Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2821 Devil’s Palace, this sect is quite powerful

Langxing first quietly let go of Fairy Jingshui, and then rode the crane and traveled leisurely with the three beauties. With Xiaoyunduo and Tuntian on guard, he didn't even need to use his mental powers to be on guard.

Linghe plus three stunning fairies in the late Nascent Soul stage, this lineup will attract a large number of people to watch even in Nanjingzhou. Because Wanfu Xiuyu is located in a remote area, good cars are particularly popular, even if they are not lustful. People will also be attracted by the crane.

After passing through the first stretch of wilderness, there were people following them. Because they were flying faster, only late-stage Nascent Soul monks could keep up. At first, there was one person following from a distance, and then it became two. Then two more came.

These four people felt that they were strong enough. After discussing for a while, they agreed on how to divide the spoils, and then surrounded them in an outflanking manner.

Langxing stopped the crane and asked with a smile, "I wonder if any of you have any advice?"

Without saying a word, the four people suddenly accelerated and rushed forward and took action.

Sijia Ying's lips moved slightly, and a vague sound of chanting sounded in the ears of the four people. Their minds were in a trance. When they realized that something was wrong, several rays of light had already flashed in front of their eyes.

The black lasso activated by the painting turned into a black phantom, locking the great monk on the far left in an instant. Because it was the first time for her to use this spiritual treasure to fight with someone, she felt uncertain. He activated another talisman, and when the silver snake with ears killed it, the great monk had been reduced to a blood mist by the magic power of the lasso, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.

This made Huaying slightly startled. On the one hand, she was horrified by the powerful magic power of the lasso, and on the other hand, she had not killed all the people. It was the first time that she had killed a great monk with the same level of cultivation as herself so easily. .

The wandering soul sword activated by Yun Dao stopped in mid-air and locked onto a great monk but did not continue to attack. These four people were not enough of a threat to them, so she wanted to see more of Lang Xing's methods.

Langxing did not need to hide anything in front of the three of them. A string of spiritual treasures such as the Punishing Whip, the Little White Board, the Immortal Seal, the Immortal Stone, the Golden Great Axe, and the Rusty Spirit Sword were issued almost at the same time. Two of the three great monks directly After being shot down, the third one was slightly stronger. After resisting for a while, he became the worst one and was turned into invisible by the Rusty Spirit Sword.

Langxing fell down, searched the souls of the two seriously injured monks, and then killed them with peace of mind.

Sijia curled his lips and teased, "You have exposed your secret. If he is guilty and does not deserve to die, why don't you let him go? Hypocrisy!"

Langxing glanced at her and pursed his lips thoughtfully. He didn't know whether he was speechless or disdainful to answer. Anyway, he didn't pick up the problem. He turned to look ahead and complained, "I don't want to reveal my secrets, but... I know that some people are too arrogant. If I don’t deal with them as soon as possible, I might be in trouble. There are too many insidious and vicious fugitives here. If you don’t pay attention, you will get into trouble. "

Yun Daoren laughed and said, "You just name me and say I'm fine. There's no need to be so arrogant."

Langxing smiled and glared at her and said, "It's rare to have a little self-awareness. I'm talking about you and you!" He smiled and glared at Sijia again.

Sijia spat, "I've already done my best. Do you still need my help to deal with a few useless people who are in a daze?"

Huaying put away the black lasso and tried her best to make a calm expression. She had to admit that facing the encirclement of four great monks, she was a little nervous, while Yun Dao and Sijia behaved much more calmly. Compared with these two people, I am better in experience

There is still a big gap.

"Let's go." Langxing pulled Huaying onto the crane and left Sijia and Yundao hanging there.

"You look like a child!" Sijia flew up to the Linghe and continued to tease Langxing, while Yun Dao held back his laughter and flew up to the Linghe.

"He's really a kid who won't grow up." Huaying was a little embarrassed by Lang Xing's deliberate show of affection, so she just followed Sijia to tease Lang Xing.

"Fuck you!" Lang Xing laughed after scolding himself.

Among the three routes of bait, their route is the most relaxed and joyful, and also the most casual. The reason is for no other reason than that they are strong enough.

According to the plan arranged by Kirigakure, they should go to the Gintama Sect first, and then tease the Demon Flame Palace on the way back. But Langxing was too lazy to bother, and went to the nearby Demon Flame Palace first. Such a random change of his Sijia doesn't care much about strategic actions. She has a fairy treasure to take care of her spirit, and she is very confident. Although Yun Dao and Huaying are quite indifferent on the surface, they will inevitably murmur in their hearts, but since Sijia doesn't care, Still joking with Lang Xing, the two of them naturally didn't want to be compared.

