Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2838 My journey stops here

Lingye ran away in panic. Although the hunter's bow was not targeting him, it was terrifying enough to be in the direction pointed by the blood arrow. He did not want to experience this feeling again in his life.

The second blood arrow was shot, and the sea water did not make any waves, but the sea monster that was hundreds of feet deep disappeared.

"Have you killed him?" Lingye ran back to protect Lang Xing with his body-protecting divine light. Although he stared at the big sea monster with his spiritual consciousness when he escaped, at the moment when the blood arrow was shot, that part of him Divine consciousness was dissolved.

Langxing nodded, his eyes still staring at the water. With his pale face, he looked a bit scary. He activated the Hunting Bow twice in succession. The impact of blood loss was secondary, but mainly that The terrifying sound was a bit too much for him to bear.

Lingye breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes, and then used a spiritual power to pull up Zi Kui's huge body floating on the sea, because this great demon cultivator had already transformed into a feather. Although the body was huge, it was extremely light. After falling to the sea, it kept floating lightly with the waves. Lingye took out a washbasin-sized inner elixir that shone with dark purple brilliance and threw it to Lang Xing, and then hung the body that was nearly a thousand feet long. Above his head, he flew towards the battlefield with Lang Xing.

Although there are still jade dragons to deal with, Lingye is much more relaxed now. At least he can escape anytime he wants. "Can you use the hunter's bow again?" he asked a little worriedly.

Langxing gradually calmed down and shook his head first. The terrifying sound made him want to throw the hunter's bow into the sea, but then he remembered the current situation, so he nodded hard again. He must He had to kill Jade Dragon as soon as possible. Even if he suffered again, he would have to grit his teeth and endure it again.

"How about I do it?" Lingye stretched out his hand for the hunter's bow.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "You have too little blood in your body. You can't fight anymore after shooting one arrow. You still need to scare those sea monsters."

The two returned to the battlefield quickly, but the scene here confused them.

The battlefield that should have been filled with swords and swords was quiet. The people in Zixiao Palace and Qianxu Palace were divided into two parts more than a thousand miles apart. Suanyu and others were still setting up formations at their original positions to guard the place. Thousands of miles away were Yundao and Hua. The small group of four people, Ying, Qingyu, Zhuangyu, and Lingjun, should be five people. They each guard one side and protect a dazzling light group in the middle. Langxing can recognize that the light group was created by Sijia Ning. The two separate groups were surrounded by the Kraken, but the encirclement was very large, and both sides just faced off without taking action.

This strange scene made Lingye slow down involuntarily, and soon Kanyu sent a spiritual message to explain the reason to them.

In fact, Zanyu didn't know much about it. What she knew was that after Lingye and Langxing lured Zikui away, the sea monster immediately launched a fierce attack on them. At this time, Sijia and the others actually left the camp and headed toward them. The jade dragon went to kill it. It seemed that he wanted to kill the jade dragon. Everyone was too busy fighting to care about them.

After the jade dragon saw their intentions, he probably wanted to take care of them personally, so he ordered the sea monsters to let them go. Then a fierce battle broke out over there. Even Suiyu didn't see what was going on. Waiting for the battle over there After it subsided, the jade dragon disappeared, and the sea monsters stopped attacking.

As soon as Zuanyu's spiritual message arrived, Yun Dao and others who were far away also saw Lingye and Langxing. Lingjun excitedly said, "We killed the Jade Dragon, it was the saint who killed it!"

Lingye wrinkled

His brows widened, and the huge corpse with Lang Xing and Zi Kui hanging above his head flew past at high speed.

When the sea monsters saw that Zi Kui was dead, they all showed uneasiness. Although the spiritual power of the battle at the feather level just now was too strong, they could not see clearly what happened, but the Jade Dragon is no longer there, which is better. At best, he might be injured and run away; at worst, he might die. Now that Zi Kui is dead again, they only have one of their three great magical powers left at most, but now that Lingye and Lang Xing are back, The remaining leader is probably not much better.

Because everyone felt that the Jade Dragon was in danger, they were afraid of Sijia and others, so they stopped their offensive, hoping to wait for the other two sea monsters to clean up Lingye and then take charge of the battle. Now the three big monster cultivators Maybe it's all over, how can they not panic?

At this time, Wen Bing sent out a powerful spiritual thought and said, "Your three great magical powers are all dead! Please surrender quickly!" As the second disciple of Guanhe Island, although she has a taciturn character, she is naturally influenced by the shrewd ones. Master has learned a lot of tricks from him. Although he is not sure whether all three great demon cultivators are really dead, now is the opportunity to disturb the morale of the other party's soldiers.

