Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2786: Defend the Qianzonghui to the death

Lang Xing glanced at Huaying. There were some things he didn't want to say, and he was quite hesitant.

Huaying gestured outside with his eyes, which meant that it was almost done, and he should leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Lang Xing said, "It doesn't matter. They shouldn't be able to see through the restrictions I have set."

After speaking, he turned to the two men and said after careful consideration, "Good steel must be used on the blade. The Qingyuan Sect is the most steadfast force and the most trustworthy in safeguarding justice. If the Qingyuan Sect is unable to recover after a fall, Yes, that is the loss of all good people. If the world is not right, then you fight harder and set an example for the world. That will be no problem. But now that the atmosphere in Nanjingzhou is very upright, there is really no need for the Qingyuan Sect, which has been severely damaged, to continue. Go forward, what you should do is to restore the Qingyuan Sect's vitality and teach more disciples with righteous hearts. This is what will help Nan Jingzhou the most.

Both the young man and the woman remained silent. They understood this, but they didn't have the patience to do it.

Lang Xing thought for a moment and asked, "Have you lived enough?"

The young man replied, "Of course we haven't lived long enough, but in order to eradicate Qian Zonghui as soon as possible, we are willing to die in battle."

"Asshole." Langxing cursed in displeasure.

The young man was so scolded that he froze, but because this was his lifesaver, he had no choice but to endure it.

Lang Xing pointed at his nose and said, "You are a man. If you have nothing to worry about, you can do whatever you want. But if someone loves you and relies on you, then you have to be worthy of them. If you die, let What should she do?"

The woman whispered, "I am more eager to fight Qian Zonghui than he is. If he dies, I will follow him and kill a few more enemies before I die. It will be regarded as revenge for him. If I die first , he will do the same."

Langxing glanced at her speechlessly, and then continued to reprimand the young man, "Even if she wants to go to the battlefield, you have to do your best to dissuade her, unless you two don't care about each other very much. Now you two give me

Think about it, it was dangerous enough just now. You should be able to experience the feeling of facing death. Suppose I come a step too late and one of you has died. How do you feel at this moment? Think about it now! "

The two looked at each other, the lingering fear of death still lingering. Now is indeed the best time to consider this issue.

Huaying saw the two late-stage Nascent Soul monks who were fighting against each other approaching and then chasing away. She couldn't help but feel a little ups and downs in her heart. However, she didn't urge Lang Xing anymore and instead kept her expression calmer. No matter how much she felt in her heart, Even if she is uneasy, she will not rush Langxing anymore. This is her wisdom as a woman.

Langxing waited for a while and did not ask them what they thought. Instead, he continued what he just said, "You must first understand what is most important. With your little ability, fighting to the death will not make much difference. I assume you can rescue fifty Puyunzhou monks, isn't that a lot?" He pointed at the woman and said to the young man, "Without your rescue, these fifty Puyunzhou monks would not die, but would only suffer a little more, so what about you? For me, is it more important to save these fifty people from suffering, or is her life more important?" After that, he looked at the woman again.

The woman said with a bitter face, "I know you are sincerely doing good for us, and what you said is indeed very reasonable, but our hearts are full of hatred for Qianzonghui. This hatred has made it difficult for us to practice meditation, so we decided We are here to kill the enemy, but the question you asked us to think about just now has touched me. We will discuss it carefully after we return, whether to go or stay. "

Langxing looked at the young man and then reprimanded, "Do you know who you are trying to rescue? Those who are fighting with you and gnashing their teeth to kill you are some of them. If you want to eradicate Qianzonghui, then you have to Let’s find out who the enemy is first.

? The nine sects and their cronies will not go to the battlefield. They are all hiding far behind. Most of the people fighting with you are stupid fools. They are no different from a group of indiscriminate dogs. Use your own Is it worth fighting for your life with a dog? ! "

The young man glanced at the four sealed Puyunzhou monks, frowned and said nothing.

"I'll let you see clearly." Lang Xing waved his hand to undo some of the seals on the four people, allowing them to restore their six senses, and then backhandedly sealed the cultivation of the two of them. Huaying didn't wait for Lang Xing to look. He himself became invisible.

"You...are you the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace?" someone asked in a trembling voice when he saw the purple Taoist robe on Lang Xing's body.

"That's right, which sect are you from?" Lang Xing asked expressionlessly.

The four of them looked at Lang Xing with excitement and reverence, and each reported their sect, all of which were small sects with little reputation.

"I don't know...I don't know why the Immortal Lord banned our cultivation..." one person asked carefully with great loss.

Langxing unlocked all their cultivation skills, and the four of them immediately knelt down and bowed in ceremony. They were so excited that their bodies were trembling. They couldn't even imagine approaching an immortal king from the nine sects face to face.

"Get up, those bastards from Qian Zonghui forced you to go to the battlefield. Do you hate them?" Lang Xing asked with a smile.

The four people's eyes suddenly widened, and they couldn't believe their ears.

After a while, one person came to his senses and said with a grimace, "We are so eager to serve Sun and Moon that we all rush into the military camp to serve. Immortal Lord, please rest assured. We know you are here to test our loyalty. I will never say anything disrespectful about Qian Zonghui.”

Langxing smiled contemptuously, took out the Taoist robe of Qianxu Palace, shook it and put it on his shoulders, saying, "The young master is not only the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, but also the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace."

Immortal Lord, have you ever heard of Qianxu Palace? So I don’t want to help each other. I call Qian Zonghui people bastards because I really think they are bastards. Are you people worthy of my troublesome testing? I will give you a chance. If you want to go to Nanjingzhou, I can send you there, and I will keep it a secret for you, so that your relatives and friends will not be implicated because of your defection. "

The four of them looked at each other, and then looked at Lang Xing together, with the same complicated expressions in their eyes, including awe, doubt, and faint dissatisfaction.

Langxing smiled calmly and said, "Aren't you fed up with the bullying from those bastards from Qian Zonghui? Don't be suspicious. I don't have time to play with you. I really want to give you a chance. Come on, I don't have time to wait." ”

"We would rather die than betray Pu Yunzhou." One person looked at Lang Xing with respectful eyes and said. Although he was getting excited, his tone was trying to remain calm and he strictly adhered to the etiquette due to an immortal king. The determination to never betray is beyond words.

Lang Xing sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "Then I have to kill you. I can't let you leak what happened today."

"How can you say that you are also the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace! How can you be worthy of Qianzonghui by killing loyal people like us? How can you be worthy of Zixiao Palace?" One person asked sadly and indignantly, but the tone was more like a grievance.

Lang Xing sneered, "Qianzonghui is a bunch of bastards, what can I say to them?"

Finally, one person couldn't bear it any longer and said violently, " can say such treacherous and unethical words, you are not worthy of being the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace! I think you are just pretending! You have continuously insulted Qianzonghui, even if it is really Zixiao Palace." The Immortal Lord of Xiao Palace is also a scum among the Immortal Lords! If you want to kill them, we, as soldiers of the Nine Battalions of Tiandao, will defend the Qianzonghui to the death without any regrets!"

"Death without regrets!" Another person shouted, his eyes directed at Langxing full of anger.

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