Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2761 The old thin brother

"Are you... the thin senior brother who runs the stall?" Lang Xing vaguely recognized a bit of his old appearance from his old face.

"Yes, yes! So you are really that little junior brother?" The old man accelerated his pace in excitement, his cloudy eyes flashed with light. Lang Xing was just a child back then, but now he has changed so much that he really didn't dare to admit it.

Langxing didn't expect to see the senior brother who was setting up the stall again, so he couldn't help but smile happily, "It's me! Just now I was secretly sighing that there are not many familiar people in Qianxu Palace. I don't want to see you again. Very good!"

Senior Brother Shou stood in front of Langxing, rubbing his hands in excitement and embarrassment, "Have you become an Immortal Lord? Are you the Lingxing Immortal Lord?" .??.

Lang Xing smiled cordially, took his hand and said, "Yes, we are old acquaintances, there is no need to talk about those etiquettes."

Brother Shou insisted and bowed, and said even more excitedly, "I often hear people talk about the newly-emerged Eighteenth Immortal Lord in the palace. Although he is about the same age as you and has a somewhat similar appearance, I'm really not sure. That's you. You were too young back then and I didn't dare to recognize you anymore. If I had known it was really you, I would have been able to brag about it. You bought me things twice. "

Lang Xing laughed, and then showed a look of unbearability and said, "The first time I bought something from you was the life-extension fruit. I don't want you to sell life-extension fruit now that you are so old, and I don't dare to recognize you anymore." ”

Brother Shou held his hand tightly and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I have looked away from it a long time ago. At first, I took some life-extending fruits and elixirs. Later, my body became worse and worse, and I no longer wanted to live on. , On the contrary, I hope to die soon. Don’t feel sorry for me. You are kind-hearted and you were a simple and honest child when you were young. I know this. Although I have only met you twice, I always remember you. How can you be so capable? I'm really happy for you Chuxi. I didn't expect that after living my whole life, I would get the greatest honor when I was about to die. I made two deals with the young fairy king, hahaha... I will have to treat them well when I look back. If you brag, you will have no regrets this time." I don't know if he was too old or too excited, but his words were a bit incoherent.

Langxing patted the back of his hand and said, "I really hope you can live for a few more years. If you leave, my memories will be floating without roots. Although I can get you a good life-extending elixir, but When I sent my grandfather away, I knew what it felt like to be tired of living. Sometimes living is a kind of torture. "

Brother Shou smiled and nodded and said, "Don't bother, I really don't want to live like this anymore. Everyone has his own destiny. Although I can't compare with you guys, I am content to be a disciple of Xu Palace in this life, especially I can still hold hands with the Eighteen Immortals who are envied by everyone, and I can still smile."

Langxing gave him a gentle hug. This was not only hugging an old friend, but also embracing the time that was far away. No matter whether his childhood years were bitter or sweet, he could never go back. That was the loss of life. He had an unspeakable feeling.

Senior Brother Shou was so excited that he shed tears. The Eighteenth Immortal Lord treated him so well. The two transactions that he had had were really not just friendship. He clearly remembered that he had earned a lot of that child's spiritual stones.

At this time, Su Wan came over accompanied by Ling Jun. Both of them were confused when they saw this scene.

Langxing waved to them and said, "Come on, come on, meet my senior brother Shou. He used to set up a stall here. I bought things from him several times and he also taught me."

As for me, he refused to sell me a magic weapon that was too powerful, for fear that I would get into trouble. "

Hearing what was going on, Lingjun smiled and said, "So we are reminiscing about the past, it has been more than a thousand years, right?" As he said this, he supported the thin senior brother who was about to salute.

"Yes." Lang Not everyone can have this blessing, and in comparison, the two Immortal Lords, Leader Lingjun and me, are simply not worth mentioning. "

"Feathered Feather..." Senior Brother Thin's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time he was so close to a Feathered Monk.

Su Wan smiled softly, nodded to him cordially, and said, "I've met Senior Brother Slim."

Senior Brother Slim had already forgotten to pay homage. He looked straight at Su Wan and his lips were trembling. The Eighteenth Immortal Lord did not forget his old feelings and called him Senior Brother Slim, which made him feel extremely honored. This Feather Feather Fairy He even called him "Senior Brother Slim". At this moment, what he was thinking about was that he had to live a few more years no matter what, and he had to brag enough before he died.

