Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2816 Why is it a waste of life?

Xiuzhi pouted and said, "The glory of Guyingying is related to you, because you participated in that battle. It's okay to be proud of this. What does your current strength have to do with you? What is there to be proud of? I prefer the people of the past. When we were young, we were still very affectionate, but now that there are so many people, I get annoyed.”

Mu Cai retorted, "Why does being strong have nothing to do with me? Only by being strong can we ensure that the next battle will be glorious again. I also participated in this battle, and I have a share in both glory."

Xiuzhi snorted and said, "Let yourself survive this battle first. In the battle at Qiantang Lake, we have a loving and righteous leader like Wuhun, and a good brother like Shiming who is worthy of our life and death. They You will risk your life to save us and fight side by side with them. It is worth dying. Who takes you seriously now? You are just a ghost who wants to die. Anyway, I don’t care about the glory this time. It has nothing to do with me. "

"You!" Mu Cai glanced at Xiuzhi disdainfully, feeling that there was nothing more to say to her.

Langxing smiled and said to Xiuzhi, "Actually, we both think the same thing. Fighting for glory is really meaningless." After that, he smiled at Mu Caipai and said, "Everyone has his own ambitions, and we don't seek to make progress. , you don’t have to be angry with people like us.”

Mu Cai felt amused and said, "You are so embarrassed to say that you are so powerful, yet you still want to make us angry by saying you don't strive for improvement, right?!"

Xiuzhi choked and said, "I have high talent, and it has nothing to do with whether I can make progress or not. I was only over a hundred years old when I sent my life. In terms of ability, I was better than you are now. Do you think I have any intention of making progress in my life?"

Mu Cai opened her mouth to retort, but when she looked at Lang Xing and thought about her fate, she felt she had nothing to say.

Langxing chuckled and said to Xiuzhi, "I originally had no interest in fighting this battle, but then I thought about it. If it's to save the good people over there, then let's fight. You can also use this reason to convince yourself, Did you save me back then?

Young monks from Yuanzhou, they are very grateful to you. "

Xiuzhi sighed and said, "The last time we met, your thank you made many of us have red eyes. Although there are no good people in Yilingwei, everyone was still deeply moved by your thank you." I remember you. We are all lifeless people, just like the name of Zhiming. Yilingwei only temporarily stores his life and can be lost at any time. However, the name Zhiming gave himself has another meaning. He told me that he "spent his life on righteousness, and died to gain what he deserves." I have to say that I still can't see through him, but I am very sure that he is extremely kind, extremely noble, and extremely intelligent. What I can't understand is why such a smart person would seek death?

Alas, Dayi, I have no interest in being a hero who saves the world. Maybe that’s why we people can’t understand him, but the reason you mentioned is still useful. Fighting to save good people is more satisfying to me than fighting for glory. Feel better. "

At this point, she laughed to herself and said, "The Yiling Guards, a group of evil people, fight to save good people. This is so funny."

Langxing's eyes flickered and said, "You can only think of peace of mind when you reach this point. When I was a child, I heard a lot of stories about karma, and I still believe it to a certain extent. Just think of doing good deeds as atonement. What if there really is an underworld? Do more good deeds and you won’t lose anything.”

Mu Cai asked with complicated eyes, "Do you really believe in the underworld?"

She looked a little guilty when she looked like this. She probably had done many bad things before. Lang Xing smiled and said, "It's hard to say, it's a mystery of heaven. Since it's hard for us to judge, we still have a little respect in our hearts." Well, there is a saying that 'you can correct your mistakes if you know them, and there is no greater good', regardless of the past

No matter how big of a mistake you make, as long as you sincerely correct it, you will eventually be able to make amends for it, which is much better than making the same mistake over and over again. "

"Can you tell me the stories you've heard?" Mu Cai said with longing eyes. She had heard a lot of stories about the underworld and reincarnation, but she had long dismissed them. If anyone else had mentioned them, she would have definitely scorned them. Yes, but because Lang Xing is too magical, she cannot ignore what this kind of person says.

Lang Xing told her a few stories briefly, and then said, "You must have heard stories like this when you were young. The contents are similar. Since there are stories like this everywhere, you might as well be a little in awe. It's the same for you too." With such sustenance and accumulated virtues, even if there is nothing to look forward to in this life, there is still something to look forward to in the next life.”

Xiuzhi looked thoughtfully into the distance and said, "It would be great if there really was an afterlife. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Mu Cai pulled her and asked.

Xiuzhi shook his head and said, "As the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, he is so outstanding, so kind, so smart, and he has the support of the great Immortal Concubine in the middle stage of Feathering. I don't understand why he wants to die."

Mu Cai didn't understand what she meant for a moment and looked at her with puzzled eyes.

Lang Xing asked, "Are you suspecting that he deliberately sought death because he believed in reincarnation?"

Xiuzhi shook his head again and said, "I just made a random guess because I really can't figure out why he died."

Mu Cai then understood and curled his lips and said, "I think you are just guessing. Although he is extraordinary, he was only over a hundred years old at the time and was still a child. How could he realize so many things?"

Xiuzhi didn't argue with her and seemed to think what she said was reasonable.

Lang Xing squinted his eyes and thought for a while, feeling something strange in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what it was, so he lost it.

Kaidao said, "You mentioned just now that Ji Ming told you that he gave himself this name to mean 'to send his remaining life to great righteousness'?"

Xiuzhi said, "Yes, that's what he said."

Lang Xing frowned slightly and said, "Can Ming, why Can Ming? Did he tell you?"

Xiuzhi said, "Not all those who enter Yiling Guard die. I didn't think about it at all at the time, so naturally I didn't ask him."

Lang Xing nodded, and then said with a smile on his lips, "He is really extraordinary and lives his life in a righteous way. If it were me, I would do the same thing."

Xiuzhi asked puzzledly, "Do you know why he sought death?"

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "Of course I don't know this. What I mean is that if I survive until I only have half my life left, I will use it to do something righteous." What he really appreciated was that , these words of the Seventh Senior Brother are similar to his realization that goodness is the origin of this world. Maybe the Seventh Senior Brother has already realized this level.

Mu Cai curled his lips slightly and said, "Saving thousands of people and monks in Yuanyi Prefecture is indeed a great act of kindness. It is noble enough, but I don't deserve it for him. What does those people have to do with him? You must never do this. Something stupid."

Langxing chuckled and nodded to her. It was not appropriate to tell them the mystery behind this, so he changed the topic and said, "Huahu and the others came out of Yilingwei, and now they can still accumulate military merit like them." In exchange for freedom?"

Xiuzhi said nonchalantly, "That was just an incentive to fight against monsters. It has been canceled a long time ago. It is of no use to us. We are not that capable and cannot accumulate so much military merit. We need more spiritual stones and holidays." That’s enough, we don’t want to leave Yilingwei.”

Lang Xing looked at Mu Cai, who pursed his lips twice and said, "I don't want to leave Yilingwei either. This is how it will be for the rest of my life."

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