Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2817 Silly, so good

It goes without saying that these two people, like most Yilingwei, have a past that they can't bear to look back on, and they don't want to go back to their previous lives.

Lang Xing nodded in understanding, took out two defensive treasures and handed them to them, saying, "No matter how unsatisfactory your life is, since you don't want to die yet, then try your best to live on first, and wait until you understand why you are living, or why you are here." If you decide what to do with your life after death, if you ask me, it may be best to "dedicate your remaining life to the righteousness", at least it won't be wrong. "

After hearing this, Xiuzhi's eyes flickered and she fell into thinking.

Mu Cai was completely attracted by the two treasures. He stared at the two treasures with bright eyes and said, "This looks like a high-grade good thing. How can we..., this is too precious."

Langxing put two magic weapons into their hands respectively, and said with a smile, "We are all destined to Senior Wuhun and Zhu Ming. We should get closer to them. These magic weapons are mine." It was kept as a spare before and has never been used. Now it is even less useful. You don't have to refuse, just accept it. Do you still need the spirit stone?" He took out several hundred Nascent Soul Stones. .??.

Xiuzhi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "We are not short of spiritual stones. Please put them away quickly."

Mu Cai looked at the pile of blue spirit stones from the corner of his eyes and said with envy, "You are really good at it. I have never seen anyone so bold and bold."

Langxing pushed the spiritual stones to her and said, "It's just that stupid people are lucky. Now you have a lot of money. Take it. I can't help you with anything else."

Xiuzhi took the spiritual stones from Mu Cai's hand, pushed them back to Langxing, and said sincerely, "We really don't lack spiritual stones. If necessary, I can make tens of thousands at any time. Even if you are rich, keep it for yourself." "

Mu Cai clenched the magic weapon in her hand, put on a smile and said, "It's true, Xiuzhi can do business. We don't lack spiritual stones. You gave us such a good treasure, and we already deserve it." ”

Langxing didn't want to give in anymore, he put away the spirit stones and said, "If you need spirit stones in the future, just ask someone to bring me a message. I can't help with anything else. I have a lot of things like spirit stones and magic weapons. Let me tell you." Let me tell you a secret that is no longer a secret, I am not only the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, but also the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and my seventh senior brother is my destiny."

"Ah?!" Xiuzhi and Mu Cai's eyes widened together.

Langxing showed a wicked smile and said, "Stop talking nonsense, it's time to send you back." After saying that, he turned Linghe around and sent the two of them back to the Yilingwei team.

After picking up Sijia and Yun on the road to Linghe again, he waved to Jiangxiao and the others and said, "You guys can go with everyone, we'll go first."

Jiangxiao snorted angrily, but there was nothing she could do. She understood that Sijia and Yundao were not willing to get together with so many people. Langxing did this out of consideration for the two women. It can be seen that It never made her happy to see Langxing being so considerate to other women.

After setting out on the road, Langxing immediately helped Sijia refine the dragon tendon. The road was long and enough to help her refine it.

Two days later, Yundao suppressed his laughter and said to Lang Xing a little embarrassedly, "How about... you should lend me the Willow Soul Slash first, and I will return it to you after this battle."

Lang Xing opened her mouth and laughed silently, understanding that she didn't want Liuhun Zhan, but wanted to experience the magic of this method of merging spiritual treasures.

Next, the two beauties

They all went to refine the spirit treasures quietly, while Langxing sat between the two of them, looking forward with a leisurely look, as if he was thinking about something, and he seemed to be just enjoying the leisure, sometimes not moving for a whole day. , he can endure loneliness now. Although there are two peerless beauties sitting next to him who can make the hearts of men in the world sway, he can turn a blind eye to them.

This alone is enough to make him a god in the eyes of others. How many men in the world can be so at ease around Sijia and Yundao. Today's Langxing can be said to have reached a transcendent state. And this has a lot to do with Su Wan. All his love lies with Su Wan, which makes his relationship with the two beauties around him simpler, and his relationship with the beauties all over the world also becomes simpler. Now, with Su Wan, he has a transcendent position in the world of love between men and women.

Of course, there are also contributions from the emperor's concubine and Yuheng's fairy concubine. One made him realize the joy of it, and the other almost sealed it. Men are lustful, and most of them are greedy, but Lang Xing is good in this aspect. He can definitely be considered slightly better, at least he knows how to exercise restraint. The main reason is that his conditions are so good that he faces far more temptations than ordinary people. Yu Chan, Shen Qing, Sijia, Yun Dao, Wu Xia, Xianxu, Jiajin, Lizhen, Xuanhua... He has seen too many stunning beauties, and many of them are easily available.

