Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2820 The action begins!

After the people from the Tianlu Alliance arrived, everyone immediately became busy.

Gongsun Chong selected the place to set up an ambush, and a huge pocket formation was set up.

Langxing handed a large number of high-grade magic weapons and talismans to Wuyinzi and asked him to distribute them to the soldiers of the Tianlu League who were less powerful. These treasures were collected from the disciples of Zixiao Palace. As Puyunzhou Jiu One of the great sects, their wealth is unimaginable to the soldiers of the Heavenly Law Alliance.

When the pocket formation began to take shape, the three groups tasked with luring the enemy set off one after another. Their action strategies were carefully planned.

The three of Xiyang and the others went to seek revenge from the Lingbo Sect, the largest sect in the Wanfu Cultivation Domain. Xiyang was imprisoned in the Lingbo Sect at the beginning, and the Heavenly Law Alliance sent three great monks to help them on the way.

Lingxiang, Huahu, Heisi, Xianyun, and Lingjun went to the Zhenhai League's helm to cause trouble. Three great monks were also arranged to help them along the way, and Lingye and Liuyun were responsible for secretly guarding them. Liuyun arranged to meet Zhanzhan, but Lingjun insisted on going along. He had to show off in front of Zhuangyu.

Going directly to the Zhenhai League's chief helm to cause trouble may seem dangerous, but in fact it is the least risky, because there should be no Feathered Monk there.

Lang Xing, Sijia, Yun Dao, and Huaying were responsible for seducing the Silver Soul Sect, the second largest sect in the Wanfu Xiu Domain. It would be best if they could also seduce people from the Demon Flame Palace, the third largest sect, which was very close to the Silver Soul Sect. Silver Soul Sect and Demon Flame Sect both have ancestors of Huayu, so his journey is the most dangerous. Langxing named Qimu Immortal Lord and Yuanyang Immortal Lord to go with him.

Qi Mu and Yuan Yang were very happy, thinking they could see Lang Xing take action again, but after flying hundreds of thousands of miles, Lang Xing smiled and said to them, "You two can wait here."

Immortal Qimu smiled helplessly, and without saying a word, he pulled Immortal Yuanyang to the side and hid his figure.

Yuanyang Immortal was a little unwilling to give in. He looked at the few people walking away and said to Qimu Immortal, "The other party has more than one great magical power. I think we should follow them and protect them secretly."

Qimu Xianzun said sarcastically, "Anxiety can only be counterproductive. He just doesn't want us to see the scene of action. Don't be ignorant. If you want to get closer to him, you can only endure it. I have been enduring it for a long time."

Yuanyang Immortal sighed softly, looked at Qimu Immortal with envious eyes and said, "We have been friends for thousands of years. Please reveal more to me."

Qimu Immortal Lord rolled his eyes and said, "I've told you everything I can say. Considering our many years of friendship, I'll give you another piece of advice. Since we got into a relationship with him, I have indeed received a lot of benefits." , great benefits, but compared with his magic, the benefits I have received are only superficial, but people must have a heart of contentment. Although I cannot be content, I know how to exercise restraint. Langxing is very benevolent and righteous. As long as you are good enough to him, he will not treat you badly. This is all I can say. How much benefit you can get from him depends on fate, but you must not ruin my affairs. For example, now, he lets Let's wait here, then let's wait here. If you insist on causing trouble, you will have trouble with me. "

Immortal Master Yuanyang sighed depressedly.

Immortal Qimu warned, "Don't act too eager, otherwise he will avoid you. You are also a person with a clear mind. Don't be so impatient. This is the biggest thing you have ever encountered in your life." It is a blessing, and it is related to whether you can take a further step in your cultivation, or even enlighten yourself and become an immortal. No matter how much patience you put in, it is worth it.


Immortal Master Yuanyang's eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded gratefully to Immortal Master Qimu.

Lingxiang's group showed the most arrogance. They eliminated three small sects on the road. None of them were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul or above. They allowed the remaining young monks to escape and report the news. The flying speed of these people was limited and they could not move before they could move. Reinforcements were coming. Lingxiang and the others had already reached the vicinity of the Zhenhai League. They followed the previous route and launched a surprise attack on a guard camp guarding the Zhenhai League. They defeated the garrison of more than 200 people with overwhelming force. Two of the late Nascent Soul commanders were killed by Hua Hu, and the other was seriously injured by Lingjun. Lingxiang completed the final blow. Dozens of soldiers in the middle Nascent Soul stage were killed in the massacre by this group of people.

After raiding the guards camp, the group took a different route than when they came and ran away. Although they were hiding, they raided two more sects on the way to escape and made a big fight. Then he showed his fullness and looked far away.

After receiving the urgent report, the chief helmsman of the Zhenhai League immediately rushed out, and a dozen or so monks led their subordinates to spread a wide net to hunt down this group of people.

