Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2857 Good people can abide by their conscience

If you want to build a paradise, you must have strong strength. Lang Xing does not want to be tied here to protect this territory, so the Fairy Princess who is not too bad in character is worthy of support, and in order to take her back as soon as possible Shu Yan, he needs to increase his strength to ensure that when necessary, he can pull out a team that Hu Tian dare not fight against.

Fulfilling the promise he made to Fu Fengxian Fei, Langxing accompanied his two senior sisters back to meditate. A few days later, when the two little frogs came to rest, he went to find Qimu Xianzun and Yuanyang Xianzun and asked them to do the same. After feeling the magical power of Little Frog, Qimu Xianzun has long since become a powerful outer elder of Huayue Sect, so he will naturally give him the benefits he can.

After seeing the magic power of the two little frogs, the two immortals were extremely grateful. Yuanyang Immortal had already been thinking hard about establishing a relationship with Lang Xing, so after receiving such a great favor, he was naturally more determined to have a relationship with Lang Xing. As he got closer, Langxing took the opportunity to reveal the identity of the elder of the outer sect of Qimu Xianzun. Only then did Yuanyang Xianzun understand why Qimu was so good to Langxing.

Before Lang Xing could say anything more, he said with a smile, "I have received such a great favor, and I should do my best to repay it. If you don't mind, I will be a deputy to fellow Taoist Qi Mu."

Lang Xing laughed, handed him a talisman of an outer elder, and said, "No matter how crazy the Huayue Sect is, they can't be crazy enough to let an Immortal Lord only serve as a deputy elder. We established this Huayue Sect just for fun." , but as there are more and more disciples to take care of, it is necessary for this sect to continue to exist. If my uncle is willing to condescend, he should also become an outer sect elder. "

Immortal Master Yuanyang took the talisman and said happily, "Okay, as long as you can join, it doesn't matter your position. Although I don't know who is in this sect yet, I know that it is an honor for me to join. Thank you, the leader, for your love." ”

Lang Xing smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's an honor for us that our uncle is willing to play with us. This sect doesn't have so many rules, and I'm not the material to be in power. Fortunately, we are all on our own, and everything is easy to discuss."

Immortal Master Yuanyang said with a smile, "Only people like you can run such a sect. Even if you change to a mid-level Yu Yu, you may not be able to do it."

only passed

In one year, the Wanfu Alliance has managed the Wanfu Xiuyu Domain completely new. This is due to the small number of human races. Wu Yinzi and others have a deep understanding of this. Human beings are the greatest harm. The laws of the Wanfu Alliance The law is much simpler than the laws of the Heavenly Law Alliance, because the Beast Tribe and the Flower Tribe don't have so many twists and turns, and everyone knows what is fair and unfair.

The original plan of Zhilu Guard and Yiling Guard to stay for several years seemed unnecessary, so they returned early with a group of fugitives who needed to be brought back. Wanfu League prepared a generous thank you gift for them, but Wuyinzi couldn't refuse it, so she had to take it with her.

Jiangxiao led the Wanfu Alliance to hold a grand farewell ceremony for them. Thousands of flower tribes and beast tribes filled the sky with light, expressing their gratitude to the two teams. Comparing the days before and now, they are From the bottom of your heart, you are grateful to these two righteous teachers for bringing them happiness and peace.

Xiuzhi and Mu Cai waved to Langxing in the queue, wanting to return the two defensive treasures that Langxing had given them before the battle. Langxing flew over, smiled and waved, "Keep it, take care. Remember what I told you and find some hope for your future life.”

Mu Cai looked at the happy farewell camp and sighed quietly, "If I had lived in such an environment, I wouldn't have reached this stage today."

Xiuzhi rolled her eyes and said, "You have to ask yourself first whether you deserve to live in such an environment. People like you are a disaster here."

Mu Cai was unconvinced and said, "Who is born to be a bad person? Although I have many bad habits, most of them were forced out of me."

Xiuzhi said disapprovingly, "There were many people who suffered more than you when they were young, but most of them could abide by their conscience. You are not a good person at heart."

