to say anything more. Chen Lu reluctantly winked at Lang Xing and said, "Little Master Uncle, you can't be too partial. We also want to I’m going out with you to practice.”

"You are already in the late Yuanying stage. What's the point of following a mid-stage Yuanying person?" Zhixia said as he flew forward with Lang Xing.

Lang Xing laughed, twisted his face and said to Chen Lu and the others, "I'm too busy right now. Let's talk about it after I've been busy for a while. Your benefits are indispensable."

Zhixia glanced at him distressedly, and said with her spiritual thoughts, "It's impossible to take care of everything if you think about it. It's almost enough."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Not many. Chen Lu, Rui Bing, and Jing Bing are all very close to me. Just take care of them by the way, and forget about the rest."

Zhixia didn't say anything more. It's still hard for her to judge whether Lang Xing's behavior of forming good ties is good or bad. Maybe it's to get further into the entanglement of old fate, maybe it's to settle the previous debt. At present, We can only let it happen.

Entering the Xu Shui, Langxing started playing happily, sometimes flying with the second senior sister, and sometimes throwing her away to scare her.

Zhixia definitely didn't want to play with him. She kept observing Langxing's movements carefully without showing any sign of fear. After playing for a while, Langxing lost interest and simply brought her directly to the Sixth Senior Brother. "How old are you!" Zhixia pretended to be disgusted and pushed Lang Xing away who kept leaning on him.

"Only over a thousand years old." Lang Xing said aggrievedly. He liked the feeling of being by Second Senior Sister's side so much.

"You used to run away like crazy and couldn't hold you back, but now you're getting close to me!" Zhixia pushed him again.

"Hey, these are two different things." Lang Xing shamelessly moved back.

Zhixia changed her calm expression and said, "Yuchan came back with me and Xinxie. She took Yuehong and Shao Ling away, saying she was taking them out for a walk. After all, Shao Ling is her registered disciple, so she also It's like fulfilling some of the responsibilities of a master." In fact, Yu Chan took these two people away mainly to reduce the contact between Lang Xing and them.

"That's good. I think Fairy Princess Chan is actually pretty good." Lang Xing foolishly took the opportunity to put in a good word for Yu Chan.

Zhixia didn't want to say anything and gave him an indifferent look, and then said, "Xinxie is comprehending the power of thoughts in Xu Shui. Go and pick him up. He asked me to accompany you to Wuji Sect." ”

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Senior Xiaoyao is following me. If it's not convenient for you to come forward regarding Juesheng, I can just go by myself."

There was a slight chill in Zhixia's eyes and he said, "It's different now. Since I have decided not to interfere with the affairs of Zixiao Palace, I have to express my position. To be honest with you, this time is meant to demonstrate. Wujimenruo That’s all. If they don’t, I’m going to teach them a lesson. Say hello to Senior Xiaoyao, Su Wan and others. If there’s a falling out, the Wuji Sect will be settled!”

"Ah?" Lang Xing was a little dumbfounded. The second senior sister's gesture was a bit too big. The Wuji Sect is the largest sect in Puyunzhou. If the Wuji Sect and Puyunzhou were defeated, wouldn't it turn into a pot of porridge?

Zhixia said calmly, "Don't be afraid. Yu Chan also promised to help. She should be near Wuji Gate now. If there is a fight, she will appear in time."

"Have you all discussed this?" Lang Xing finally understood the Second Senior Sister's thoughts this time.

Zhixia patted his shoulder reassuringly, "It's rare that seniors Yuchan and Xiaoyao can help. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity, but you don't have to worry too much. The portion for the three of us should be enough, not to mention the As for Senior Sister, your two battles in front of Ancient Jin Mountain and Blood Soul Mountain have shocked them, I think they will understand this time."

Lang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, but you have to stop it. In the past, I would have been eager to find a chance to get rid of the Wuji Sect. It would be best to get rid of the Qianzonghui together, but now I just want to take care of it." I have to take care of my own business, and I have to take care of evil people and evil things when I encounter them, but I have no intention of provoking troubles, because I feel that the people in this world are not worth my efforts, let alone dragging people close to me to fight for them. This time, I think it’s just to repay Master and Master.”