Xiyang and the three of them were much quieter. They silenced everyone they met along the way and arrived near Lingbo Sect like peaceful gods of death.

Gongsun Chong hid while Xiyang and Jiangxiao waited patiently. They first killed three minions in the middle stage of Yuanying, and finally waited for two great monks in the late stage of Yuanying who flew to Lingbo Sect. One was Lingbo. One of the Wanglang sects is from another sect.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao suddenly rushed out and killed Wanglang. Qingyan Sword and Xuan'ajian attacked Wanglang fiercely, and Jiangxiao released black to attack Wanglang's friend.

Wang Lang was beaten to the point where he had no power to fight back, and he died in a short while under the Li Yan from Xiyang. His friend fled desperately to the Lingbo sect, Jiangxiao recalled Wu Hei, and the three of them escaped in a hurry After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, I found a place to hide.

The Lingbo Sect was like a hornet's nest that had been poked, and the disciples swarmed out to search in all directions. The message is too clear. These two people are here for revenge. These two scourges must be eradicated, otherwise the Lingbo Sect will never have peace.

The three of them in Xiyang were hiding quietly like evil tigers hunting. When a hunting team approached, they suddenly launched an attack and killed all the dozen or so people. Then the three of them quietly passed away. This time they would not Instead of squatting on guard again, he started to fight back, going around in circles to hunt down the hunting teams one after another.

Before the last fall, Xiyang had never suffered such a big loss. Jiangxiao was also seriously injured. The two of them had been holding back the fire. Gongsun Chong had fought against Lingbo's party many times before. It can be said that the hatred is as deep as the sea, so the three of them must kill each other quickly.

As for luring the enemy, let's just kill him and see. Although Xiyang kept saying to Lang Xing that he came up with the idea of ​​luring the enemy and he would not act recklessly, but that was just to reassure Lang Xing. This is because the master of arts is bold. Xiyang wants to use the blood of his enemies to wash away hatred and shame. Although Jiangxiao is unwilling to take such a risk, she has to follow Xiyang in this matter. Gongsun Chong is the last person to do this. But knowing Xiyang's temper, he could only bite the bullet and help his brother.

The three of them all knew that they were playing with fire. The Lingbo sect had Yushen and Shushen, two great magical powers. If the two of them appeared together, they would not be able to resist them. What they were betting on was that the two of them were searching for their traces separately. This possibility is very high. If you can afford to bet, you can also bet that the two Feather monks will be wary of Tianlu and will not kill them as soon as they come up. Then they have a greater chance of killing each other. After the people from the Tianlu Alliance arrived, everyone immediately became busy.

Gongsun Chong selected the place to set up an ambush, and a huge pocket formation was set up.

Langxing handed a large number of high-grade magic weapons and talismans to Wuyinzi and asked him to distribute them to the soldiers of the Tianlu League who were less powerful. These treasures were collected from the disciples of Zixiao Palace. As Puyunzhou Jiu One of the great sects, their wealth is unimaginable to the soldiers of the Heavenly Law Alliance.

When the pocket formation began to take shape, the three groups tasked with luring the enemy set off one after another. Their action strategies were carefully planned.

The three of Xiyang and the others went to seek revenge from the Lingbo Sect, the largest sect in the Wanfu Cultivation Domain. Xiyang was imprisoned in the Lingbo Sect at the beginning, and the Heavenly Law Alliance sent three great monks to help them on the way.

Lingxiang, Huahu, Heisi, Xianyun, and Lingjun went to the Zhenhai League's helm to cause trouble. Three great monks were also arranged to help them along the way, and Lingye and Liuyun were responsible for secretly guarding them. Liuyun arranged to meet Zhanzhan, but Lingjun insisted on going along. He had to show off in front of Zhuangyu.

Going directly to the Zhenhai League's chief helm to cause trouble may seem dangerous, but in fact it is the least risky, because there should be no Feathered Monk there.

Lang Xing, Sijia, Yun Dao, and Huaying were responsible for seducing the Silver Soul Sect, the second largest sect in the Wanfu Xiu Domain. It would be best if they could also seduce people from the Demon Flame Palace, the third largest sect, which was very close to the Silver Soul Sect. Silver Soul Sect and Demon Flame Sect both have ancestors of Huayu, so his journey is the most dangerous. Langxing named Qimu Immortal Lord and Yuanyang Immortal Lord to go with him.

Qi Mu and Yuan Yang were very happy, thinking they could see Lang Xing take action again, but after flying hundreds of thousands of miles, Lang Xing smiled and said to them, "You two can wait here."

Qimu Immortal smiled helplessly, and without saying a word, he pulled Yuanyang Immortal aside to hide his figure.

Yuanyang Immortal was a little unwilling to give in. He looked at the few people walking away and said to Qimu Immortal, "The other party has more than one great magical power. I think we should follow them and protect them secretly."

Qimu Xianzun said sarcastically, "Anxiety can only be counterproductive. He just doesn't want us to see the scene of action. Don't be ignorant. If you want to get closer to him, you can only endure it. I have been enduring it for a long time."

