Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2869 I’m afraid that what you buy doesn’t look good

The sun is blazing, but the autumn wind blowing has already become cool.

Under the sunshine at noon, the streets of Wanliu City are bustling with people. The sounds of hawkers, calls, laughter, and the neighing of mules and horses mix together. The rising smoke, accompanied by the aroma of food, keeps getting into people's nostrils. .

A pair of young men and women slowly came to this lively street market. The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes with a somewhat honest face, while the woman had a delicate face and a gentle look. In order to hide from others, the two agreed to become vulgar and cheerful. Xing followed the instructions honestly. Not only did her eyebrows become thicker, her lips became thicker, her eyes did not look as good as before, and her skin became rough and darkened. But Su Wan was not willing to make herself look ugly, although she also She has changed a bit, but she is still beautiful in the human world. Coupled with her gentle temperament, men who walk by can't help but take a few more glances.

At this time, she frowned, standing at the end of the market as if facing a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

Lang Xing didn't dare to move forward and whispered in Su Wan's ear, "Forget it, let's get out of here quickly."

Amelia Su pursed her lips unwillingly, and finally nodded her head in resignation, turned around and walked away quickly.

When they reached a small forest in a sparsely populated area, the two of them took a few deep breaths.

A happy evil smile appeared on Lang Xing's honest face. He had a low level of cultivation and had often traveled to the mortal world before, so his ability to tolerate the filthy atmosphere of the mortal world was much stronger than Su Wan's.

Su Wan endured the disgust in her chest and glared at Lang Xing angrily. She didn't care what she said and walked quickly out of the city. She was really disgusted and couldn't stay here longer. She had to get there as soon as possible. A refreshing place should be used to slow down this energy, otherwise they will have to vomit out, because the two of them have already closed their cultivation bases and cannot use their cultivation bases to calm down the annoyance. ??

"I just said you can't stand it. You have to be brave. You know this time." Lang Xing followed her, looking gloating.

"Shut up!" Su Wan felt that Langxing looked like a fly, which made her annoyance even more unbearable, but she didn't dare to say a word other than this scolding, for fear that she would spit it out if she opened her mouth again.

Arriving outside the city, Su Wan chose a secluded path and ran wildly. Although her cultivation was useless, her body was transformed into feathers and gold, and she could run much faster than a rabbit.

"Hi! Hi! Hi! We agreed that everything should be done as normal, so it doesn't matter if you run so fast." Lang Xing chased and joked.

Su Wan ignored him and ran to a dense forest far away from Wanliu City before breathing greedily. After a while, the fresh air of the wilderness took away her annoyance.

Langxing waited until she recovered and then handed over a silver hairpin with a smile, "You lost this when you ran away. Please fix your hair quickly. If others see your dignity, there will definitely be misunderstandings."

Su Wan grabbed the silver hairpin with her hands, her face turned red and white while she was arranging her hair, but the more she fumbled, the more messy she became. She was used to using her spiritual consciousness as a mirror and using her spiritual power to help comb it. At this moment, she had neither a mirror nor any magic power. This becomes not so easy.

"This stupid little wife." Lang Xing smiled and stepped forward to help her pull up a simple bun and insert the silver hairpin.

Su Wan pushed him away, touched her bun, and said pitifully, "I have been to the mortal world before, and I never found it so unbearable. Let's change the city."

Lang Xing said disgustedly, "You don't admit your mistakes. Is this a matter of changing places? Now that you have transformed into a feather and cultivated a body, you are naturally different from before. You still have to do it?"

She is such a stupid woman to run to the most crowded places. "

Su Wan said firmly, "Since it is an experience, you have to experience it."

"Then you should take it easy and take your time. What's the difference between rushing in so stupidly and rushing directly into the poisonous formation?"

"You're not done yet, are you?" Su Wan kicked him towards him.

Lang Xing smiled and dodged away, saying complacently, "You'd better listen to my arrangements. I'm much more familiar with the mortal world than you are."

"What's there to be proud of?" Su Wan gave him a contemptuous look, took out the Qiankun bag and said, "Go and make arrangements quickly. I'm hungry and have to eat something." The two agreed that they would only get food from the Qiankun bag. Only then can you unlock a little bit of cultivation.

Langxing couldn't help being amused when he saw her arranging her hair immediately after untying her cultivation, and said sarcastically, "I just ate before coming here. My fairy concubine hasn't been able to eat much for ten or eight years. How can you eat better than a pig?" "

"It's up to you!" Su Wan took out a fruit not much bigger than sesame seeds and stuffed it into her mouth. This didn't violate the agreement.

