Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2856 You are people who follow the way of heaven

Lang Xing smiled disdainfully, and instead of gossiping as Su Wan expected, he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Everything was left unsaid. This was to give Su Wan a crisp slap in the face without giving her a chance to fight back.

Su Wan was so angry at his pretentious look that her teeth itched, she pursed her lips and wanted to sneak attack him, but as soon as she raised her hand, the Zi Kui inner elixir floated from in front of Lang Xing to behind her, and of course there were There were two little frogs lying on it. It was obvious that Langxing had guessed what she was thinking. He didn't even look back, and his floating figure became more calm and leisurely.

Su Wan didn't dare to mess with these two little frogs, so she bit her lips in anger, but then she laughed out of anger. Chess is only fun when you meet your opponent. Although Lang Xing is not as sharp as Xun Yi, he can't lose in terms of fun.

"You brat! No matter how smart you are, you still look like a fool in front of me!" Su Wan looked at Lang Xing's retreating figure and said something in her heart to relieve her anger, with a proud look in her eyes. This confidence came from Bi. Lang Xing's extra knowledge of reincarnation.

Yes, for those who know about reincarnation, everyone else is a fool, just like one person has his eyes open and the other person is blindfolded.

After defeating Lang Xing in her heart, Su Wan happily returned to her residence in Zixiao Courtyard to meditate.

Both of them knew that the combined attack power of the two little frogs was close to the magic power of heaven, and the magic power of the two of them drinking the scattered sky thunder was similar to it. In order to better understand the mystery, the two of them should get close. They secretly meditated together, but the two of them had a tacit understanding and shelved this most suitable path.

The main reason for this would make monks all over the world get so angry that they beat their chests - the two of them haven't had enough fun and don't want to lose the joy of the moment. People who fall in love cannot use common sense to deduce. They can risk their lives for love, let alone the Dao.

Of course, these two people also have some secondary reasons, such as hesitation about becoming immortals and reverence for the way of heaven.

After becoming an immortal, you can get rid of God

In control? The two of them are not sure about this, but they are quite sure about another thing, that is, once they understand the magic power of Drinking Sky Thunder, their current good life will probably be gone.

The current inseparable relationship is something that the two of them enjoy, and it is also a distance that can avoid incurring divine punishment. If they get closer again, it will be difficult to say.

Langxing went to find the senior and second senior sisters, and told them about the Tuntian couple, and then asked the two senior sisters to accompany him to find the fairy concubine Fu Feng. Since he promised the fairy concubine, he would enlighten her about the two little frogs. If you have a chance, you have to keep your word.

Tuntian first followed Xunyi, so he was an old acquaintance with Zhixia and Xiaochun. As for the Fairy Princess Fu Feng, Langxing thought that it would be easier for her and Tuntian to get along with each other because they were from the beast tribe. Unexpectedly, he thought the opposite. Tuntian feeds on the beast race and is full of hostility towards this beast race's great magical power. This makes Langxing spend a lot of effort and survive for three days in a row before the two little frogs accept the Fu Feng Fairy Princess. Immortal Concubine Fu Feng was extremely grateful to Lang Xing. Not only did she form an alliance with Zixiao Palace, she also took the initiative to recognize Lang Xing as her younger brother.

After letting the three fairy concubines experience the magic power of the two little frogs, Langxing went to visit the immortal concubine Fu Feng who was recovering from her injuries in the cave of Immortal Concubine Fu Feng.

This fairy concubine with round and round beauty has obviously lost a lot of weight at this moment, is weak and pale. She was injured too seriously. Not only the physical injuries have not yet recovered, but her cultivation has also fallen to the late Yuan Ying stage. When she saw Lang Xing , her eyes shrank, revealing a look of fear.

Langxing smiled apologetically at her, sat across the table from her, looked at her with sincere eyes and said, "Fairy Concubine Fu Feng has just recognized me as her junior brother, and has become an ally with Zixiao Palace. I would like to express my gratitude to you again." I promise, no one will come to hurt you, just rest in peace and recover.”

