Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2787 They know too much

Although the four of them were filled with grief and anger, no one dared to take action against a person who might be the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace.

Lang Xing smiled and said in a teasing tone, "What benefits has Qian Zonghui given you, so that you are so determined to protect it with your lives?"

One person said excitedly, "If it weren't for the Qianzonghui, we would have been killed by these bandits in Nanjingzhou long ago! Isn't this enough!"

Lang Xing laughed loudly, pointed at the couple and said, "The purpose of their alliance is to rescue you, but you think they are here to rob you, and both sides are fighting desperately. Is there anything funnier than this in the world?" ? Both sides are idiots!”

One person sneered back and said, "Rescue us? Huh, their life is much worse than ours. If you want to buy a spiritual grass, you have to apply to the Sky Law Alliance for approval. The Sky Law Alliance will kill them if they want. They want to us Do you think we are fools to rescue them?"

Both the young man and the woman were so angry that their lungs were about to explode. However, their speech was blocked and they could not argue.

Langxing had long known how deeply Qian Zonghui would fool these people, and he continued to tease the four people with a smile, "You are fools. Let me ask you, you keep saying that Qianzonghui is protecting you, but which of the nine sects are there?" Did the Immortal Lord fight with you on the battlefield? Who is protecting whom?"

"Of course! The deputy commander of our battalion is Immortal Lord Pei Bai of the Soul Refining Sect, and our leader is Immortal Lord Kui Jiang of Wuji Sect, who is the second disciple of Immortal Lord Quan Zhong!"

Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh again, "The Soul Refining Sect has declined, and the hard work has been assigned to them. Moreover, Pei Bai is just an insignificant figure in the Soul Refining Sect. I know better about the Kui Jiang you are talking about. , he must have been assigned such an unfortunate job because of me. His master Quan Zhong offended me and was taught a lesson by me. Several of their disciples were unconvinced and wanted to seek revenge from me. As a result, Kui Hai was killed by Quan Zhong. Kui Jiang gave him such a punishment. "

"You're talking nonsense! Even if you are the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, you don't dare to provoke the Immortal Lord of Wuji Sect! This kind of nonsense can't deceive the people of Puyunzhou!" After this person finished speaking, the other three people showed mocking looks.

Lang Xing didn't want to say any more, so he used his spiritual thoughts to convey to the couple what happened at Wuji Gate that day, and then waved his hand to seal away the four still complacent people.

"These people! These people..." After the seal was released, the woman was so angry that she pointed at the four people and was speechless.

Lang Xing said with a cold face, "Most of Pu Yunzhou is full of people like this. It's definitely not as you imagine. They all hate Qianzonghui to the core. Of course, there are also people who are awakened. Taking advantage of the turmoil of the situation, they have joined forces one after another. The banner resisted the Thousand Sects Association, but was almost quelled. Even those who are awakened, because they grew up in this dirty environment, most of them have not very high moral character. You know who you are anxious to save. ?"

The woman frowned and exhaled, murmuring, "It was Qian Zonghui who made them like this, but the Qianzonghui group is hiding far behind. Is it possible that they have been allowed to occupy Puyunzhou?"

Lang Xing said, "Do you realize that you are also being deceived? The people in power in the Juyi Alliance have long known these things. If they were told to you all, you might be soft-hearted on the battlefield. You only regard these as thousands of things." The direct armies of the sect, in fact, all the armies of the Qian sect are almost like this. There may be differences in combat power, but the loyalty is the same. "

The woman and the young man stared at each other at the same time.

Eyes, the expression on his face soon became complicated, yes, this is not a secret that is difficult to obtain, most of the great monks know it.

Langxing became serious and said, "Is it clear now? The best way to deal with the Qian Zonghui is the strategy adopted by the Tianlu Alliance - confrontation. There is no airtight wall. No matter how strict the Qianzong Guild is, the news here It will also penetrate little by little. When most of the Puyunzhou monks understand the truth, as long as Nanjingzhou gives some support, the Puyunzhou monks can overthrow the Qianzonghui on their own. There is no need for us to shed so much blood for them. , our lives are also our lives.”

"Then Juyi Meng..." The woman didn't know what to think of Juyi Meng.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "There are always people who can't wait, and you two can't wait either. Some people have a righteous heart that cannot be suppressed, some people regard this as cultivation, and some people know that it is difficult to cultivate any more. Promotion, tired of living, want to use this life to do something useful, and some people have fame and fortune. In any case, the benefits of Juyi Alliance outweigh the disadvantages, but people like you two should not coming.