Langxing was afraid that Mu Cai would be embarrassed, so he hurriedly said, "Human

There are indeed differences in nature, but no matter how evil a person is, if they have lived in a good environment since childhood, they will not be too bad. On the contrary, in a dirty place like Puyunzhou, good people will also turn bad. "

Xiuzhi shook his head and said, "Although there is this influence, a truly good person can still abide by his conscience. You and Ji Ming are both immortal kings of Zixiao Palace, but I don't think he has been infected in any way."

Mu Cai said convinced this time, "Needless to say, they both would rather die than do anything wrong. I admit that I can't compare with them."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "This has a lot to do with the stories of karma and retribution I heard when I was a child. I have always been in awe in my heart and dare not do anything wrong. You are just more courageous than me."

Xiuzhi sighed and said, "You are either timid or smart. When I was reduced to the Yiling Guards, I understood the truth that the sky net is sparse and not leaking out. How can man's calculations be better than heaven's calculations? It's a pity, I understand so much." It’s too late, if I could realize this earlier, I would be more timid than you.” .??.

Lang Xing encouraged, "As long as you truly understand the truth, it is never too late. Those who deceive themselves and others are the stupidest people. There are too many such people, so you are now stronger than many people." ”

Xiuzhi nodded, smiled broadly and said, "I really hope you can go camping in ancient times like you did with your destiny, so that I can have a good friend."

Mu Cai covered her mouth and smiled and said, "You are really doing a disservice. This is not a curse on him, but it would be great if he could go camping in ancient times."

Lang Xing pointed at the two of them and said, "You can't just hope for me, but I still hope for the best for you. I hope you can have the opportunity to leave Yilingwei and come to Wanfu Xiuyu one day."

Mu Cai's eyes showed longing, and she sighed, "Let's go to the next life, this life can only be like this."

Xiuzhi smiled faintly and didn't say anything. She thought of the soulless soul that she fell in love with. If there was a next life, she wouldn't care to go there.

Well, as long as I can see Wuhun again.

After leaving Mu Cai and Xiuzhi, Langxing was pulled over by Huahu. Lingxiang complained to Langxing, "Do you think Jiangxiao can do things like this? When we were needed, he promised this, promised that, etc. She agreed, and the three of us were excitedly preparing to stay in the Wanfu Cultivation Domain. Wuyinzi also agreed to help us put in a good word to the Tianlu Alliance, and let the three of us serve as liaison envoys between the Wanfu Alliance and the Tianlu Alliance. But when I told Jiang Xiao about this just now, she disliked us again and said that we would only cause trouble and cause trouble for her. "

Lang Xing laughed loudly, pointed at the three of them and said, "Don't talk about Jiangxiao, I also despise you. You are the only three pieces of material. I think you should stay in the Law Guards. Only the Law Guards can make you restrained." point."

Hua Hu was so angry that he cursed, "You villain! You two villains! We have worked hard for you for more than a year in vain!"

Lang Xing laughed even harder and said without any shame, "Stop talking cheaply. When you three see the battlefield, it's like meeting your biological father. I don't know you three yet?"

Lingxiang said with a smile, "Let's not talk about our credit and hard work. For our friendship, you can go and say a few good words to Jiangxiao and just give us a place. We promise not to cause trouble, mainly because Hei Xiode A good training environment will allow him to break through as soon as possible.”

Lang Xing said, "If you want to say that, then I will help you. I will ask Jiang Xiao to send a letter to the Tianlu Alliance as the leader of the Wanfu Alliance, inviting the three of you to be the liaison envoys."

Huahu patted Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "You are still honest. We promise not to cause trouble in Wanfu Xiuyu. If your hands are itchy, go to other places to cause trouble. Just leave us alone."

Langxing smiled and scolded, "I know you three are holding back this idea. You will be free from now on. Even the Law Enforcement Guards will not be able to control you. It is equivalent to being free from Yiling Guards. What will God do to you three?" It’s so good, it’s really eye-opening.”

These words made Lingxiang and the three of them laugh smugly.

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