Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2837 You must die today

Although very few of these sea monsters knew about the Purple-Eyed Black Snake, they were all monsters, and they were more sensitive to the terrifying aura of the Hatred Dzi Pearl. Together with Yulong and Zi Kui, all the sea monsters retreated involuntarily. retreat.

Seeing that the opponent was shocked, Lang Xing hurriedly led everyone back, not wanting to see an invisible lavender water curtain blocking their retreat.

"Poisonous!" Gongsun Chong saw that this was the water curtain set by Zi Kui and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

At this time, under the orders of the two sea monsters, the sea monsters spread out and formed a huge encirclement.

Lang Xing was having a hard time making a decision. According to the Purple-Eyed Black Snake, the power of the Dzi Bead can reach five thousand miles, which is enough to kill most of the sea monsters, but its poisonous effect can only affect the Feathered Monk within a thousand miles. Causing a threat, Zi Kui and Yu Long are hiding thousands of miles away, and once the Hatred Dzi Bead is used, they will be trapped here and can't leave after an hour. However, with the weakening of the poison, there is no need to wait for an hour for the sea monster You can come over and attack them, and then they can only be beaten passively.

"What do you want?" Gongsun Chong raised his voice and asked Zi Kui and Yu Long. He had dealt with the sea monsters a lot when he was in the Jade Sea and knew what they wanted.

A golden spirit in the late Nascent Soul stage answered for the two sea monsters, "Didn't you say that you have already occupied the Wanfu Cultivation Domain? As long as you agree to the few conditions we proposed, we can live in peace and harmony in the future." ??

"Say." Gongsun Chong stared at it, quite like a lord.

The golden spirit said, "First, you are not allowed to kill the Sea Clan in the future. Our Sea Clan enjoys a distinguished status in this place. No matter who harms the Sea Clan, he will be punished a hundred times."

Gongsun Chong said noncommittally, "What about the second item?"

The golden spirit said, "Second, Wanfu Xiuyu contributes to us one thousand designated spiritual grasses, one thousand terrestrial beasts, and one thousand ordinary humans every year for us to eat."

Without waiting for Gongsun Chong to ask again, it went on to say the third item, "Third, donate a hundred young monks with excellent qualifications every hundred years to prevent you from becoming bigger in the future."

Lang Xing looked at it with a gloomy look and said, "Is there a fourth one?"

The golden spirit said, "Yes! As long as we take a fancy to everything in Wanfu Cultivation Domain, you must offer it obediently without any tricks. If you don't agree to any of the above four things, you can't even think about hanging around here!"

Langxing laughed wildly and glanced at them with disgusted eyes and said, "You are really greedy. You are evil from the bottom of your heart, far beyond the law of the weak and the strong. I have always been unwilling to kill, but I will not be soft on beasts like you." , listen to me, those who agree with these four points can stay and die, and those who think these four points are too much, don't take action for a while, and run away while the chaos is happening, you can save your life today!"

The golden spirit said angrily, "Those who don't know how to live or die! Do you think these are the only four? I haven't finished yet. You and Gongsun Chong must come with us. We must study your two spells carefully. If you obey, we may be able to do it in the future." Let you come back.”

Lang Xing pointed at it and gritted his teeth and said, "You will die today. Enjoy the little time you have left. You will go to hell soon!"

The golden spirit said disdainfully, "After I bring you back, I will let you taste my methods and let you understand where hell is."

At this time, a large hole was penetrated in the water curtain, and Lingye rushed in with Suanyu, Lingjun and other great monks.

Now I can't use the Hate Dzi Bead even more

After using it, the sea monsters also saw this clearly. Under the command of the golden spirit, the encirclement tightened rapidly, and the huge waves hitting the sky made a rumble.

"Go to the sky!" Langxing took the lead and rushed upwards. Staying away from the sea can naturally reduce the magic power of these sea clans. With Lingye there, it would be useless even if Zi Kui tried to block him with a water curtain.

Langxing used his mind to convey the message to Lingye and said, "There are too many sea monsters. We can't hold out for long. We can only capture the thieves first. You can lead me to pretend to escape and attract the sea monsters to chase us. It would be great if we can kill them."

Lingye hesitated and said, "If the three sea monsters come after us together, the two of us will be in danger. Why don't we put these people into the Qiankun Bag, and I will take you to escape far away first. It will be much easier to get rid of these minions."

Lang Xing said harshly, "Unless this gang of scourges is eliminated, there will never be peace here. If you can hold on for a while, as long as you kill the three culprits, the rest of these bastards will be easy to deal with. I have a hunter's bow. Don't be afraid. Let's go." Bar."

Lingye knew that this was not the time to argue, and that exposing the Immortal Qiankun Bag would cause a lot of trouble, so he pulled up Langxing without further words and flew away towards the coast as if he was running away.

