Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2797 They will definitely choose Sixth Senior Brother

Langxing came out of the magic circle on Wuqing Island and saw Quanzhen and Xin waiting for him in mid-air, accompanied by Xinde and Qingqiu, so he flew over.

Quanzhen and Xin Zheng looked a little embarrassed. Seeing that Langxing had no intention of greeting them, they laughed and called "Eight Immortals".

Xinde and Qingqiu couldn't help but sweat when they saw this formation. Quanzhen and Xin were very majestic figures, even in their hearts. They were both worried.

Lang Xing calmly nodded to Quanzhen and Xin Zheng, without any courtesy, and went straight to the point: "I found a treasured place for cultivation, and I want to bring some Inner Sea disciples there. The two are the first elder and second elder of Qianzonghui. , I have to say hello to you, and I need your permission, because that place is on the edge of Nanjingzhou, and although the Tianlu Alliance cannot control it, it is within Nanjingzhou after all. "

Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were both startled and looked at Xin De and Qing Qiu.

Xinde said with a bitter face, "We have been trying to persuade him, but he insists on doing this. Two senior brothers, please be considerate. He is still young and grew up in Nanjingzhou. I don't know how big the impact of this matter will be. Please two senior brothers." Help us persuade him."

Quanzhen immediately scolded Xinde and Qingqiu and said, "This is your fault. My junior brother is a genius and a transcendent person. How can we restrain him with common sense and common sense? He is grateful for his teacher's kindness and wants to take care of the inner sea disciples. This is The blessing of these disciples is that he is fulfilling his filial piety, and we should do our best to help him. There is absolutely no reason to stop him. "

Xin Zheng hurriedly echoed, "Yes, yes! What Senior Brother Quanzhen said is absolutely true. The Thousand Sect Association, the Tianlu Alliance, and the dispute between the two continents are big things in the eyes of mediocre people like us, but in the eyes of small people, In the eyes of the junior brother, it is just a dispute over the cochlear horns. Besides, the junior junior brother has already said that that place is beyond the jurisdiction of the Tianlu Alliance. What else do you have to worry about? The junior junior brother is a sensible person and has already considered everything for you. ”

Xinde and Qingqiu were a little stupid and didn't know what to say. ??

Quanzhen said to Lang Xing in an all-round way, "Since the junior brother regards us as the first elder and second elder of the Qianzonghui to say hello, then I, the senior elder, will give a clear answer. The junior brother will only take care of us." Let them go. The only thing they need to discuss with the junior brother is that it is best to go quietly. I will arrange a route for the junior brother to ensure that the journey is smooth and safe. I wonder if the junior brother can trust it. "

Lang Xing finally showed a smile and said, "Okay, we will set off in three days. We still can't determine the specific number of people."

Quanzhen said, "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter how many people there are. I'll make the arrangements. The patrol checkpoints along the way will be removed. Just take them there with confidence and boldness." After saying that, he took out a token and sealed a paragraph. Shen Nian handed it to Lang Xing and said, "If something unexpected happens, just use this to send them away."

"Thank you." Langxing took the token and put it away, and then said, "That's all I have to do. You two senior brothers can go and do their work. I won't disturb you."

"Okay, okay!" Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were all smiling. They nodded to Langxing several times before turning around and leaving.

Xinde glanced at Qingqiu and hurriedly chased after the two of them.

Qingqiu frowned slightly and looked at Langxing, not knowing where to start.

Lang Xing glanced at the direction where Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were leaving, and said with a disdainful smile, "There are also benefits to dealing with these scheming people, that is, after making them afraid, they will become easier to control than dogs." , Okay, they have taken over all the responsibilities, you don’t have to worry. "

Qingqiu was so frightened that he even

He winked and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Don't talk nonsense. It would be bad if such words spread."

Lang Xing smiled contemptuously and said, "Third Senior Sister, please think about one thing. Sixth Senior Brother has become the Feather Immortal Lord. Now that Sixth Senior Brother is pointing at Quanzhen and Xin Zheng's noses and scolding them in front of their faces, do they dare to fart?"

Qingqiu didn't say anything. The answer was obvious. Quanzhen and Xin Zheng might not be afraid of the other Feather monks, but Xinxie could scare them to death.

Lang Xing said proudly, "I tell you, if they had to choose between me and the Sixth Senior Brother to offend, they would definitely choose the Sixth Senior Brother."

Qingqiu looked suspicious. Although Quanzhen and Xin Zheng had behaved in a low-key manner just now, she still didn't believe that Lang Xing could be more vicious than Xin Xie.

Langxing pointed to his heart and said, "Not to mention that Sixth Senior Brother must abide by the laws of heaven, but based on Sixth Senior Brother's temperament, they have offended Sixth Senior Brother, and whether Sixth Senior Brother kills them or not depends on his mood. With Sixth Senior Brother's current situation, If you are in a good mood, you may not bother to pay attention to them, but I am different. They know very well that I, a person from Nanjingzhou, hate them from the bottom of my heart, and I hold it back so as not to kill them. As long as they give me a reason to take action, I will kill them without hesitation."

