Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2873 Only you are a puppy

The two of them were bickering and laughing, and they were so overwhelmed that they didn't even know what they were saying. In short, the feeling... was very good, very good.

When the sky was dimming, Su Wan took the lead to collect her feelings, got down and said, "It's time to officially start. Let's seal the cultivation level. Whoever secretly unlocks it by himself is a puppy."

Lang Xinglai said on the couch, "I forgot to buy seeds. I have to buy some seeds later."

Su Wan pointed outside and said, "Do I expect you to grow food? Just go find some seeds in the wild and plant them."

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Then you don't even have to plant seeds. Weeds will naturally grow in the ground."

Amelia Su laughed angrily, "Go! You have to plant the same kind of weeds for me."

Langxing touched his stomach and said, "Then you have to make breakfast first. People can only work after eating. I'm very hungry."

Su Wan stamped her feet and turned around to prepare breakfast. She thought that it would take a lot of time to put away the pots and pans, dig wild vegetables, prepare dry firewood, and pretend to cook for a while. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Lang Xing. He scolded, "Go collect firewood! This should be your job!"

"Okay." Langxing sat up slowly.

Su Wan turned around and just walked to the door when she saw dead branches dancing outside, falling neatly from the sky in a corner of the yard. She was so angry that she was about to use her spiritual power to hit Lang Xing with her backhand, but finally thought of sending out this spiritual power in time. Every house was shaken to the ground, "You seal your cultivation level immediately!"

Lang Xing smiled and got off the bed, stretched out his hand and said, "It's been sealed, do you still want to investigate?"

Su Wan grabbed his wrist and viciously sealed several restrictions on his Qi and meridians, but she knew that it wouldn't take a while for this kid to unlock these restrictions. Facing such a freak, she was really no way.

"Go! Pick up these firewood for me again!" She scolded, and used her spiritual power to spread the pile of dry firewood all over the sky.

"It hurts others but does not benefit oneself. Does that make you beautiful?" Lang Xing rolled his eyes and walked out.

Su Wan said vindictively, "Yes! Very beautiful, very happy. To be happy is self-interest. I call it benefiting oneself at the expense of others."

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and went to collect firewood. When he turned around, he saw Su Wan using her cultivation skills to carry a bunch of pots and pans towards the creek not far away, "Su Wan

! "He shouted angrily.

Su Wan immediately fell to the ground, hugged a pile of dishes and ran towards the stream without daring to look back.

Lang Xing couldn't laugh or cry. It was a pity that he couldn't see her expression at this moment with his spiritual consciousness. It was really boring to be a mortal.

After collecting firewood for a while, he found it by the stream. Seeing Su Wan still washing the pile of dishes endlessly, he laughed and said, "You won't be able to wash them until tomorrow. You are stupid. You have cooked the food." If you don’t really eat it, do you need to wash it so cleanly?”

Su Wan said pitifully, "But I don't feel comfortable being so dirty."

Lang Xing found it funny and said, "If you can't stand this, then let's not go to the mortal world and embarrass ourselves. People can see it at a glance. Besides, you have to cook every day. Do you wash like this every time?"

Su Wan exhaled resignedly, stood up and moved the pots and pans like lotus leaves in the wind.

Lang Xing looked at her swaying back and couldn't help but want to laugh. The fairy concubine, who had reached the pinnacle of cultivation in the world of cultivation, actually ran back to the mortal world to wash dishes and cook. If this was told, she would definitely have to let others know. Everyone’s stomach hurts from laughing.

After Langxing picked up a pile of firewood, Su Wan also washed the pots and pans. She carried a little blue and said to Langxing, "Come, follow me to dig vegetables."

Lang Xing held back his laughter and followed him, "Do you know what's good about this world? It's that you're always busy and you won't be bored."

Su Wan agreed, "You don't have that much free time to think about it, let alone think quietly for months on end like we do."

Lang Xing glanced at her and said, "My mind is full of insights. I'm talking about other people's benefits. I always feel like I have nothing to do and it's very boring."

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and said, "You have completed your cultivation in a dream. Who can compare with you? We have been busy cultivating all year round, and it is difficult for many of us to make any progress."

"You are stupid." Lang Xing muttered, and then said, "The problem is that many people are in a hopeless situation, and these people can get bored just like me."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Su Wan knelt down and pinched a fresh wild vegetable.

