Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2807 I want to be the founder of this blessed land

"You take care of it here first, let's go!" Langxing said to Huaying, waved his hand coolly, and took Ping'er on the crane to take the lead.

Qingyu, Zhuangyu, Lingyu, Xiaoyu, Qibing, Jingbing, Chenlu, Shaoling, etc. followed closely.

Suan Yu, Wen Bing, Rui Bing and other mature and prudent people watched them go away with worried expressions. They had no choice but to be more vigilant to prevent accidents.

When they arrived at Qianxu Palace, Langxing flew in with everyone in a swagger. The disciples on duty at the mountain gate all saluted respectfully, and no one came up to question them. Lingyu and others were still a little uneasy, but seeing this posture, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The boy is indeed quite majestic here in Qianxu Palace. ??

Soon, Lingjun led people to welcome him out. When he saw that Langxing had indeed brought Zhuangyu over, he couldn't help but feel happy and panicked. After Langxing winked at him, he tried to calm down and stepped forward to greet everyone. .

Lingyu and others all looked at Zhuangyu secretly. At this point, Zhuangyu could only hold on a little longer. With a bit of his usual arrogant and mean attitude, he said to Lingjun, "At this moment, it seems that you, the leader, are pretty good." You are so dignified. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Are you okay?”

Lingjun was overjoyed. Zhuangyu had never been so close to him when talking to him before. He was so happy that he didn't know what to do. He hurriedly said, "Okay, okay! The fairy's demeanor is even better than before. I think her cultivation has been greatly improved. It's gratifying." Congratulations!”

Seeing that he looked a bit out of character, Lang Xing coughed and winked as he said, "Senior brother, please take them on a sightseeing tour. Don't disturb others. I'll go do something else. Have Jiangxiao and the others come over?"

"Okay..." Lingjun calmed down his mood and said calmly, "The three of them are here. I arranged for them to stay temporarily by the Jade Crystal Lake."

When everyone heard that Jiangxiao was here, they were even more relieved. Langxing said, "Then let Jiangxiao and Xiyang come together to accompany you. I won't care." After that, he drove the Linghe and flew towards Xulang Mountain.

When he arrived at the Wonderful Realm of Lingxu, he released the immortal jade from the Qiankun Bag, and after looking at this charming beauty for a few times, he released the seal on her.

As soon as Xianyu woke up, she saw the light gray ball. She couldn't help but nervously held Langxing's arm and asked with a frown, "What is this?"

Lang Xing said with a smile, "This is the thing that can completely remove the stray souls for you. Don't ask about the rest. Just do as I say." He detailed the experiences of Yu Chan, Zhi Xia and others. Come out and let it go in to try it out.

Xianyu came out quickly after entering. After stabilizing the god, she grabbed Langxing's arm tightly and said excitedly, "I don't care anymore. Anyway, I am relying on you. You must help me to the end and let me get rid of the miscellaneous souls." Just clear them all!”

Langxing smiled warmly and said, "Since I have promised you, I will help you to the end. You can clear away the stray souls here with peace of mind. No one will disturb you. Don't worry, do it bit by bit. In a few years, I'll see you again."

"How many years can I stay here?" Xianyu was ecstatic.

Lang Xing said, "Decades are enough, but judging from the experience of my Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister, it is not necessarily enough to remove them all at once. You can feel it for yourself. I have guaranteed that I will help you to the end. If you delay things because of your impatience, you are being stupid and sorry for your late Nascent Soul cultivation."


br\u003e Xianyu nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Sister will not let you down, don't worry!"

Before leaving, Langxing sealed the secret realm with a ban, and then went to the cenote in Ganlang Son to quietly take a look at Su Wan. Seeing that she was still in seclusion, he left with a smirk on his lips.

After finding Qingyu and others, Langxing accompanied them for a while, and then asked Lingjun to escort them back. Lingjun was naturally happy to accept this arrangement, and took a few disciples to serve as guards for the Zixiao Palace group. .

Langxing took Jiangxiao and Xiyang to meet Gongsun Chong at Yujing Lake and explained to them the intentions of Tianbinzi leader in detail.

Gongsun Chong excitedly patted Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "What a friend! I accept this love."

Langxing smiled and said, "I'm giving this place to you because I don't have enough time to manage it. We have to put the ugly words first. You go talk to the Tianlu Alliance. If you agree to the conditions they put forward, then From now on, you must keep your word and don’t let me get in the middle.”