Zi Kui had been staring at Ling Ye, and when he saw it, he immediately chased after him. Its huge body moved so that the world seemed to be shaking, but that was only what everyone felt for a moment. The speed of this big monster flying was not at all Not slow, he was thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye.

Lingye and Langxing were unable to outpace Zikui even if they used the phantom movement technique, and were overtaken before they reached the coast.

"There is a big sea monster in the sea, you come to deal with Zi Kui." Lingye saw that Zi Kui was chasing very close, and after giving an explanation, he left Lang Xing behind and turned into a blue light and shot towards the sea. He could not let the two Being between two big sea monsters, he couldn't protect Lang Xing, so he could only let Lang Xing use the hunter's bow to fight.

Zi Kui didn't want to attack Lang Xing. For it, the most important thing at the moment was to clean up the spirit field, so it also plunged into the sea. But before it entered the sea, it suddenly felt a terrifying threat that made its hair stand on end. Then it felt When its body was trapped and locked by a mysterious force, it was horrified to see a phantom bow opened in front of Lang Xing, with a blood-red sharp arrow on it. Lang Xing's face looked like With ferocious pleasure.

As soon as Zi Kui saw this scene clearly, his eyes were already covered by blood. In the eyes of those who were attacked by the hunter's bow, there was no arrow, but blood sweeping the world. There was no escape, no avoidance...

"Go to hell!" After Long Xing fired the arrow, he let out a loud shout to express the hatred in his heart. He hated these sea monsters who exuded evil from the very core.

Seeing Zi Kui's mutilated body falling into the sea, he turned around without hesitation, activated the hunter's bow again, and pointed the blood arrow under the sea. At this time, his face looked even more ferocious due to the blood loss. .

Lingye launched the most ferocious attack as soon as he took action. He did not want to hurt the enemy, but only wanted to entangle the opponent. He knew very well that the victory or defeat on Langxing's side could only be instantaneous. If Langxing could not succeed, This kid would definitely hide in the Qiankun Bag, and he could only escape first, so he squandered his spiritual power without hesitation while paying attention to the situation on Langxing's side.

The one who intercepted them from the sea was the big sea monster that was only as big as a fist. This thing was very insidious and had been tasked with intercepting and killing them in secret. Originally, it was sure to win against Lingye in the sea, but Lingye's desperate fighting style It was a little tired to deal with it for a while. When the hunting stem bow was opened for the first time, it heard the weird sound that seemed to come from another world. In panic, it thought it was some kind of magic from the spirit field. Although these sea monsters Very few people knew about the Purple Eye Black Snake, but as they were all monsters, they felt the terrifying aura of the Hatred Dzi Pearl more keenly, and the sea monsters including Yulong and Zi Kui involuntarily retreated back.

Seeing that the opponent was shocked, Lang Xing hurriedly led everyone back, not wanting to see an invisible lavender water curtain blocking their retreat.

"Poisonous!" Gongsun Chong saw that this was the water curtain set by Zi Kui and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

At this time, under the orders of the two sea monsters, the sea monsters spread out and formed a huge encirclement.

Lang Xing was having a hard time making a decision. According to the Purple-Eyed Black Snake, the power of the Dzi Bead can reach five thousand miles, which is enough to kill most of the sea monsters, but its poisonous effect can only affect the Feathered Monk within a thousand miles. Causing a threat, Zi Kui and Yu Long are hiding thousands of miles away, and once the Hatred Dzi Bead is used, they will be trapped here and can't leave after an hour. However, with the weakening of the poison, there is no need to wait for an hour for the sea monster You can come over and attack them, and then they can only be beaten passively.

"What do you want?" Gongsun Chong raised his voice and asked Zi Kui and Yu Long. He had dealt with the sea monsters a lot when he was in the Jade Sea and knew what they wanted.

A golden spirit in the late Nascent Soul stage answered on behalf of the two sea monsters, "Didn't you say that you have occupied the Wanfu Cultivation Domain? As long as you agree to a few conditions we proposed, we can live in peace in the future."

"Say." Gongsun Chong stared at it, quite like a lord.

The golden spirit said, "First, you are not allowed to kill the Sea Clan in the future. Our Sea Clan enjoys a distinguished status in this place. No matter who harms the Sea Clan, he will be punished a hundred times."

Gongsun Chong said noncommittally, "What about the second item?"

The golden spirit said, "Second, Wanfu Xiuyu contributes to us a thousand of our designated spiritual grasses, a thousand land beasts, and a thousand ordinary humans every year for us to eat."

Without waiting for Gongsun Chong to ask again, it went on to say the third item, "Third, donate a hundred young monks with excellent qualifications every hundred years to prevent you from becoming bigger in the future."

Lang Xing looked at it with a gloomy look and said, "Is there a fourth one?"

