Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2822 A messy attack

Three late-stage Nascent Soul monks and six mid-stage Nascent Soul monks rushed out first, each with an angry look on their face, the fire on their foreheads was higher than the flames rising behind them. They blocked the door and cursed the formation. This was too disrespectful to the demonic flames. The palace took it seriously.

Huaying couldn't help but steal glances at Sijia and Yundao. According to Gongsun Chong, there are at least six great monks in the late Yuanying stage of the Demon Flame Palace, and more than thirty mid-stage Yuanying monks. If they all come out, It's bound to be a tough battle, and besides, they also have a great magical power called Yu.

What made Huaying happy was that as soon as she looked over, Sijia took action. It seemed that the saint did not dare to overdo it, so she hurriedly followed suit.

"Fuck..." The big monk with the most ferocious face moved his hands when he saw the other party without saying a word. This ferociousness was simply ten times stronger than those of them who were used to doing this. He was so angry that he couldn't help but yell. He was scolding, but he only cursed with the word "bastard". He didn't even have time to say the word "bastard" after it. His heart was shocked. It was the word "bastard" that rang out, which made him stunned.

Lang Xing also took action. After issuing a mental message to break his cry, he slashed the head of his golden ax and at the same time sent out a small whiteboard to sneak attack the great monk Huaying was fighting against.

The violent waves of spiritual power destroyed the flames surrounding the mountain gate and quickly dispersed it, but then new flames were born. It seemed that the mana of the person who arranged the mountain gate was extraordinary.

Two bursts of bright light flashed, and the two great monks died immediately. Several mid-stage Nascent Soul disciples around them were seriously injured and fell down.

The person fighting Sijia had a good defensive spirit treasure. The five-color flowing flames he formed protected his figure and resisted the attack of the nine-color black cloud belt. The fight with Sijia was inseparable.

Suddenly, those five-colored flames swayed, and the protective magic power dropped sharply. The nine-colored black clouds that attacked took the opportunity to shoot down, turning the great monk invisible.

Sijia glanced at Langxing. Without asking, he knew that this kid had used his mental power to attack the spirit of the spiritual treasure. Langxing fiddled with the colorful small incense burner he had just received, pretending not to see Sijia turn it over. That eye roll.

Huaying bit her lips tightly. Less than an hour later, she killed another monk of the same level, and it was so easy. Such huge shocks came one after another, just like a dream. No wonder Su Wan could turn into a feather so quickly. I used to think that I got enough benefits from Lang Xing, but now it seems that the benefits I get are just a drop in the bucket at most, this damn Lang Xing!

Yun Dao still didn't take action this time, not because she was deliberately fighting against Lang Xing, but because she needed to guard against the appearance of the other ancestor Hua Yu, so she didn't need to take action to get rid of these people.

At this time, disciples from the Demon Flame Palace continued to pour out of the mountain gate, but they were all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul or below. They had already seen the battle just now on the way here, so no one dared to rush up. They gathered together and formed a formation to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Let's go." Langxing pulled Huaying, and the four of them got on the crane and galloped away.

The bodies of the three great fairies in the late Nascent Soul stage were already as light as nothing. Only Langxing was slightly heavier. Therefore, the spirit crane carrying four people was about the same as carrying Langxing alone. The monks in the late infant stage were also unable to catch up.

Flying out for a while, a wave of anger

Angry thoughts came from behind, "Kill my disciples on my territory and just walk away!"

The corners of Huaying's eyes twitched. Their ancestors were catching up, and they had to bear the wrath of a feathered monk.

Langxing stopped the spirit crane and looked coldly at the man in red robes who was chasing him and said, "You are the fire devil who committed countless crimes four thousand years ago and killed more than ten law enforcement guards. I don't want people like you." You can actually practice to the point of becoming a feather, it’s really God’s fault.” Wu Yinzi introduced some important criminals who might have escaped to the Wanfu Cultivation Domain, and Gongsun Chong had already confirmed that this ancestor from the Demon Flame Palace was the one. The fire demon from back then.

"Since you know the name of this Immortal Lord, you still dare to come here to kill people. It seems that you are confident." Huo Mozi stopped ten thousand feet away from them and began to search for the nearby Huayu monks. In his opinion, it must be There are Huayu monks supporting this group of people.

Langxing pointed at him and yelled as he flew over, "What?! Do you dare to violate the laws of heaven and attack us?!" His arrogance really seemed to be confident. The distance was a bit far away now, so he had to get closer. Click and take action.

