Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2795 He who travels a hundred miles is half ninety

Both Qing Qiu and Nuan Dong are happy. Compared with Hua Yu, power and wealth are not worth mentioning, and grudges and hatreds can also be put aside.

"Tell me what are the benefits there?" Nuan Dong asked expectantly.

Lang Xing looked at the two of them calmly and said, "Let's not talk about the benefits. Let me tell you something first. Shen Qing became a feather, and Su Wan also became a feather. The two of them became feathers within two thousand years old, which is an unprecedented achievement for young people." Some miracle, the two of them are very close to me, and I can ask them to tell you about the journey of becoming a feather..."

"Su Wan... turned into a feather?!" Nuan Dong interrupted Lang Xing in disbelief.

Lang Xing nodded seriously and continued, "Both of these two have extraordinary talents, and I have played a role in them to some extent. The biggest help to them is to help them understand that becoming a feather is not a big deal. As the saying goes, "He who travels a hundred miles is half of ninety." If you set the goal at a hundred miles, then walking to ninety miles will feel very difficult. Just like you are staring at Hua Yu now, thinking that you can do it with all your life's energy. This step is not easy. It is normal not to be able to transform into feathers. With this kind of mentality, it will be difficult to stimulate more potential.

If you set your goal at 200 miles or 1,000 miles, then when you reach 90 miles, you will feel that you have not reached anywhere, and you will not worry so much about gains and losses. I can tell you clearly, Not to mention the early stage of becoming a feather, even in the late stage of becoming a feather, you may not be close to the Immortal Sect. If you want to have extraordinary achievements like Shen Qing and Su Wan, you must first have an extraordinary vision. "

"Go on!" Nuan Dong urged urgently.

Lang Xing said, "Don't be impatient. This cannot be explained thoroughly in just a few sentences. It also involves some secrets that cannot be revealed. I have to sort it out carefully before I explain it to you. Let Shen Qing and Su Wan help. It’s best to talk about it, let’s deal with the mess here first, and since Senior Brother is about to take over as the Grand Elder, you will definitely be busy for a while, so now is not the time to talk about this.”

Nuan Dong looked at Qing Qiu and said sincerely, "Then don't let Xin De be the elder. Then we won't have these troubles, and our junior brother won't leave us."

Qingqiu slowly shook his head and said, "The arrow is on the string and we have to shoot it. Even if Second Senior Sister wants to object to this matter now, she can only wait until she takes over and then find a way to step down. Even you have promised benefits to some friends and staff. We These people naturally make more promises to the outside world and there is no room for turning back.”

"Oh! It's so annoying!" Nuan Dong frowned irritably.

Lang Xing said, "Fourth Senior Sister, I have told you before that you are not suitable to hang out with this group of people. Please leave here with me before you get too deeply involved."

Nuan Dongqi said bitterly, "If I leave, won't Third Senior Sister be the only one left? No matter what, I have to accompany Third Senior Sister."

Qingqiu stroked Nuan Dong's shoulder, looked at Lang Xing and said, "You can take away as many people as you want from Baihua and Guanhe Island. Among my disciples, Chenlu is the closest to you, take her away." , the rest will be left as a facade until your senior brother takes over as the great elder. After this period of work is over, we will go to you immediately, and we will discuss the rest."

After that, she looked at Yan Bing and said, "It's best to keep some disciples on Baihua and Guanhe Islands. If they don't want to leave, don't force them. Let's keep up appearances first, and then decide whether to send them to your junior uncle's house." side."

Yan Bing accepted the order and said, "Yes, I will make arrangements right away, but such a big thing will take at least a day's work."

Qingqiu said, "If you want to leave, be more decisive."

, saying goodbye to relatives and friends outside can be avoided if possible. It would be bad to make too much noise. If you have too many concerns, let them stay. Your little uncle just wants to do his duty and does not want to accept it. Let them take care of it. "

Lang Xing nodded and said, "This is the best."

After Yan Bing left, Langxing smiled and said to Qingqiu, "Third Senior Sister, your decisiveness in killing is stronger than Second Senior Sister. With this, you can gain a considerable advantage in the power struggle, but this advantage will also make you If you sink deeper, if you continue like this, you will soon become a very important figure in Qianzonghui, which is something I never want to see. "

Qingqiu looked at him with slightly cold eyes and said, "I originally wanted to do something big after Xinde took over as the great elder. All I have been thinking about these days is this matter, but you poured this basin of cold water on me. I suddenly felt bored. Su Wan had become a feather. I was still busy with these irrelevant things. It was so wrong. But I felt very unwilling to not be able to show off my fists when I had such a good opportunity, so I need to take some time to adjust and get over the addiction to power, and then I’ll go find you with your fourth sister.”