Compared to the quietness of the three of them, the group from Zixiao Palace who went ahead were much more lively. Lingjun, Lingjue, Huaying and the others had almost no time to talk. The group from Zixiao Palace There are so many questions to ask, so many differences between the two continents.

In order to please Zhuangyu, Lingjun naturally had to ask Lingye to give guidance to Zhuangyu and the others in their cultivation.

Encountering such great changes, from time to time someone will pop up who suddenly breaks through because of some insights.

Lingye and Liuyun have never been so busy since they became the great magical powers of Huayu.

When approaching the place where "Tuntian" left Langxing because he valued sex over friends, Qiyun, who was responsible for guiding the way, deliberately took everyone to avoid that area.

Langxing, who arrived later, stopped the Linghe, leaving Sijia and Yundao to wait on the Linghe, while he alone looked for the good brother who had been with him for many years.

After searching for thousands of miles, he finally found the two little frogs, and he flew over excitedly.

"Quack" sounded a warning sound, and Tuntian also noticed him. The female frog was lower in level than Tuntian. She followed Tuntian's eyes and looked towards Langxing with vigilance. There were three spiritual patterns. His belly was bulging, ready to attack at any time.

Langxing stopped, pointed at Tuntian from a distance and said with a message of faith, "Why are you still yelling at me? I don't know you so quickly!"

Tun Tian Gu rolled his big eyes a few times, jumped forward hesitantly twice, but stopped again.

Langxing said angrily, "White-eyed frog! I've been worrying about you for so many years. I'm so unloyal." He had no choice but to activate Xiaoyunduo, relying on Xiaoyunduo's help, which made him feel bored.

Sure enough, as soon as the little cloud floated over, Tun Tian immediately became filled with joy. The little cloud also remembered Tun Tian. After flying over, it directly stuck to Tun Tian's belly and transformed into the fifth spiritual cloud as before. Tuntian puffed out his belly to show off to the female frog.

Lang Xing was amused. These silly people are so easy to be happy. They seem to never get tired of playing such tricks for a lifetime. Silly, it's great. It goes without saying that these two people, like most Yilingwei, have a past that they can't bear to look back on, and they don't want to go back to their previous lives.

Lang Xing nodded in understanding, took out two defensive treasures and handed them to them, saying, "No matter how unsatisfactory your life is, since you don't want to die yet, then try your best to live on first, and wait until you understand why you are living, or why you are here." If you decide what to do with your life after death, if you ask me, it may be best to "dedicate your remaining life to the righteousness", at least it won't be wrong. "

After hearing this, Xiuzhi's eyes flickered and she fell into thinking.

Mu Cai was completely attracted by the two treasures. He stared at the two treasures with bright eyes and said, "This looks like a high-grade good thing. How can we..., this is too precious." ??

Langxing put two magic weapons into their hands respectively, and said with a smile, "We are all destined to Senior Wuhun and Zhu Ming. We should get closer to them. These magic weapons are mine." It was kept as a spare before and has never been used. Now it is even less useful. You don't have to refuse, just accept it. Do you still need the spirit stone?" He took out several hundred Nascent Soul Stones.

Xiuzhi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "We are not short of spiritual stones. Please put them away quickly."

Mu Cai looked at the pile of blue spirit stones from the corner of his eyes and said with envy, "You are really good at it. I have never seen anyone so bold and bold."

Langxing pushed the spiritual stones to her and said, "It's just that stupid people are lucky. Now you have a lot of money. Take it. I can't help you with anything else."

Xiuzhi took the spiritual stones from Mu Cai's hand, pushed them back to Langxing, and said sincerely, "We really don't lack spiritual stones. If necessary, I can make tens of thousands at any time. Even if you are rich, keep it for yourself." "

Mu Cai clenched the magic weapon in her hand, put on a smile and said, "It's true, Xiuzhi can do business. We don't lack spiritual stones. You gave us such a good treasure, and we already deserve it." ”

Langxing didn't want to give in anymore, he put away the spirit stones and said, "If you need spirit stones in the future, just ask someone to bring me a message. I can't help with anything else. I have a lot of things like spirit stones and magic weapons. Let me tell you." Let me tell you a secret that is no longer a secret, I am not only the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, but also the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and my seventh senior brother is my destiny."