Langxing flew up and flew towards a high mountain in the distance.

"You're cheating!" Seeing that he had used his cultivation, Su Wan hurriedly flew after him.

Lang Xing turned to look at her disdainfully and said, "You still have the nerve to accuse me of cheating. Since it is up to me to make the arrangements, I have to build a house first and postpone the experience for one day. Let's officially start tomorrow."

"No! You have to rely on your strength to build the house, so that it can be original." Su Wanfa said in a bad way. After all, building a house has to be done by men.

Langxing stopped, pointed to the wild grassy wilderness below and said, "If you can bear to live outside for a few nights, I will build a house for you with my own strength. It will be built in one day, but you have to endure some mosquitoes." , snakes and scorpions, that kind of thing.”

Su Wan remained silent. When she was cultivating, these annoying little creatures couldn't get close to her. It would be really hard to live outside like a mortal for a few nights. It's best to get used to it little by little. Bar.

Langxing chose a steep cliff and built a small courtyard in a short time. The style was the same as that of an ordinary farmhouse, including a chicken coop.

After the construction was completed, Langxing looked at the small courtyard with satisfaction and said, "Let's get used to living in this place where mortals can't go for a few days. I'll pick out your faults so that no one can tell at a glance that you are a human being." The witch.”

"If you dare to say the word "witch" again, I'll rip out your tongue!" Su Wan said harshly, then happily looked around from room to room, "Go buy some application items. We all have to use mortal items. It’s still early and there’s still time.”

When Lang Xing flew up, he saw Su Wan following him excitedly, and couldn't help but ask, "You mean we two go shopping together?"

Su Wan said with a matter-of-fact expression, "Of course, this needs to be experienced, and I'm afraid that what you buy doesn't look good."

Langxing shook his head speechlessly and said, "You'll be damned if you can find something good-looking." After saying that, he flew towards Wanliu City.

What Lang Xing said was right. Su Wan followed two shops and then went back alone in disinterest. She couldn't stand the filthy atmosphere. Although she chose shops in remote locations with few customers, she still couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand it. Secondly, none of the things on sale were pleasing to her. The items from the cultivation world were many times more exquisite than these. In her opinion, not to mention the products of a town, they were the items used by the royal palace. It's also crude. The sun is blazing, but the autumn wind blowing has already become cool.

Under the sunshine at noon, the streets of Wanliu City are bustling with people. The sounds of hawkers, calls, laughter, and the neighing of mules and horses mix together. The rising smoke, accompanied by the aroma of food, keeps getting into people's nostrils. .

A pair of young men and women slowly came to this lively street market. The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes with a somewhat honest face, while the woman had a delicate face and a gentle look. In order to hide from others, the two agreed to become vulgar and cheerful. Xing followed the instructions honestly. Not only did her eyebrows become thicker, her lips became thicker, her eyes did not look as good as before, and her skin became rough and darkened. But Su Wan was not willing to make herself look ugly, although she also She has changed a bit, but she is still beautiful in the human world. Coupled with her gentle temperament, men who walk by can't help but take a few more glances.

At this time, she frowned, standing at the end of the market as if facing a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

Lang Xing didn't dare to move forward and whispered in Su Wan's ear, "Forget it, let's get out of here quickly."

Amelia Su pursed her lips unwillingly, and finally nodded her head in resignation, turned around and walked away quickly.

When they reached a small forest in a sparsely populated area, the two of them took a few deep breaths.

A happy evil smile appeared on Lang Xing's honest face. He had a low level of cultivation and had run into the mortal world a lot before, so his ability to tolerate the filthy atmosphere of the mortal world was much stronger than Su Wan's.

Su Wan endured the disgust in her chest and glared at Lang Xing angrily. She didn't care what she said and walked quickly out of the city. She was really disgusted and couldn't stay here longer. She had to get there as soon as possible. A refreshing place should be used to slow down this energy, otherwise they will have to vomit out, because the two of them have already closed their cultivation bases and cannot use their cultivation bases to calm down the annoyance.

"I just said you can't stand it. You have to be brave. You know this time." Lang Xing followed her, looking gloating. .??.

"Shut up!" Su Wan felt that Langxing looked like a fly, which made her annoyance even more unbearable, but she didn't dare to say a word other than this scolding, for fear that she would spit it out if she opened her mouth again.

Arriving outside the city, Su Wan chose a secluded path and ran wildly. Although her cultivation was useless, her body was transformed into feathers and gold, and she could run much faster than a rabbit.