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Third Senior Sister, you are really interesting. You are like a child. Even though you know something is wrong, you still have to get over it first before talking about it. No matter how you can let go of it more completely after you fulfill your wish, I believe you can It’s not fun anymore.”

Qingqiu said, "Su Wan Huayu's incident is enough to make it difficult for me to be interested in anything. I will find you as soon as possible."

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Then this matter is settled. You go and tell the senior brother. If Quanzhen and Xin Zheng come, ask the senior brother to bring them to see me. I will explain it clearly to them face to face and tell them Let them nod in agreement, lest they take this matter against you in the future, I will go to Wuqing Island to persuade Sister Yuehong and Shao Ling."

Qingqiu murmured, "Why don't you go over to see Quanzhen and Xin Zheng? Let them come over to see you... it's not too bad, right?"

Lang Xing snorted and said, "To be honest with you, I warned these two people in person and told them to stay away from me, because both of them had offended me, so they knew I was coming and had to be tough. I came here to show my respect, but I really wanted to meet them. If I went to the sea to see them, I would have to twist my nose and be polite to them. I am too lazy to suffer this. Let them come over. It doesn't matter. , they know it well and won’t get angry because of this.”

Qingqiu looked at this junior brother with a complicated expression. It seemed that this junior brother had hidden too many things from them. Suddenly she felt that this junior brother was very strange, "Well... I don't think Yuehong and Shao Ling I will leave Enlightenment Island." She said without any words, wanting to get closer to this strange junior brother as soon as possible.

Langxing nodded worriedly and turned around.

"He..." Nuan Dong looked at Third Senior Sister and only said one word and didn't know what to say.

Qingqiu shook his head slightly and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Second Senior Sister has hid a lot of things from us. Now I believe what he just boasted about. If he really wants to dismiss Zixiao Palace, Second Senior Sister will pass down the decree according to his wishes." . We can't be stupid anymore. Second Senior Sister must have a lot of things that she can't tell us clearly, but it would be stupid if we still can't wake up now. Don't believe his kind words. Su Wan and Shen Qing can be two thousand years old. Nei Huayu must be mostly due to him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence? It would be unbelievable to have one such genius, how could there be any reason to have two of them in succession? "

Nuan Dong's eyes flickered as he looked at the third senior sister, waiting for her to continue. Both Qing Qiu and Nuan Dong are happy. Compared with Hua Yu, power and wealth are not worth mentioning, and grudges and hatreds can also be put aside.

"Tell me what are the benefits there?" Nuan Dong asked expectantly.

Lang Xing looked at the two of them calmly and said, "Let's not talk about the benefits. Let me tell you something first. Shen Qing became a feather, and Su Wan also became a feather. The two of them became feathers within two thousand years old, which is an unprecedented achievement for young people." Some miracle, the two of them are very close to me, and I can ask them to tell you about the journey of becoming a feather..."

"Su Wan... turned into a feather?!" Nuan Dong interrupted Lang Xing in disbelief.

Lang Xing nodded seriously and continued, "Both of these two have extraordinary talents, and I have played a role in them to some extent. The biggest help to them is to help them understand that becoming a feather is not a big deal. As the saying goes, "He who travels a hundred miles is half of ninety." If you set the goal at a hundred miles, then walking to ninety miles will feel very difficult. Just like you are staring at Hua Yu now, thinking that you can do it with all your life's energy. This step is not easy. It is normal not to be able to transform into feathers. With this kind of mentality, it will be difficult to stimulate more potential.

If you set your goal at 200 miles or 1,000 miles, then when you reach 90 miles, you will feel that you have not reached anywhere, and you will not worry so much about gains and losses. I can tell you clearly, Not to mention the early stage of becoming a feather, even in the late stage of becoming a feather, you may not be close to the Immortal Sect. If you want to have extraordinary achievements like Shen Qing and Su Wan, you must first have an extraordinary vision. "

"Go on!" Nuan Dong urged urgently.

Lang Xing said, "Don't be impatient. This cannot be explained thoroughly in just a few sentences. It also involves some secrets that cannot be revealed. I have to sort it out carefully before I explain it to you. Let Shen Qing and Su Wan help. It’s best to talk about it, let’s deal with the mess here first, and since Senior Brother is about to take over as the Grand Elder, you will definitely be busy for a while, so now is not the time to talk about this.”

Nuan Dong looked at Qing Qiu and said sincerely, "Then don't let Xin De be the elder. Then we won't have these troubles, and our junior brother won't leave us."

