Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2796 The one here is Xinqing

Qingqiu stretched out his hand and touched her heart, and said with his mind, "Just have an idea in your mind. Don't say anything more. Everything will be done according to his wishes. As long as you follow him closely, he will try his best to help us. This child is kind and righteous enough. We don’t need to urge him. You can do whatever you want. Don’t try to please him. That will make him feel awkward. Just continue to love him as your little junior brother. This is the blessing that Master has won for us. , Don’t worry, you won’t run away easily.”

Nuan Dong pursed her lips hard, and she had to let herself get used to this little junior brother who suddenly looked like a fairy child.

Qingqiu lowered her eyes. There were some things she couldn't say to her junior sisters. When Langxing let them meet Xiaoyunduo, she became suspicious, wondering if Langxing could be the reincarnation of Xinqing. Regarding this, the two The senior sister gave her a vague answer. Now it seems that this possibility has become greater. From the perspective of Xinqing's reincarnation, many things have revealed different clues, such as him and Zi The relationship with the Xiao Palace gang, the relationship with Huaxian, the relationship with Yu Chan, the relationship with Su Wan...

So, is there really reincarnation?

Master traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers to find the reincarnation of Master. At that time, she only thought that Master was here to express her grief and spend her remaining days. In the end, she was indeed unable to find him, but she chose such a Nanjing. The child in Zhouzhou is a closed disciple. Now that I think about it, there is a lot to ponder here. Master should have seen something from this child. It's just that the secret cannot be leaked and it is not convenient to tell everyone.

When Langxing came to Wuqing Island, Yuehong and Shao Ling happened to come out. After asking that it was Yan Bing who sent someone to invite them there, Langxing waved his hand and said, "That's why I came here. You don't have to go there yet."

After sitting down in Yuehong's room, Langxing told them the whole story.

Shao Ling immediately said, "Sister Yuehong and I are both from small sects, and we know very well what Qianzonghui and Zixiao Palace have done. We won't say more about it. As for leaving, thank you very much."

I have good intentions, but I will definitely not leave. Firstly, my Nascent Soul cannot be separated from the Xu Shui Secret Realm. Secondly, this is where Xinqing lives. He has been very kind to me, and I will always be here. Guarding his spiritual place, he will never leave it in this life. "

Langxing knew she would say this, but still tried to persuade him, "Xiao Ling must have told you that Xiang'er figured out a way to bring out the spiritual stones from Xu Shui. We can take more with us. Besides, in the future You can come back at any time. As for my seventh brother, he is originally from Nanjingzhou, and there are more of his imprints there. You can even live in the Xuanfang Sect. "

Shao Ling smiled slightly and said, "The one over there is Xun Yi, and the one over here is Xin Qing. Okay, you don't have to persuade me anymore. I'm really grateful that you always care about me so much. You'd better try to persuade Sister Yuehong more." Bar."

Yuehong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter where I live, but I'm used to living here and don't want to move anymore. Just let me stay with Shao Ling here, even if everyone in Inland Sea moves away." Now, you don’t need to persuade us anymore. In fact, I sincerely hope to be more pure. You should be able to feel it. Now I live a peaceful and comfortable life. It can even be said to be peaceful. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. "No, Shao Ling and I will not help Zixiao Palace do anything harmful to nature. If there is a disaster, we can hide under the Xu Shui for a while, so we don't have to worry about our safety."

Lang Xing looked at her detached smile, nodded slowly and said, "I can feel the peace of my sister. Okay, then I won't worry about anything. I will come to visit you when I have free time in the future." After that, he looked at Shao Ling and said, "Xiao Ling is in Xu Shui. Tell her to come up. I have something to say to her."

Shao Ling closed her eyes and summoned Xiao Ling using the strange sensing method between her and Xiao Ling.

Yuehong stood up and was about to hide out, but Langxing held her back and said, "Sister is not afraid of shaking Taoism. It doesn't hurt to listen. Maybe it can be helpful."

Yuehong smiled indifferently, said nothing more, and sat back as he wished.

Shao Ling opened her eyes, frowned and looked at Lang Xing and said, "Will it shake Dao's heart? Why don't you tell me first, I'm afraid..."

Lang Xing said, "The matter between you and Xiao Ling must finally be dealt with clearly. I have been worrying about this. I didn't expect God to send me a living example. Su Wan transformed into a feather. Her transformation was very strange. The Nascent Soul has transformed into a spirit that can survive independently and has left Su Wan. I think Xiao Ling can also take this path. "

When Yuehong heard the news about Su Wanhua Yu, her brows wrinkled slightly and then relaxed, and her face returned to a peaceful expression.

"She... has transformed into a feather?! Are you kidding us?" Shao Ling looked at Lang Xing with disbelief. It had not been long since she last met Su Wan in Xu Shui. No matter what, she did not believe that Su Wan could transform so quickly. feather.

Langxing showed the scene where Su Wan and the spirit body were sitting opposite each other, and said, "Although there is no need to warn me, this matter is too important, so I still have to say, don't mention it to anyone."

Yuehong and Shao Ling both looked at the picture in shock for a while before nodding in response.

Lang Xing briefly talked about the strange process of Su Wan's transformation into a feather, and then looked at Shao Ling with questioning eyes, asking her to decide whether to tell Xiao Ling.

Shao Ling's eyes couldn't help but flicker, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Yuehong said softly, "There is nothing better than this. You two have reached the edge of separation. If you can work together, it may not take long for you to become a feather. Su Wan's ability to become a feather so quickly is due to Nascent Soul. This is a magical road. You and Xiao Ling will also walk on it.

Xu is even easier than Amelia Su. "

Shao Ling woke up and nodded to Lang Xing with ecstasy in her eyes.

When Xiao Ling came in, she had already sensed something from Shao Ling. She excitedly said to Lang Xing, "You finally helped me find a way? You are so good!" After saying that, she rushed forward and hooked Lang Xing's neck. Hanging his small body on Lang Xing.

Shao Ling blushed in embarrassment and secretly urged Xiao Ling to behave herself.

After Lang Xing explained in detail how Su Wan broke through the situation, he said to Shao Ling with a serious face, "The dangers involved are self-evident, but now that you have heard about it, there is no turning back. You need to go and fight with her as soon as possible." Amelia Su, let’s talk carefully…”

Before he finished speaking, Xin De's spiritual thoughts came in, "Junior brother, two senior brothers, Quanzhen and Xin Zheng, have arrived."

"I know." After Lang Xing returned his spiritual thought, he stood up and said to Shao Ling, "Pack up and leave with us. Just ask Su Wan to send you back later."

Shao Ling frowned and said, "Then I have to trouble you to tell the Great Immortal Lord and the others for me. I can't leave Zixiao Palace casually." She pointed at Xiao Ling and then at the Chen Hua Sea outside. .

Lang Xing smiled easily, nodded, and went out.

Xiao Ling blinked her eyes and said to Shao Ling, "If Su Wan's Nascent Soul can do it, I will definitely be able to do it too. Finally, we don't have to harbor evil intentions anymore. Just wait until you transform into feathers. I have already vaguely realized something." Come on, let’s go see Amelia Su as soon as possible.”

Shao Ling was so excited that she nodded repeatedly, because she had a mysterious connection with Xiao Ling, and what Xiao Ling felt faintly made her heart throb, as if the transformation of Yu was suddenly close before her eyes.

Yuehong closed her eyes at some point. As usual, she gave people the feeling of being integrated into nature. Her presence or absence would not have any impact on others.

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