The main reason I tell you so much is to protect the Qingyuan Sect. If you two understand, then persuade all the Qingyuan Sect disciples in the Juyi League to go back, and tell your current leader to put your body in Tianlu The disciples in the alliance also called them back and said that this is what your ancestor, second master, and junior master meant, and then your junior master will go back in person to pass on the Dharma.

For at least a thousand years, the Qingyuan Sect focuses on restoring vitality. The two paths of good and evil are ebbing and flowing. Most people are selfish, and Nanjingzhou Xiujie is no exception. When righteousness is weak, evil will breed. Your Qingyuan Sect is the most righteous and must be made stronger again. "

The young man and the woman were so moved that they bowed and saluted and said, "Thank you Xianjun for caring so much for the Qingyuan Sect."

Lang Xing said sincerely, "Helping the Qingyuan Sect means helping ourselves. Let your leader not have to worry and just start recalling the disciples. Your little master and I will explain it to the Tianlu Alliance."

"Yes! When we get back, we will bring the Master Xianjun's words to the leader. These people..." The woman looked at the four Puyunzhou soldiers.

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "They know too much, and it is difficult to change such fools. You should kill them for military merit."

The woman raised her hand, but hesitated to take the shot. Now that she knew these people were being fooled, she really couldn't do it.

Langxing looked at the young man and said, "As a man, you must take more responsibility in the future. At least you must be brave enough to take care of her. Don't always let her get ahead of you as a woman."

The young man swung his sword to kill the four people without saying a word, and then bowed respectfully to Lang Xing. Although he was older than Lang Xing, he was convinced by Lang Xing's teachings.

Lang Xing exhaled with some boredom and said, "You two should go back and think about what you want to live for in this life. You want me to give him words of comfort to my ancestor. This is useless. Your ancestor is better than you." He understands a lot. He knows everything you said, but he still feels that he is wrong. Think about it carefully. First, think clearly about what is the most important thing in this life, and what you want to live for, so that your life will not end with regret. , Okay, I’ll send you back now, be strict with your words, and keep what you shouldn’t say in your stomach.”

"We understand, please rest assured, Immortal Lord, and thank you Immortal Lord for your rescue and teachings." The two gratefully bowed and thanked them again. Although the four of them were filled with grief and anger, no one dared to take action against a person who might be the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace.

Lang Xing smiled and said in a teasing tone, "What benefits has Qian Zonghui given you, so that you are so determined to protect it with your lives?"

One person said excitedly, "If it weren't for the Qianzonghui, we would have been killed by these bandits in Nanjingzhou long ago! Isn't this enough!"

Lang Xing laughed loudly, pointed at the couple and said, "The purpose of their alliance is to rescue you, but you think they are here to rob you, and both sides are fighting desperately. Is there anything funnier than this in the world?" ? Both sides are idiots!”

One person sneered back and said, "Rescue us? Huh, their life is much worse than ours. If you want to buy a spiritual grass, you have to apply to the Sky Law Alliance for approval. The Sky Law Alliance will kill them if they want. They want to us Do you think we are fools to rescue them?"

Both the young man and the woman were so angry that their lungs were about to explode. However, their speech was blocked and they could not argue. .??.

Langxing had long known how deeply Qian Zonghui would fool these people, and he continued to tease the four people with a smile, "You are fools. Let me ask you, you keep saying that Qianzonghui is protecting you, but which of the nine sects are there?" Did the Immortal Lord fight with you on the battlefield? Who is protecting whom?"

"Of course! The deputy commander of our battalion is Immortal Lord Pei Bai of the Soul Refining Sect, and our leader is Immortal Lord Kui Jiang of Wuji Sect, who is the second disciple of Immortal Lord Quan Zhong!"

Lang Xing couldn't help but laugh again, "The Soul Refining Sect has declined, and the hard work has been assigned to them. Moreover, Pei Bai is just an insignificant figure in the Soul Refining Sect. I know better about the Kui Jiang you are talking about. , he must have been assigned such an unfortunate job because of me. His master Quan Zhong offended me and was taught a lesson by me. Several of their disciples were unconvinced and wanted to seek revenge from me. As a result, Kui Hai was killed by Quan Zhong. Kui Jiang gave him such a punishment. "

"You're talking nonsense! Even if you are the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, you don't dare to provoke the Immortal Lord of Wuji Sect! This kind of nonsense can't deceive the people of Puyunzhou!" After this person finished speaking, the other three people showed mocking looks.