Gongsun Chong said with joy, "I'm very satisfied to be able to return to Jade Sea. Everything else is easy to talk about. Don't they just want to implement some of the laws of the Tianlu Alliance? I grew up in Nanjingzhou since I was a child. Although I have been domineering in Yuhai for nearly a thousand years, but what I like in my heart is an environment like Nanjingzhou. Only in a place with fairness and justice can I live with peace of mind. "

Langxing thought, "The beasts and humans get along pretty well over there. This is better than in Nanjingzhou. I think this harmonious relationship should not be destroyed, and laws must be made to protect it. There are also flowers." The clan must also be protected, and it is best to build it into a truly blessed place where all clans can live together equally. This requires controlling the development of alchemy, weapon refining and other skills there. These things must be taken into consideration. "

Gongsun Chong pushed Lang Xing and said, "You kid, you want to cut off all my financial opportunities and protect them all. How can I make a fortune? I really just work hard to benefit them." ah?"

Jiangxiao pushed Gongsun Chong on behalf of Langxing and said with wide eyes, "Didn't you say you were satisfied to be able to return to Jade Sea? Why are you still thinking about getting rich? Don't you have enough property? You are committing the old habit of being obsessed with money again. Yes or no!"

Xiyang said disdainfully, "It's not that he's going to do it again, but his money-obsessed problem has never gone away."

Jiangxiao pushed Gongsun Chong again, "I think Langxing's idea is quite good. How wonderful it is for all races to live in harmony. This is worthy of the name Wanfu Xiuyu. That's it. I'm going to do this. The founder of Pian Blessed Land will personally give this place a good start!" After that, she looked at Lang Xing and said, "You must agree to this. No one can compete with me, not even the Tianlu Alliance. !”

Lang Xing laughed loudly, stood up and gave her a salute and said, "Grandma, thank you. I wish someone would do this. Don't worry, you are the founder of that place. You can't back down even if you want to."

Jiangxiao scolded in a funny voice, "You brat! I've got your way. I shouldn't be so anxious. You should beg me."

Gongsun Chong said unconvinced, "Didn't you say you would give me this place? Just change it no matter what."

Jiangxiao said proudly, "I have no interest in fighting for territory with you. The lord will let you do it. I will build an alliance like the Tianlu Alliance, and I will be the leader. Langxing, you name my alliance." "Name." "You take care of it here first, let's go!" Langxing said to Huaying, waved his hand gracefully, and took Ping'er on the Linghe to take the lead.

Qingyu, Zhuangyu, Lingyu, Xiaoyu, Qibing, Jingbing, Chenlu, Shaoling, etc. followed closely.

Suan Yu, Wen Bing, Rui Bing and other mature and prudent people watched them go away with worried expressions. They had no choice but to be more vigilant to prevent accidents.

When they arrived at Qianxu Palace, Langxing flew in with everyone in a swagger. The disciples on duty at the mountain gate all saluted respectfully, and no one came up to question them. Lingyu and others were still a little uneasy at first, but seeing this posture, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The boy is indeed quite majestic here in Qianxu Palace.

Soon, Lingjun led people to welcome him out. When he saw that Langxing had indeed brought Zhuangyu over, he couldn't help but feel happy and panicked. After Langxing winked at him, he tried to calm down and stepped forward to greet everyone. .

Lingyu and others all looked at Zhuangyu secretly. At this point, Zhuangyu could only hold on a little longer. With a bit of his usual arrogant and mean attitude, he said to Lingjun, "At this moment, it seems that you, the leader, are pretty good." You are so dignified. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Are you okay?”

Lingjun was overjoyed. Zhuangyu had never been so close to him when talking to him before. He was so happy that he didn't know what to do. He hurriedly said, "Okay, okay! The fairy's demeanor is even better than before. I think her cultivation has been greatly improved. It's gratifying." Congratulations!”

Seeing that he looked a bit out of character, Lang Xing coughed and winked as he said, "Senior brother, please take them on a sightseeing tour. Don't disturb others. I'll go do something else. Have Jiangxiao and the others come over?"

"Okay..." Lingjun calmed down his mood and said calmly, "The three of them are here. I arranged for them to stay temporarily by the Jade Crystal Lake."

When everyone heard that Jiangxiao was here, they were even more relieved. Langxing said, "Then let Jiangxiao and Xiyang come together to accompany you. I won't care." After that, he drove the Linghe and flew towards Xulang Mountain.

When he came to the Wonderful Realm of Lingxu, he released the immortal jade from the Qiankun Bag, and after looking at this charming beauty for a few times, he released the seal on her.