"Ah?!" Xiuzhi and Mu Cai's eyes widened together.

Langxing showed a wicked smile and said, "Stop talking nonsense, it's time to send you back." After saying that, he turned Linghe around and sent the two of them back to the Yilingwei team.

After picking up Sijia and Yun on the road to Linghe again, he waved to Jiangxiao and the others and said, "You guys can go with everyone, we'll go first."

Jiangxiao snorted angrily, but there was nothing she could do. She understood that Sijia and Yundao were not willing to get together with so many people. Langxing did this out of consideration for the two women. It can be seen that It never made her happy to see Langxing being so considerate to other women.

After setting out on the road, Langxing immediately helped Sijia refine the dragon tendon. The road was long and enough to help her refine it.

Two days later, Yundao suppressed his laughter and said to Lang Xing a little embarrassedly, "How about... you should lend me the Willow Soul Slash first, and I will return it to you after this battle."

Lang Xing opened her mouth and laughed silently, understanding that she didn't want Liuhun Zhan, but wanted to experience the magic of this method of merging spiritual treasures.

Next, the two beauties

They all went to refine the spirit treasures quietly, while Langxing sat between the two of them, looking forward with a leisurely look, as if he was thinking about something, and he seemed to be just enjoying the leisure, sometimes not moving for a whole day. , he can endure loneliness now. Although there are two peerless beauties sitting next to him who can make the hearts of men in the world sway, he can turn a blind eye to them.

This alone is enough to make him a god in the eyes of others. How many men in the world can be so at ease around Sijia and Yundao. Today's Langxing can be said to have reached a transcendent state. And this has a lot to do with Su Wan. All his love lies with Su Wan, which makes his relationship with the two beauties around him simpler, and his relationship with the beauties all over the world also becomes simpler. Now, with Su Wan, he has a transcendent position in the world of love between men and women.

Of course, there are also contributions from the emperor's concubine and Yuheng's fairy concubine. One made him realize the joy of it, and the other almost sealed it. Men are lustful, and most of them are greedy, but Lang Xing is good in this aspect. He can definitely be considered slightly better, at least he knows how to exercise restraint. The main reason is that his conditions are so good that he faces far more temptations than ordinary people. Yu Chan, Shen Qing, Sijia, Yun Dao, Wu Xia, Xianxu, Jiajin, Lizhen, Xuanhua... He has seen too many stunning beauties, and many of them are easily available.

Compared to the quietness of the three of them, the group from Zixiao Palace who went ahead were much more lively. Lingjun, Lingjue, Huaying and the others had almost no time to talk. The group from Zixiao Palace There are so many questions to ask, so many differences between the two continents.

In order to please Zhuangyu, Lingjun naturally had to ask Lingye to give guidance to Zhuangyu and the others in their cultivation.

Encountering such great changes, from time to time someone will pop up who suddenly breaks through because of some insights.

Lingye and Liuyun have never been so busy since they became the great magical powers of Huayu.

When approaching the place where "Tuntian" left Langxing because he valued sex over friends, Qiyun, who was responsible for guiding the way, deliberately took everyone to avoid that area.

Langxing, who arrived later, stopped the Linghe, leaving Sijia and Yundao to wait on the Linghe, while he alone looked for the good brother who had been with him for many years.

After searching for thousands of miles, he finally found the two little frogs, and he flew over excitedly.

"Quack" sounded a warning sound, and Tuntian also noticed him. The female frog was lower in level than Tuntian. She followed Tuntian's eyes and looked towards Langxing with vigilance. There were three spiritual patterns. His belly was bulging, ready to attack at any time.

Langxing stopped, pointed at Tuntian from a distance and said with a message of faith, "Why are you still yelling at me? I don't know you so quickly!"

Tun Tian Gu rolled his big eyes a few times, jumped forward hesitantly twice, but stopped again.

Langxing said angrily, "White-eyed frog! I've been worrying about you for so many years. I'm so unloyal." He had no choice but to activate Xiaoyunduo, relying on Xiaoyunduo's help, which made him feel bored.

Sure enough, as soon as the little cloud floated over, Tun Tian immediately became filled with joy. The little cloud also remembered Tun Tian. After flying over, it directly stuck to Tun Tian's belly and transformed into the fifth spiritual cloud as before. Tuntian puffed out his belly to show off to the female frog.

Lang Xing was amused. These silly people are so easy to be happy. They seem to never get tired of playing such tricks for a lifetime. Silly, it's great.

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