Lang Xing didn't want to say any more, so he used his spiritual thoughts to convey to the couple what happened at Wuji Gate that day, and then waved his hand to seal away the four still complacent people.

"These people! These people..." After the seal was released, the woman was so angry that she pointed at the four people and was speechless.

Lang Xing said with a cold face, "Most of Pu Yunzhou is full of people like this. It's definitely not as you imagine. They all hate Qianzonghui to the core. Of course, there are also people who are awakened. Taking advantage of the turmoil of the situation, they have joined forces one after another. The banner resisted the Thousand Sects Association, but was almost quelled. Even those who are awakened, because they grew up in this dirty environment, most of them have not very high moral character. You know who you are anxious to save. ?"

The woman frowned and exhaled, murmuring, "It was Qian Zonghui who made them like this, but the Qianzonghui group is hiding far behind. Is it possible that they have been allowed to occupy Puyunzhou?"

Lang Xing said, "Do you realize that you are also being deceived? The people in power in the Juyi Alliance have long known these things. If they were told to you all, you might be soft-hearted on the battlefield. You only regard these as thousands of things." The direct armies of the sect, in fact, all the armies of the Qian sect are almost like this. There may be differences in combat power, but the loyalty is the same. "

The woman and the young man stared at each other at the same time.

Eyes, the expression on his face soon became complicated, yes, this is not a secret that is difficult to obtain, most of the great monks know it.

Langxing became serious and said, "Is it clear now? The best way to deal with the Qian Zonghui is the strategy adopted by the Tianlu Alliance - confrontation. There is no airtight wall. No matter how strict the Qianzong Guild is, the news here It will also penetrate little by little. When most of the Puyunzhou monks understand the truth, as long as Nanjingzhou gives some support, the Puyunzhou monks can overthrow the Qianzonghui on their own. There is no need for us to shed so much blood for them. , our lives are also our lives.”

"Then Juyi Meng..." The woman didn't know what to think of Juyi Meng.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "There are always people who can't wait, and you two can't wait either. Some people have a righteous heart that cannot be suppressed, some people regard this as cultivation, and some people know that it is difficult to cultivate any more. Promotion, tired of living, want to use this life to do something useful, and some people have fame and fortune. In any case, the benefits of Juyi Alliance outweigh the disadvantages, but people like you two should not coming.

The main reason I tell you so much is to protect the Qingyuan Sect. If you two understand, then persuade all the Qingyuan Sect disciples in the Juyi League to go back, and tell your current leader to put your body in Tianlu The disciples in the alliance also called them back and said that this is what your ancestor, second master, and junior master meant, and then your junior master will go back in person to pass on the Dharma.

For at least a thousand years, the Qingyuan Sect focuses on restoring vitality. The two paths of good and evil are ebbing and flowing. Most people are selfish, and Nanjingzhou Xiujie is no exception. When righteousness is weak, evil will breed. Your Qingyuan Sect is the most righteous and must be made stronger again. "

The young man and the woman were so moved that they bowed and saluted and said, "Thank you Xianjun for caring so much for the Qingyuan Sect."

Lang Xing said sincerely, "Helping the Qingyuan Sect means helping ourselves. Let your leader not have to worry and just start recalling the disciples. Your little master and I will explain it to the Tianlu Alliance."

"Yes! When we get back, we will bring the Master Xianjun's words to the leader. These people..." The woman looked at the four Puyunzhou soldiers.

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes and said, "They know too much, and it is difficult to change such fools. You should kill them for military merit."

The woman raised her hand, but hesitated to take the shot. Now that she knew these people were being fooled, she really couldn't do it.

Langxing looked at the young man and said, "As a man, you must take more responsibility in the future. At least you must be brave enough to take care of her. Don't always let her get ahead of you as a woman."

The young man swung his sword to kill the four people without saying a word, and then bowed respectfully to Lang Xing. Although he was older than Lang Xing, he was convinced by Lang Xing's teachings.

Lang Xing exhaled with some boredom and said, "You two should go back and think about what you want to live for in this life. You want me to give him words of comfort to my ancestor. This is useless. Your ancestor is better than you." He understands a lot. He knows everything you said, but he still feels that he is wrong. Think about it carefully. First, think clearly about what is the most important thing in this life, and what you want to live for, so that your life will not end with regret. , Okay, I’ll send you back now, be strict with your words, and keep what you shouldn’t say in your stomach.”

"We understand, please rest assured, Immortal Lord, and thank you Immortal Lord for your rescue and teachings." The two gratefully bowed and thanked them again.

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