As soon as Xianyu woke up, she saw the light gray ball. She couldn't help but nervously held Langxing's arm and asked with a frown, "What is this?"

Lang Xing said with a smile, "This is the thing that can completely remove the stray souls for you. Don't ask about the rest. Just do as I say." He detailed the experiences of Yu Chan, Zhi Xia and others. Come out and let it go in to try it out.

Xianyu came out quickly after entering. After stabilizing the god, she grabbed Langxing's arm tightly and said excitedly, "I don't care anymore. Anyway, I am relying on you. You must help me to the end and let me get rid of the miscellaneous souls." Just clear them all!”

Lang Xing smiled warmly and said, "Since I have promised you, I will help you to the end. You can clear away the stray souls here with peace of mind. No one will disturb you. Don't worry, do it bit by bit. In a few years, I'll see you again."

"How many years can I stay here?" Xianyu was ecstatic.

Lang Xing said, "Decades are enough, but judging from the experience of my Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister, it is not necessarily enough to remove them all at once. You can feel it for yourself. I have guaranteed that I will help you to the end. If you delay things because of your impatience, you are being stupid and sorry for your late Nascent Soul cultivation."


br\u003e Xianyu nodded vigorously and said, "Okay! Sister will not let you down, don't worry!"

Before leaving, Langxing sealed the secret realm with a ban, and then went to the Tiankeng in Ganlang Son to quietly take a look at Su Wan. Seeing that she was still in seclusion, he left with a smirk on his lips.

After finding Qingyu and others, Langxing accompanied them for a while, and then asked Lingjun to escort them back. Lingjun was naturally happy to accept this arrangement, and took a few disciples to serve as guards for the Zixiao Palace group. .

Langxing took Jiangxiao and Xiyang to Yujing Lake to meet Gongsun Chong and explained to them the intentions of Tianbinzi leader in detail.

Gongsun Chong excitedly patted Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "What a friend! I accept this love."

Langxing smiled and said, "I'm giving this place to you because I don't have enough time to manage it. We have to put the ugly words first. You go talk to the Tianlu Alliance. If you agree to the conditions they put forward, then From now on, you must keep your word and don’t let me get in the middle.”

Gongsun Chong said with joy, "I'm very satisfied to be able to return to Jade Sea. Everything else is easy to talk about. Don't they just want to implement some of the laws of the Tianlu Alliance? I grew up in Nanjingzhou since I was a child. Although I have been domineering in Yuhai for nearly a thousand years, but what I like in my heart is an environment like Nanjingzhou. Only in a place with fairness and justice can I live with peace of mind. "

Langxing thought, "The beasts and humans get along pretty well over there. This is better than in Nanjingzhou. I think this harmonious relationship should not be destroyed, and laws must be made to protect it. There are also flowers." The clan must also be protected, and it is best to build it into a truly blessed place where all clans can live together equally. This requires controlling the development of alchemy, weapon refining and other skills there. These things must be taken into consideration. "

Gongsun Chong pushed Lang Xing and said, "You kid, you want to cut off all my financial opportunities and protect them all. How can I make a fortune? I really just work hard to benefit them." ah?"

Jiangxiao pushed Gongsun Chong on behalf of Langxing and said with wide eyes, "Didn't you say you were satisfied to be able to return to Jade Sea? Why are you still thinking about getting rich? Don't you have enough property? You are committing the old habit of being obsessed with money again. Yes or no!"

Xiyang said disdainfully, "It's not that he's going to do it again, but his money-obsessed problem has never gone away."

Jiangxiao pushed Gongsun Chong again, "I think Langxing's idea is quite good. How wonderful it is for all races to live in harmony. This is worthy of the name Wanfu Xiuyu. That's it. I'm going to do this. The founder of Pian Blessed Land will personally give this place a good start!" After that, she looked at Lang Xing and said, "You must agree to this. No one can compete with me, not even the Tianlu Alliance. !”

Lang Xing laughed loudly, stood up and gave her a salute and said, "Grandma, thank you. I wish someone would do this. Don't worry, you are the founder of that place. You can't back down even if you want to."

Jiangxiao scolded in a funny voice, "You brat! I've got your way. I shouldn't be so anxious. You should beg me."

Gongsun Chong said unconvinced, "Didn't you say you would give me this place? Just change it anyway."

Jiangxiao said proudly, "I have no interest in fighting for territory with you. The lord will let you do it. I will build an alliance like the Tianlu Alliance, and I will be the leader. Langxing, you name my alliance." name."

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