"Alas, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds." Langxing also leaned down, grabbed a piece of tender vegetables and threw it into Xiaolan.

"Can this be eaten?" Su Wan said in disgust as she looked at the ugly wild vegetables picked by Lang Xing.

"Of course it's edible." Lang Xing pointed to the wild vegetable she just picked, "Even the pigs won't eat the one you picked."

"Really?" Su Wan looked at him suspiciously.

Lang Xing smiled contemptuously and said, "What do you think? I have been digging vegetables with my mother since I was a child."

"Then why didn't you even think about not being able to farm in the fall? You also forgot to buy seeds!"

Lang Xing frowned and said, "I was only a few years old at that time. It would be nice if I could remember what wild vegetables are edible and what are not."

Su Wan laughed out loud, imagining him digging vegetables with his mother on his short legs. She wished she could have taken a look at it.

"This is edible." Langxing knew that her smile was definitely not a good thing, so he pointed at a wild vegetable with his toe and urged her to eat it.

Su Wan obediently plucked the wild vegetable, and Lang Xing pointed to another one with her toes.

"You have no hands!" Su Wan tilted her head in dissatisfaction and scolded.

"I'm not here to teach you what kind of food you can eat."

"I can see it when you pick it!"

"It's your job to dig vegetables."

Su Wan had nothing to say but she pulled off the vegetable. "Ah!" She suddenly shouted and jumped up, throwing the vegetable onto Lang Xing.

"Why are you so crazy?" Lang Xing asked with a frown.

"Insects!" Su Wan said, covering her chest, looking as if she was scared to death.

"You...!" Lang Xing was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He took several deep breaths before saying, "What disgusting monsters have you never killed? Now you are telling me that you are afraid of a little green worm?!"

Su Wan said seriously, "I'm not pretending to be a little daughter-in-law now. Of course I have to be afraid of bugs, otherwise I should make people suspicious."

Langxing looked at her speechlessly

, I really want to hug her and give her a kiss. Compared with Yu Chan and others, Su Wan is not the most amusing, but Su Wan's fun only belongs to him, which is of special significance.

After preparing the wild vegetables, Lang Xing lay down on the couch. Su Wan was clumsily lighting the fire with a fire sickle in the kitchen. Listening to the constant clicking sound, Lang Xing couldn't help but want to laugh. When the sound stopped, He lazily called out "Puppy."

"You are a puppy too!" A reply with a smile immediately came back from the kitchen.

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "The sound of the fire is wrong. I don't need to use my spiritual consciousness to guess that you used magic power to make the fire. Only you are a puppy."

Su Wan was silent. After a while, thick smoke came out of the kitchen, which was even more lively than a fire. Langxing laughed so hard that he held his stomach while looking at the smoke all over the courtyard. After a while, Su Wan brought a plate of steaming wild vegetables. In several cases, he said, "Eat quickly, then go farm after eating!"

Lang Xing looked at her spotless pretty face and said disdainfully, "You've been using your cultivation skills, right? Otherwise, your face wouldn't be so clean."

Su Wan couldn't deny it, so she simply smiled and said, "It's already a puppy anyway. You can just be a puppy for a while longer. Eat it quickly and don't waste time!"

"What a rascal." Lang Xing glanced at the dish and said, "You just washed it with boiling water for me, right?"

Su Wanren smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, let's make do with it for now. I haven't been in the Xuanfang Sect's kitchen a few times in total. I'll go back and learn from it secretly before I cook it for you."

Lang Xing walked to the table and took a look at the plate of green wild vegetables, and said, "Okay, I'll finish eating and pour it out." Then he took the farm tools and walked away.

Su Wan picked up the "dish" she made and threw it away reluctantly. From now on, cooking will be a waste of time. I really hope that after working hard for a long time, the two of them can eat it deliciously and listen to Lang Xing's praise. Her own cooking skills, but even if she learns to be the best in the world, this kind of food will be difficult for them to swallow.

While Su Wan was carrying all the things to dry back into the house and decorating their home happily, Langxing was wandering leisurely in the fields, randomly picking the seeds of "Immortal Grass", which you can tell by the name. How tenacious it is. Farmers hate this thing the most, so they are ready to plant this kind of grass. It is difficult for them not to flourish.

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