Yun Dao was on the left, Sijia was on the right, and the two great fairies flew over together on both sides of Lang Xing.

Huaying's scalp couldn't help but feel numb. The only thing they could hope for was that the other party would not dare to violate the laws of heaven. However, the aggressive posture of these three people was just throwing their lives into the fire!

She clenched the escape magic weapon in her hand, and really wanted to run away immediately, but she hesitated and followed with gritted silver teeth. After all, Lang Xing had boasted to her that he had the ability to fight against the Huayu monk, so she could only take a gamble. , if you run away now, you will never have the face to see Lang Xing in this life.

Huo Mozi looked at the four people approaching indifferently, still using all his energy to search for the Feathered Monk hiding nearby to see if these four people posed too much of a threat to him.

Langxing continued to point at the other party and yell, "Do you think you can become lawless after becoming a Feather Monk?! Try touching me! See if God will accept you!" At this time, he was less than five thousand feet away from the other party. , suddenly shouted with his magical power, "I will accept you for God today!"

Almost at the same time, Yundao's jade hand holding the spell suddenly pressed down, and then the Wandering Soul Sword turned into a black light with a terrifying aura and shot towards Huo Mozi, and her figure followed closely behind the black light. She also shot forward quickly. To defeat a Feathered Monk, she had to fight with her life!

"Ah!" Huo Mozi let out a painful exclamation, and he was startled by his broken thoughts. Before he could recover, Yun Dao's magic attack arrived. Yun Dao's magic can confront Monk Huayu head-on. Under this favorable situation, the effect of the magic power was greatly improved, which directly caused the great supernatural power to almost lose his soul.

Sijia had an anxious look on her face. She was just about to launch an attack with the spirit-catching weapon when Yun Dao rushed forward. Her control over the spirit-catching spirit was still weak. At this moment, she might have taken Yun Dao in when she attacked. In desperation, she had no choice but to While launching a spell attack, he retreated sharply to prepare for the most unfavorable outcome. He had to put himself in a safe position first. If Yun Dao and Lang Xing failed, they would have no choice but to take the risk of using the soul-catcher.

After Langxing finished using his mind attack, he immediately activated the Shui Ting Sword. Yun Dao charged too hard, and even the Rust Spirit Sword had no time to use it. Three late-stage Nascent Soul monks and six mid-stage Nascent Soul monks They were the first to rush out, with angry eyebrows on their faces, and the anger on their foreheads was higher than the flames rising behind them. They blocked the door and cursed the formation. This was too disrespectful of the Demon Flame Palace.

Huaying couldn't help but steal glances at Sijia and Yundao. According to Gongsun Chong, there are at least six great monks in the late Yuanying stage of the Demon Flame Palace, and more than thirty mid-stage Yuanying monks. If they all come out, It's bound to be a tough battle, and besides, they also have a great magical power called Yu.

What made Huaying happy was that as soon as she looked over, Sijia took action. It seemed that the saint did not dare to overdo it, so she hurriedly followed suit.

"Fuck..." The big monk with the most ferocious face moved his hands when he saw the other party without saying a word. This ferociousness was simply ten times stronger than those of them who were used to doing this. He was so angry that he couldn't help but yell. He was scolding, but he only cursed with the word "bastard". He didn't even have time to say the word "bastard" after it. His heart was shocked. It was the word "bastard" that rang out, which made him stunned.

Lang Xing also took action. After issuing a mental message to break his cry, he slashed the head of his golden ax and at the same time sent out a small whiteboard to sneak attack the great monk Huaying was fighting against.

The violent waves of spiritual power destroyed the flames surrounding the mountain gate and quickly dispersed it, but then new flames were born. It seemed that the mana of the person who arranged the mountain gate was extraordinary. .??.

Two bursts of bright light flashed, and the two great monks died immediately. Several mid-stage Nascent Soul disciples around them were seriously injured and fell down.

The person fighting Sijia had a good defensive spirit treasure. The five-color flowing flames he formed protected his figure and resisted the attack of the nine-color black cloud belt. The fight with Sijia was inseparable.

Suddenly, those five-colored flames swayed, and the protective magic power dropped sharply. The nine-colored black clouds that attacked took the opportunity to shoot down, turning the great monk invisible.

Sijia glanced at Langxing. Without asking, he knew that this kid had used his mental power to attack the spirit of the spiritual treasure. Langxing fiddled with the colorful small incense burner he had just received, pretending not to see Sijia turn it over. That eye roll.