As he spoke, he pointed at his heart and poked his chest, "This is the power of good. It is my conscience that makes me hate them and regard them as mortal enemies. Moreover, this kind of hatred cannot be resolved by water or fire. They know this very well. So now they are more afraid of me than they are of Sixth Senior Brother."

Qingqiu said thoughtfully, "Only family affection can cover up this kind of hatred. It's very rare that you can treat us so sincerely. Let's try not to talk about Puyunzhou from now on and just be senior sister and junior brother."

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "Of course it is like this. I hate bad people, but I have never seen you do anything bad, and you have always loved me so much, so of course you are good people in my eyes. If you leave Puyunzhou completely in the future, Then let’s leave everything here here. However, Third Senior Sister, if there is something that can be remedied about what you did before, then find a way to remedy it, so as not to feel uneasy when you think about it in the future. This is conducive to enlightenment. I can’t I’m not trying to trick you, it’s the Tao that I’ve learned, it’s up to you to believe it or not.”

Qingqiu said with a smile, "I believe you. If there is anything I can do, I will do it. I have already begun to make plans to leave Puyunzhou completely."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "Great! If the four senior sisters can leave Puyunzhou, I will save a lot of worries."

At this time, Zhuangyu and Qingyu came hurriedly with Huaying.

Qingyu asked Langxing, "Yan Bing called us over, saying that we have important matters to discuss. The inner sea is about to turn into a mess. Is it you who is causing trouble again?"

Lang Xing smiled and reprimanded, "Why are you talking to your uncle? Go ahead and let Yan Bing talk to you."

Qingqiu said, "You should accompany Fairy Huaying first, I will go with them to help Yan Bing make arrangements.

"What happened?" Qingyu looked at Langxing with doubt.

Lang Xing put away his smile and said, "I want to take you out of Zixiao Palace. You Baihua Island must be on my side. I believe that my approach will be approved by your master."

"Ah?!" Qingyu and Zhuangyu looked at Qingqiu in surprise. Langxing had persuaded them to move to Nanjingzhou before, but this could only be discussed in private. How come they were exposed all of a sudden and made such a fuss? There was an uproar, this kid is really capable of causing big trouble.

Qingqiu calmly said to the two of them, "Quan Zhen and Xin Zheng have just agreed on this matter. Junior Junior Uncle has paved the way for you. Whether you want this blessing or not is your own business. Let's go. I will follow you in detail." That's what he said." Langxing came out of the magic circle on Wuqing Island and saw Quanzhen, Xin Zheng, and Qingqiu waiting for him in the air, so he flew over.

Quanzhen and Xin Zheng seemed a little embarrassed. Seeing that Langxing had no intention of greeting them, they laughed and shouted "Eight Immortals".

Xinde and Qingqiu couldn't help but sweat when they saw this formation. Quanzhen and Xin were very majestic figures, even in their hearts. They were both worried.

Lang Xing calmly nodded to Quanzhen and Xin Zheng, without any courtesy, and went straight to the point: "I found a treasured place for cultivation, and I want to bring some Inner Sea disciples there. The two are the first elder and second elder of Qianzonghui. , I have to say hello to you, and I need your permission, because that place is on the edge of Nanjingzhou, and although the Tianlu Alliance cannot control it, it is within Nanjingzhou after all. "

Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were both startled and looked at Xin De and Qing Qiu.

Xinde said with a bitter face, "We have been trying to persuade him, but he insists on doing this. Two senior brothers, please be considerate. He is still young and grew up in Nanjingzhou. I don't know how big the impact of this matter will be. Please two senior brothers." Help us persuade him."

Quanzhen immediately scolded Xinde and Qingqiu and said, "This is your fault. My junior brother is a genius and a transcendent person. How can we restrain him with common sense and common sense? He is grateful for his teacher's kindness and wants to take care of the inner sea disciples. This is The blessing of these disciples is that he is fulfilling his filial piety, and we should do our best to help him. There is absolutely no reason to stop him. "

Xin Zheng hurriedly echoed, "Yes, yes! What Senior Brother Quanzhen said is absolutely true. The Thousand Sect Association, the Tianlu Alliance, and the dispute between the two continents are big things in the eyes of mediocre people like us, but in the eyes of small people, In the eyes of the junior brother, it is just a dispute over the cochlear horn. Moreover, the junior junior brother has already said that that place is beyond the jurisdiction of the Tianlu Alliance. What else do you have to worry about? The junior junior brother is a sensible person and has already thought everything about it for you. ”

Xinde and Qingqiu were a little stupid and didn't know what to say.

Quanzhen said to Lang Xing in an all-round way, "Since the junior brother regards us as the first elder and second elder of the Qianzonghui to say hello, then I, the senior elder, will give a clear answer. The junior brother will only take care of us." Let them go. The only thing they need to discuss with the junior brother is that it is best to go quietly. I will arrange a route for the junior brother to ensure that the journey is smooth and safe. I wonder if the junior brother can trust it. "??