Langxing didn't want to excite this thin senior brother to death, so he stuffed dozens of Nascent Soul Stones into his sleeves, and said with a smile, "Senior brother, just spend the rest of your years in peace. If you need anything, just tell the leader." I will come see you next time when I return to Qianxu Palace." After saying that, he winked at Lingjun and said, "Please help me send my senior brother back, so that he can calm down and be sent back by the leader himself. Of course it is an honor again.

Ling Jun picked up Brother Slim with a smile, turned to Lang Xing and said, "Wait for me, I have something else to tell you."

Senior Brother Thin suddenly turned his head around, his eyes still staring straight at Su Wan and said, "I seem to have... seen the Fairy Concubine!"

Su Wan was startled for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said nothing.

After Lingjun flew away with Brother Shou, Langxing smiled and asked, "Have you really met each other?"

Su Wan looked around and wrote lightly, "I came here once in search of Master. Since he set up a stall here, he must have seen me, but I have no impression of him." This was half-truth and half-truth. In fact, it is true that she came here, but it is false to look for the master. She came to find Yi's reincarnation that time.

"Oh, I guess it should be like this." Lang Xing pointed to the place where Brother Shou set up his stall. "He set up his stall there. I wanted to buy longevity fruit for my family at that time. Alas, at that time I was only thinking about it. I ran home and saved my life to save spiritual stones. I wanted to bring back a life-extending spiritual fruit for each family member. I saved a total of twenty-two spiritual stones. I asked this thin senior brother to find out what those spiritual stones were. There was only enough to buy one centenarian fruit, and it had to be the smallest one. I can still remember how sad I was at that time.”

Su Wan chuckled and said, "It's so stupid. I can even imagine how stupid you were at that time."

The bit of sadness that arose in Lang Xing's heart was dissipated by her smile. After glancing at her, he also laughed and said proudly, "But I was lucky. Shen Qing came just at that time. Lost He gave a piece of Nascent Soul Stone to Senior Brother Shou and asked me to choose at will. I couldn’t believe that such a good thing could happen, but in order to get spiritual fruits for my family, I didn’t care so much. I took the spiritual fruits and spiritual fruits from Brother Shou’s stall. The grass was swept away, and the bags in my arms and sleeves were bulging."

Speaking of this, he recalled the excitement and joy at that time, with an innocent and bright smile on his face. "Are you... the thin senior brother who runs the stall?" Lang Xing vaguely recognized a bit of his old appearance from his old face.

"Yes, yes! So you are really that little junior brother?" The old man accelerated his pace in excitement, his cloudy eyes flashed with light. Lang Xing was just a child back then, but now he has changed so much that he really didn't dare to admit it.

Langxing didn't expect to see the senior brother who was setting up the stall again, so he couldn't help but smile happily, "It's me! Just now I was secretly sighing that there are not many familiar people in Qianxu Palace. I don't want to see you again. Very good!"

Senior Brother Shou stood in front of Langxing, rubbing his hands in excitement and embarrassment, "Have you become an Immortal Lord? Are you the Lingxing Immortal Lord?"

Lang Xing smiled cordially, took his hand and said, "Yes, we are old acquaintances, there is no need to talk about those etiquette."

Brother Shou insisted and bowed, and said even more excitedly, "I often hear people talk about the newly-emerged Eighteenth Immortal Lord in the palace. Although he is about the same age as you and has a somewhat similar appearance, I'm really not sure. That's you. You were too young back then and I didn't dare to recognize you anymore. If I had known it was really you, I would have been able to brag about it. You bought me things twice. "

Lang Xing laughed, and then showed a look of unbearability and said, "The first time I bought something from you was the life-extension fruit. I don't want you to sell life-extension fruit now that you are so old, and I don't dare to recognize you anymore." ”

Brother Shou held his hand tightly and said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I have looked away from it a long time ago. At first, I took some life-extending fruits and elixirs. Later, my body became worse and worse, and I no longer wanted to live on. , On the contrary, I hope to die soon. Don’t feel sorry for me. You are kind-hearted and you were a simple and honest child when you were young. I know this. Although I have only met you twice, I always remember you. How can you be so capable? I'm really happy for you Chuxi. I didn't expect that after living my whole life, I would get the greatest honor when I was about to die. I made two deals with the young fairy king, hahaha... I will have to treat them well when I look back. If you brag, you will have no regrets this time." I don't know if he was too old or too excited, but his words were a bit incoherent.

