Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2855 You are so bad

When the three of them found Lang Xing, Lang Xing guessed what was going on as soon as he saw Su Wan's proud look.

Before Su Wan could speak, he showed disdain and said, "You know I'm judging a gentleman with a villain's heart."

Su Wan knew she was in the wrong, and rebuked with a smile in her eyes, "Stop talking so much nonsense! Take us to see Tuntian quickly."

Langxing snorted disdainfully, said nothing else, and took the three of them to fly towards the hiding place of the two little frogs. He had originally planned to go there and check it out.

The four of them came to the hiding place of the two little frogs. The three women were waiting in the distance, and Langxing carefully went to investigate.

After a while, the three girls saw Lang Xing coming back with a dark purple ball the size of a copper basin. Two little frogs were squatting on the ball with their eyes shining. It was Zi Kui's inner elixir, which lasted tens of thousands of years. The inner elixir of the great demon cultivator is much more expensive than the ordinary ten thousand year inner elixir gold.

"Don't move, don't move at all. These two things are very protective of food." Langxing reminded the three girls as he slowly flew this way.

Su Wan was very familiar with Tuntian, and she carefully greeted Tuntian with her spiritual thoughts. Tuntian gave her face and made a soft cooing sound in her throat.

Lang Xing was so frightened that he hurriedly said to Su Wan, "You should stay away first. Now that you are a monk, it will be more wary of you."

Su Wan glared at Tuntian angrily, which made the female frog bulge her belly, and Su Wan hurriedly retreated away.

Lang Xing really wanted to laugh, but now was not the time.

Huaying asked Lang Xing softly, "Why did you give them such a big inner elixir? They can't even eat it."

Lang Xing said with a bad smile, "It's precisely because they couldn't eat it that I used this inner elixir to coax them. The female frog couldn't break through after eating the inner elixir from the dragon's heart. She wants to ask me for another one. I'm afraid she will continue to eat it." It’s unbearable to take the Ten Thousand Years Pill, so I’ll use this one to coax it first.”

"You are so bad." Yun Dao looked at the two little frogs happily guarding such a big inner elixir, feeling funny and sympathetic.

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "It's not just for you to understand. Only in this way can we make them both obedient."

After a while of wooing, Langxing finally made the two little frogs accept Su Wan. Su Wan had long been accustomed to this, while Yundao and Huaying were even more envious of his ability.

"What to do next?" Huaying asked eagerly.

Lang Xing pointed to a big stone on the ground, "Hang this stone in the air, let's each set up a defense, and I'll let them attack the stone."

The stone was two feet big and weighed over ten thousand kilograms, but it was nothing to them. Huaying grabbed it and hung it in the air. Langxing was the first to set up a defensive formation outside the stone. Huaying deliberately hesitated for a while, and after Su Wan and Yundao set up their magic circles, she set up her own magic circle outside. If you want to feel the most clearly, you must set up the magic circle on the outermost layer. It is beneficial.

"Get behind me." Lang Xing and the other three people all retreated behind themselves, using their mental powers to issue an order to attack the two little frogs.


With a cry, Huaying's hand holding the magic weapon trembled. Because they wanted to feel the magic power of the little frog, they were all activating their respective magic circles. This cry shook Huaying's Qi Palace.

Only the female frog jumped up and attacked, because Lang Xing had just given it Zi Kui's inner elixir, so it was very good with Lang Xing at the moment.

Lang Xing turned to the three women with a little embarrassment, "This bastard Tun Tian doesn't even bother to attack a stone. I

Talk to it again. "

The three women all nodded to express their understanding. It was indeed a bit disrespectful to let such a big spiritual beast attack the stone. Only Lang Xing could do such a thing.

Yundao asked Huaying, "How do you feel?"

Huaying frowned and reminisced, "It is similar to other sound spells, but there is something unspeakable, and it feels very uncomfortable. That kind of magic mainly attacks the heart and can stop the heartbeat."

As soon as she finished speaking, Langxing had already negotiated with Tuntian and warned, "Be careful, don't activate the magic circle too strongly to avoid injury." After the instructions, he gave the order to the two little frogs again. .



Two little frogs jumped up from the inner alchemy at the same time, and the spiritual clouds on their abdomens flashed red.

The faces of the four people changed color at the same time, and the big stone disappeared in an instant. If you look closely, you can tell that there is a slight mist within a radius of several thousand feet, and a large stone of ten thousand kilograms has been transformed into an indiscernible shape. of dust.