Zhixia smiled and said, "It's not that serious. I'm just using the excuse you made to put pressure on Wuji Sect. I grew up in Zixiao Palace since I was a child, and all the senior brothers and sisters have helped me a lot. There must be an explanation before letting go.”

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "It's easy to say that. I won't hesitate to help you with things even if I expose Po Tian. If they dare to be ignorant, I'll do it."

After defeating them, we are just a Wuji Sect. We don’t need help from others. The three of us are enough. If there is an old monster in the middle stage of feathering hidden in their Wuji Immortal Mirror, let Senior Xiaoyao and Immortal Concubine Chan take action. "

"You have to stop it for me. I'm just going to show my attitude. I'll try not to fall out if I can. This time it's your turn to listen to my orders. Don't be too arrogant!" His attitude made Zhixia Feeling worried, the junior brother has been looking for an opportunity to repay her. If he goes to Wuji Sect with this mentality, it will be strange if he doesn't cause trouble. Originally, this kid had the intention to overthrow Qian Zonghui. With such a good There was no guarantee that he wouldn't use Feng Xingchuan to do something for personal gain. She wanted to use Lang Xing this time, and it would be uneconomical if she was used by this kid instead.

"Okay, it's all up to you. I'll pick up the Sixth Senior Brother." Lang Xing remembered something as soon as he took a step forward. When he turned around, he saw the Second Senior Sister looking at him with a resentful look. No need to ask, the two of them must have wanted to get together. After going, he laughed and said, "Do you want to go with me?"

Zhixia glared at him angrily, and without saying anything else, she stood up and pulled him out of the yard. There's no need to ask. If it weren't for waiting for Lang Xing, she would have gone to Xu Shui to understand the power of thoughts like Xin Xie. After learning the secret book of the Hentian Fairy, he and Xin Xie both knew that Lang Xing could travel through Xu Shui. What's up.

As soon as the two came out, they saw a lot of people gathered around them. Yan Bing and the others were waiting for Lang Xing to come out. There was obvious eagerness in everyone's eyes, especially Rui Bing, Jing Bing, and Qi Bing. Yan Bing, Qing Yu, and Zhuang Yu, who knew a little bit about the inside story, went with their junior uncle for an experience. Not only did they each get a spiritual treasure, but they also brought back a large amount of treasure. Even though these three people refused to reveal more, everyone understood what was going on.

Zhixia sent everyone on behalf of Langxing, "Let's all leave now. Your junior uncle is busy with something."

Master has spoken, Rui Bing, Jing Bing and the others naturally did not dare to say anything more. Chen Lu reluctantly winked at Lang Xing and said, "Uncle Master, you can't be too partial. We also want to I’m going out with you to practice.”

"You are already in the late Yuanying stage. What's the point of following a mid-stage Yuanying person?" Zhixia said as he flew forward with Lang Xing.

Lang Xing laughed, twisted his face and said to Chen Lu and the others, "I'm too busy right now. Let's talk about it after I've been busy for a while. Your benefits are indispensable."

Zhixia glanced at him distressedly, and said with her spiritual thoughts, "It's impossible to take care of everything if you think about it. It's almost enough."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Not many. Chen Lu, Rui Bing, and Jing Bing are all very close to me. Just take care of them by the way, and forget about the rest."

Zhixia didn't say anything more. It's still hard for her to judge whether Lang Xing's behavior of forming good ties is good or bad. Maybe it's to get further into the entanglement of old fate, maybe it's to settle the previous debt. At present, We can only let it happen.

Entering the Xu Shui, Langxing started playing happily, sometimes flying with the second senior sister, and sometimes throwing her away to scare her.

Zhixia definitely didn't want to play with him. She kept observing Langxing's movements carefully without showing any sign of fear. After playing for a while, Langxing lost interest and simply brought her directly to the Sixth Senior Brother.

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