Langxing patted the back of his hand and said, "I really hope you can live for a few more years. If you leave, my memories will be floating without roots. Although I can get you a good life-extending elixir, but When I sent my grandfather away, I knew what it felt like to be tired of living. Sometimes living is a kind of torture. "

Brother Shou smiled and nodded and said, "Don't bother, I really don't want to live like this anymore. Everyone has his own destiny. Although I can't compare with you guys, I am content to be a disciple of Xu Palace in this life, especially I can still hold hands with the Eighteen Immortals who are envied by everyone, and I can still smile."

Langxing gave him a gentle hug. This was not only hugging an old friend, but also embracing the time that was far away. No matter whether his childhood years were bitter or sweet, he could never go back. That was the loss of life. He had an unspeakable feeling.

Senior Brother Shou was so excited that he shed tears. The Eighteenth Immortal Lord treated him so well. The two transactions he had had could not be called friendship. He clearly remembered that he had earned a lot of that child's spiritual stone.

At this time, Su Wan came over accompanied by Ling Jun. Both of them were confused when they saw this scene.

Langxing waved to them and said, "Come on, come on, meet my senior brother Shou. He used to set up a stall here. I bought things from him several times and he also taught me."

As for me, he refused to sell me a magic weapon that was too powerful, for fear that I would get into trouble. "

Hearing what was going on, Lingjun smiled and said, "So we are reminiscing about the past, it has been more than a thousand years, right?" As he said this, he supported the thin senior brother who was about to salute.

"Yes." Lang Not everyone can have this blessing, and in comparison, the two Immortal Lords, Leader Lingjun and me, are simply not worth mentioning. "

"Feathered Feather..." Senior Brother Thin's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time he was so close to a Feathered Monk.

Su Wan smiled softly, nodded to him cordially, and said, "I've met Senior Brother Slim."

Senior Brother Slim had already forgotten to pay homage. He looked straight at Su Wan and his lips were trembling. The Eighteenth Immortal Lord did not forget his old feelings and called him Senior Brother Slim, which made him feel extremely honored. This Feather Feather Fairy He even called him "Senior Brother Slim". At this moment, what he was thinking about was that he had to live a few more years no matter what, and he had to brag enough before he died.

Langxing didn't want to excite this thin senior brother to death, so he stuffed dozens of Nascent Soul Stones into his sleeves, and said with a smile, "Senior brother, just spend the rest of your years in peace. If you need anything, just tell the leader." I will come see you next time when I return to Qianxu Palace." After saying that, he winked at Lingjun and said, "Please help me send my senior brother back, so that he can calm down and be sent back by the leader himself. Of course it is an honor again.

Ling Jun picked up Brother Slim with a smile, turned to Lang Xing and said, "Wait for me, I have something else to tell you."

Senior Brother Thin suddenly turned his head around, his eyes still staring straight at Su Wan and said, "I seem to have... seen the Fairy Concubine!"

Su Wan was startled for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said nothing.

After Lingjun flew away with Brother Shou, Langxing smiled and asked, "Have you really met each other?"

Su Wan looked around and wrote lightly, "I came here once in search of Master. Since he set up a stall here, he must have seen me, but I have no impression of him." This was half-truth and half-truth. In fact, it is true that she came here, but it is false to look for the master. She came to find Yi's reincarnation that time.

"Oh, I guess it should be like this." Lang Xing pointed to the place where Brother Shou set up his stall. "He set up his stall there. I wanted to buy longevity fruit for my family at that time. Alas, at that time I was only thinking about it. I ran home and saved my life to save spiritual stones. I wanted to bring back a life-extending spiritual fruit for each family member. I saved a total of twenty-two spiritual stones. I asked this thin senior brother to find out what those spiritual stones were. There was only enough to buy one centenarian fruit, and it had to be the smallest one. I can still remember how sad I was at that time.”

Su Wan chuckled and said, "It's so stupid. I can even imagine how stupid you were at that time."

The bit of sadness that arose in Lang Xing's heart was dissipated by her smile. After glancing at her, he also laughed and said proudly, "But I was lucky. Shen Qing came just at that time. Lost He gave a piece of Nascent Soul Stone to Senior Brother Shou and asked me to choose at will. I couldn’t believe that such a good thing could happen, but in order to get spiritual fruits for my family, I didn’t care so much. I took the spiritual fruits and spiritual fruits from Brother Shou’s stall. The grass was swept away, and the bags in my arms and sleeves were bulging."

Speaking of this, he recalled the excitement and joy at that time, with an innocent and bright smile on his face.

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