As soon as her spiritual thoughts were sent out, Langxing sent out a mighty spiritual thought to disrupt the situation, "There is still one person who is not dead, lurking in the sea, everyone, please be careful!"

Wen Bing frowned, secretly blaming this junior uncle for being so down-to-earth that he couldn't even see such a simple strategy. He was so young.

Little did she know that Lang Xing was cruel and wanted to stabilize these sea monsters so that he could kill more.

"Get together first, and then break out to the shore!" Langxing sent out another divine message. Although this time it was sent to the two groups who were separated, because it was transmitted with the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, So all the high-level sea monsters heard it, but they are not stupid either. They dare not believe Lang Xing's words before seeing the remaining great supernatural power, but they cannot let these people escape so easily. They can't The group that dared to attack Sijia began to launch a fierce attack on Suan Yu and others.

Langxing urged Shui Tingjian and Qiancheng Mansion to rush into the battlefield. Soon, Shui Tingjian's mana was exhausted, but Qiancheng Mansion was more than enough to kill these sea monsters, so wherever he went, blood mist flew up, Kraken rained down on the sea.

This young man is like a god of death at the moment. He is a freak with the ability to transform into feathers. Killing these sea monsters can be said to be chopping up melons and vegetables. Qiancheng Mansion's mana is also used extremely sparingly, because he still has more to consume. The low-mind thoughts can be used to stop drinking. With the continuous shouting, the sea monsters who were attacked were all stunned. The phantom army of Qiancheng Mansion only killed some wood carvings and clay sculptures that showed no resistance.

He rushed towards Sijia first, because Sijia had wrapped himself in a ball of light, and he was worried that Sijia was injured, but before he could get close, he heard Sijia's chanting, Yun Dao and the others protected the light group and came towards him to kill him.

"I'm fine, but Xiaoyu was seriously injured and both arms were disabled. I don't want everyone to see her in such a miserable state." Sijia sent a spiritual message to Langxing.

Langxing understood why Sijia condensed the light group, and rushed over to enter the light group. He saw that Xiaoyu, who was held in Sijia's arms, had both arms missing, and his face showed a look of defeat.

"Both the Qifu and Nascent Soul were injured, but they can recover." Sijia briefly introduced Xiaoyu's injuries.

Xiao Yu bitterly said to Lang Xing, "I just broke through. I was a little too arrogant. This retribution is really painful. My path has stopped here." Ling Yecang fled in panic. Although the target that Lie Gan Bow locked was not He, but being in the direction pointed by the blood arrow was terrifying enough. He didn't want to experience this feeling again in his life.

The second blood arrow was shot, and the sea water did not make any waves, but the sea monster that was hundreds of feet deep disappeared.

"Have you killed him?" Lingye ran back to protect Lang Xing with his body-protecting divine light. Although he stared at the big sea monster with his spiritual consciousness when he escaped, at the moment when the blood arrow was shot, that part of him Divine consciousness was dissolved.

Langxing nodded, his eyes still staring at the water. With his pale face, he looked a bit scary. He activated the Hunting Bow twice in succession. The impact of blood loss was secondary, but mainly that The terrifying sound was a bit too much for him to bear.

Lingye breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes, and then used a spiritual power to pull up Zi Kui's huge body floating on the sea, because this great demon cultivator had already transformed into a feather. Although the body was huge, it was extremely light. After falling to the sea, it kept floating lightly with the waves. Lingye took out a washbasin-sized inner elixir that shone with dark purple brilliance and threw it to Lang Xing, and then hung the body that was nearly a thousand feet long. Above his head, he flew towards the battlefield with Lang Xing.

Although there are still jade dragons to deal with, Lingye is much more relaxed now. At least he can escape anytime he wants. "Can you use the hunter's bow again?" he asked a little worriedly.

Langxing gradually calmed down and shook his head first. The terrifying sound made him want to throw the hunter's bow into the sea, but then he remembered the current situation, so he nodded hard again. He must He had to kill Jade Dragon as soon as possible. Even if he suffered again, he would have to grit his teeth and endure it again.

"How about I do it?" Lingye stretched out his hand for the hunter's bow.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "You have too little blood in your body. You can't fight anymore after shooting one arrow. You still need to scare those sea monsters."

The two returned to the battlefield quickly, but the scene here confused them.

The battlefield that should have been filled with swords and swords was quiet. The people in Zixiao Palace and Qianxu Palace were divided into two parts more than a thousand miles apart. Suanyu and others were still setting up formations at their original positions to guard the place. Thousands of miles away were Yundao and Hua. The small group of four people, Ying, Qingyu, Zhuangyu, and Lingjun, should be five people. They each guard one side and protect a dazzling light group in the middle. Langxing can recognize that the light group was created by Sijia Ning. The two separate groups were surrounded by the Kraken, but the encirclement was very large, and both sides just faced off without taking action.