Huaying bit her lips tightly. Less than an hour later, she killed another monk of the same level, and it was so easy. Such huge shocks came one after another, just like a dream. No wonder Su Wan could turn into a feather so quickly. I used to think that I got enough benefits from Lang Xing, but now it seems that the benefits I get are just a drop in the bucket at most, this damn Lang Xing!

Yun Dao still didn't take action this time, not because she was deliberately fighting against Lang Xing, but because she needed to guard against the appearance of the other ancestor Hua Yu, so she didn't need to take action to get rid of these people.

At this time, disciples from the Demon Flame Palace continued to pour out of the mountain gate, but they were all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul or below. They had already seen the battle just now on the way here, so no one dared to rush up. They gathered together and formed a formation to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Let's go." Langxing pulled Huaying, and the four of them got on the crane and galloped away.

The bodies of the three great fairies in the late Nascent Soul stage were already as light as nothing. Only Langxing was slightly heavier. Therefore, the spirit crane carrying four people was about the same as carrying Langxing alone. The monks in the late infant stage were also unable to catch up.

Flying out for a while, a wave of anger

Angry thoughts came from behind, "Kill my disciples on my territory and just walk away!"

The corners of Huaying's eyes twitched. Their ancestors were catching up, and they had to bear the wrath of a feathered monk.

Langxing stopped the spirit crane and looked coldly at the man in red robes who was chasing him and said, "You are the fire devil who committed countless crimes four thousand years ago and killed more than ten law enforcement guards. I don't want people like you." You can actually practice to the point of becoming a feather, it’s really God’s fault.” Wu Yinzi introduced some important criminals who might have escaped to the Wanfu Cultivation Domain, and Gongsun Chong had already confirmed that this ancestor from the Demon Flame Palace was the one. The fire demon from back then.

"Since you know the name of this Immortal Lord, you still dare to come here to kill people. It seems that you are confident." Huo Mozi stopped ten thousand feet away from them and began to search for the nearby Huayu monks. In his opinion, it must be There are Huayu monks supporting this group of people.

Langxing pointed at him and yelled as he flew over, "What?! Do you dare to violate the laws of heaven and attack us?!" His arrogance really seemed to be confident. The distance was a bit far away now, so he had to get closer. Click and take action.

Yundao was on the left, Sijia was on the right, and the two fairies flew over together on both sides of Langxing.

Huaying's scalp kept tingling. The only thing they could count on was that the other party would not dare to violate the law of heaven, but the aggressive posture of these three people was just fanning the flames. They were throwing their lives into the fire!

She clenched the escape magic weapon in her hand and really wanted to escape immediately, but after hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth and followed him. After all, Langxing boasted to her that he had the ability to fight against the Huayu monk. She could only take a gamble. If she escaped at this moment, she would not be able to see Langxing in her life.

Huo Mozi looked at the four people approaching without caring, and was still searching for the Huayu monk hiding nearby with all his energy. These four people were not a big threat to him.

Lang Xing continued to point at the other party and yell, "Do you think you can do whatever you want after becoming a Huayu monk?! Try to move me! See if God will take you away!" At this time, he was less than 5,000 feet away from the other party, and suddenly shouted with his mind power, "Today, I will take you away for God!" Almost at the same time, Yundao's jade hand holding the spell suddenly pressed down, and then the Wandering Soul Sword turned into a black light with a terrifying aura and shot towards Huo Mozi. Her figure followed the black light and shot towards Huo Mozi. To defeat a Huayu monk, she must fight for her life! "Ah!" Huo Mozi let out a painful cry, and the mind's shout scared him. Before he could recover, Yundao's magic attack arrived. Yundao's magic can directly confront Huayu monks. In this favorable situation, the effect of magic power has been greatly improved, which directly made this great supernatural power almost lose his soul. Sijia was anxious. Just as she was about to attack with Soul Capture, Yundao rushed forward. She was still not good enough in controlling Soul Capture. If she attacked at this moment, Yundao might be taken in as well. In a hurry, she had to launch a spell attack while retreating quickly. She had to prepare for the worst outcome. She had to put herself in a safe position first. If Yundao and Langxing were defeated, she could only risk Soul Capture.

After Langxing finished the mind attack, he immediately activated the Water Thunder Sword. Yundao rushed too fast and he didn't even have time to use the Rusted Spirit Sword.

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