"Hi! Hi! Hi! We agreed that everything should be done as normal, so it doesn't matter if you run so fast." Lang Xing chased and joked.

Su Wan ignored him and ran to a dense forest far away from Wanliu City before breathing greedily. After a while, the fresh air of the wilderness took away her annoyance.

Langxing waited until she recovered and then handed over a silver hairpin with a smile, "You lost this when you ran away. Please fix your hair quickly. If others see your dignity, there will definitely be misunderstandings."

Su Wan grabbed the silver hairpin with her hands, her face turned red and white while she was arranging her hair, but the more she fumbled, the more messy she became. She was used to using her spiritual consciousness as a mirror and using her spiritual power to help comb it. At this moment, she had neither a mirror nor any magic power. This becomes not so easy.

"This stupid little wife." Lang Xing smiled and stepped forward to help her pull up a simple bun and insert the silver hairpin.

Su Wan pushed him away, touched her bun, and said pitifully, "I have been to the mortal world before, and I never found it so unbearable. Let's change the city."

Lang Xing said disgustedly, "You don't admit your mistakes. Is this a matter of changing places? Now that you have transformed into a feather and cultivated a body, you are naturally different from before. You still have to do it?"

She is such a stupid woman to run to the most crowded places. "

Su Wan said firmly, "Since it is an experience, you have to experience it."

"Then you should take it easy and take your time. What's the difference between rushing in so stupidly and rushing directly into the poisonous formation?"

"You're not done yet, are you?" Su Wan kicked him towards him.

Lang Xing smiled and dodged, saying complacently, "You'd better listen to my arrangements. I'm much more familiar with the mortal world than you are."

"What's there to be proud of?" Su Wan gave him a contemptuous look, took out the Qiankun bag and said, "Go and make arrangements quickly. I'm hungry and have to eat something." The two agreed that they would only get food from the Qiankun bag. Only then can you unlock a little bit of cultivation.

Langxing couldn't help being amused when he saw her arranging her hair immediately after untying her cultivation, and said sarcastically, "I just ate before coming here. My fairy concubine hasn't been able to eat much for ten or eight years. How can you eat better than a pig?" "

"It's up to you!" Su Wan took out a fruit not much bigger than sesame seeds and stuffed it into her mouth. This didn't violate the agreement.

Langxing flew up and flew towards a high mountain in the distance.

"You're cheating!" Seeing that he had used his cultivation, Su Wan hurriedly flew after him.

Lang Xing turned to look at her disdainfully and said, "You still have the nerve to accuse me of cheating. Since it is up to me to make the arrangements, you have to build a house first and postpone the experience for one day. Let's officially start tomorrow."

"No! You have to rely on your strength to build the house, so that it can be original." Su Wanfa said in a bad way. After all, building a house has to be done by men.

Langxing stopped, pointed to the wild grassy wilderness below and said, "If you can bear to live outside for a few nights, I will build a house for you with my own strength. It will be built in one day, but you have to endure some mosquitoes." , snakes and scorpions, that kind of thing.”

Su Wan remained silent. When she was cultivating, these annoying little creatures couldn't get close to her. It would be really hard to live outside like a mortal for a few nights. It's best to get used to it little by little. Bar.

Langxing chose a steep cliff and built a small courtyard in a short time. The style was the same as that of an ordinary farmhouse, including a chicken coop.

After the construction was completed, Langxing looked at the small courtyard with satisfaction and said, "Let's get used to living in this place where mortals can't go for a few days. I'll pick out your faults so that no one can tell at a glance that you are a human being." The witch.”

"If you dare to say the word "witch" again, I'll rip out your tongue!" Su Wan said harshly, then happily looked around from room to room, "Go buy some application items. We all have to use mortal items. It’s still early and there’s still time.”

When Lang Xing flew up, he saw Su Wan following him excitedly, and couldn't help but ask, "You mean we two go shopping together?"

Su Wan said with a matter-of-fact expression, "Of course, this needs to be experienced, and I'm afraid that what you buy doesn't look good."

Langxing shook his head speechlessly and said, "You'll be damned if you can find something good-looking." After saying that, he flew towards Wanliu City.

What Lang Xing said was right. Su Wan followed two shops and then went back alone in disinterest. She couldn't stand the filthy atmosphere. Although she chose shops in remote locations with few customers, she still couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand it. Secondly, none of the things on sale were pleasing to her. The items from the cultivation world were many times more exquisite than these. In her opinion, not to mention the products of a town, they were the items used by the royal palace. It's also crude.

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