The golden spirit said, "Yes! As long as we take a fancy to everything in Wanfu Cultivation Domain, you must offer it obediently without any tricks. If you don't agree to any of the above four things, you can't even think about hanging around here!"

Langxing laughed wildly and glanced at them with disgusted eyes and said, "You are really greedy. You are evil from the bottom of your heart, far beyond the law of the jungle. I have always been unwilling to kill, but I will not be soft on beasts like you." , listen to me, those who agree with these four points can stay and die, and those who think these four points are too much, don't take action for a while, and run away while the chaos is happening, you can save your life today!"

The golden spirit said angrily, "Those who don't know how to live or die! Do you think these are the only four? I haven't finished yet. You and Gongsun Chong must come with us. We must study your two spells carefully. If you obey, we may be able to do it in the future." Let you come back."

Lang Xing pointed at it and gritted his teeth and said, "You will die today. Enjoy the little time you have left. You will go to hell soon!"

The golden spirit said disdainfully, "After I bring you back, I will let you taste my methods and let you understand where hell is."

At this time, a large hole was penetrated in the water curtain, and Lingye rushed in with Suanyu, Lingjun and other great monks.

Now I can't use the Hate Dzi Bead even more

After using it, the sea monsters also saw this clearly. Under the command of the golden spirit, the encirclement tightened rapidly, and the huge waves hitting the sky made a rumble.

"Go to the sky!" Langxing took the lead and rushed upwards. Staying away from the sea can naturally reduce the mana of these sea clans. With Lingye around, even if Zi Kui tried to block him with a water curtain, it would be of no use.

Langxing used his mind to convey the message to Lingye and said, "There are too many sea monsters. We can't hold out for long. We can only capture the thieves first. You can lead me to pretend to escape and attract the sea monsters to chase us. It would be great if we can kill them."

Lingye hesitated and said, "If the three sea monsters come after us together, the two of us will be in danger. Why don't we put these people into the Qiankun Bag, and I will take you to escape far away first. It will be much easier to get rid of these minions."

Lang Xing said harshly, "Unless this gang of scourges is eliminated, there will never be peace here. If you can hold on for a while, as long as you kill the three culprits, the rest of these bastards will be easy to deal with. I have a hunter's bow. Don't be afraid. Let's go." Bar."

Lingye knew that this was not the time to argue, and that exposing the Immortal Qiankun Bag would cause a lot of trouble, so he pulled up Langxing without further words and flew away towards the coast as if he was running away.

Zi Kui had been staring at Ling Ye, and when he saw it, he immediately chased after him. Its huge body moved so that the world seemed to be shaking, but that was only what everyone felt for a moment. The speed of this big monster flying was not at all Not slow, he was thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye.

Lingye and Langxing were unable to outpace Zikui even if they used the phantom movement technique, and were overtaken before they reached the coast.

"There is a big sea monster in the sea, you come to deal with Zi Kui." Lingye saw that Zi Kui was chasing very close, and after giving an explanation, he left Lang Xing behind and turned into a blue light and shot towards the sea. He could not let the two Being between two big sea monsters, he couldn't protect Lang Xing, so he could only let Lang Xing use the hunter's bow to fight.

Zi Kui didn't want to attack Lang Xing. For it, the most important thing at the moment was to clean up the spirit field, so it also plunged into the sea. But before it entered the sea, it suddenly felt a terrifying threat that made its hair stand on end. Then it felt When its body was trapped and locked by a mysterious force, it was horrified to see a phantom bow opened in front of Lang Xing, with a blood-red sharp arrow on it. Lang Xing's face looked like With ferocious pleasure.

As soon as Zi Kui saw this scene clearly, his eyes were already covered by blood. In the eyes of those who were attacked by the hunter's bow, there was no arrow, but blood sweeping the world. There was no escape, no avoidance...

"Go to hell!" After Long Xing fired the arrow, he let out a loud shout to express the hatred in his heart. He hated these sea monsters who exuded evil from the very core.

Seeing Zi Kui's mutilated body falling into the sea, he turned around without hesitation, activated the hunter's bow again, and pointed the blood arrow under the sea. At this time, his face looked even more ferocious due to the blood loss. .

Lingye launched the most ferocious attack as soon as he took action. He did not want to hurt the enemy, but only wanted to entangle the opponent. He knew very well that the victory or defeat on Langxing's side could only be instantaneous. If Langxing could not succeed, This kid would definitely hide in the Qiankun Bag, and he could only escape first, so he squandered his spiritual power without hesitation while paying attention to the situation on Langxing's side.

The one who intercepted them from the sea was the big sea monster that was only as big as a fist. This thing was very insidious and had been tasked with intercepting and killing them in secret. Originally, it was sure to win against Lingye in the sea, but Lingye's desperate fighting style It was a little tired for a while. When the hunter's bow opened for the first time, it heard the strange sound that seemed to come from another world. In panic, it thought it was some kind of magic from the spirit field.

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