Qingqiu slowly shook his head and said, "The arrow is on the string and we have to shoot it. Even if Second Senior Sister wants to object to this matter now, she can only wait until she takes over and then find a way to step down. Even you have promised benefits to some friends and staff. We These people naturally make more promises to the outside world and there is no room for turning back.”

"Oh! It's so annoying!" Nuan Dong frowned irritably.

Lang Xing said, "Fourth Senior Sister, I have told you before that you are not suitable to hang out with this group of people. Please leave here with me before you get too deeply involved."

Nuan Dongqi said bitterly, "If I leave, won't Third Senior Sister be the only one left? No matter what, I have to accompany Third Senior Sister."

Qingqiu stroked Nuan Dong's shoulder, looked at Lang Xing and said, "You can take away as many people as you want from Baihua and Guanhe Island. Among my disciples, Chenlu is the closest to you, take her away." , the rest will be left as a facade until your senior brother takes over as the great elder. After this period of work is over, we will go to you immediately, and we will discuss the rest."

After that, she looked at Yan Bing and said, "It's best to keep some disciples on Baihua and Guanhe Islands. If they don't want to leave, don't force them. Let's keep up appearances first, and then decide whether to send them to your junior uncle's place." side."

Yan Bing accepted the order and said, "Yes, I will make arrangements right away, but such a big thing will take at least a day's work."

Qingqiu said, "If you want to leave, be more decisive."

, saying goodbye to relatives and friends outside can be avoided if possible. It would be bad to make too much noise. If you have too much to worry about, let them stay. Your little uncle just wants to do his duty and does not want to accept it. Let them take care of it. "

Lang Xing nodded and said, "This is the best."

After Yan Bing left, Langxing smiled and said to Qingqiu, "Third Senior Sister, your decisiveness in killing is stronger than Second Senior Sister. With this, you can gain a considerable advantage in the power struggle, but this advantage will also make you If you sink deeper, if you continue like this, you will soon become a very important figure in Qianzonghui, which is something I never want to see. "

Qingqiu looked at him with slightly cold eyes and said, "I originally wanted to do something big after Xinde took over as the great elder. All I have been thinking about these days is this matter, but you poured this basin of cold water on me. I suddenly felt bored. Su Wan had become a feather. I was still busy with these irrelevant things. It was so wrong. But I felt very unwilling to not be able to show off my fists when I had such a good opportunity, so I need to take some time to adjust and get over the addiction to power, and then I’ll go find you with your fourth sister.”

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Third Senior Sister, you are really interesting. You are like a child. Even though you know something is wrong, you still have to get over it first before talking about it. No matter how you can let go of it more completely after you fulfill your wish, I believe you can It’s not fun anymore.”

Qingqiu said, "Su Wan Huayu's incident is enough to make it difficult for me to be interested in anything. I will find you as soon as possible."

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Then this matter is settled. You go and tell the senior brother. If Quanzhen and Xin Zheng come, ask the senior brother to bring them to see me. I will explain it clearly to them face to face and tell them Let them nod in agreement, lest they take this matter against you in the future, I will go to Wuqing Island to persuade Sister Yuehong and Shao Ling."

Qingqiu murmured, "Why don't you go over to see Quanzhen and Xin Zheng? Let them come over to see you... it's not too bad, right?"

Lang Xing snorted and said, "To be honest with you, I warned these two people in person and told them to stay away from me, because both of them had offended me, so they knew I was coming and had to be tough. I came here to show my respect, but I really wanted to meet them. If I went to the sea to see them, I would have to twist my nose and be polite to them. I am too lazy to suffer this. Let them come over. It doesn't matter. , they know it well and won’t get angry because of this.”

Qingqiu looked at this junior brother with a complicated expression. It seemed that this junior brother had hidden too many things from them. Suddenly she felt that this junior brother was very strange, "Well... I don't think Yuehong and Shao Ling I will leave Enlightenment Island." She said without any words, wanting to get closer to this strange junior brother as soon as possible.

Langxing nodded worriedly and turned around.

"He..." Nuan Dong looked at Third Senior Sister and only said one word and didn't know what to say.

Qingqiu shook his head slightly and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Second Senior Sister has hid a lot of things from us. Now I believe what he just boasted about. If he really wants to dismiss Zixiao Palace, Second Senior Sister will pass down the decree according to his wishes." . We can't be stupid anymore. Second Senior Sister must have a lot of things that she can't tell us clearly, but it would be stupid if we still can't wake up now. Don't believe his kind words. Su Wan and Shen Qing can be two thousand years old. Nei Huayu must be mostly due to him, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence? It would be unbelievable to have one such genius, how could there be any reason to have two of them in succession? "

Nuan Dong's eyes flickered as he looked at the third senior sister, waiting for her to continue.

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