This strange scene made Lingye slow down involuntarily, and soon Kanyu sent a spiritual message to explain the reason to them.

In fact, Zanyu didn't know much about it. What she knew was that after Lingye and Langxing lured Zikui away, the sea monster immediately launched a fierce attack on them. At this time, Sijia and the others actually left the camp and headed toward them. The jade dragon went to kill it. It seemed that he wanted to kill the jade dragon. Everyone was too busy fighting to care about them.

After the jade dragon saw their intentions, he probably wanted to take care of them personally, so he ordered the sea monsters to let them go. Then a fierce battle broke out over there. Even Suiyu didn't see what was going on. Waiting for the battle over there After it calmed down, the jade dragon disappeared, and the sea monsters stopped attacking.

As soon as Zuanyu's spiritual message arrived, Yun Dao and others who were far away also saw Lingye and Langxing. Lingjun excitedly said, "We killed the Jade Dragon, it was the saint who killed it!"

Lingye wrinkled

His brows widened, and the huge corpse with Lang Xing and Zi Kui hanging above his head flew past at high speed.

When the sea monsters saw that Zi Kui was dead, they all showed uneasiness. Although the spiritual power of the battle at the feather level just now was too strong, they could not see clearly what happened, but the Jade Dragon is no longer there, which is better. At best, he might be injured and run away; at worst, he might die. Now that Zi Kui is dead again, they only have one of their three great magical powers left at most, but now that Lingye and Lang Xing are back, The remaining leader is probably not much better.

Because everyone felt that the Jade Dragon was in danger, they were afraid of Sijia and others, so they stopped their offensive, hoping to wait for the other two sea monsters to clean up Lingye and then take charge of the battle. Now the three big monster cultivators Maybe it's all over, how can they not panic?

At this time, Wen Bing sent out a powerful spiritual thought and said, "Your three great magical powers are all dead! Please surrender quickly!" As the second disciple of Guanhe Island, although she has a taciturn character, she is naturally influenced by the shrewd ones. Master has learned a lot of tricks from him. Although he is not sure whether all three great demon cultivators are really dead, now is the opportunity to disturb the morale of the other party's soldiers.

As soon as her spiritual thoughts were sent out, Langxing sent out a mighty spiritual thought to disrupt the situation, "There is still one person who is not dead, lurking in the sea, everyone, please be careful!"

Wen Bing frowned, secretly blaming this junior uncle for being so down-to-earth that he couldn't even see such a simple strategy. He was so young.

Little did she know that Lang Xing was cruel and wanted to stabilize these sea monsters so that he could kill more.

"Get together first, and then break out to the shore!" Langxing sent out another divine message. Although this time it was sent to the two groups who were separated, because it was transmitted with the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, So all the high-level sea monsters heard it, but they are not stupid either. They dare not believe Lang Xing's words before seeing the remaining great supernatural power, but they cannot let these people escape so easily. They can't The group that dared to attack Sijia began to launch a fierce attack on Suan Yu and others.

Langxing urged Shui Tingjian and Qiancheng Mansion to rush into the battlefield. Soon, Shui Tingjian's mana was exhausted, but Qiancheng Mansion was more than enough to kill these sea monsters, so wherever he went, blood mist flew up, Kraken rained down on the sea.

This young man is like a god of death at the moment. He is a freak with the ability to transform into feathers. Killing these sea monsters can be said to be chopping up melons and vegetables. Qiancheng Mansion's mana is also used extremely sparingly, because he still has more to consume. The low-mind thoughts can be used to stop drinking. With the continuous shouting, the sea monsters who were attacked were all stunned. The phantom army of Qiancheng Mansion only killed some wood carvings and clay sculptures that showed no resistance.

He rushed towards Sijia first, because Sijia had wrapped himself in a ball of light, and he was worried that Sijia was injured, but before he could get close, he heard Sijia's chanting, Yun Dao and the others protected the light group and came towards him to kill him.

"I'm fine, but Xiaoyu was seriously injured and both arms were disabled. I don't want everyone to see her in such a miserable state." Sijia sent a spiritual message to Langxing.

Langxing understood why Sijia condensed the light group, and rushed over to enter the light group. He saw that Xiaoyu, who was held in Sijia's arms, had both arms missing, and his face showed a look of defeat.

"Both the Qifu and Nascent Soul were injured, but they can recover." Sijia briefly introduced Xiaoyu's injuries.

Xiao Yu bitterly said to Lang Xing, "I just broke through. I was a little too arrogant. This retribution is really painful. My path stops here."

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