Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2762 Marriage is the most confusing kind of fate

"The little kid is so easy to coax." Su Wan said with a smile in her eyes as she looked at the few disciples who were still fighting on the high platform.

She didn't pay attention to what Langxing said next. She muttered it casually, but in her heart she was lamenting the mistake of that moment. If Shen Qing hadn't taken away Xiaolangxing, then she might have been with Xiaolang. When Xing met, the fate of the two people would not be what it is now. Speaking of which, she really had to thank Shen Qing for taking the lead.

For Shen Qing, Sijia and the others, Langxing is like a fruit on a tree. It is bitter and astringent when it first comes out. Whoever finds it first will have to bear the bitter taste in this life, while those who come after will have to bear the bitter taste. Su Wan is deeply grateful to be able to taste the sweetness.

"What are you thinking about?" Lang Xing noticed that Su Wan was absent-minded.

"I wonder what kind of fool you were when you were a child." Su Wan retracted her thoughts and looked at the children on the high platform with a smile on her face.

"Bang!" Langxing rolled his eyes.

"How old were you when you met Senior Sister Huaying?" Su Wan asked with the look of teasing a child. She definitely couldn't hide the matter of going to Huaying to demonstrate, so she might as well take the initiative to bring up the topic.

Sure enough, when Langxing saw her mentioning Huaying, he immediately looked at her with angry and funny eyes and said, "You are really good at it. I never thought you would do such a thing. She was almost mad at you, you were so arrogant." There is nothing left, and my mood has collapsed. I have to ask my uncle to help me. I am really convinced by you. "

Su Wan felt guilty and said harshly, "What did I do? I just wanted to learn the slap technique from her. She said that the technique could not be passed on to others, and then I left without saying anything. How could she be so angry?" "

"So you made such an excuse, it's really hard for you." Lang Xing couldn't help laughing.

"What do you mean by making excuses? I really want to learn from her." Su Wan saw him smiling so easily, thinking that there wouldn't be too much of a problem with Huaying, and she felt at ease.


"Hahaha... You are awesome, Su Wan, I know your methods." Lang Xing laughed happily.

Huaying also thought that by not mentioning Su Wan's visit to protest, he could suppress Su Wan a little, but Langxing didn't take it seriously at all. If Huaying saw this scene, I wonder if Huaying would be furious. itch.

"I also know who you are." Su Wan felt a little confident when she dared to go to Huaying to demonstrate. After saying that, she passed a picture over. That was the last time Langxing and Sijia visited Qianxu Palace hand in hand. scene.

"Who is so troubled?!" Lang Xing stopped laughing immediately.

Su Wan turned defensive and snorted, "They told me this matter with good intentions. Of course I can't betray them. What? You are so angry that you want to settle the score with them?"

Langxing laughed angrily again, pointed at her forehead and said, "You really don't distinguish between good and bad. Is this a good intention? This is obviously to sow discord. It was Sijia who insisted on dragging me along. She did it on purpose. It is expected that some villain will tell you, and you will jump down when someone digs a hole. Are you that stupid? "

Of course Su Wan understood that this was a hole dug by Sijia on purpose, but she looked at Lang Xing with disdain and said, "She dug a hole and you happily helped her dig it? If she is preparing for the next wedding, will you also be full of treason?" Are you happy to worship heaven and earth with her?"

Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh and said, "Your mouth is getting more and more harsh and mean. You can really talk nonsense. How can you stand up to this!"

Sijia's work was in vain. Neither of them took the trap she dug seriously, and it was just a topic for flirting with the two of them.

At this time, Su Wan saw Lingjun coming back, so she stopped

Playing around with Lang Xing, he asked Lang Xing with his spiritual mind uneasily, "Is it no big deal to paint a shadow?"

Langxing smiled and said nothing, it was enough to reassure Su Wan. The great uncle's advice might make Huaying a blessing in disguise, but of course he couldn't tell Su Wan this.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Lang Xing asked Ling Jun, who was flying over, with a smile.

"It's nothing." Ling Jun put his arm around Lang Xing's shoulder affectionately.

Su Wan smiled slightly, turned around and left.

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and looked sideways at Ling Jun and said, "What is this shameful thing? Tell me."

Lingjun's eyes flickered and he secretly said, "I want to... go to Puyunzhou for a trip. It would be better if I could go to Zixiao Palace to see it. I have long wanted to see how luxurious the nine sects in Puyunzhou are." It seems that the other eight sects are definitely not allowed to go. It would be a pity not to take advantage of your relationship. Just give me a jade slip, so it won't be considered an abrupt visit. "

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled evilly and said, "Did you really go to Zixiao Palace just to see it?"

"What else can there be?" Ling Jun's expression became even more unnatural.

Lang Xing smiled broadly, shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous for you to go there. In the past, with my reputation there and with your identity as the head of Qianxu Palace, you would have gone there." Most likely there won't be any trouble, but I did something shocking there not long ago. Now I have to be extremely careful even if I think about it. I'm afraid they will take their resentment out on me. Although no one dares to attack you openly, there is no guarantee that they won’t do it secretly. I think you should stay away. I’ll just ask Zhuang Yu to come over.” .??.

"No...I'm not doing it for Zhuangyu..." Lingjun's face turned red with embarrassment.

Lang Xing patted his arm and said, "Don't be embarrassed with me. I will definitely try my best to help you in this matter, but Zhuang Yu is a person with ideas. It mainly depends on your fate. I will do my best for you." You asked her, but you also know who she is, and she won’t reveal her feelings easily.”

Seeing that he had made his words so clear, Lingjun stopped trying to hide it and said with great embarrassment, "Only you can help with this matter, so I'm not afraid of your jokes. Recently, I've reached the point where I have no intention of practicing. Otherwise, I would not risk going to Puyunzhou. Even if I get a rejection, it would be better than what I am doing now. At least I can give up."

Lang Xing smacked his teeth and said, "You are so affectionate towards her, which makes me a little worried. If it doesn't work out, can you really let her go?"

Lingjun's expression turned bitter, and he stared into Langxing's eyes and asked, "Have you figured out her tone?"

Langxing mused, "A woman's thoughts are the hardest to guess, and it's even harder to guess when it comes to children's personal relationships. Isn't there an example in front of me? Senior Sister Liuyun gritted her teeth and wanted to fight the Fifth Senior Brother to death, but now They are so inseparable that even the two ancestors of Qianjie Sect cannot separate them. Marriage can be said to be the most complicated and confusing kind of fate. Let me give you some advice. Do your best, obey fate, and do your best in what you should do. Don't be too entangled, and keep a good balance - don't cause her too much trouble, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Zhuangyu's character is not one to be stubborn. "

Lingjun blushed and said, "I won't do such a terrible thing. You can't do it even if you let me stalk you."

Lang Xing said with considerable experience, "You have just started, and you haven't experienced the power of emotional disorder. Before I have time to tell you, I just disabled a star from the Wuxiang sect who was driven crazy by emotional disorder." My disciple was originally a respectable person, but later he became so confused that he became like a rogue."

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