Lang Xing finally showed a smile and said, "Okay, we will set off in three days. We still can't determine the specific number of people."

Quanzhen said, "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter how many people there are. I'll make the arrangements. The patrol checkpoints along the way will be removed. Just take them there with confidence and boldness." After saying that, he took out a token and sealed a paragraph. Shen Nian handed it to Lang Xing and said, "If something unexpected happens, just use this to send them away."

"Thank you." Langxing took the token and put it away, and then said, "That's all I have to do. You two senior brothers can go and do their work. I won't disturb you."

"Okay, okay!" Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were all smiling. They nodded to Langxing several times before turning around and leaving.

Xinde glanced at Qingqiu and hurriedly chased after the two of them.

Qingqiu frowned slightly and looked at Langxing, not knowing where to start.

Lang Xing glanced at the direction where Quanzhen and Xin Zheng were leaving, and said with a disdainful smile, "There are also benefits to dealing with these scheming people, that is, after making them afraid, they will become easier to control than dogs." , Okay, they have taken over all the responsibilities, you don’t have to worry. "

Qingqiu was so frightened that he even

He winked and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Don't talk nonsense. It would be bad if such words spread."

Lang Xing smiled contemptuously and said, "Third Senior Sister, please think about one thing. Sixth Senior Brother has become the Feather Immortal Lord. Now that Sixth Senior Brother is pointing at Quanzhen and Xin Zheng's noses and scolding them in front of their faces, do they dare to fart?"

Qingqiu didn't say anything. The answer was obvious. Quanzhen and Xin Zheng might not be afraid of the other Feather monks, but Xinxie could scare them to death.

Lang Xing said proudly, "I tell you, if they had to choose between me and the Sixth Senior Brother to offend, they would definitely choose the Sixth Senior Brother."

Qingqiu looked suspicious. Although Quanzhen and Xin Zheng had behaved in a low-key manner just now, she still didn't believe that Lang Xing could be more vicious than Xin Xie.

Langxing pointed to his heart and said, "Not to mention that Sixth Senior Brother must abide by the laws of heaven, but based on Sixth Senior Brother's temperament, they have offended Sixth Senior Brother, and whether Sixth Senior Brother kills them or not depends on his mood. With Sixth Senior Brother's current situation, If you are in a good mood, you may not bother to pay attention to them, but I am different. They know very well that I, a person from Nanjingzhou, hate them from the bottom of my heart, and I hold it back so as not to kill them. As long as they give me a reason to take action, I will kill them without hesitation."

As he spoke, he pointed at his heart and poked his chest, "This is the power of good. It is my conscience that makes me hate them and regard them as mortal enemies. Moreover, this kind of hatred cannot be resolved by water or fire. They know this very well. So now they are more afraid of me than they are of Sixth Senior Brother."

Qingqiu said thoughtfully, "Only family affection can cover up this kind of hatred. It's very rare that you can treat us so sincerely. Let's try not to talk about Puyunzhou from now on and just be senior sister and junior brother."

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "Of course it is like this. I hate bad people, but I have never seen you do anything bad, and you have always loved me so much, so of course you are good people in my eyes. If you leave Puyunzhou completely in the future, Then let’s leave everything here here. However, Third Senior Sister, if there is something that can be remedied about what you did before, then find a way to remedy it, so as not to feel uneasy when you think about it in the future. This is conducive to enlightenment. I can’t I’m not trying to trick you, it’s the Tao that I’ve learned, it’s up to you to believe it or not.”

Qingqiu said with a smile, "I believe you. If there is anything I can do, I will do it. I have already begun to make plans to leave Puyunzhou completely."

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "Great! If the four senior sisters can leave Puyunzhou, I will save a lot of worries."

At this time, Zhuangyu and Qingyu came in a hurry with Huaying.

Qingyu asked Langxing, "Yan Bing called us over, saying that we have important matters to discuss. The inner sea is about to turn into a mess. Is it you who is causing trouble again?"

Lang Xing smiled and reprimanded, "Why are you talking to your uncle? Go ahead and let Yan Bing talk to you."

Qingqiu said, "You should accompany Fairy Huaying first, I will go with them to help Yan Bing make arrangements.

"What happened?" Qingyu looked at Langxing with doubts.

Lang Xing put away his smile and said, "I want to take you out of Zixiao Palace. You Baihua Island must be on my side. I believe that my approach will be approved by your master."

"Ah?!" Qingyu and Zhuangyu looked at Qingqiu in surprise. Langxing had persuaded them to move to Nanjingzhou before, but this could only be discussed in private. How come they were exposed all of a sudden and made such a fuss? There was an uproar, this kid is really capable of causing big trouble.

Qingqiu calmly said to the two of them, "Quan Zhen and Xin Zheng have just agreed on this matter. Junior Junior Uncle has paved the way for you. Whether you want this blessing or not is your own business. Let's go. I will follow you in detail." Said.”

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