Selling the immortal concubines again and again

Nodding, he explained eagerly, "You said last time that I knew that my relationship with my senior brother had long been at odds, so I had no desire to avenge him. To this day, I have not asked Sister Fu Feng who killed him."

Langxing said calmly, "He died at the hands of Xiyang, Jiangxiao, and Gongsun Chong. This can be regarded as retribution. He should not have messed with Xiyang and Jiangxiao. These two people must avenge themselves." "

"Oh, if that's the case, there's nothing much to say." Princess Pinshen nodded, "He does have plans for Xiyang and Jiangxiao's spells. I can see that these two people are extraordinary, and I have advised him not to do it. I brought trouble on my own, but he ridiculed me and said I was too cowardly, not wanting him to actually lose his life because of it.”

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "These three people must be his doom. I hope you can let go of this grudge and stop arguing with Sijia, Yun Dao and Huaying. In that situation, they only Can be cruel."

Concubine Pinshenxian felt ashamed and said, "It makes me feel ashamed to say this. I was the one who attacked you first. I know very well that the three of them were merciful. Otherwise, I would have died a long time ago. If they could have spared my life, I can't thank them enough, why would I argue with them? That would be a fool. Little Immortal, you are kind-hearted. It is thanks to you that I can save my life. I have long wanted to say thank you." After saying that, he left the table and knelt down on the ground to worship.

Lang Xing used his spiritual power to lift her up and said, "Logically speaking, they in Xiyang are repaying their grievances by killing your senior brother. There's nothing good to say about it, but it seems a bit overbearing for us to break into the Wanfu Cultivation Domain and seize this territory."

Princess Pinshen said calmly, "Strength is the most important thing in the cultivating world. You can't say you are overbearing by taking this territory based on your ability. We also grabbed this territory from others."

Lang Xing waved his hands and said, "I don't agree with this truth. I prefer to talk about justice. The main reason why we grab this territory is because almost all of them are evil people here, and there are only a few good people."

We have given them proper arrangements to ensure they have a better cultivation environment than before. "

Princess Pinshen said, "Sister Fu Feng told me something. I know that the Wanfu Alliance has gained the support of all ethnic groups in a short period of time. If it can be managed in this way, this place will definitely become a truly blessed land. You are Those who practice the Way of Heaven are the most amazing and unique people I have ever met.”

Lang Xing showed a friendly smile and said, "The Immortal Concubine has prestige here. If she really agrees with our approach, then if she can come forward to support the Wanfu Alliance, it will be a blessing for the Wanfu Alliance and the cultivation world here."

Concubine Pinshen laughed at herself and said, "Stop calling me Fairy Concubine. I am not an Immortal Concubine. I am just a useless person. If you need me to step in, I will obey your orders. Just don't treat me like a Fairy Concubine." I really have no shame in pretending to be a fairy concubine anymore.”

Lang Xing smiled slightly and said, "I'm just a little monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Why don't you call me Little Immortal Lord? There may not be only one avenue, and the path that everyone takes may not be the right one. Your cultivation level Falling may not be a big deal, but everyone thinks it will be difficult to improve after falling. "

Concubine Pinshenxian had been waiting for him to mention this topic, her excited eyes flashed, and she held her breath waiting for him to continue.

Langxing smiled and said, "Just rest in peace and recuperate for now. Let's talk after the injury is healed. I will try my best to help you. Just think of it as compensation to resolve the grudges, but it depends on your understanding. I hope so much." I can have one more fairy concubine to protect the Wanfu Cultivation Domain and the Wanfu Alliance, so you don’t have to doubt my sincerity. As long as you stay in the Wanfu Cultivation Domain, we will always protect you and help you until you truly regard us as friend."

Princess Pinshen nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay! I will stay, and I swear not to have any desire for revenge." After saying that, she took out the oath blood and made the oath.

Lang Xing left a warm smile, turned and left.

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