Yuanyang Immortal sighed softly, looked at Qimu Immortal with envious eyes and said, "We have been friends for thousands of years. Please reveal more to me."

Qimu Immortal Lord rolled his eyes and said, "I've told you everything I can say. Considering our many years of friendship, I'll give you another piece of advice. Since we got into a relationship with him, I have indeed received a lot of benefits." , great benefits, but compared with his magic, the benefits I have received are only superficial, but people must have a heart of contentment. Although I cannot be content, I know how to exercise restraint. Langxing is very benevolent and righteous. As long as you are good enough to him, he will not treat you badly. This is all I can say. How much benefit you can get from him depends on fate, but you must not ruin my affairs. For example, now, he lets Let's wait here, then let's wait here. If you insist on causing trouble, you will have trouble with me. "

Immortal Master Yuanyang sighed depressedly.

Immortal Qimu warned, "Don't act too eager, otherwise he will avoid you. You are also a person with a clear mind. Don't be so impatient. This is the biggest thing you have ever encountered in your life." It is a blessing, and it is related to whether you can take a further step in your cultivation, or even enlighten yourself and become an immortal. No matter how much patience you put in, it is worth it.


Immortal Master Yuanyang's eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded gratefully to Immortal Master Qimu.

Lingxiang's group showed the most arrogance. They eliminated three small sects on the road. None of them were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul or above. They allowed the remaining young monks to escape and report the news. The flying speed of these people was limited and they could not move before they could move. Reinforcements were coming. Lingxiang and the others had already reached the vicinity of the Zhenhai League. They followed the previous route and launched a surprise attack on a guard camp guarding the Zhenhai League. They defeated the garrison of more than 200 people with overwhelming force. Two of the late Nascent Soul commanders were killed by Hua Hu, and another was seriously injured by Lingjun. Lingxiang completed the final blow, and dozens of soldiers in the middle Nascent Soul were killed in the massacre by this gang.

After raiding the guard camp, the group took a different route than when they came and ran away. Although they were hiding, they raided two more sects on the way to escape and made a big fight. Then he showed his fullness and looked far away.

After receiving the urgent report, the chief helmsman of the Zhenhai League immediately rushed out, and a dozen or so monks led their subordinates to spread a wide net to hunt down this group of people.

Xiyang and the three of them were much quieter. They silenced everyone they met along the way and arrived near Lingbo Sect like peaceful gods of death.

Gongsun Chong hid while Xiyang and Jiangxiao waited patiently. They first killed three minions in the middle stage of Yuanying, and finally waited for two great monks in the late stage of Yuanying who flew to Lingbo Sect. One was Lingbo. One of the Wanglang sects is from another sect.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao suddenly rushed out and killed Wanglang. Qingyan Sword and Xuan'ajian attacked Wanglang fiercely, and Jiangxiao released black to attack Wanglang's friend.

Wang Lang was beaten to the point where he had no power to fight back, and he died in a short while under the Li Yan from Xiyang. His friend fled desperately to the Lingbo sect, Jiangxiao recalled Wu Hei, and the three of them escaped in a hurry After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, I found a place to hide.

The Lingbo Sect was like a hornet's nest that had been poked, and all the disciples swarmed out to search in all directions. The message is too clear. These two people are here for revenge. These two scourges must be eradicated, otherwise the Lingbo Sect will never have peace.

The three of them in Xiyang were hiding quietly like evil tigers hunting. When a hunting team approached, they suddenly launched an attack and killed all the dozen or so people. Then the three of them quietly passed away. This time they would not Instead of squatting on guard again, he started to fight back, going around in circles to hunt down the hunting teams one after another.

Before the last fall, Xiyang had never suffered such a big loss. Jiangxiao was also seriously injured. The two of them had been holding back the fire in their hearts. Gongsun Chong had fought against Lingbo's party many times before. It can be said that the hatred is as deep as the sea, so the three of them must kill each other quickly.

As for luring the enemy, let's just kill him and see. Although Xiyang kept saying to Lang Xing that he came up with the idea of ​​luring the enemy and he would not act recklessly, but that was just to reassure Lang Xing. This is because the master of arts is bold. Xiyang wants to use the blood of his enemies to wash away hatred and shame. Although Jiangxiao is unwilling to take such a risk, she has to follow Xiyang in this matter. Gongsun Chong is the last person to do this. But knowing Xiyang's temper, he could only bite the bullet and help his brother.

The three of them all knew that they were playing with fire. The Lingbo sect had Yushen and Shushen, two great magical powers. If the two of them appeared together, they would not be able to resist them. What they were betting on was that the two of them were searching for their traces separately. This possibility is very high. If you can afford to bet, you can also bet that the two Feather monks will be wary of Tianlu and will not kill them as soon as they come up. Then they have a greater chance of killing each other.

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