Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2870 Your fields are like spring all year round

Langxing came back in the evening and took out piles of daily necessities from the Qiankun bag. He had traveled to several cities to buy them all. There was no way, there were too many things to buy, so he had to buy a batch and run away. The place where people put a batch into the Qiankun bag, and in order not to arouse suspicion, they had to travel to a few more cities.

Copper basins, rhombus mirrors, pots and pans, rusty tents and quilts, four-season clothing... Although heavy things such as tables, chairs, beds, and water tanks were all made with magic power, and there was no need to prepare firewood, rice, oil, and salt, but a broken home was worth tens of thousands of dollars. There are just a lot of these necessary things.

Su Wan happily decorated the home like a little daughter-in-law, but soon she threw everything into the open space to spread the smell. Although these items were brand new, they were contaminated during the production. The filthy breath of many mortals made it unbearable for her to sleep on such a mattress and use such dishes and chopsticks.

Langxing sat leisurely at the table, took out the teapot and cup he usually used, and used his magic power to brew tea. He tasted the tea with uncontrollable joy in the corners of his eyes and brows. In any case, the two of them could be regarded as husband and wife living together. Yes, this has been his dream for two lifetimes, at least two lifetimes, and it feels so good that the dream has come true.

Su Wan's pretty face turned slightly red, and she sat down opposite him with some trepidation. She was a thin-skinned person, and getting married was enough to make her embarrassed, not to mention having to bear the awkward relationship with Xun Yi.

The more Su Wan acted coy, the more amused Lang Xing became. He smiled mischievously and said, "Let's practice addressing each other first. Call me husband."

"Go away!" Su Wan picked up the tea cup and pretended to splash it, her face was already red and hot.

"Hahaha... If you don't even want to call me husband, we won't be able to live in a place with people. Let's experience human life here."

Su Wan rolled her eyes and said, "People always call me 'baby's father', so I'll call you that."

"But we don't have children." Lang Xing was really amused by her and laughed to death.

"It's okay to just tell others that the child died. If the child died of illness, was carried away by a wolf, or fell into the water and drowned, how can you say it's not okay?"

r\u003e Langxing looked at her with a grin on his face and murmured, "Your heart is really vicious. For the sake of a title, you can actually curse your own child like this."

"I won't have children." Su Wan glared at him fiercely.

Langxing rolled his eyes, smiled and said, "But you look like a childless daughter-in-law. People can tell that at a glance, unless you turn yourself into a woman."

"Just change." Although Su Wan was tough, she was reluctant to change.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "Then this experience lacks the newlywed part. How about we save some trouble and just dress up as an old man and old lady to experience it. This way we can save a lot of trouble."

Su Wan glanced at him angrily, took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, coughed twice to clear her throat, then took a breath, looked at Lang Xing, and after holding it in for a long time, she still couldn't call out Husband Er. words, and finally shouted "The child's father" and he doubled over with laughter.

Lang Xing also laughed heartily. Although he was still pretending to be Feng Xuluan, the happiness of husband and wife did have a different flavor.

"My dear, go cook, it's getting late." Lang Xing pointed at the setting sun and said.

"Hasn't it been postponed to tomorrow? Besides, the pots and pans are still hanging out to dry." Su Wan stretched happily.

"What a lazy woman who is just getting along." Langxing was particularly happy to criticize Su Wan as her husband.

"I'm not lazy." Su Wan denied casually, but thinking that she was admitting that she was his mother-in-law, her pretty face couldn't help but feel feverish again.

"Hahaha... Okay, you're not lazy. Just wait and see. These houseworks are enough to keep you busy. Although we don't have to eat, you have to make them." Imagining Su Wan cooking, Lang Lang star

I'm really looking forward to seeing that scene soon.

"Hurry up and open some fields, it won't work if you don't do anything less!" Su Wan ordered with a smile in her eyes, probably thinking about how Lang Xing farmed.

Langxing narrowed his eyes and said, "I think we should focus on business. My father is a big businessman. I am familiar with this industry. In business, we can make a good living and even buy a few maids and slaves. Let's Starting from the easy to the difficult, live a prosperous life first, it will be easier to adapt,"

"You just want to be lazy!" Su Wan glared in disbelief.

Lang Xing smiled and waved his hands and said, "Listen to me. After this life is over, we will experience farm life again. From sweet to bitter, we will be able to understand the hardships."

Su Wan snorted and said, "Wouldn't the contrast from monk to farmer be more obvious? This is the real transition from sweet to bitter."

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "It's mainly because you want to experience it. I'm just here to accompany you, so sweetness and bitterness don't matter to me, so why should I endure hardship? Either do business or hunt. I don't farm." "

Su Wan gently put down the tea cup and said, "If you don't listen to me, then go back now and I will find someone else."

"You are so shameless!" Lang Xing pointed at her nose and scolded her angrily.

Su Wan said with a vindictive expression, "Why should I be shameless when I find a husband? I haven't been married yet, why can't I find a husband?"

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "You are an old witch who is more than a thousand years old, and you want to find a young man in his twenties. Is this a shame?"

Su Wan bit her lips, picked up the cup of tea and threw it at him, yelling, "Who are you calling an old witch?"

Lang Xing dodged to avoid the splashed tea, pointed at the splashed wall and said, "It's up to you to scrub this. Remember, this room is not protected by magic. You have to clean it up if it gets dirty."

Su Wan looked at the wall where tea had been spilled, and felt a little dumbfounded for a moment. She waved her hand and used her spiritual power to clear away the tea stains.

Get rid of it, Lang Xing was right to remind you, you should really pay more attention in the future, otherwise you will just find a job for yourself.

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "That's right. It will be your job to clean up the house from now on. If the house is too messy, people will laugh."

While Su Wan poured herself tea again, she said calmly, "Go and cultivate the fields. No matter you do business or hunt in the future, you have to farm during the time you live here. If you miss today, you will have to rely on barbarians tomorrow." We are working hard to open up wasteland.”

Langxing blinked, thinking that this was the truth, and hurriedly went out to find two valleys with soil, and used his spiritual power to create two fields. Then he looked at the fields and was stunned. It was already autumn, and it was time to plant. What to order?

Su Wan flew over with a smile and said, "Just two pieces of land are not enough. Let's go and open some more."

Langxing smiled and said, "It's autumn, and nothing can be planted. It's not that I'm lazy, it's God's will. Moreover, we are in a high mountain. In such a cold place, we can't plant crops even in spring."

Su Wanming's eyes flashed twice, and she waved her hand to set up a magic circle to cover the field in front of her. Then she smiled and said to Langxing, "Okay, your field will be like spring all year round. Go ahead and continue to cultivate it. You can still use magic power today, I will set up a magic circle for you, and you can work hard tomorrow."

Lang Xing laughed angrily, pointed at her and said, "You are plotting against me. If you had known, I would have come back to open up wasteland tomorrow."

Su Wan shook her head modestly and said, "I really didn't think about it that much. I didn't know that I couldn't plant crops in the autumn. You were lucky enough to expose the problem in time. It's God's will. Go and open two more fields."

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "I won't be able to fly tomorrow. The two fields are far enough apart. You want me to run all over the mountain like a monkey, and I have to carry farm tools on my back."

Su Wan raised her head and looked at the small courtyard where the two of them were. It was three hundred feet away. It couldn't fly and there was no road. It was enough to see. Then she pursed her lips and smiled, no longer forcing him to clear the ground.

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