Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2806 I have to go and see!

Huaying said with a bit of superiority and pride, "Don't worry, all of you. Since the general of Nanjingzhou has let him go, he will never play any tricks. As long as we cross the border, there will be nothing." Please, I can tell you this big story. Not to mention that there are border soldiers driving giant rocs to escort us. Even if we are walking as slowly as before, no one dares to stop us for no reason. Even if someone wants to ask out of curiosity. , it’s enough to tell them the name of Qianxu Palace.”

Langxing was very happy to hear it at first, and after hearing the last sentence, he hurriedly waved to everyone and said, "Don't give the name of Qianxu Palace casually. Qianxu Palace is quite unpopular in Nanjingzhou. I have a good impression of Qianxu Palace." There are not many people.”

"Ah?" Qi Bing and others had strange expressions as if they had been deceived. They had always believed that Qianxu Palace was the top sect in Nanjing Continent, and Langxing was as powerful here as he was in Puyun Continent.

Huaying rolled her eyes at Langxing with boredom, could anyone belittle his own disciple like that? Although Qianxu Palace is indeed quite unpopular, it is true that it has a prestigious reputation. This name is enough to dismiss ordinary people. I am not exaggerating. This guy is really talkative.

Qingyu and Zhuangyu knew what was going on here, and they started talking to everyone with excitement.

Jupeng stopped in a mountainous area more than 100,000 miles away from Qianxu Palace. Langxing casually took out several hundred Nascent Soul Stones and handed them to the two frontier sergeants as reward. The two were shocked by so many spiritual stones. Of course he refused to accept it.

Langxing smiled and said, "General Sugao sent you to escort. This is a semi-public and semi-private matter. It doesn't hurt to collect some reward. Let's share some with the other brothers when we get back. It was a fuss for nothing and made the brothers nervous. It's quite good." If you’re sorry, just tell General Suke, he will definitely agree, don’t refuse.”

The two of them couldn't refuse, so they had to accept the spirit stone, thanked them and went back on the giant roc.

When everyone in Zixiao Palace saw these two people talking to Langxing, although they were very polite, they didn't mean to be frightened or condescending. They couldn't help but express their gratitude to Qingyu,

I believed a little of what Zhuangyu said on the road.

Lang Xing ordered everyone to set up a defensive array and stay there for the time being. The disciples of Baihua Island had many formations and they set them up immediately.

Still feeling uneasy, Suan Yu quietly said to Lang Xing, "People already know the location here. I think it would be safer to camp at another location."

Lang Xing smiled helplessly and said, "It's really going to be okay. Don't worry. Besides, this is the territory of Qianxu Palace. No one dares to come here to cause trouble. I'll call the head brother of Qianxu Palace to come over." Guard, if you still can't feel at ease, I will find two more great magical powers to guard you."

Suan Yu felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly waved her hands and said, "You just have to feel safe. This is our first time entering Nanjingzhou, so it's inevitable that we'll murmur in our hearts."

Langxing winked at her and said, "From now on, you can live a relaxed life. Do you want to go to Qianxu Palace? I am more majestic in Qianxu Palace than in Zixiao Palace."

Zan Yu said, "Of course I want to go to Qianxu Palace to see it, but there are so many disciples who need to be taken care of. I can't leave them now."

Langxing silently pointed at her, then called Ping'er and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to Qianxu Palace for a walk."

Ping'er said nervously, "Who is going?"

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Are you scared?"

Ping'er blushed and said angrily, "So many people are watching. You are the Eight Immortals. Please pay attention to your identity when you speak."

Lang Xing laughed loudly and said in a loud voice, "Listen here, after leaving Zixiao Palace and arriving at Nanjingzhou, you should put away all the respect and rules you had in the past. Starting from the eleventh generation of disciples, don't take them anymore.

These restrain the juniors. "

Qingyu smiled and said, "It's only right to start with you, you are the senior one."

Lang Xing suppressed a smile and scolded, "I've been doing it for a long time. Otherwise, how dare you talk to me like this!"

Qingyu continued to cheer him up and said, "Okay, okay, we understand. I just heard that you want to take Ping'er to visit Qianxu Palace, and I want to go too."

Lang Xing said, "Eleventh generation disciples can go wherever they want. I don't think you have heard of the rest of the Qianxu Palace, so don't go there yet."

Jingbing said worriedly, "Is this okay? I think we'd better keep it quiet. Didn't you say that we won't stay in the jurisdiction of the Sky Law Alliance for too long? It would be bad if we cause trouble."

Qingyu choked and said, "It scares you. The troops guarding the border of the Tianlu Alliance know that we are coming. If they want to deal with us, can you hide here by shrinking your neck?"

Jingbing was unconvinced and said, "I'm afraid that being too public will cause other troubles. Besides, we people from Zixiao Palace openly go to Qianxu Palace, do you think it's appropriate?"

Qingyu was speechless for a moment, and had to admit that what Jingbing said made sense. If this kind of news was spread back to Puyunzhou, it would be really troublesome.

Langxing didn't care much and said, "It doesn't matter, no one here knows you, just don't reveal the identity of Zixiao Palace. Most of the disciples of Qianxu Palace are noble and arrogant, and they are not so nosy. Besides, Zhuangyu, Qingyu and Lingjun are in charge The door is familiar, there is nothing to worry about. ”

Qingyu looked at Zhuangyu meaningfully and said, "If you want to be familiar with her, you have to be Zhuangyu. That's all the difference between me and the head of Lingjun."

I heard that Zhuang Yu was very familiar with the head of Qianxu Palace, and everyone turned their attention to Zhuang Yu.

Zhuangyu originally wanted to spit on Qingyu, but she enjoyed being in the spotlight, so she curled her lips and said, "He is just a late-stage Nascent Soul practitioner.

In terms of status, his sect leader is not as good as our junior master's disciple, so what's the praise in getting to know him? "

Jingbing coaxed, "I think you are getting more and more arrogant, and you don't even take the head of Qianxu Palace in your eyes anymore."

Qi Bing, Xiao Yu and others all started joking, and the atmosphere was no longer so tense.

Zhuang Yu said proudly, "It's because your vision is too shallow. In my opinion, the head of Qianxu Palace is nothing special. If you are not convinced, come with me and let you see how I talk to him." of."

"I have to go and have a look!" Jingbing was the first to express his stance.

"I'll go too!" Qi Bing, Ling Yu, Xiao Yu and others said in unison.

Langxing smiled and said to Ping'er, "Is this okay? There are so many people with us."

Ping'er nodded slightly embarrassed. Although the two were childhood playmates, Langxing was her great-uncle in terms of seniority. She was very embarrassed to take care of her like this in public.

Langxing turned to Shao Ling and said, "You can go too. I have been hiding in Zixiao Palace for so many years and it is rare to come out."

Shao Ling nodded with a smile. Lang Xing's thoughtfulness was comparable to Xin Qing's. Regarding the relationship between Su Wan and Lang Xing, she couldn't explain how she felt. Xin Qing was obsessed with Su Wan, so she naturally hoped that Su Wan could be worthy of Xin Qing. However, Su Wan had no intention of Xin Qing from the beginning, so she could not be harsh on Su Wan. Su Wan should not be blamed for getting together with others.

Moreover, Su Wan is in love with Lang Xing, and she is the only one who is loyal to Xin Qing. Although Xin Qing is dead, it still makes her feel happy, so she can accept that Su Wan and Lang Xing are together. Together, and in her opinion, Su Wan is a woman who loves deeply, and only Lang Xing can be worthy of her. Only Lang Xing can take over this position so that she will not feel disgusted.

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