The mountain gate of the Demon Flame Palace is filled with blue-purple flames that are hundreds of feet high. Fireworks are also flying inside the mountain gate. There is a majestic palace wreathed in flames on the main peak. There is also a huge talisman made of white flames high in the sky. This sect looks like Very flamboyant.

Langxing got off the Linghe, stood in the air and looked at the mountain gate with flying spiritual flames. He pointed at the three big characters formed by black flames and said, "Devil Palace, this sect is very powerful."

Si Jia Fengmu cheered him up with a smile, "My name is Demon Flame Palace. Don't be embarrassed here. Be careful of people beating you."

"Oh, it's the Demon Flame Palace. They made this place full of smoke and fire. I thought it was a sect established by the devils. You can't blame me."

Sijia looked at him, a faint light flashing in his slightly closed eyes. Lang Xing's behavior at this moment was quite a bit like a rogue looking for a bargain.

Yundao and Huaying were not as fearless as the two of them, and both of them were quietly on guard.

"Where did this bastard dare to come to the Demon Flame Palace to act wild!" Following the curse, the five Demon Flame Palace disciples guarding the gate rushed over.

Among these people, only the ones with the highest cultivation level were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Langxing urged him to come out of Kauchuan. With a flash of black and yellow light, all four of them fell down. He pointed at the remaining one with the tip of his knife and said, "Go, let's go." All of you from the Demon Palace are lining up, I’m here to find someone, whoever participated in the roundup of me when I broke into the Wanfu Xiu Domain, it’s time to get retribution today.”

The man turned pale with fright, turned around and fled into the mountain gate without saying a word.

"You're so domineering." Sijia praised in a strange tone.

Langxing immediately sent a powerful spiritual message to the mountain gate, "The Holy Maiden of Yuanyizhou came to the Devil's Palace with majesty, and came to kill evildoers and eliminate evildoers. All those who committed evil deeds came out to die!"

Sijia rolled her eyes at him angrily and was too lazy to continue arguing with him.

Yun Dao was nervous and excited, and naturally thought of the heroic feat the two had made when they broke into the Thousand Rings Sect. It was really exciting to hang out with this kid. A kid who looked honest and honest could do earth-shattering things.

Huaying held her breath. Although she had spent the longest time with Lang Xing among the three, she was the one who knew the least about Lang Xing's combat power. With the four of them, they were like this in front of a sect with the magical power of Hua Yu. Shouting is simply asking for death. Langxing first quietly let go of Fairy Jingshui, and then rode the crane and traveled leisurely with the three beauties. With Xiaoyunduo and Tuntian on guard, he didn't even need to use his mental powers to be on guard.

Linghe plus three stunning fairies in the late Nascent Soul stage, this lineup will attract a large number of people to watch even in Nanjingzhou. Because Wanfu Xiuyu is located in a remote area, good cars are particularly popular, even if they are not lustful. People will also be attracted by the crane.

After passing through the first stretch of wilderness, there were people following them. Because they were flying faster, only late-stage Nascent Soul monks could keep up. At first, there was one person following from a distance, and then it became two. Then two more came.

These four people felt that they were strong enough. After discussing for a while, they agreed on how to divide the spoils, and then surrounded them in an outflanking manner.

Langxing stopped the crane and asked with a smile, "I wonder if any of you have any advice?"

Without saying a word, the four people suddenly accelerated and rushed forward and took action.

Sijia Ying's lips moved slightly, and a vague sound of chanting sounded in the ears of the four people. Their minds were in a trance. When they realized that something was wrong, several rays of light had already flashed in front of their eyes.

The black lasso activated by the painting turned into a black phantom, locking the great monk on the far left in an instant. Because it was the first time for her to use this spiritual treasure to fight with someone, she felt uncertain. He activated another talisman, and when the silver snake with ears killed it, the great monk had been reduced to a blood mist by the magic power of the lasso, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.

This made Huaying slightly startled. On the one hand, she was horrified by the powerful magic power of the lasso, and on the other hand, she had not killed all the people. It was the first time that she had killed a great monk with the same level of cultivation as herself so easily. . .??.

The wandering soul sword activated by Yun Dao stopped in mid-air and locked onto a great monk but did not continue to attack. These four people were not enough of a threat to them, so she wanted to see more of Lang Xing's methods.

Langxing did not need to hide anything in front of the three of them. A string of spiritual treasures such as the Punishing Whip, the Little White Board, the Immortal Seal, the Immortal Stone, the Golden Great Axe, and the Rusty Spirit Sword were issued almost at the same time. Two of the three great monks directly After being shot down, the third one was slightly stronger, but after resisting for a while, he became the worst one, being invisibly transformed by the Rusty Spirit Sword.

Langxing fell down, searched the souls of the two seriously injured monks, and then killed them with peace of mind.