Huaying, who bore the brunt of the attack, turned pale. Now she regrets it. Perhaps it would be more advantageous to place the magic circle behind someone else's magic circle. The magic power emitted by the two little frogs was too powerful, and her magic circle was destroyed in an instant. There was no time to feel it.

Yun Dao was not much stronger than her, and he didn't feel much.

Su Wan underestimated the power of the two little frogs and deployed the magic power too small, and her magic circle was destroyed instantly.

Lang Xing knew it best. When the three women were upset, he narrowed his eyes and was obviously savoring something.

"Can we do it again?" Su Wan used her spiritual energy to grab a bigger stone from the ground.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "This won't work. I think it's better to do it bit by bit. First feel the power of a small frog's attack, and then feel their combined attack. We are a bit too anxious."

Su Wan thought it was reasonable, threw away the stone, flew more than a thousand feet, and said, "I'll go first, let the female frog attack me." She had played with Tuntian a lot before, and she was very familiar with Tuntian's magic power.

Langxing carefully put Tuntian into his sleeves, fearing an accident. The female frog followed his instructions, jumped up and called to Su Wan.

"Come again." Su Wan frowned slightly.

Langxing asked the female frog to call a few more times before Su Wan retreated thoughtfully.

Yundao and Huaying were not only envious but also a little jealous. Su Wan's unique advantage was so enviable that they couldn't command Lang Xing so confidently.

"Can we still let it bark again?" Huaying asked cautiously.

"Let it rest for a while." Langxing handed the Zikui inner elixir and the female frog to Yun Dao, then flew away with Huaying, called out Tuntian, and said, "Come and try this, stay away. , thousands of feet away.”

This time Huaying felt it clearly enough, feeling that his heart was about to be shattered, and then Yundao also felt it.

Then the four of them started to understand each other.

In the next few days, they felt the attacks of the two little frogs in various ways, and then Huaying and Yundao found a quiet place to meditate.

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a meaningful look and asked, "Did you realize anything?"

Su Wan glanced at him, looked into the distance and pursed her lips without answering. This time she couldn't stop Lang Xing from gossiping about her. The combined attack of the two little frogs and their fight against the thunder must be comparable to each other. Come to understand, there are similarities between the two. When the three found Lang Xing, Lang Xing guessed what was going on by looking at Su Wan's proud look.

Before Su Wan could speak, he showed disdain and said, "You know I'm judging a gentleman with a villain's heart."

Su Wan knew she was in the wrong, and rebuked with a smile in her eyes, "Stop talking so much nonsense! Take us to see Tuntian quickly."

Langxing snorted disdainfully, said nothing else, and took the three of them to fly towards the hiding place of the two little frogs. He had originally planned to go there and check it out.

The four of them came to the hiding place of the two little frogs. The three women were waiting in the distance, and Langxing carefully went to investigate.

After a while, the three girls saw Lang Xing coming back with a dark purple ball the size of a copper basin. Two little frogs were squatting on the ball with their eyes shining. It was Zi Kui's inner elixir, which lasted tens of thousands of years. The inner elixir of the great demon cultivator is much more expensive than the ordinary ten thousand year inner elixir gold.

"Don't move, don't move at all. These two things are very protective of food." Langxing reminded the three girls as he slowly flew this way.

Su Wan was very familiar with Tuntian, and she carefully greeted Tuntian with her spiritual thoughts. Tuntian gave her face and made a soft cooing sound in her throat.

Lang Xing was so frightened that he hurriedly said to Su Wan, "You should stay away first. Now that you are a monk, it will be more wary of you."

Su Wan glared at Tuntian angrily, which made the female frog bulge her belly, and Su Wan hurriedly retreated away.

Lang Xing really wanted to laugh, but now was not the time.

Huaying asked Lang Xing softly, "Why did you give them such a big inner elixir? They can't even eat it."

Lang Xing said with a bad smile, "It's precisely because they couldn't eat it that I used this inner elixir to coax them. The female frog couldn't break through after eating the inner elixir from the dragon's heart. She wants to ask me for another one. I'm afraid she will continue to eat it." It’s unbearable to take the Ten Thousand Years Pill, so I’ll use this one to coax it first.”

"You are so bad." Yun Dao looked at the two little frogs happily guarding such a big inner elixir, feeling funny and sympathetic.

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "It's not just for you to understand. Only in this way can we make them both obedient."

After a while of wooing, Langxing finally made the two little frogs accept Su Wan. Su Wan had long been accustomed to this, while Yundao and Huaying were even more envious of his ability.

"What to do next?" Huaying asked eagerly.

Langxing pointed to a big stone on the ground, "Hang this stone in the air, let's each set up a defense, and I'll let them attack the stone."

The stone was two feet big and weighed over ten thousand kilograms, but it was nothing to them. Huaying grabbed it and hung it in the air. Langxing was the first to set up a defensive formation outside the stone. Huaying deliberately delayed, and after Su Wan and Yundao set up their own magic circles, she set up her own magic circle outside. If you want to feel the most clearly, you must set up the magic circle on the outermost layer. It is beneficial.

"Get behind me." Lang Xing and the other three people all retreated behind themselves, using their mental powers to issue an order to attack the two little frogs.


With a cry, Huaying's hand holding the magic weapon trembled. Because they wanted to feel the magic power of the little frog, they were all activating their respective magic circles. This cry shook Huaying's Qi Palace.

Only the female frog jumped up and attacked, because Lang Xing had just given it Zi Kui's inner elixir, so it was very good with Lang Xing at the moment.

Lang Xing turned to the three women with a little embarrassment, "This bastard Tun Tian doesn't even bother to attack a stone. I

Talk to it again. "

The three women all nodded to express their understanding. It was indeed a bit disrespectful to let such a big spiritual beast attack the stone. Only Lang Xing could do such a thing.

Yundao asked Huaying, "How do you feel?"

Huaying frowned and reminisced, "It is similar to other sound spells, but there is something unspeakable, and it feels very uncomfortable. That kind of magic mainly attacks the heart and can stop the heartbeat."

As soon as she finished speaking, Langxing had already negotiated with Tuntian and warned, "Be careful, don't activate the magic circle too strongly to avoid injury." After the instructions, he gave the order to the two little frogs again. .



Two little frogs jumped up from the inner alchemy at the same time, and the spiritual clouds on their abdomens flashed red.

The faces of the four people changed color at the same time, and the big stone disappeared in an instant. If you look closely, you can tell that there is a slight mist within a radius of several thousand feet, and a large stone of 10,000 kilograms has been transformed into an indiscernible shape. of dust.

Huaying, who bore the brunt of the attack, turned pale. Now she regrets it. Perhaps it would be more advantageous to place the magic circle behind someone else's magic circle. The magic power emitted by the two little frogs was too powerful, and her magic circle was destroyed in an instant. There was no time to feel it.

Yun Dao was not much stronger than her, and he didn't feel much.

Su Wan underestimated the power of the two little frogs and deployed the magic power too small, and her magic circle was destroyed instantly.

Lang Xing knew it best. When the three women were annoyed, he narrowed his eyes and was obviously savoring something.

"Can we do it again?" Su Wan used her spiritual energy to grab a bigger stone from the ground.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "This won't work. I think it's better to do it bit by bit. First feel the power of a small frog's attack, and then feel their combined attack. We are a bit too anxious."

Su Wan thought it was reasonable, threw away the stone, flew more than a thousand feet, and said, "I'll go first, let the female frog attack me." She had played with Tuntian a lot before, and she was very familiar with Tuntian's magic power.

Langxing carefully put Tuntian into his sleeve, fearing an accident. The female frog followed his instructions, jumped up and called to Su Wan.

"Come again." Su Wan frowned slightly.

Langxing asked the female frog to call a few more times before Su Wan retreated thoughtfully.

Yundao and Huaying were not only envious but also a little jealous. Su Wan's unique advantage was so enviable that they couldn't command Lang Xing so confidently.

"Can we still let it bark again?" Huaying asked cautiously.

"Let it rest for a while." Langxing handed the Zikui inner elixir and the female frog to Yun Dao, then flew away with Huaying, called out Tuntian, and said, "Come and try this, stay away. , thousands of feet away.”

This time Huaying felt it clearly enough, feeling that his heart was about to be shattered, and then Yundao also felt it.

Then the four of them started to understand each other.

In the next few days, they felt the attacks of the two little frogs in various ways, and then Huaying and Yundao found a quiet place to meditate.

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a meaningful look and asked, "Did you realize anything?"

Su Wan glanced at him, looked into the distance and pursed her lips without answering. This time she couldn't stop Lang Xing from gossiping about her. The combined attack of the two little frogs and their fight against the thunder must be comparable to each other. Come to enlightenment, there are similarities between the two.

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