Sijia curled his lips and teased, "You have exposed your secret. If he is guilty and does not deserve to die, why don't you let him go? Hypocrisy!"

Langxing glanced at her and pursed his lips thoughtfully. He didn't know whether he was speechless or disdainful to answer. Anyway, he didn't pick up the problem. He turned to look ahead and complained, "I don't want to reveal my secrets, but... I know that some people are too arrogant. If I don’t deal with them as soon as possible, I might be in trouble. There are too many insidious and vicious fugitives here. If you don’t pay attention, you will get into trouble. "

Yun Daoren smiled and said, "You just name me and say I'm fine. There's no need to be so arrogant."

Lang Xing smiled and glared at her and said, "It's rare to have a little self-awareness. I'm talking about you and you!" He smiled and glared at Sijia again.

Sijia spat, "I've already done my best. Do you still need my help to deal with a few useless people who are in a daze?"

Huaying put away the black lasso and tried her best to make a calm expression. She had to admit that facing the encirclement of four great monks, she was a little nervous, while Yun Dao and Sijia behaved much more calmly. Compared with these two people, I am better in experience

There is still a big gap.

"Let's go." Langxing pulled Huaying onto the crane and left Sijia and Yundao hanging there.

"You look like a child!" Sijia flew up to the Linghe and continued to tease Langxing, while Yun Dao held back his laughter and flew up to the Linghe.

"He's really a kid who won't grow up." Huaying was a little embarrassed by Lang Xing's deliberate show of affection, so she just followed Sijia to tease Lang Xing.

"Fuck you!" Lang Xing laughed after scolding himself.

Among the three routes of bait, their route is the most relaxed and joyful, and also the most casual. The reason is for no other reason than that they are strong enough.

According to the plan arranged by Kirigakure, they should go to the Gintama Sect first, and then tease the Demon Flame Palace on the way back. But Langxing was too lazy to bother, and went to the nearby Demon Flame Palace first. Such a random change of his Sijia doesn't care much about strategic actions. She has a fairy treasure to take care of her spirit, and she is very confident. Although Yun Dao and Huaying are quite indifferent on the surface, they will inevitably murmur in their hearts, but since Sijia doesn't care, Still joking with Lang Xing, the two of them naturally didn't want to be compared.

The mountain gate of the Demon Flame Palace is filled with blue-purple flames that are hundreds of feet high. Fireworks are also flying inside the mountain gate. There is a majestic palace wreathed in flames on the main peak. There is also a huge talisman made of white flames high in the sky. This sect looks like Very flamboyant.

Langxing got off the Linghe, stood in the air and looked at the mountain gate with flying spiritual flames. He pointed at the three big characters formed by black flames and said, "Devil Palace, this sect is very powerful."

Si Jia Fengmu cheered him up with a smile, "My name is Demon Flame Palace. Stop being embarrassed here. Be careful of people beating you."

"Oh, it's the Demon Flame Palace. They made this place full of smoke and fire. I thought it was a sect established by the devils. You can't blame me."

Sijia looked at him, a faint light flashing in his slightly closed eyes. Lang Xing's behavior at this moment was quite a bit like a rogue looking for a bargain.

Yun Dao and Huaying were not as confident as the two of them, and both of them were quietly on guard.

"Where did this bastard dare to come to the Demon Flame Palace to act wild!" Following the curse, the five Demon Flame Palace disciples guarding the gate rushed over.

Among these people, only the ones with the highest cultivation level were in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Langxing urged him to come out of Kauchuan. With a flash of black and yellow light, all four of them fell down. He pointed at the remaining one with the tip of his knife and said, "Go, let's go." All of you from the Demon Palace are lining up, I’m here to find someone, whoever participated in the roundup of me when I broke into the Wanfu Xiu Domain, it’s time to get retribution today.”

The man turned pale with fright, turned around and fled into the mountain gate without saying a word.

"You're so domineering." Sijia praised in a strange tone.

Langxing immediately sent a powerful spiritual message to the mountain gate, "The Holy Maiden of Yuanyizhou came to the Devil's Palace with majesty, and came to kill evildoers and eliminate evildoers. All those who committed evil deeds came out to die!"

Sijia rolled her eyes at him angrily and was too lazy to continue arguing with him.

Yun Dao was nervous and excited, and naturally thought of the heroic feat the two had made when they broke into the Thousand Rings Sect. It was really exciting to hang out with this kid. A kid who looked honest and honest could do earth-shattering things.

Huaying held her breath. Although she had spent the longest time with Lang Xing among the three, she was the one who knew the least about Lang Xing's combat power. With the four of them, they were like this in front of a sect with the magical power of Hua Yu. Shouting is simply asking for death.

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